emotional quotient

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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The world has been moving from a manufacturing economy to a value-added, service-

oriented economy. And at the heart of service are relationships: interpersonal relationships, inter-

group relationships, and interdepartmental relationships. The ascendance of work teams in large

organizations put a new premium on relationship team skills.

There is a growing importance of finding, hiring, training, and retaining leaders with high

emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is defined as a person’s self-awareness, self-

confidence, self-control, commitment and integrity, and a person’s ability to communicate,

influence, initiate change and accept change. Studies have shown that emotional intelligence

impacts a leader’s ability to be effective. Three of the most important aspects of emotional

intelligence for a leader’s ability to make effective decisions are self-awareness, communication

and influence, and commitment and integrity. Managers who do not develop their emotional

intelligence have difficulty in building good relationships with peers, subordinates, superiors and


The above two paragraphs show the significance of emotional intelligence and initiate a need

to implement it into every organization. But enough ‘Organizational Support’ has to be secured

to see some Emotional intelligence efforts, which forms a crucial part in the entire functioning.

Finally, Emotional intelligence contributes to the bottom line in any work organization and

hence needs paramount attention.




Ever since the publication of Daniel Goleman’s first book on the topic in 1995, emotional

intelligence has become one of the hottest buzzwords in the corporate world. For instance, when

the Harvard Business Review published an article on the topic two years ago, it attracted a

higher percentage of readers than any other article published in that periodical in the last 40

years. When the CEO of Johnson & Johnson read that article, he was so impressed that he had

copies sent out to the 400 top executives in the company worldwide.

Given that emotional intelligence is so popular in the corporate world, it is important to

understand what it really means. Thus briefly laying out the history of the concept as an area of

research and describing how it has come to be defined and measured. So let’s begin with some


Education is the ability to meet life’s situation. It is a character-building process.

Enhancing one’s personality and making him/her rational, capable, responsive and intelligently

independent, it generates the will to refashion one’s heart, head and life. But does education

make a person emotionally independent? Today’s curriculum aims at all round formation,

training and development of students. But does the curriculum include the training to make

students emotionally mature? These are crucial questions to answer, which we need to shift our

attention to the emotional aspects of students for full, complete and wholistic formation of



The word emotion comes from Latin word ‘motere’, which means to move. The Oxford English

Dictionary defines emotion as ‘any agitation or disturbance of mind, feeling, passion any



vehement or excited mental state’. Emotions refer to motions, movements feelings etc. Every

emotion has an impulse to act. They are also complex and contagious, e.g. anger, sadness, fear,

enjoyment, love, disgust, shame etc. All our emotions usually depend on the information our

senses grasp. And so emotion is said to be primarily a psychic reaction to stimuli from the word

around us.


All emotions are feelings. But not all feelings are emotions. Feelings that are not emotion

includes pain, hunger, thirst, cold, warmth, fatigue, tension, relaxation etc. Feelings have the

origin in our body. They alert our bodily conditions and needs. A large number of course,

varieties of exercise are offered to cope up artfully and carefully as every human being is

expected to rise above one’s feelings and emotion.


When psychologists began to write and think about intelligence, they focused on cognitive

aspects, such as memory and problem-solving. However, there were researchers who recognized

early on that the non-cognitive aspects were also important. For instance, David Wechsler

defined intelligence as “the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to

think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment.” As early as 1940 he referred to

“non-intellective” as well as “intellective” elements, by which he meant affective, personal, and

social factors. Furthermore, as early as 1943, Wechsler was proposing that the non-intellective

abilities are essential for predicting one’s ability to succeed in life. He wrote:

“The main question is whether non-intellective, that is affective and cognitive abilities, are

admissible as factors of general intelligence. (My contention) has been that such factors are not

only admissible but necessary. I have tried to show that in addition to intellective there are also

definite non-intellective factors that determine intelligent behavior. If the foregoing observations



are correct, it follows that we cannot expect to measure total intelligence until our tests also

include some measures of the non-intellective factors.”

Wechsler was not the only researcher who saw non-cognitive aspects of intelligence to be

important for adaptation and success. Robert Thorndike, to take another example, was writing

about “social intelligence” in the late thirties. Unfortunately, the work of these early pioneers

was largely forgotten or overlooked until 1983 when Howard Gardner began to write about

“multiple intelligence.” Gardner proposed that “intrapersonal” and “interpersonal” intelligences

are as important as the type of intelligence typically measured by IQ and related tests.

Other strands of research and theory could be cited, but it is clear that by the early 1990s, there

was a long tradition of research on the role of non-cognitive factors in the helping people to

succeed in both life and the workplace. The current work on emotional intelligence builds on this




Individual Group Cross-BoundaryNorms That Create Awareness of Emotions

Interpersonal Undertaking1. Take time away from group

tasks to get to know one another.

2. Have a “check in” at the beginning of the meeting-that is, ask how everyone is doing.

3. Assume that undesirable behavior takes place for a reason. Find out what that reason is. Ask questions and listen. Avoid negative attributions.

4. Tell your teammates what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling.

Perspective Taking1. Ask whether everyone

agrees with a decision.2. Ask quiet members what

they think.3. Question decisions that

come too quickly.4. Appoint a devil’s advocate.

Team self-Evaluation1. Schedule time to examine team

effectiveness.2. Create measurable task and process

objectives and then measure them.3. Acknowledge and discuss group

moods.4. Communicate your sense of what is

transpiring in the team.5. Allow members to call a “process

check.” (for instance, a team member might say, “Process check: is this the most effective use of our time right now?”)

Seeking Feedback1. Ask your “customers” how you are

doing.2. Post your work and invite comments.3. Benchmark your process.

Organizational Understanding1. Find out the concerns and needs

of others in the organization.2. Consider who can influence the

team’s ability to accomplish its goals.

3. Discuss the culture and politics in the organization.

4. Ask whether proposed team actions are congruent with the organization’s culture and politics.

Norms That Help Regular Emotions



learn new things,

focus on tasks and exercises

retain and recall objective information

manipulate numbers

think abstractly as well as analytically &

solve problems the application of prior knowledge

Confronting1. Set ground rules and use

them to point out errant behavior.

2. Call members on errant behavior.

3. Create playful devices for pointing out such behavior. These often emerge from the group spontaneously reinforce them.

Caring1. Support members: volunteer

to help them if they need it, be flexible, and provide emotional support.

2. Validate members’ contributions. Let members know they are valued.

3. Protect members from attack.

4. Respect individuality and difference in perspectives. Listen.

5. Never be derogatory or demeaning.

Creating Resources for Working with Emotion

1. Make time to discuss difficult issues, and address the emotions that surround them.

2. Find creative, shorthand ways to acknowledge and express the emotion in the group.

3. Create fun ways to acknowledge and relieve stress and tension.

4. Express acceptance of members’ emotions.

Creating on Affirmative Environment1. Reinforce that the team can meet a

challenge. Be optimistic. For example say things like, “We can get through this” or nothing will stop us.”

2. Focus on what you can control.3. Remind members of the group’s

important and positive mission.4. Remind the group how it solved a

similar problem before.5. Focus on problem solving, not


Building External Relationships1. Create opportunities for

networking and interaction.2. Ask about the needs of other

teams.3. Provide support for other teams. 4. Invite others to team meetings if

they might have a stake in what you are doing.




Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

Intelligence Quotient is a measure of an individual’s intellectual, analytical, logical and rational

abilities. It’s concerned with verbal, spatial, visual and mathematical skills.

