Embedding ThriveAbility- Full Brochure

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Do any of the following statements ring true with you?Do any of the following statements ring true with you?Do any of the following statements ring true with you?Do any of the following statements ring true with you?

� I know ‘zero defects’, ‘low carbon’ and ‘sustainable growth’ are

vital goals, but they don’t appear to be motivating enough

people to take the bold steps needed for breakthroughs to a

thriving world.

� Sustainability and CSR are failing to deliver the breakthroughs

we need. All our efficiency gains are eaten up by rebound

effects & we’re not getting any extra praise for our efforts.

� Many recent innovations promise a thriving future, but I am not

sure how to replicate them where we are and if they will reach

scale and impact as needed for a green, inclusive economy.

22222222----24 March 201324 March 201324 March 201324 March 2013

Château La Tour Apollinaire Perpignan France

Insights at the Edge Seminar Series 2013 – Embedding ThriveAbility 1 22-24 March 2013

© Renaissance2 Foundation | Register Now at http://r2meshwork.ning.com/ 1

Embedding ThriveAbilityEmbedding ThriveAbilityEmbedding ThriveAbilityEmbedding ThriveAbility: : : : ThrivalThrivalThrivalThrival Innovation & WealthInnovation & WealthInnovation & WealthInnovation & Wealth CreationCreationCreationCreation

Why ThriveAbility?Why ThriveAbility?Why ThriveAbility?Why ThriveAbility?

While Sustainability and CSR are a step in the right direction, they are largely incremental and failing to

deliver the transformations needed for a thriving future. Breakthrough innovations at business model and

ecosystem levels must be catalysed by top management through strategy, design and quality processes, to

deliver positive impact growth. Investors will support well thought through, highly measurable initiatives.

Sustainability is as much a challenge of changing our mental models as it is a problem of dealing with the

flows of materials, energy and resources effectively and sustainably. ThriveAbility is a response to the

failure of sustainability to address this psychological challenge, and integrates existing disciplines in creative

ways, leading to innovative, game changing outcomes. Personal and organisational transformation is the

key to a Thriving Future. What motivates people to change lies at the heart of ThriveAbility.

The ThriveAbility Approach provides a decision framework for such mind-sets and incentives. This seminar

offers a deep dive into ThriveAbility, and will show you how it can be embedded into organisations through

Factor 100 Change. In “Embedding ThriveAbility” we will explore:

� The current global megatrends and gaps that need to be closed for a sustainable future1;

� The emerging “North Star” that serves as a reality check for all decision makers;

� Replicable strategies for accelerated organisational and business ecosystem transformation;

� How integral psychology enables us to deliver profound change for ThriveAbility.

EEEEmbedding ThriveAbility mbedding ThriveAbility mbedding ThriveAbility mbedding ThriveAbility –––– Beyond SustainabilityBeyond SustainabilityBeyond SustainabilityBeyond Sustainability

Join us from 22-24 March 2013 and become part of a transformative conversation that will help embed

sustainable innovation and profound change in our organisations and economies. You will be challenged to

find answers to some of the most perplexing questions facing executives and policymakers today, including:

� What is success in a green, inclusive economy? What is the gap between where we are and where

we need to be? How can we close that gap through enjoyable experiences for our stakeholders?

� How can we define policies for ThriveAbility that include a joint reality check that aligns key

stakeholders around a “North Star”, resulting in quantifiable, implementable business ecosystem

visions and pathways?

� What are the absolute minimum deliverables in specific timeframes for ThriveAbility, from the

global and national policy levels down to business ecosystems and organisations?

� What kind of leadership can align the diverse stakeholder needs that will enable ThriveAbility to

become embedded in organisations and business ecosystems everywhere?

� How can different industries and organisations redefine their core competencies and

contributions in the light of an adaptation plan?

If you are not able to join us from 22-24 March 2013, you can choose from three other sets of dates:

28-30 June 2013 27-29 September 2013 13-15 December 2013

1 We will work with insights from a host of global fora including the World Business Council for Sustainable Development Vision 2050, World

Economic Forum, the Rio+20 process, Global Standards bodies such as the GRI and UN task forces focussed on climate change and sustainable

energy policies.

