Emotional Webdesign am Internet Briefing 2013 in Bern

Post on 17-Oct-2014

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Mit Usability ist es nicht getan. Damit der User zurück kommt, braucht es Emotionen.


Usability is so 2012...

MAKE THE USER SMILE Emotional Design

About me

Remy Blaettler

Spent 8 years across the ocean Then back with my own translation

agency Supertext Chief of the System

User's hierarchy of needs







Only bad usability leaves a lasting impression

Good usability is taken for granted

We are looking for the «Have you seen this» effect


Isn’t flat design bad for emotions?

Lets do it

R.I.P. Clippy 1997 - 2007

Be context sensitive

Time Weather Place Etc.


Greetings and goodbye

Boring Hello Remy

In the morning Good morning Remy Almost time for lunch?

Afternoon We hope you’re on the way home soon?

Greetings and goodbye

Evening Wow, still at work, Remy?

Before a holiday, instead of «Regards» Happy Easter! Enjoy your long weekend!

Use humor

Give automation a personality

Emails are signed with «Boxed Ice Robot Llama» at Boxed Ice

Don’t do the noreply thing

Or be personal

Sign automated emails a name Address the customer with his name Use the appropriate greeting

(Du/Sie) Hey Paul Dear Mister Smith

Make sure this is stored appropriately in your CRM

But then people might write back?!

Error Pages


Which is the most interesting way to describe a 4,700-pound chandelier?

A. Blinged outB. More brilliant than a studious Christmas treeC. A death trapD. Really big and shiny


“The Tooth Fairy is a burglarizing fetishist specializing in black-market ivory trade, and she must be stopped. Today’s Groupon helps keep teeth in mouths and out of the hands of maniacal, winged phantasms.”


Pikante SauceEUR 1.95

Vulkanausbruch auf der Zunge

EUR 1.95


Nil-Kreuzfahrt, 14 Tage,al inclusive, EUR 699

Liebesurlaub auf Kleopatras Spuren.14 Tage, all inclusive, EUR 699

Bills (Supertext Reminder)

Hi.I’m the computer at Supertext. During the cleanup of my hard drive, I found the following open payment:

{ Payment Information }

Nobody knows about this here yet, please pay quickly so it stays that way.

Next: Emotional CRM

“Emotional customers are not problematic customers. They are customers who care.”

Track your customers emotions From feedback Product reviews Social Networks

And ACT upon them!

Next: Experience Design

Motion Sensor: Switches on the light, when you enter the room

Path: No check-in necessary, the app dectects automatically if a user stays in one place.

Netflix: Who’s watching the movie? Me, my wife or my friends? Recommend accordingly.


Examples Little Big Details

Link Collection http://mem.to/t/g/63Cvwe644

Better copywriting http://blog.supertext.ch/2010/01/refe



Supertext AG

The first copywriting and translation agency on the internet.

Emotions make the difference

Humans are not rational beings.

A human is a walking bag of squishy meat and liquids, awash in chemicals.

Bad emotions are the worst

Music Flash intro Full screen New windows Lost passwords during sign-up


Team Pages

Good place to play around a little

Ideas Handwritten signature Automatic daily horoscope Mouse-over pic with something funny

behind it

Avoid: Information that is too personal

Personal not personalized

Be personal in e-mails, newsletters and on your webpage.

Personalization is often just another feature that clutters the interface

Du / Sie in German. Track it in your CRM

«Hi Remy» sounds so much better than «Dear Mister Blättler»

Error Pages

Avoid them Plan for all cases, check logs, analytics

Use the same design

Error Pages

Avoid them Plan for all cases, check logs, analytics

Use the same design Apologize and calm the user down

Error Pages

Avoid them Plan for all cases, check logs, analytics

Use the same design Apologize and calm the user down Help with the next step / recovery Allow for feedback


Emotions are emotions!

Some will hate them. Some will love them.

Be careful where you use them. If used properly, they can be a very powerful way to create an identity and a connection to your brand.

You can download this presentation fromblog.supertext.ch

Set the stage right


Blackrock Western Store

Blackrock Western Store