Enabling DevOps on AWS with Open Source Tooling...Enabling DevOps on AWS with Open Source Tooling A...

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Enabling DevOps on AWS with Open Source ToolingA Guide to Open Source Tools for Provisioning, Managing and Monitoring your AWS Infrastructure Environment

Table of ContentsPutting the Cloud at the Heart of Business Agility 3

A Summary of Cloud Migration Approaches 4

Continuing the Cloud Journey 5

Making the Most of the Cloud with Open Source Tools 6

Open Source versus Commercial Tools 7

Why AWS versus On-Premises Infrastructure? 8-9

Popular Open Source Tools to Support you on AWS 10

1. Tools to Build, Configure & Deploy Infrastructure on AWS 11-14

2. Tools to Build, Deploy and Manage Container-based Applications on AWS 15-18

3. A Tool to Secure your Applications and Systems 19

4. A Tool to Monitor your Infrastructure 20

The Tools in Action 21

The Benefits of Open Source Tools for Digital Business Agility 23

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The speed of today’s digital business is relentless. Adoption of digital technologies has accelerated the pace of consumer demand, transformed engagement models, and generated a culture of ever-changing and challenging expectations.

A business’s ability to develop, deliver and support the software applications and data that can satisfy the rapid and ever-changing pace of demand, is key to survival. But for many organizations, the burden of legacy systems, infrastructure, processes, and mindsets is holding them back from achieving the business agility they need to compete in markets that are being increasingly disrupted.

Most organizations lack the luxury that their digitally native competitors have in establishing modern technology stacks, infrastructure and processes that were designed for the speed of today’s business. Yet many of them are embracing a path that will support greater agility, putting the cloud at the heart of their IT and business strategy.

Moving workloads from traditional on-premises environments to the cloud is a journey that can take different migration paths. Before embarking on this journey, a clear business direction is needed to set the stage for a migration strategy and roadmap. But, each organization is unique in terms of their business drivers, priorities, and requirements resulting in different approaches and outcomes for cloud migration. Consulting and systems integrators like Shadow-Soft have teams of strategists and engineers experienced in helping businesses plan and navigate this journey confidently and efficiently.

Putting the Cloud at the Heart of Business Agility

Global Public Cloud Services Market


$214.3 Billion

Source: Gartner

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Moving workloads from traditional on-premises environments to the cloud is a journey that can take different migration paths. Before embarking on this journey, a clear business direction is needed to set the stage for a migration strategy and roadmap. But, each organization is unique in terms of their business drivers, priorities, and requirements resulting in different approaches and outcomes for cloud migration.

Amazon Web Service (AWS) classify six different approaches to cloud migration that are captured by the 6R’s of Rehost, Replatform, Repurchase, Refactor, Retain, Retire.

Some migration paths involve more complexity in moving applications to the cloud than others. Consulting and systems integrators like Shadow-Soft have teams of strategists and engineers experienced in helping businesses plan and navigate this journey confidently and efficiently.

A Summary of Cloud Migration Approaches

The worldwide public cloud services market is projected to grow 17.5% in 2019 to total $214.3 billion, up from $182.4 billion in 2018.”

Discover Production

App Code DevRedesign

Use Migration Tools

Modify Infrastructure



Determine Transition

Buy COTS/SasS Install/Setup

ALM/SDLC Integration




Config DeployInstall








Source: AWS: 6 R’s for Cloud Migration Approaches

Why the Cloud? Lower Cost

Increase Agility

Scalable & Flexible

Improve Security

Enabling Collaboration

Disaster Recovery

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Once you’ve migrated to the cloud, the journey is not done! Customer demands and business objectives are continuously evolving, placing ongoing demands on infrastructure and applications. Day to day management of application development and operations continues at pace in order to keep critical infrastructure and services operational.

To truly avail of the cost benefits, flexibility, and scalability of the cloud, IT operations turn to tools that help automate key aspects of infrastructure provisioning, configuration, security, and management, as well as tools that help automate the building, upgrading, management and scaling of applications.

Thanks to innovations from the open source communities and commercial open source vendors, a range of open source tools are taking leading positions in supporting today’s cloud operations and application modernization initiatives. These tools are reducing manual tasks and bringing greater automation and speed to different aspects of cloud management and application development, supporting digital transformation efforts.