Insights at the Edge Seminar Series 2013 – Embedding ThriveAbility 1 22-24 March 2013

© Renaissance2 Foundation | Register Now at http://r2meshwork.ning.com/ 2

Renaissance2 is proud to feature some of the world’s leading authorities on sustainable innovation and

design together with deep change and transformation. We are bringing senior executives together with

thought leaders and policymakers to map out the opportunities for transformation in multiple sectors.

This seminar creates an intimate atmosphere in which leaders can share their deepest concerns, hopes and

inspirations in complete confidence with each other. The maximum number of participants is 25, ensuring a

collaborative spirit in which breakthroughs are expected. We look forward to giving you a warm welcome

to Insights at the Edge.

Imagine a WImagine a WImagine a WImagine a World orld orld orld WhereWhereWhereWhere::::

� Organisations have successfully motivated their key stakeholders to drive green & inclusive growth

through sustainable innovation.

� The frustrations and pressures for change we are now experiencing are early indications of the

emergence of a new era in which business becomes the driver of a regenerative global economy.

� That many profitable, sustainable innovations are hidden in the turmoil, just waiting for enterprising,

innovative leaders to reach out and catalyse them.

Who Should Attend?Who Should Attend?Who Should Attend?Who Should Attend?

Embedding ThriveAbility will appeal to key decision makers and change leaders curious about the

breakthroughs being achieved by organisations applying a new set of leadership and management

approaches centred around ThriveAbility. This is an opportunity to work with your peers to discover how

you can apply ThriveAbility in your organisation or business.

Strategy leaders, HR leaders, quality leaders, sustainability leaders, product/service leaders and

communication leaders as well as top management representatives and policymakers will benefit from

attending. The group will consist of a maximum of 25 people, offering an intimate forum for you to find

your inspiration and learn how to embed ThriveAbility in your organisation. For optimal impact we also welcome groups of colleagues from the same organisation who are looking for

new ways to tackle the challenges they face in accelerating their sustainability, CSR and innovation efforts.

Thrival Innovation is Key

ThriveAbility recognises that thrival innovation is the key driver of competitive advantage, and that

future industry leaders will be those who have created sustainable value by tackling the world's

most pressing problems.

ThriveAbility Thinking Opens the Door

ThriveAbility Thinking is a powerful way to transcend messy, seemingly intractable challenges, spot

the opportunities, develop elegant solutions and align key stakeholders through creative processes

integrating sustainable design and rapid prototyping methods. This combination of a strategic

helicopter perspective with down in the details creative problem solving has the potential to

deliver profoundly beneficial systemic shifts in organisations and business ecosystems.

Insights at the Edge Seminar Series 2013 – Embedding ThriveAbility 1 22-24 March 2013

© Renaissance2 Foundation | Register Now at http://r2meshwork.ning.com/ 3

Engage with Sustainability Leaders DemonstratingEngage with Sustainability Leaders DemonstratingEngage with Sustainability Leaders DemonstratingEngage with Sustainability Leaders Demonstrating ThriveAbility PrinciplesThriveAbility PrinciplesThriveAbility PrinciplesThriveAbility Principles

Embedding ThriveAbility builds on an extensive research database and network of innovators in

sustainability built up by Renaissance2 and its partners over the past decade. You will have the

opportunity to learn from real-life case studies in addition to bringing your own challenges to the seminar.

In 2012 54 of the world’s 100 most sustainable companies are European, and we are fortunate to be able

to draw on the expertise of some of the leaders of these organisations, and other pioneers who are

pushing the boundaries in this field.

We are also lining up a select group of leaders from some of these and other organisations who will be

directly involved in the seminars, either in person or via video conference.

You do not have to be a sustainability pioneer to join us – we are looking for participants with bold visions

and who are willing to rethink their organisation’s core and its raison d’etre using ThriveAbility principles.