IQ is a measure of an individual’s personal information bank – one’s memory, vocabulary and

visual motor coordination.

It gauges how readily we:



EQ stands for Emotional Quotient. It borrows from the term "Intelligence Quotient," and is

used interchangeably with "Emotional Intelligence."

Emotional Quotient (EQ)

Emotional Quotient is an ability of an individual to identify and understand one’s own emotions

and those of others. It is also an ability of an individual to regulate one’s own emotions to make

good decisions and act effectively.

EI is the ability to

- Perceive emotions

- Access and generate emotions so as to assist thoughts

- Understand emotions and emotional meanings and

- Reflectively regulate emotions in ways that promote emotional and intellectual growth.

In other words, it’s a set of skills that enables us to make our way in a complex world – the

personal, social and survival aspects of overall intelligence, the elusive common sense and

sensitivity that are essential to effective daily functioning.

Finally, it has to do with the ability to



Read the political and social environment and landscape them

Intuitively grasp what others want and need, what their strengths and

weaknesses are

Remain unruffled by stress and Be engaging, the kind of person that others want to be around.


Emotion has been a major variable in psychology, but not organizational behavior, over

the years. Similar to other psychological constructs, the exact definition and meaning of emotion

is not totally agreed upon. However, most psychologists would agree that the best one word to

describe emotion would be how a person feels about something. These emotional feelings are

directed at someone or something, are not as broad as the term affect and more intense and

specific than the term mood. The specific differences between emotion, affect, and mood are

summarized as follows:

Emotions are reactions to an object, not a trait. They’re object specific. You show your

emotions when you’re “happy about something, angry at someone, afraid of something.”

Moods, on the other hand, aren’t directed at an object. Emotions can turn into moods when you

lose focus on the contextual object. So when a work colleague criticizes you for the way you

spoke to a client, you might become angry at him (emotion). But later in the day, you might find

yourself just generally dispirited. This affective state describes a mood


How do emotional reactions come about, and what are the inputs into emotional

processing? A very simple, layperson’s explanation of the process is that emotional feelings are

in contrast with rational thinking. Put into popular terms, emotions come from the ‘heart”

whereas rational thinking comes from the “head”.. For example, a young manager given a

choice between two assignments may undergo the following cognitive processing: “my ‘head’

tells me to get involved with Project A because it has the best chance of succeeding and helping

my career, but my ‘heart’ says that Project B will be more fun, I like the people better, and I can

take more pride in any results we achieve.” Obviously, such emotions often win out over rational

thinking in what people decide, do, or how they behave.

Traditionally in psychology, both personality traits (e.g., extraversion/neuroticism or



conscientiousness) and mood states (either positive or negative) have separate influences or

emotional processing. Recently, however, to represent the more realistic complexity involved, it

is suggested that:

(1) mood states interact with individual differences in emotion-relevant personality traits

to influence emotional processing, and/or

(2) personality traits predispose individuals to certain mood states, which then influence

emotional processing.

In other words, for (1) above, someone in a positive mood may have to have (or will be

enhanced by) a personality trait such as conscientiousness in order to experiment emotional

happiness. The individual may have to have the personality trait such as extraversion in order to

get into a positive mood state. This positive mood in turn will lead the person to experience

emotional happiness. These Moderation and meditation models of emotional processing help

resolve some of the inconsistencies that have been found in the research using the separate

influences of moods and personality traits for emotions.


Like the meaning of emotion, there is also not total agreement on the primary types of

emotions . In the following table the primary emotions and their descriptors are given.

Types of Emotions

Positive Primary Emotions Other Descriptors

Love/affection Happiness / joy Surprise Acceptance, adoration, longing, devotion,

infatuation Cheerfulness, contentment, bliss,

delight, amusement, enjoyment, enthrallment,

thrill euphoria, zest Amazement, wonder,

astonishment, shock

Negative Primary Emotions Other Descriptors

Fear Sadness Anger Disgust Shame Anxiety, alarm, apprehension, concern, qualm,



dread, fright, terror Grief, disappointment,

sorrow, gloom, despair, suffering, dejection

Outrage, exasperation, wrath, indignation,

hostility, irritability Contempt, disdain,

abhorrence, revulsion, distaste, Guilt, remorse,

regret, embarrassment, humiliation



As for IQ’s relevance in the workplace, studies have shown that it can

serve to predict between 1 and 20 % (the average is 6%) of success in a given job.

EQ, on the other hand, has been found to be directly responsible for between 27 and 45 % of job

success, depending on which field is under study.

IQ is pretty much set. It tends to peak when a person is 17, remains

constant throughout adulthood, and wanes during old age.EQ however is not fixed.

A study of almost 4,000 people in Canada and United States concluded

that EQ rises steadily from an average of 95.3 (when you’re in the late teens) to an average of

102.7 (where it remains throughout your 40’s). Once you’re past 50, it tapers off a bit, to an

average of 101.5 – not exactly a precipitous decline. [See Figure]

This does not come as surprise: we get older but wiser. We live and

learn, and one of the things we learn is to balance emotion and reason.





EI can affect an individual's success in an organization. But how does it affect

organizational success overall? The evidence suggests that emotionally intelligent leadership is

a key to creating a working climate that nurtures employees and encourages them to give their

best. That enthusiasm, in turn, pays off in improved business performance. This trickle-down



In short, the position is that IQ will be a more powerful predictor

than EI of individuals’ career success in studies of large populations

over the career course because it sorts people before they embark on

a career, determining which fields or professions they can enter. But

when studies look within a job or profession to learn which

individuals rise to the top and which plateau or fail, EI proves to be

a more powerful predictor of success than IQ.

effect emerged, for example, in a study of CEOs in U.S. insurance companies. Given comparable

size, companies whose CEOs exhibited more EI competencies showed better financial results as

measured by both profit and growth.

A similar relationship between EI strengths in a leader and business results was found by

McClelland (1998) in studying the division heads of a global food and beverage company. The

divisions of the leaders with a critical mass of strengths in EI competencies outperformed yearly

revenue targets by a margin of 15 to 20 %. The divisions of the leaders weak in EI competencies

underperformed by about the same margin.

The relationship between EI strengths in a leader and performance of the unit led appears

to be mediated by the climate the leader creates. In the study of insurance CEOs, for example,

there was a significant relationship between the EI abilities of the leader and the organizational

climate. Climate reflects people's sense of their ability to do their jobs well. Climate indicators

include the degree of clarity in communication; the degree of employees' flexibility in doing their

jobs, ability to innovate, and ownership of and responsibility for their work; and the level of the

performance standards set.

In the insurance industry study, the climate created by CEOs among their direct reports

predicted the business performance of the entire organization and in three-quarters of the cases

climate alone could be used to correctly sort companies by profits and growth.

Leadership style seems to drive organizational performance across a wide span of

industries and sectors and appears to be a crucial link in the chain from leader to climate to

business success. A study of the heads of forty-two schools in the United Kingdom suggests that

leadership style drove up students' academic achievement by directly affecting school climate.

When the school head was flexible in leadership style and demonstrated a variety of EI abilities,

teachers’ attitudes were more positive and students' grades higher; when the leader relied on

fewer EI competencies, teachers tended to be demoralized and students underperformed

academically. Effective school leaders not only created a working climate conducive to

achievement but were more attuned to teachers' perceptions of such aspects of climate and

organizational health as clarity of vision and level of teamwork.



