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Emergency Event Map Viewer (E2MV)URISA 2014Emergency Planning and Response

Robert DartsNovember 20, 2014


• About E-Comm• E2MV History• Functionality• Future

How we got started…

Stanley Cup Riot – Vancouver, June 1994

We’ve been tested…

Stanley Cup Riot – Vancouver, June 2011

E-Comm 9-1-1

About E-Comm


E2MV Version History

2007 – Java 2008 – JavaScript2009 – Flex 1.32010 – Minor upgrades2012 – Flex 3.0 - MASAS2013 – Move Services to ArcGIS SOE2014 – Cameras / Private Map Layers

E2MV Version 1.0 - 2007E2MV 2009E2MV - 2012E2MV – 2013 / 14

E2MV Core Capabilities1. Situational Awareness & Interoperability

• Data Aggregator of Location Based Services– Police, Fire and EHS Units & Events– Multi-Agency Situational Awareness System

• Event Management2. Security & Data Ownership3. Data Distribution

• E2MV GUI & external systems can import data directly. 4. Dispatch Backup

• Address Verification• Event & Unit Management

5. Alerting System• Notifications to users based on keyword, event type or location.

E2MV System Architecture

E2MV SQL Server Database

Oracle Informix SQL Server




Importer (SOE)

ArcGIS Server 10.1


Tomcat Web Server

E2MV Users

External Systems 

E2MV Functionality•Police, Fire and EHS – Situational Awareness•MASAS – road closures, power outages, weather alerts.

E2MV – Data Service•Vancouver Emergency Operations Centre•MOTI – Regional Transportation Management Centre

E2MV – CAD Backup

E2MV Camera Integration•Integration of Ministry of Transportation cameras•Each user can view streaming camera feeds based on their needs.

Improved E2MV Notifications

• Polygonal Filtering can be associated to notifications• Improved Filtering options & increased user control

Additional Functionality•Private Map Layers based on login

DeconflictionOlympics, Stanley Cup, Celebration of Lights

The Future of E2MV

Mobile E2MV / Tablet Devices

• The Future – HTML 5