EmbeddingEmbeddingEmbeddingEmbedding ThriveAbility ThriveAbility ThriveAbility ThriveAbility –––– Beyond Beyond Beyond Beyond SustainabilitySustainabilitySustainabilitySustainability

Key TopicsKey TopicsKey TopicsKey Topics

ThriveAbility offers a radical solution to close the gap between what is needed for a thriving future and

current management practices. In three inspiring, highly interactive days we will explore the radical

principles, practices, methods and tools needed for sustainable innovation and change, including:

� ThriveAbility Megatrends - some of the critical challenges facing our natural and business

ecosystems, and why current organisational and managerial approaches are failing us;

� The ThriveAbility Approach & North Star – how to define and create sustainable value through

sustainable innovation and design. The ThriveAbility Equation shows you how to deliver thrival

through the transformation of organisations at all levels, while respecting baseline metrics for a

sustainable future.

� Leading Sustainable Innovation & Design Practices – the most effective practices leading

organisations and innovators are using to spot and catalyse breakthrough sustainable innovations.

� The Factor 100 Change Imperative – why existing behavioural change approaches are failing and

what needs to be done to trigger profound change to deliver sustainable transformations.

� Enabling Human Emergence – how integral psychology frameworks & diagnostics enable the

personal and organisational shifts required for ThriveAbility, and inspire spontaneous commitment.

Consumer goods firms such as Puma and Ecouterre are good

examples of companies extending ThriveAbility principles into

their strategies and management practices. There are also several

oil and power companies in Europe such as Neste Oil and Fortum

who are pioneering sustainability in their industries as a

competitive advantage.

Companies such as Herman Miller and designers such as Turntoo

also combine great design with durable, sustainable products in

industries such as household appliances, electronics and furniture.

Insights at the Edge Seminar Series 2013 – Embedding ThriveAbility 1 22-24 March 2013

© Renaissance2 Foundation | Register Now at http://r2meshwork.ning.com/ 4

� ThriveAbility Thinking – how the magic of innovation and design can be meshed with the

intelligences required for sustainability and organisational transformation.

� Shifting Organisations – craft developmental pathways, assess leadership and organisational value

systems and change states, using models of organisational alignment to identify the pathways of

change and transformation that are latent in an organisation.

� Integral Leadership & Stakeholder Alignment—Experience the kind of leadership that can align the

diverse stakeholder values to enable ThriveAbility to become embedded in organisations and

business ecosystems. How can we transform Integrated Reporting to help deliver this alignment?

Seminar LeadersSeminar LeadersSeminar LeadersSeminar Leaders

Dr Robin Wood is President of Renaissance2 and the inventor of ThriveAbility. He has been

a leader in sustainable innovation for several decades, as a senior executive in, co-creator

of and advisor to hundreds of global organisations in 35 countries. He speaks frequently at

major conferences on ThriveAbility and Profound Change.

Ralph Thurm is a leading professional in sustainable innovation, sustainability strategies,

operational sustainability, sustainability change management, sustainability reporting and

assurance. With more than 20 years of experience working for major corporates, industry

federations, governments, NGOs and advisory services all over the world, Ralph adds

value on a huge variety of sustainability topics.

Christopher and Sheila Cooke are the creators of ‘Factor 100 Change’. They are committed

to provide leadership insights and supportive practises in the development of strategies

that move beyond sustainability. Their premise is that the change we are seeking has

already happened through the emergence of integral capacities of the mind; all we have to

do now is learn how to grow into the application of this integral awareness. This is the

essence of thrival.

BenefitsBenefitsBenefitsBenefits and Outcomesand Outcomesand Outcomesand Outcomes

This deep dive into ThriveAbility with like-minded innovators will:

� Generate breakthrough insights into how you and your organisation can create sustainable

value for all your stakeholders through sustainable innovation and design.

� Enable you to apply practical tools that assure the probability of “Factor 100 Change”, using

live challenges from your own and other organisations

� Help you see the available opportunities clearly and develop strategies that lead to elegant

game changing solutions.

� Identify the practices and tools you need to implement these strategies in your

organisation and business ecosystem.

� Help you develop a leadership agenda that aligns the diverse ideals, values and priorities

of key stakeholders in creative and surprising ways.