The benefits of an understanding and empathic school leader were reflected in the

teacher-student relationship as well. In a related follow-up analysis, which studied the climates

of individual classrooms, concluded that teachers who are more aware of how students feel in the

classroom are better able to design a learning environment that suits students and better able to

guide them toward success. Teachers who have a leader who has created a positive school

climate will be better equipped to do the same in their own classrooms. Indeed, several

dimensions of school climate identified in the earlier study correspond to dimensions of

classroom climate. For instance, clarity of vision in a school's purpose parallels clarity of

purpose in class lessons; challenging yet realistic performance standards for teachers translate

into like standards for students.

A similar effect of EI-based leadership on climate and performance was demonstrated in

a study of outstanding leaders in health care (Catholic Health Association, 1994). For this study,

1,200 members of health care organizations were asked to nominate outstanding leaders based on

criteria such as organizational performance and anticipation of future trends. The members were

then asked to evaluate the effectiveness of the nominees in fifteen key situations that leaders

face-among them organizational change, diversity, and institutional integrity. The study revealed

that the more effective leaders in the health care industry were also more adept at integrating key

EI competencies such as Organizational Awareness and relationship skills like persuasion and


The link between EI strengths in a leader and the organization's climate is important for

EI theory. A Hay/McBer analysis of data on 3,781 executives, correlated with climate surveys

filled out by those who worked for them, suggests that 50 to 70 % of employees' perception of

working climate is linked to the EI characteristics of the leader. Research drawing on that same

database sheds light on the role of EI competencies in leadership effectiveness, identifying how

six distinct styles of EI-based leadership affect climate. Four styles-the visionary (sometimes

called the "authoritative"), the affiliative, the democratic, and the coaching-generally drive

climate in a positive direction. Two styles-the coercive and the pacesetting-tend to drive climate

downward, particularly when leaders overuse them (though each of these two can have positive

impact if applied in appropriate situations).




For years, educationalists, human resource professionals, corporate trainers, recruiters, managers

and others have known that what sets apart average performers and stars isn’t the technical skills,

not necessarily the intelligence either. They have felt the existence of something in addition – a

capacity which pervades and fades other abilities into background and stands out. They have

come up with various terms like human relations or human resource approaches, people skills,

etc. It is felt that a more objective measurable term - Emotional Intelligence can be termed as the

skill which makes people shine at the work place. Also EI plays an important role in many areas

of our lives.

We can sum up by saying that:

Here, an attempt has been made to profile emotional intelligence of Indian executives, with a

view to evolve strategies to improve their emotional intelligence quotient.



EI is an important component relating to

workplace success, career satisfaction and

managerial effectiveness


Although emotions are given primary attention in psychology, in the organizational

behavior literature, with the exception of the increasing popularity of emotional labor and the

impact of emotions in relation to stress, emotion generally is only an indirect, subtopic in

discussions of personality and individual differences. As one organization list behavior

theorist/researcher recently noted:

It’s an under appreciated line of research. Emotions as part of the workplace have been

ignored. They have either been seen as a commodity hiring smiling faces or something that gets

in the way of rational decisions making.

This neglected status is unfortunate because most academics and practicing managers

would agree with the systematic assessment that emotions permeate all of organization life.

Recently, and the reason emotions are singled out for special attention in this chapter, is the

popularity of emotional intelligence and its relevance to the study and application to organization

behavior. Emotionally intelligence people not only can read the expressed emotions of other

people as discussed in the previous section, but also have the maturity to hold their felt emotions

in check and not display undesirable, immature negative emotions such as anger or disgust. This



distinction between felt and displayed emotions as well as the rest of the previous discussions on

the meaning, cognitive processing, and types/categories/continuum of emotions, when combined

with the next section on intelligence, serve as the foundation and point of departure for the

important emerging role that emotional intelligence can play in organizational behavior.

3.1) A Framework of Emotional Competencies

The framework of emotional intelligence (EI) by ‘Daniel Goleman’ reflects how an individual's

potential for mastering the skills of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and

Relationship Management translates into on-the-job success. This model is based on EI

competencies that have been identified in internal research at hundreds of corporations and

organizations as distinguishing outstanding performers.


Personal Competence


Social competence



· Emotional self-awareness

· Accurate self-assessment

· Self-confidence

Social Awareness

· Empathy

· Service orientation

· Organizational awareness





· Self-control

· Trustworthiness

· Conscientiousness

· Adaptability

· Achievement drive

· Initiative


Relationship Management

· Developing others

· Influence

· Communication

· Conflict management

· Leadership

· Change catalyst

· Building bonds

· Teamwork & collaboration


Emotional self-awareness: Recognizing one’s emotions and their effects. People with this


Know which emotions they are feeling and why

Realize the links between their feelings and what they think, do, and say

Recognize how their feelings affect their performance

Have a guiding awareness of their values and goals

Accurate self-assessment: Knowing one’s strengths and limits. People with this competence are:

Aware of their strengths and weaknesses

Reflective, learning from experience and continuous learning

Open to candid feedback, new perspectives, and self-development

Able to show a sense of humor and perspective about themselves

Self-confidence: Sureness about one’s self – worth and capabilities. People with this




Present themselves with self-assurance; have “presence”

Can voice views that are unpopular and go out on a limb for what is right

Are decisive, able to make sound decisions despite uncertainties and pressures


Self-control: Managing disruptive emotions and impulses. People with this competence:

Manage their impulsive feelings and distressing emotions well

Stay composed, positive, and unflappable even in trying moments

Think clearly and stay focused under pressure

Trustworthiness: Maintaining standards of honesty and integrity. People with this competence:

Act ethically and are above reproach

Build trust through their reliability and authenticity

Admit their own mistakes and comfort unethical actions in others

Take tough, principled stands even if they are unpopular

Conscientiousness: Taking responsibility for personal performance. People with this


Meet commitments and keep promises

Hold themselves accountable for meeting their objectives

Are organized and careful in their work

Adaptability: Flexibility in handling change. People with this competence:

Smoothly handle multiple demands, shifting priorities, and rapid change

Adapt their responses and tactics to fit fluid circumstances

Are flexible in how they see events

Achievement drive: Striving to improve or meet a standard of excellence. People with this


Are results-oriented, with a high drive to meet their objectives and standards

Set challenging goals and take calculated risks



Pursue information to reduce uncertainty and find ways to do better

Learn how to improve their performance

Initiative: Readiness to act on opportunities. People with this competence:

Are ready to seize opportunities

Pursue goals beyond what’s required or expected of them

Cut through red tape and bend the rules when necessary to get the job done

Mobilize others through unusual, enterprising efforts


Empathy: Sensing others’ feelings and perspective, and taking an active interest in their

concerns. People with this competence:

Are attentive to emotional cues and listen well

Show sensitivity and understand others’ perspectives

Help out based on understanding other people’s needs and feelings

Service orientation: Anticipating, recognizing, and meeting customers’ needs. People with this


Understand customers’ needs and match them to services or products

Seek ways to increase customers’ satisfaction and loyalty

Gladly offer appropriate assistance acting as a trusted advisor

Organizational awareness: Reading a group’s emotional currents and power relationships.

People with this competence:

Accurately read key power relationships and detect crucial social networks

Understand the forces that shape views and actions of clients, customers, or competitors




Developing others: Sensing what others need in order to develop, and bolstering their abilities.

