Embracing the Management of Change

Post on 10-May-2015

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InformationWeek UBM Webcast with Forbes Managing Editor Bruce Upbin and IBM VP of WebSphere and BPM Product Marketing Paul Brunet, held on February 23rd 2012. http://bit.ly/Feb23webcast Storify summaryhttp://storify.com/therab/forbes-ibm-impact-webcast-twitter-chat


Embracing the Management of Change:

Turning Uncertainty into Opportunity

An InformationWeek Webcast

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Today’s Presenters

Paul E Brunet Vice President of Websphere and BPM Product Marketing

Stephanie Stahl Vice President, Content Services, UBM TechWeb

Bruce Upbin Managing Editor, Forbes


Paul E Brunet Vice President of WebSphere and BPM Product Marketing

Embracing the Management of Change: Turning Uncertainty into Opportunity

Creating a model to uncover “emerging solutions”


“Emerging Solutions”

Disruptive Technologies

Industry Initiatives

Executive Challenges

Pressures towards a model for emerging solutions


Ad-hoc business models

blend with traditional operations

Engineered systems evolve

into expert integrated


Client interactions

become fluid

Client Interactions Become Fluid

Traditional linear and iterative

interaction model

Business becomes fluid & technology must support

Interactions shape multiple-pathway

to business outcomes

Siemens uses mobile applications and social media to provide real-time customer updates to improve service and efficiency

New demands transform business

• Planned

• Controlled

• Sequenced

• Persistent

BodyMedia created an online advisor to provide customized fitness guidance to wearers of its weight loss and sleep monitoring device

• Ad-Hoc

• Shared

• Contextual

• Iterative

Shift from engineered systems to expert integrated systems

Agility: Faster time-to-value

Efficiency: Reduced costs and resources

Simplicity: Simpler skills requirements

Control: Lower risk and errors

Sky Services Ltd. consolidated 90% of their development environment into three patterns to drive deployment efficiencies

Patterns of expertise become integrated

Business is changing in every industry



Bruce Upbin Managing Editor, Forbes


Top Five Management Skills for Business Leaders for 2012






ASSOCIATING - connecting the unconnected; Medici effect

QUESTIONING - the creative catalyst for other discovery skills

OBSERVING - watching closely how things work and do not work

NETWORKING - actively tapping into new ideas

EXPERIMENTING - the best way to answer the "what if" questions


The Numbers that Matter: Five New Management Metrics for Innovative Companies

Metric 1: In the Zone - Flow State Percentage

Metric 2: The Middle Ground - Anxiety-Boredom Continuum

Metric 3: The "Meeting Score"

Metric 4: The 1% that matters - Compound Weekly Learning Rate

Metric 5: Positive Feedback Ratio

Panel Discussion

Paul E Brunet Vice President of Websphere and BPM Product Marketing

Stephanie Stahl Vice President, Content Services, UBM TechWeb

Bruce Upbin Managing Editor, Forbes

Q&A Session

Paul E Brunet Vice President of Websphere and BPM Product Marketing

Stephanie Stahl Vice President, Content Services, UBM TechWeb

Bruce Upbin Managing Editor, Forbes


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