Emergence of Mobile Search

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Search Advertising for Small Businesses

The Emergence of Mobile Search

Key Facts about Mobile Search

80 percent of Smartphone owners use them to search the internet

Over 180 million Smartphones in the US

The Amount of Time Spent on Mobile Browsers and Apps has increased by 39 percent since 2012

Mobile shoppers spend 25 to 50 percent more in certain product categories

Mobile shoppers are more likely to use a computer or tablet to make a purchase on an ecommerce site

Today there are:• 183 million smartphones in use • Most smartphone owners use their phones to search the internet• Consumers are spending more time on mobile browsers and apps• Mobile shoppers spend more on products after searching• They are more likely to use a computer or tablet to make a purchase on an ecommerce site

Number of Smartphone Users in Millions

More and more Americans are purchasing smartphones.. It is estimated that there will be almost 220 million smartphones in use by 2018 - an increase of 20 percent.

Most Popular Devices for Internet Search

Consumers primarily use their computers, smartphones, and tablets to search the internet. However they are also use game consoles and smart tvs.

Amount of Time Consumers Spend on Media

Down 2%

Down 5%

Up 39%

On average consumers spend 39 percent more time per month using mobile browsers and apps on smartphones - an increase of 9 and a half hours since 2012. Time spent watching live television and searching on computers has decreased during this same period.

Consumer Usage Outpaces Mobile Ad Spend

Despite these facts, When it comes to the amount of time that consumers spend on media advertisers are under invested in Mobile Advertising and they over invest in print advertising.

The Growing Impact of Mobile Commerce

At the same time, Purchases made online with mobile devices grew by 24 percent from 2012 to 2014 and is likely to grow an additional 32 percent by 2018. This data has caused perceptions of mobile advertising to change. A recent survey of 200 Marketing Professionals found that

Changing Perceptions of Mobile Advertising

76% Think that Mobile Advertising is Important

41% Say Mobile Advertising HelpsThem Reach Their Audience

27% Bought Mobile Advertising Last Year

58% Cutting Back on Print Advertising

31% Reducing Investments in TV and Online Advertising

• 76% Think Mobile Advertising is Important• 41% Say It will Help Them Reach Their Audience• 27% Bought Mobile Advertising Last Year• 58% Are Cutting Back on Print Advertising• 31% Are Reducing TV and Online Advertising

Search is the Gateway to Consumer Mobile Research

Consumers start the purchase process with mobile search on search engines, on branded websites, and on branded apps.

Top 25 Mobile Apps by Unique Visitors (000)

Facebook is the number 1 mobile app followed by YouTube. 5 of the top ten apps are Google properties (YouTube, Google Play, Google Search, Google Maps, and Gmail.

Conversion Rates by Device Type

Mobile shoppers on ecommerce sites are most likely to add items to their shopping carts and make purchases on a computer or tablet. They are less likely to do so on a smartphone. This shows how purchase behavior is effected by the device that mobile shoppers use.

Mobile Search Increases Consumer Median Purchase Points

Mobile Shoppers spend more when they purchase Health & Beauty products, appliances, electronics, and Household items.

Mobile is a Key Consumer Research Tool

Shoppers use their smartphones for pre-shopping activities like price comparisons, as a ‘shopping aide’ checking for store information inside a retail outlet, and to find product availability instead of asking sales people for help


Reduce spending on print advertising and increase spending on Mobile Advertising

Design Mobile Ads and ecommerce sites that are optimized for specific devices

Understand how, when, and where your consumers search and shop

Place Mobile Ads on the most popular mobile browsers and apps

Use Mobile Advertising as a strategic marketing tool

in order to take advantage of these trends, business owners need to:• understand consumer search and shopping behavior• use Mobile Advertising as a strategic marketing tool• reduce print advertising spend/increase mobile ad spend• design mobile ads and ecommerce sites for specific digital devices• advertise on the most popular mobile browsers and apps

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