People with this competence:

Acknowledge and reward people’s strengths, accomplishments

Offer useful feedback and identify people’s needs for development

Influence: Wielding effective tactics for persuasion. People with this competence:

Are skilled at persuasion

Fine-tune presentations to appeal to the listener

Use complex strategies like indirect influence to build consensus and support

Orchestrate dramatic events to effectively make a point

Communication: Sending clear and convincing messages. People with this competence:

Are effective in give-and-take, registering emotional cues in attuning their message

Deal with difficult issues straightforwardly

Listen well, see mutual understanding, and welcome sharing of information fully

Foster open communication and stay receptive to bad news as well as good

Leadership: Inspiring and guiding groups and people. People with this competence:

Articulate and arouse enthusiasm for a shared vision and mission

Step forward to lead as needed, regardless of position

Guide the performance of others while holding them accountable

Lead by example

Change catalyst: Initiating or managing change. People with this competence:

Recognize the need for change and remove barriers

Challenge the status quo to acknowledge the need for change

Champion the change and enlist others in its pursuit

Conflict management: Negotiating and resolving disagreements. People with this:

Handle difficult people and tense situations with diplomacy and tact

Spot potential conflict, bring disagreements into the open, and help deescalate

Encourage debate and open discussion



Orchestrate win-win solutions

Building bonds: Nurturing instrumental relationships. People with this competence:

Cultivate and maintain extensive informal networks

Seek out relationships that are mutually beneficial

Build rapport and keep others in the loop

Make and maintain personal friendships among work associates

Teamwork and Collaboration: People with this competence:

Model team qualities like respect, helpfulness, and cooperation

Draw all members into active and enthusiastic participation and share credit

Build team identity, commitment and protect the group and its reputation


Balance a focus on tasks with attention to relationships

Collaborate, sharing plans, information, and resources

Promote a friendly, cooperative climate

Spot and nurture opportunities for collaboration


An emotional competence is a learned capability based on emotional intelligence that results in

outstanding performance at work. To be adept at an emotional competence like Customer

Service or Conflict Management requires an underlying ability in EI fundamentals, specifically,

Social Awareness and Relationship Management. However, emotional competencies are learned

abilities: having Social Awareness or skill at managing relationship does not guarantee we have

mastered the additional learning required to handle a customer adeptly or to resolve a conflict-

just that we have the potential to become skilled at these competencies.



Emotional competencies are job skills that can, and indeed must, be learned. An underlying EI

ability is necessary, though not sufficient, to manifest competence in any one of the four EI

domains. Consider the IQ corollary that a student can have excellent spatial abilities yet never

learn geometry. So too can a person be highly empathic yet poor at handling customers if he or

she has not learned competence in customer service. ‘Although our emotional intelligence

determines our potential for learning the practical skills that underlie the four EI clusters, our

emotional competence shows how much of that potential we have realized by learning and

mastering skills and translating intelligence into on-the-job capabilities.’



As a point of departure for the important role that emotions have played in psychology over the

years and Gardner’s recognition of multiple intelligences is the recent emergence of emotional

intelligence. Although its roots are usually considered to go back

Goleman’s Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace



EI Dimensons Characteristics Workplace Example





Social skills

Self-understanding: knowledge of true

feeling at the moment

Handle one’s emotion to facilitate rather

than hinder the task at hand; shake off

negative emotions and get back on

constructive track for problem solution

Stay the course toward desired goal;

overcome negative emotional impulses and

delay gratification to attain the desired


Understand and be sensitive to the feelings

of others: being able to sense what others

feel and want

The ability to read social situations smooth

in interacting with others and forming

networks; able to guide others emotions and

the way they act

John recognizes that he is angry

so he will wait to cool down and

gather more information before

making an important personnel


Amber holds back her impulse to

become visibly upset and raise

her voice at the customer’s

unfair complaint and tries to get

more facts of what happened. Pat

persisted to successful project

completion in spite of the many

frustrations from the lack of

resources and top management

support. Because the head of the

team knew her members were

mentally if not physically

exhausted, she took everyone

bowling during an afternoon

break and bought refreshments.

Jeremy could tell from the

nonverbal cues from his staff

members that they were not

buying into the new policy being

presented, so after the meeting

he visited with each of them to

explain how they will all benefit.

Sources: Adapted from Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence, Bantam Books. New York 1995. pp. 43-44 and

Daniel Goleman, Working with Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books. New York, 1998, p. 318.



EQ unlike IQ is not easily quantifiable. It pivoted on such intangibles as social deftness,

persistence and empathy. Cyberia shrink developed a test on emotional intelligence. It consists of

70 items to complete by the subject in 35-40 minutes. Here is the model items to rate the level of

your intelligence on the basis of your response.

When I feel crappy, I don’t know what or who is upsetting me.

□ Most of the time

□ Often

□ Sometimes

□ Rarely

□ Almost never

4.2) Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups

When Managers first started hearing about the concept of emotional intelligence in the

1990’s scales fell from their eyes. The basic message, that effectiveness in organization is at

least as much about EQ as IQ, resonated deeply; it was something that people to knew in their

guts but that had never before been so well articulated. Most important, the idea held the

potential for positive change. Instead of being stuck with the hand they’d been dealt, people

could take steps to enhance their emotional intelligence and make themselves more effective in

their work and personal lives. -


Indeed, the concept of emotional intelligence had read impact. The only problem is that

so far emotional intelligence has been viewed only as an individual competency when the reality

is that most work in organization is done by team. And if managers have one pressing need

today, it’s to find ways to make teams work better.

It is with real excitement, therefore, that we share these findings from our research:

individual emotional intelligence has a group analog, and it is just as critical to groups’

effectiveness. Teams can develop greater emotional intelligence and, in so doing, boost their

overall performance

A model of Team Effectiveness



Better decisions, More creative solutions, Higher productivy

Participation, Cooperation, Collaboration

Study after study has shown that teams are more creative and productive when they can

achieve high levels of participation, cooperation and collaboration among members. But

interactive behaviors like these aren’t easy legislate. Our work shows that three basic conditions

need to be present before such behaviors can occur: mutual trust among members, a sense of

group identity (a feeling among members that they belong to a unique and worthwhile group),

and a sense of group efficacy(the belief that the team can perform well and that group members

are more effective working together than apart).

At the heart of these three conditions are emotions. Trust, a sense of identity, and a

feeling of efficacy arise in environments where emotion is well handled, so groups stand to

benefit by building their emotional intelligence.

Group emotional intelligence isn’t a question of dealing with a necessary evil-catching

emotions as they bubble up and promptly suppressing them. Far from it. It’s about bringing

emotions deliberately to the surface and understanding how they affect the team’s work. It’s also

about behaving in ways that build relationships both inside and outside the team and that

strengthen the team’s ability to face challenges. Emotional intelligence means exploring,

embracing, and ultimately relying on emotion in work that is, at the end of the day, deeply


Baron Emotional Quotient Inventory EQ-I

Dr. Reuven Baron developed an inventory to measure emotional intelligence. This

inventory consisted 133 items and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. It gives an

overall EQ scores as well as scores for five composite scales and 15 subscales.



Trust, Identity, Efficacy

Group Emotional Intelligence

Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale

This MEIS has been created by the co-developed of the theory of emotional intelligence,

John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey. They have been conducting research on emotional intelligence

since the late 1980’and they have been driving research price in this area. Dr. David R. Caruso, a

management psychologist also joined in the development of Multifactor Emotional Intelligence

Scale. This is an ability test designed to measure the under mentioned four branches of the

emotional intelligence ability model of Mayer and Salovey.

● Identifying emotions---the ability to reorganize how you and those around you are feeling

● Using Emotions---the ability to generate emotion, and then to reason with this emotion

● Understanding Emotion---the ability to understand complex emotions and emotional

‘chains’, how emotion transmit from one stage to another.