� Teach you “ThriveAbility Thinking” that will enable you to comprehend the development of a

personal and organisational roadmap for pathways to ThriveAbility.

Insights at the Edge Seminar Series 2013 – Embedding ThriveAbility 1 22-24 March 2013

© Renaissance2 Foundation | Register Now at http://r2meshwork.ning.com/ 5

Dates & Location:Dates & Location:Dates & Location:Dates & Location: 22-24 March 2013 at Château La Tour Apollinaire Perpignan France

Cost:Cost:Cost:Cost: from €1 900 to €2 200 including 3 day program, all Accommodation and Meals

� Rooms in 4* Chateau – Deluxe: €2 200 Superior: €2 100 Standard: €2 000. Please Note Availability is Limited � Standard Room in 3* Hotel a Short Walk from Chateau - €1 900

An Intimate Setting at Château La Tour Apollinaire Perpignan France

Nestling in a quiet suburb 5 minutes from the charming millennium old centre of Perpignan, Château La

Tour Apollinaire provides the perfect environment for intimate gatherings of small groups that need a

secure, confidential location for transformative events.

The meeting spaces in the Château include a main meeting room with a large screen and LCD projector

capable of holding up to 30 participants theatre style, together with five salons which provide perfect

meeting spaces for smaller groups. Wifi is free throughout the Château, as is parking and coffee/tea in the


There are 13 rooms in the Château ranging from standard to luxury, comprising 11 double rooms and two

with twin beds. Each room has access to a salon, dining room and kitchen area shared with one or two

other rooms, providing a cosy, home-away-from-home experience. Additional hotel accommodation is

available within a short walking distance, ranging from two to three stars in quality.

Château La Tour Apollinaire is a 5 minute drive from Perpignan airport and train station, which are within

easy reach of major European capitals. The Chateau is an eco-friendly establishment applying the principles

of ThriveAbility - Visit our website at: www.latourapollinaire.com

An All Inclusive Package

� 3 nights’ accommodation and all meals. � The Key 3 PeopleScan diagnostic test results and detailed profile interpretations. � Additional diagnostics that help to embed ThriveAbility in your organization.

Insights at the Edge Seminar Series 2013 – Embedding ThriveAbility 1 22-24 March 2013

© Renaissance2 Foundation | Register Now at http://r2meshwork.ning.com/ 6

How to GHow to GHow to GHow to Get to Perpignanet to Perpignanet to Perpignanet to Perpignan

Flight Information

Perpignan airport is served by several direct flights a day from London (Ryanair), Paris (Airfrance),

Manchester (Bmibaby), Birmingham and Southampton (Flybe), while nearby Girona airport (1 hr away) is

served by 250 Ryanair flights a day. Perpignan is also under two hours from Barcelona (Easyjet), Toulouse,

Beziers, Montpellier and Carcassonne airports.

Train Information

Trains run regularly to Perpignan station from Paris, Barcelona, London, Brussels, Italy, Switzerland and

other parts of Europe, with the longer routes benefiting from high speed TGV trains. Fast trains from Paris

and Barcelona as well as other major European cities can be found at www.sncf.fr Train times vary from a

few hours from Barcelona to just over 4.5 hours to/from Paris. Both the airfares and train fares are very

reasonably priced, particularly if you book ahead. The websites http://www.voyages-sncf.com and

http://www.tgv-europe.com may also be helpful.

Perpignan Méditerranée: 2020 EcoLivingPerpignan Méditerranée: 2020 EcoLivingPerpignan Méditerranée: 2020 EcoLivingPerpignan Méditerranée: 2020 EcoLiving

We are planning a short learning journey of a few of the ThriveAbility highlights in the eco-region of

Perpignan Méditerranée, a pioneer in sustainable town planning. The journey will include snacks and

refreshments showcasing local organic produce and wines, as well as examples of renewable technologies

and thriving human habitats. Highlights include Perpignan’s solar powered station, the St Charles market

and a tour of the pedestrianized city centre optimized for bicycles and electric vehicles.