Employee incentives

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Incentivising EmployeesLONDON TECHNOLOGY WEEK

Speaker: Catherine GannonSolicitor, Chartered Institute of Taxation (CTA)


1. Alternatives to cash

2. Ideas on the design of share awards

3. Implementation


• Option, phantom option or shares

• Taxation

• Dilution

• Reporting obligations



• Costs of implementation vs. tax savings• Employee involvement in business• Only incentivises if properly understood

Example: Unapproved options

Year Event Tax   2013

 Option granted over 1,000 Shares: exercisable at £2 each  

 No tax charge on grant


 2015 Option  exercised over 1,000 Shares:

 now worth £20 each 

Combined income tax and NIC charge +Exercise  price  £2,000 payable


 2015  1000 Shares sold:  Income tax on “gain”  

  1000 x £20 per share Proceeds £20,000  Exercise price payable   (£2,000)    Gain £18,000

Combined rate of income tax and NIC of 54.59%


2015 Net proceeds retained   £8,174

Example: Employee Shares

Year Event Tax   2013

 Employee receives 1000 shares worth £2 each

 No income tax or NI charge on grant


 2015  1000 Shares sold at £20  No CGT on “gain”  

  1000 x £20 per share Proceeds £20,000  CGT payable NIL

2015 Net proceeds retained   £20,000

Year Event Tax   2013

 Option granted over 1,000 Shares: exercisable at £2 each  

 No tax charge on grant


 2015 Option  exercised over 1,000 Shares:

 now worth £20 each 

 No tax charge on exercise but exercise price of £2,000 payable



 1000 Shares sold:

 Tax on “gain”


  1000 x £20 per share Proceeds £20,000  Exercise price payable   (£2,000)    Gain £18,000  Annual exemption £11,100  (based on 2015/16 

allowance)  Taxable gain(11,100)£6,900

  CGT payable (£6,900@10%)*   £6902015 Net proceeds retained   £17,310

Example: EMI

Year Event Tax  £ 2013

 Phantom created over 1,000 notional shares Value £2 each  



 Phantom paid out over 1000 notional shares

 Income tax on “gain”


  1000 x £20 per share Payment 20,000    Less notional exercise price (2,000)

Gross payment to employee 18,000

  Income tax @45%Employee’s NI 2%


   2015 Net proceeds retained by employee

Employer’s NI bill @13.8%



Example: Phantom Option

Going to South of France

Year Event Tax  £ 2015  Phantom paid out  Income tax and NI on gain

Employee left with Employer pays NI


  Unapproved option exercise Income tax and NI on gainEmployee left withEmployer pays no NI if election made(Employee retains more if no NIC election but employer left with NI charge)   


   EMI option exercise  CGT on gainEmployee left with 17,310

Employee Shares sold No CGT on gainEmployee left with 20,000

Going to South of France

Employee Owner shares• New status available from 1 September

2013• Shares between £2,000 and £50,000• Employees give up rights – flexible

working, training, redundancy pay

Since 2013Employee Shares

Employee Owner shares• Shares free of CGT• NICs and Income Tax not chargeable on

first £2,000• Employee must not pay for shares• Advice from a relevant independent


Employee Shares

Employee Owner shares• Time delay • Must not have a material interest (25%)• Ex-employee buy-back

Employee Shares

Qualifying Companies- Three key requirements:

1. 51% subsidiaries2. Gross assets test £30M3. Number of employees < 250 including part


EMI options 

Qualifying Employees

- Two key requirements: 1. 25 hours per week or 75% of time2. Must not own 30% or more of total share


EMI: who can get options 

Financial limit

- Two key requirements: 1. Market value per employee £250,0002. Total share value £3M

Time limit – 10 years

EMI: Financial limit 

• Trading company

• Officer or Employee

• Lifetime Limit

• 5% voting shares

Entrepreneurs' Relief 

EMI exceptions

• Do not need to hold 5% minimum

• 1 year shareholding requirement replaced with 1 year EMI option holding requirement

• Do not need to exercise pre-exit

EMI and Entrepreneur's relief

• EMI - corporation Tax deduction equal to gain even though no income tax payable by employees

• Phantom options – charge to P&L as if salary• Unapproved options – match to income tax


Corporation Tax

• If don’t qualify for EMI

• Don’t benefit from relief from NI and Income Tax

• Entrepreneur’s Relief additional benefits do not apply

Unapproved Options

• Need Shareholder’s Agreement

• Good Leaver/Bad Leaver provisions essential

• Different classes of shares

Shares – Not Options 

• Right to receive cash

• Can be conditional on still being employed

• Capped or payable in shares

Phantom Options

Implementation - ‘core’ details

• Company/group

• Employee(s) / non executives / consultants

• Articles

• Share capital

• Constitution of the company and powers

Current Shareholders

• What are the % of current holdings?

• Informal promises?

• Would a different class be beneficial?

Current Shareholder

• What are the % of current holdings?

• Informal promises?

• Would a different class be beneficial?

Any questions?

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This information is designed to provide a summary of the issues addressed. Therefore, it is not intended as a detailed commentary on the relevant law and any comments made should not be acted upon without first taking specific legal advice.