● Managing emotion---the ability which always you to manage emotions in your self and


The EQ Map

In 1995, Essi system Inc. and Advanced Intelligence Technologies (AIT) joined together

to create the first-over EQ Map. A measurement of various qualities and competencies of EQ.

The EQ Map determines not how smart you are, but how smart you are. The EQ Map is unique,

non-judgmental, interactive approach to assess the emotional intelligence including stress and




Unlike the numeric scores obtained in the tests used to measure emotional intelligence, it

provides the bird’s eye approach to survey the landscape, identifying strengths and pinpointing

vulnerabilities and targeting specific action to be taken by the individual concerned. Its scoring

version is self administered, confidential, and easy to use and understand. It comes complete

with a questionnaire, scoring grid, interpretation guide, and action planning worksheets.




Intrapersonal Interpersonal

Stress Management



General Mood

The INTRAPERSONAL REALM concerns ones ability to know and manage oneself.

It embraces:






The INTERPERSONAL REALM concerns ones “people skills” – ones ability to interact and

get along with others. It is composed of three scales:


Social Responsibility

Interpersonal Relationships

The ADAPTABILITY REALM involves ones ability to be flexible and realistic, and to solve a

range of problems as they arise. Its 3 scales are:

Reality Testing



The STRESS MANAGEMENT REALM concerns ones ability to tolerate stress and control

impulses. Its two scales are

Stress Tolerance

Impulse Control

The GENERAL MOOD REALM also has two scales:





The above model can be compared to the ‘Framework of Emotional Competencies’.

The Personal Competence and Social Competence of the ‘Framework’ can be compared to

Intrapersonal Realm and the Interpersonal Realm respectively.

The BarOn Model says that when the 4 realms – Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Adaptability and

Stress Management are integrated along with the Good Mood Realm (optimism and happiness),

EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE is certainly achieved.


Listed below are general characteristics of people with high and low EQ, as is defined.

Obviously these are generalizations, but are helpful as guidelines. These lists include general

signs of high and low self-esteem, as well as other variables which have not in fact been

specifically correlated to emotional intelligence as defined by Mayer and Salovey.

Signs of high EQ A person with High EQ:

Expresses his feelings clearly and

directly with three word sentences

beginning with “I feel…..”

Does not disguise thought as feelings by

the use of “I feel like….” and “I feel

that….” sentences

Is not afraid to express feelings



Is not dominated by negative emotions

such as: Fear, Worry, Guilt, Shame,

Embarrassment, Obligation,

Disappointment, Hopelessness,

Powerlessness, Dependency,

Victimization, Discouragement

Is able to read non-verbal


Lets his feelings lead him to healthy

choices and happiness

Balances feelings with reason, logic,

and reality

Acts out of desire, not because of duty,

guilt, force or obligation

Is independent, self-reliant, morally

autonomous and emotionally resilient

Is intrinsically motivated and not by

power, wealth, fame, or approval

Tends to feel optimistic, but is also

realistic, and can feel pessimistic at


Does not internalize failure and is not

immobilized by fear or worry

Is interested in other people’s feelings

Is comfortable talking about feelings

Signs of low EQ

A person with Low EQ:

Doesn’t take responsibilities for his

feelings; but blames others for them

Can’t put together three word

sentences starting with “I feel…”

Can’t tell why she feels the way she

does, or can’t do it without blaming

someone else

Attacks, blames, commands,

criticizes, interrupts, invalidates,

lectures, advises and judges others.

Tries to analyze others, for example

when they expresses their feelings

Often begins sentences with “I think


Sends “you messages” disguised as

“I feel messages”. For example, “I

feel like you…”

Lays guilt trips on others



Withholds information about or lies

about feelings. (Emotional


Exaggerates or minimizes her


Lets things build up, then they blow

up, or react strongly to something

relatively minor

Lacks integrity and sense of


Acts out feelings rather than talking

them out

Has no empathy, no compassion

Avoids responsibility by saying

things like: “What was I supposed to

do? I had no choice!”

May be overly pessimistic; may

invalidate others’ joy

Frequently feels inadequate,

disappointed, resentful, bitter or


Rigidly clings to his beliefs because

he is too insecure to be open to new


Avoids connections with people and

seeks substitute relationships with

everything from pets and plants to

imaginary beings


How does one know if one has a high or low EQ? These questions help judge the level of EQ:

1. When you're feeling depressed and a friend asks how you are feeling, are you more

likely to answer:

i) Fine. I don't know. Alright, I guess. You don't want to know.

ii) I feel depressed.

2. When your partner does something, which upsets you, your most likely reply:

i) You shouldn't have... You really hurt my feelings.

ii) I felt hurt by that.



3. When someone points out a mistake, are you more likely to:

i) Defend yourself. Find something wrong with the other person.

ii) Thank the person.

4. When facing a scary situation are you more likely to:

i) Worry about it. Try to avoid thinking about it. Hope that it will go away.

ii) Estimate the probability of your fears coming true and begin focusing on your options.

5. When someone reacts strongly to something you say, are you more likely to:

i) Think they are too sensitive. Tell them you were just kidding.

ii) Apologize and ask them what bothered them about what you said.

Generally speaking, the more you tend towards the answers in the second set of responses, the

higher your EQ.

Here's why?

1. High EQ suggests that you can identify and express your feelings.

2. High EQ suggests that you take responsibility for your feelings by saying "I feel..."

instead of "You shouldn't have..."

3. If you have high EQ, you are not easily threatened by criticism, so you don't feel the need to

defend yourself or attack the other person. Instead, you are always willing to listen and learn

from other people.



4. High EQ suggests you address your fears using reason, rather than avoiding them or letting

them paralyze you.

5. High EQ people empathize with others' feelings, acknowledge them, and seek to help soothe



There are at least two good reasons to work on raising your EQ:

1. If you want to be happier.

2. If you want people around you to be happier.

You will be happier because you will learn to spend your time more efficiently. You will avoid

activities and situations which don't feel good, and you will seek and create situations which do.

You will learn to take responsibility for your emotions and your happiness. You will attract more

positive people, and you will enter into more meaningful relationships. You will begin to value

your time more and get more accomplished.



People around you will be happier because they will feel more accepted, more understood, more

respected, more safe, and more significant.

Raising EI

Things You Can Do Alone

Frequently ask yourself how you feel.

Write down your feelings to increase

your recall of the feelings and their

surrounding circumstances.

Work on raising your self-esteem, by

taking courses, listening to tapes, and

taking advantage of the abundant

practical literature available at your

public library.

Track your feelings in a written


Take responsibility for your feelings.

Begin expressing your feelings

accurately. Neither exaggerate them

nor minimize them.

One reason people exaggerate is to get

attention because they do not feel they



Things one can do with others

Things one can do alone

Happiness spreads within

and also to people around

are being heard. When you are

comfortable with your feelings, and

you surround yourself with people who

validate your feelings, you won't need

to exaggerate them any more. Neither

will you feel the need to minimize

them, so as not to burden your friends.

Stop over-using expressions like "I

hate..." and "I love..."

Let your feelings teach you what your

needs are.

Acknowledge, accept, respect, and

validate your feelings.

When you feel defensive, ask yourself

what you are defending.

Listen to your feelings. Let them guide


Think about the consequences of your


Balance your feelings and your logic.

Try to anticipate your feelings. Don't

do things which will bring you

negative feelings.

Make changes in areas where there are

persistent negative feelings.

Invest more time on activities that

have lasting, not just temporary,

positive feelings.

