EMF Facet at ESE 2010

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Presentation of EMF Facet project at Eclipse Summit 2010 http://www.eclipsecon.org/summiteurope2010/sessions/?page=sessions&id=1758


Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

EMF FacetA Non-Intrusive Tooling to Extend Metamodels

Frédéric Madiot, Mia-Software

Grégoire Dupé, Mia-Software

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved


Mia-Software is a Software Company

80 customers, in 10 different countries

Eclipse Foundation member (5 committers)

Develops Model-Driven solutions since 1998

Mia-Insight : Quality AnalysisLegacy UnderstandingApplication Mining

Mia-StudioModel-to-Model transformationModel-to-Text transformation

Eclipse ProjectsMDT/MoDiscoEMFT/EMF Facet

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Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Why to extend ?

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Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Add new links

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Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Add new attributes

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Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Add new operations

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Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Add new subtypes

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Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Icon dependingon the category

Add non-semantic properties

IconLabel color depending on the number of books

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Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved


Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Extensibility limitations

What if you are not the author of the metamodel ?

You can’t always change the metamodelex: UML

What to do with existing models ?

Existing Instances can’t change their typeEx: Book -> ScienceFictionBook

What if your extension is specific to a working context ?

You can’t dynamically create/load/unload extensionsEx: Statistics, Shortcuts, Viewpoint, etc.

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

EMF Facet project

An non-intrusive metamodel extension tooling


Initial contribution from MoDisco

FacetMetamodel extensibility

CustomizationGeneric additional properties

QueryComputable values

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Why to use EMF Facet?

Tools developpers: provide customizable tools

Call EMF Facet APIsExecute QueriesApply FacetsGet extended Attributes and References valuesGet graphical property valuesIntegrate customizable tree view

Tools users: adapt tools to your needs

Write your own queries

Customize your diagrams, forms, trees, …

Declare your own model extension

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Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved


Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

What can you do with EMF Facet ?

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Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Example: UML extension for SysML

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Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Example: Java extension for JPA


Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Example: Java extension for JUnit

Icon for test methods


Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Example: Java extension for JUnit


Color calculateddynamically

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Project Status

Project planProject creation: doneInitial contribution: in progressRefactoring: in progressRelease within Indigo

TeamGabriel Barbier (Mia-Software)Nicolas Bros (Mia-Software)Hugo Brunelière (INRIA / AtlanMod)Grégoire Dupé (Mia-Software)Fabien Giquel (Mia-Software)Frédéric Madiot (Mia-Software)Patrick Tessier (CEA)

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2010 Mia-Software All Rights Reserved

Thank you !

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