Things You Can Do with Others

Start asking other people how they


Try to understand their feelings. Ask

them to explain their feelings so you

can understand them better.

Ask others how they would feel about

possible future events. In other words,

start to take their feelings into


Listen to others non-judgmentally.



Begin being more honest with your


Use the tactful, but honest expression

of your feelings to set your boundaries.

Take some risks by sharing more true


Get a group of close friends together &

talk about feelings in a supportive way.

Share your deepest fears & desires.

Attend some of the existing support

groups and just listen while others talk

about their feelings.

Ask others for feedback on how they

perceive you and your emotions.

Others will see things that you don't.

Don't defend yourself if you hear

things you disagree with, or you will

stifle their openness. Instead, thank

them for their honesty.

Work on becoming less defensive,

more open, and easier on yourself. Ask

others to let you know when they

perceive you as defensive, insecure,

rigid or hard on yourself.

Set some emotional improvement

goals and share them with someone

you trust. Ask them to give you honest





5.1) Data Collection / Sample

Data collection was done on a Sample of 219 executives by using the EI scale developed

by Dr. Cooper & Prof. Sawaf (1996).

The questionnaire covers 21 variables (e.g. life events, work pressures, personal

pressures, emotional self awareness, emotional awareness of others, creativity, resilience,

interpersonal connections, compassion intuition, trust radius, personnel power, quality of life,

etc.) and leads to mapping of Emotional Quotient (EQ) and it’s inherent competencies. The

instrument is extensively researched and found statistically reliable and valid in USA and


The Questionnaire is already in use for training programs conducted for Indian

Executives and is a basis for personal feedback and counseling. Here the same has been pilot

tested on Indian executive population. Data was collected on the sample of 250 executives who

were attending the Professional Managerial Programs; out of which 219 are considered for

analysis (based on the completeness of their response).

The characteristics of sample in terms of age, gender, qualification, functional areas

and work experience is given below.




20-30 yrs – 73 %

31-50 yrs – 27 %

Male – 80 %

Female – 20 %

Graduates – 78 %

Post Graduates – 18 %

Professional – 2 %

Doctorate – 2 %

Marketing – 54 %

Finance – 22 %

HR – 24 %

0-5 yrs – 53 %

6-10 yrs – 33 %

11-15 yrs – 6 %

16-20 yrs – 5 %

21 + yrs – 3 %


The data collected was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively to arrive at an EQ map of Indian

Executives. The score on 21 variables is analyzed to get an Emotional Quotient (EQ) Profile

using 5 competencies.

Profile of EQ competencies

Components Category Interpretation Strategy To Improve

Current environment Low

Current environment is not

perceived as very helpful. Work

& personal pressures are high

Training for awareness,

coping & stress


Emotional Literacy Average

Average self-awareness,

emotional expression &

awareness for others

Training for assertiveness,

giving & accepting


EQ Competency Average

Average purposefulness,

adjustment, creativity,

resilience and self-control,

avoid confrontation &

interpersonal connection

Training for goal setting,

developing creativity &

overcoming adversities

EQ Values & Beliefs Low

Dissatisfaction with life, low on

compassion, intuition, trust,

personal power & integrity

Training for teambuilding,

conflict management &

adaptation to change

EQ Outcomes Low

Not happy with the quality of

life, quality of relationship &

other health related issues

Holistic training covering

psychosomatic issues

(training in yoga, reiki,

stress management, etc.)


Here we may say that this test is applicable to Indian managerial population and helps in arriving

at their EQ profile. However further analyses and research is essential for getting a better insight

into the construct of emotional intelligence. Also there is a need for preparing a shortened

version of the scale to check its reliability and validity.



When the book, Emotional Intelligence, appeared in 1995, many business leaders agreed

with the basic message that success is strongly influenced by personal qualities such as

perseverance, self-control, and skill in getting along with others. They could point to "super sales

persons" who had an uncanny ability to sense what was most important to the customers and to

develop a trusting relationship with them. They could point to customer service employees who

excelled when it came to helping angry customers to calm down and be more reasonable about

their problems with the product or service. And they also could point to brilliant executives who

did everything well except get along with people, or to managers who were technically brilliant

but could not handle stress, and whose careers stalled because of these deficiencies. Business

leaders well understood how valuable these "emotionally intelligent" employees are to an


But what about the many workers who lack these important emotional competencies? Is

it possible for adults to become more socially and emotionally competent? Many business

leaders are less certain about this question. For instance, the dean of a major business school,

when asked about the importance of emotional intelligence at work, enthusiastically agreed that

it was crucial. But when asked as to how his school attempted to improve the emotional

intelligence of MBA students, he said, "We don’t do anything. I don’t think that our students’

emotional intelligence can be improved by the time they come here. They’re already adults, and

these qualities are developed early in life."

On the other hand, there are those who seem to claim that they can raise the emotional

intelligence of a whole group of employees in a day or less. Scores of consultants now are selling

workshops and seminars designed to help people become more emotionally competent and

socially skilled. Some of these programs are quite good, but others make unrealistic claims. The

worst ones are those that involve a heavy reliance on inspirational lectures or intense, short-lived

experiences – and little else.

So who is right – the skeptics who believe that nothing can be done to improve emotional

competence after the age of 15, or the hucksters who claim that they can turn emotional dunces

into emotional Einsteins in an afternoon? As usual, the answer lies somewhere in between.


A growing body of research on emotional learning and behavior change suggests that it is

possible to help people of any age to become more emotionally intelligent at work. However,

many programs designed to do so fail to recognize the difference between two types of learning.

6.1) Two Types of Learning

Training and development efforts in industry have not always distinguished between

cognitive learning and emotional learning, but such a distinction is important for effective

practice.  For instance, consider the example of the engineer whose career was stymied because

he was shy, introverted, and totally absorbed in the technical aspects of his job. Through

cognitive learning, he might come to understand that it would be better for him to consult other

people more, make connections, and build relationships. But just knowing he should do these

things would not enable him to do them. The ability to do these things depends on emotional

competence, which requires emotional learning as well as cognitive learning.

Emotional incompetence often results from habits deeply learned early in life. These

automatic habits are set in place as a normal part of living, as experience shapes the brain. As

people acquire their habitual repertoire of thought, feeling, and action, the neural connections

that support these are strengthened, becoming dominant pathways for nerve impulses.

Connections that are unused become weakened, while those that people use over and over grow

increasingly strong. When these habits have been so heavily learned, the underlying neural

circuitry becomes the brain’s default option at any moment – what a person does automatically

and spontaneously, often with little awareness of choosing to do so. Thus, for the shy engineer,

diffidence is a habit that must be overcome and replaced with a new habit, self-confidence.

Emotional capacities like empathy or flexibility differ from cognitive abilities because

they draw on different brain areas. Cognitive learning involves fitting new data and insights into

existing frameworks of association and understanding, extending and enriching the

corresponding neural circuitry. But emotional learning involves that and more – it requires that

we also engage the neural circuitry where our social and emotional habit repertoire is stored.

Changing habits such as learning to approach people positively instead of avoiding them, to

listen better, or to give feedback skillfully, is a more challenging task than simply adding new

information to old.



Perceived Competence & Confidence

Development level

Shock / fear




(Kubler – Ross Change Curve)

This curve shows the changes and reactions of the trainee, a trainer might have to face in certain



The above curve is important to an intervention agent or a coach, as he would face the above

circumstances. Enough care has to be taken by him in the process of deconstructing the

individual’s behaviour, guiding the trainee to insights and identifying emotional triggers from the


X-axis: Time

Y-axis: Perceived competence & confidence OR Development level







Resistance Awareness

Anger & Blame

Acceptance & Regret

Strength & Recognition


Discovery & Development

Integration & improved performance

The curve starts from the middle of the Y-axis, which means that the trainee has a

certain level of perceived competence and confidence. He gets a shock or fears when he gets the

information about the major changes in the organization or when he realizes that he needs to

undergo change.

It should be borne in mind that most people do need a significant shift in their view of

themselves to be capable of making significant beneficial changes.

Initially there is disbelief towards, and resistance to change. But over a period of time,

awareness sets in. The actual change process is always difficult phase to pass. Hence he passes

through the phase of anger and blame and finally reaches the acceptance and regret phase

over a period of time.

After regret, the recovery is generally quick. This can be seen in the diagram (after

regret, the curve takes an immediate steep rise.)

The trainee recognizes his strengths and explores better and improved ways of functioning. He

discovers the right approach for improved performance and develops on it.

Integrating the right steps he achieves improved performance. Here his development levels

are high and is ready to take on the front with high spirits.



Assess the organization’s Needs

Assess personal strengths and limits

Provide feedback with care

Maximize learner choice

Encourage participation

Link learning goals to personal values

Adjust expectations

Gauge readiness

Foster positive relationship between trainer and learners

Maximize Self-directed

Set clear goals

Break goals into manageable steps

Maximize opportunity for practice

Provide frequent feedback on practice

Rely on experiential methods

Enhance insight

Prevent relapse


Provide an organizational culture that supports learning

Remove situational constraints

Improved performance


Encourage use of skills on the job

6.3) Guidelines for Effective Social and Emotional Learning:

The guidelines for social and emotional training are presented schematically in Figure 1.

They are arranged in the form of a flow chart that describes the optimal process for helping

individuals to increase their emotional competence in personal and interpersonal contexts.

The Optimal Process for Developing Emotional Intelligence in Organizations

Preparation Phase Training Phase Transfer & Maintenance Evaluation Phase Phase


The flow chart suggests that there are four basic phases to the training process. The first

occurs even before the individual begins formal training. This initial phase, which is crucial for

effective social and emotional learning, involves preparation for change. This preparation occurs

at both the organizational and individual levels. The second phase, training, covers the change

process itself. It includes the processes that help people change the way in which they view the

world and deal with its social and emotional demands. The third phase, transfer and

maintenance, addresses what happens following the formal training experience. The final phase

involves evaluation. Given the current state of knowledge about social and emotional learning,

the complexity of programs designed to promote such learning and the great unevenness in the

effectiveness of existing programs, evaluation always should be part of the process.


7] USES:


Emotional intelligence/quotient plays a very important role as a tool in organizations. It

contributes to the bottom line in any work organization. It can also be a valuable tool for HR

practitioners and managers who need to bring revolution in their organizations.

Companies Contacted:

1. Godrej Boyce India Limited

HR manager – T.P. Vaishnav

Question – What role does EQ play in your company?

Response – EQ is yet not practiced as a tool to improve and measure performance in the

company. But we have started an EQ / EI awareness program, which is very preliminary.

2. Reliance Infocom

HR manager – Ravi Ranganathan

Question – Is EQ used as a tool to measure performance in your company?

Response – EQ as a tool is not used explicitly in our company. We check the EI levels in the

candidates through few indirect questions during the recruitment and selection processes.

3. Jhonson & Jhonson

HR manager – Shruti Chaterjee

Response given by her was similar to that given by HR manager of Reliance Infocom


4. Raptakos Brett Company India Limited (A Pharma company)

General Manager (HR & Marketing) - Mr. V.P. Dikshit

Question – Has EQ as a tool entered your organization?

Response - No, till date it hasn’t entered explicitly. We have been using it in some other form in

transitions like transfers and promotions.

But realizing that IQ is not a powerful predictor of success in an organization and understanding

the gaining importance of EQ, we have full plans to have EQ as an explicit tool in our company

within two months, (by November, ’02).

Question – In which areas will EQ play a role?

Response – It will play a significant role in:

Overall performance evaluation – ( of middle as well as top management )

Recruitment and Selection

Training and Development

We expect major changes and improvements in the working of employees and managers. We

also expect our employees bettering in their ‘soft skills’ after having undergone training in

emotional competencies.

Further, EQ’s role can also be extended to –


Coaching and




1) To understand the meaning of EQ

2) To find out its uses in different areas.

3) To evalute its importance through case study.


1) Books .

2) Questionnaire .

3) Interview.

10] CASE STUDY 10.1) Interview

Q1) What do you understand by Emotional Intelligence?

Ans : According to me E.I is understanding the emotions and feelings of others

by being empathetic and knowing yourself..

Q2) What are your strengths and weaknesses ?

Ans : Strengths

a) extremely patient ,

b) can connect people easily(networking),

c) aware of my own-self (introspection),

d) art of saying “NO”


a) Sensitive,

b) Extra anxious,

c) Very competitive


Q3) How do you work upon your blind spot?

Ans: Basically by two ways i.e.

a)feedback and


Q4) How you make decisions when you are under pressure?

Ans : I do:

a) Deep Breathing and

b) Introspection of what is happening.

Q5) How you face your upsets while handling emotional cases?

Ans : I show Empathy rather than sympathy by keeping professional approach.

Q6) What are the steps you follow to solve emotional cases?

Ans : By being:-

very attentive



Very diligent

Q7) How you control your different moods while solving a case?

Ans : I don’t always manage to control myself as the cases make me emotional but I try

to control by

a) Deep Breathing technique,

b) Tea Break ,

c) Washing the face

d) Watching the sky.


Q8) How do you develop trust among the people?

Ans : By Rapo Building

Q9) How do you motivate the people ?

Ans : I try to find out the

a) Intensity of the problem,

b) Speak at emotional level,

c) How do you feel the problem?,

d) Speak at practical level and also help them to take a decision.

Q10) How committed are you to achieve the goals?

Ans : I have set certain reachable goals not too high or too low and very much committed

to achieve them.

Q11) Do you think you are an empathetic listener ? Can you give some example.

Ans : Yes. In this she gave me an example of a battered woman. The daughter in law had

to face a lot of problems with this new family. These people used to physically harass

her. And her husband used to just watch the game without raising his voice. He couldn’t

support her in any way in this matter. Wounds were developed on her different parts of

the body. Her physical condition itself spoke everything. She was crying. She wanted to

take revenge but being a woman the only way out suggested was file a case with the court

where they will be properly handled and also she will get her right back. This was the

suggestion given only after a patient hearing of both the parties. The outcome was she

filed a case against them and got a divorce.

Q12) How you show interest to understand others ?

Ans : By giving good gestures as per the situation, nodding the head, positive body

language, by being optimistic, and most importantly by making them comfortable by

letting them say whatever they feel like by creating confidence in them. So that

maximum facts can be obtained.


Q13) What leadership qualities do you feel you have?

Ans : I am

a) Empathetic ,

b) Support group co operation by giving every one a say in the discussion ,

c) I think well in stress,

d) I accept my own mistakes and try to work on them,

e) At times I am democratic at times I am situational .

f) Also I am non-judgmental.

Q14) Do you think you are emotionally balanced ? give any 1 case to support your


Ans : I am not completely emotionally balanced.

In this she gave me a famous case of a mother in law and a daughter in law. They

both approach me for a problem .The mother in law started telling her problems shouting

and screaming at the top of her voice ,making hands at me,she looked frustrated. I got

afraid too by way of talking. Also she was dressed in a green saree wearing green bangles

in both the hands and a big tika on her fore-head which threatened me more. I just

thought if I am so afraid of her then what about the girl. I was feeling like laughing by

looking at her overall way of talking, but couldn’t as it was a serious matter.


10.2) Business case for Emotional Intelligence

Here are few corporate examples which show the significance of Emotional Quotient /

Intelligence in fields like –

Recruitment and Selection

Training and Development


1. The US Air Force used the EQ-I to select recruiters (the Air Force’s front-line HR

personnel) and found that the most successful recruiters scored significantly higher in the

emotional intelligence competencies of Assertiveness, Empathy, Happiness, and Emotional

Self Awareness. The Air Force also found that by using emotional intelligence to select

recruiters, they increased their ability to predict successful recruiters by nearly three-fold.

The immediate gain was a saving of $3 million annually. These gains resulted in the

Government Accounting Office submitting a report to Congress, which led to a request that

the Secretary of Defense order all branches of the armed forces to adopt this procedure in

recruitment and selection. (The GAO report is titled, “Military Recruiting: The

Department of Defense Could Improve Its Recruiter Selection and Incentive Systems,” and it

was submitted to Congress January 30, 1998. Richard Handley and Reuven Bar-On provided

this information.)

2. At L’Oreal, sales agents selected on the basis of certain emotional competencies

significantly outsold salespeople selected using the company’s old selection procedure. On

an annual basis, salespeople selected on the basis of emotional competence sold $91,370

more than other salespeople did, for a net revenue increase of $2,558,360. Salespeople

selected on the basis of emotional competence also had 63% fewer turnovers during the first

year than those selected in the typical way.


3. In a large beverage firm based in the United States, using standard methods to hire division

presidents, 50% left within two years, mostly because of poor performance. When they

started selecting based on emotional competencies such as initiative, self-confidence, and

leadership, only 6% left in two years. Furthermore, the executives selected based on

emotional competence were far more likely to perform in the top third based on salary

bonuses for performance of the divisions they led: 87% were in the top third. In addition,

division leaders with these competencies outperformed their targets by 15 to 20 percent.

Those who lacked them under-performed by almost 20%.

4. After supervisors in a manufacturing plant received training in emotional competencies such

as how to listen better and help employees resolve problems on their own, lost-time accidents

were reduced by 50 percent, formal grievances were reduced from an average of 15 per year

to 3 per year, and the plant exceeded productivity goals by $250,000. In another

manufacturing plant where supervisors received similar training, production increased 17

percent. There was no such increase in production for a group of matched supervisors who

were not trained.

5. For sales representatives at a computer company, those hired, based on their emotional

competence were 90% more likely to finish their training than those hired on other criteria.

6. For 515 senior executives analyzed by the search firm ‘Egon Zehnder International’, those

who were primarily strong in emotional intelligence were more likely to succeed than those

who were strongest in either relevant previous experience or IQ. In other words, emotional

intelligence was a better predictor of success than either relevant previous experience or high

IQ. More specifically, the executive was high in emotional intelligence in 74 percent of the

successes and only in 24 percent of the failures. The study included executives in Latin

America, Germany, and Japan, and the results were almost identical in all three cultures.


7. Financial advisors at American Express whose managers completed the Emotional

Competence training program were compared to an equal number whose managers had not.

During the year following training, the advisors of trained managers grew their businesses by

18.1% compared to 16.2% for those whose managers were untrained.

8. An analysis of more than 300 top-level executives from fifteen global companies showed that

six emotional competencies distinguished stars from the average: Influence, Team

Leadership, Organizational Awareness, self-confidence, Achievement Drive, and Leadership.

9. In jobs of medium complexity like those of sales clerks and mechanics, a top performer is 12

times more productive than those at the bottom and 85 percent more productive than an

average performer. In the most complex jobs like insurance salespeople and account

managers, a top performer is 127 percent more productive than an average performer.

Competency research in over 200 companies and organizations worldwide suggests that

about one-third of this difference is due to technical skill and cognitive ability while two-

thirds is due to emotional competence. In top leadership positions, over four-fifths of the

difference is due to emotional competence.

10. Research by the Center for Creative Leadership has found that the primary causes of

derailment in executives involve deficits in emotional competence. The three primary ones

are –

Difficulty in handling change

Not being able to work well in a team, and

Poor interpersonal relations.



1) Individual level – Every individual to become more successful in his life should

try to evaluate his EI connected to his working areas so that he can increase his


2) Group level – In the companies, they should develop in-service training module

for evaluating and improving emotional intelligence of workers form the point of

view of productivity.

3) Managerial level – The emotional intelligence can be evaluated even for the

managerial category at a particular time intervals to get optimum use of human




12.1) Acknowledgement

I am thankful to N.E.S.Ratnam college for giving me an opportunity to work on the project of

Emotional Intelligence Quotient. I am highly thankful to my esteemed guide Mr.Subramanium

for his support throughout the completion of this project.

I am also thankful to Stri.Chetana Shakti,collector colony ,chembur for assisting me in

this project and allowing me to do a case study form their staff. I am thankful to Ms.Mitali

(psychiatrist), who works there as a counsellor ,for answering to my questionnaire.



So is there anything new about emotional intelligence? In some ways, emotional

intelligence really is not new. In fact, it is based on a long history of research and theory in

personality and social psychology. Furthermore, Goleman has never claimed otherwise. In fact,

one of his main points was that psychologists have studied the abilities associated with emotional

intelligence for many years, and there is an impressive, and growing, body of research

suggesting that these abilities are important for success in many areas of life.

However, rather than arguing about whether emotional intelligence is new, it is more

useful and interesting to consider how important it is for effective performance at work. There

now is a considerable body of research suggesting that a person’s ability to perceive, identify,

and manage emotion provides the basis for the kinds of social and emotional competencies that

are important for success in almost any job. Furthermore, as the pace of change increases and

the world of work makes ever-greater demands on a person’s cognitive, emotional, and physical

resources, this particular set of abilities has become increasingly important.

Use of Emotional Intelligence has become imperative to improve both productivity and

psychological well being in the workplace of tomorrow.

At present, there is little in the way of published, fundamental research that examines

either emotional intelligence or its measurement. However, This is a very interesting and

potentially powerful area that bears watching. It is not without controversy. It is a long way to

go. No doubt, the emotional intelligence will contribute much to a happy living of an individual

and the community.

Emotional intelligence allows us to think more creatively and use our emotions to solve

problem. Emotional intelligence appears to be an important set of psychological abilities that

relate to life success. It is empathy and communication skills as well as social and leadership

skills that will be central to your success in life and personal relationships. Rather than a high IQ,

purpose that it is far better to have a high E-IQ, emotional intelligence, if you want to be a valued

and a productive member of the society.

Men particularly need to develop emotional skills, and there are many examples of men

with high intelligence who were not successful because they had problems with there people


skills. It is found from this research that people with high emotional intelligence generally have

successful relationships with family, friends and fellows workers. They are also successful

because they have persisted the face of setbacks and channel their emotional energies towards

achieving their goals.



Goleman, D. (1995) – ‘Emotional intelligence’. New York: Bantam.

Goleman, D.(1998) - ‘Working with Emotional Intelligence’. New York: Bantam.

The EQ Edge

Hemphill, J. K. (1959) - ‘Job description’. Harvard Business Review.

Claude Steiner, Ph. D - ‘Achieving Emotional Literacy’

A research done on Profile of Indian Executives by - Dr. Vijaya Manerikar & Dr. C. D’lima