While there is a broad range of tools that can support you on your AWS environment, this eBook outlines some common open source tools to help with provisioning and configuring your infrastructure on AWS, building and deploying containerized apps, securing your AWS environment, and monitoring your resources.

A subsequent eBook will examine the native AWS tools for those that wish to exclusively leverage the service offerings of the cloud provider.

Continuing the Cloud Journey

The worldwide public cloud services market is projected to grow 17.5% in 2019 to total $214.3 billion, up from $182.4 billion in 2018.”

What is Enterprise Open Software Being Used For?*

53% IT Infrastructure Modernization

43% Application Development

43% Application Integration

42% Application Modernization

42% Digital Transformation

40% DevOps

Source: Red Hat Survey 2019, The State of Enterprise Open Source

*Note: Survey responses from 950 global IT leaders

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Why Open Source?

The open source movement has been fundamental to many of the advances in cloud, big data, IoT, AI, and other emerging technologies. With software increasingly at the core of today’s digital business models, products, and operations, the need for continuous innovation across all aspects of software development and IT operations has become key to competitive survival and business success.

With a boom in the adoption of mobile, IoT and AI technologies, the volume of data that a business has to manage has grown, and continues to grow exponentially. The cloud is a significant enabler in how such large volumes of data are stored and managed, supporting greater flexibility, collaboration and scalability.

Without the open collaborative model that is the trademark of the open source movement, much of the tooling to support the evolution of today’s digital and cloud-based business would not have been possible, and certainly not at the rapid pace we have witnessed.

Making the Most of the Cloud with Open Source Tools

Open source makes technology more accessible and affordable to all.

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As companies migrate to the cloud, they are faced with decisions on what tooling to use to build, manage, and monitor the infrastructure and applications securely and efficiently. Not only is there a wide range of modern tools to help automate different aspects of cloud management, but there are also the options of open source versus commercial tools. There is no right or wrong answer here. It is more a matter of weighing the organization’s needs against the benefits of either approach.

Open source tools have the natural advantage of being considerably less costly than commercial software. They also have the ongoing support of a wide community of contributors to work on feature improvements and bug fixes, although this happens at the pace and prioritization of the community. However, the business itself can be a part of the community, whereby their own developers contribute code and influence the direction of the project. But open source software carries some risks as it is not supported in a typical enterprise-grade manner. It also can lack the stability that is associated with enterprise software.

So while open source tools may appear to be free, there are inherent costs to an organization in adopting this approach. To address this a commercial open source model has emerged that mitigates the risks of open source while leveraging the benefits of open innovation in a supported and enterprise-ready way. Companies like Red Hat have led the way in this model, taking open source software that is backed by an active community of contributors and optimizing this for the enterprise in order to deliver more stable, secure, and supported software products, that still benefit from the cost, innovation, and agility of open source.

Open Source versus Commercial Open Source Tools

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As the cloud market continues to mature, some clear vendors dominate, the leaders of the pack being AWS, Microsoft and Google Cloud. But as public cloud customers are opting for more than one vendor, a multi-cloud model continues to grow in popularity, The acquisition of Red Hat by IBM is evidence of the business appetite for hybrid- or multi-cloud approach. One thing that is certain is that the adoption of cloud is so pervasive that it has led to a reduced investments in on-premise hardware and services.

The benefits of moving to AWS or a hybrid cloud AWS model versus on-premise infrastructure are convincing. Apart from the obvious OpEx versus CapEx investment model, there are clear benefits of AWS over on-premise infrastructure environments, such as:

Why AWS versus On-Premises Infrastructure?

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• AWS enables many manual and repetitive management tasks to be eliminated through automation. This lowers the involvement and cost of human IT resources, but more importantly, it increases the agility of a business allowing it to make changes faster and more efficiently.

• AWS machines can be built and deployed rapidly using code, rather than the on-premise way of adding hardware servers. With an AWS environment, you can spin up EC2 instances very quickly but you also have to be able to interconnect multiple services and get them all working together properly, Using infrastructure-as-code, the process of configuring a virtual machine is programmable and therefore repeatable. So the same virtual environment can be rebuilt over and over again. This provides a more effective and self-service model to developers who can then focus on their code and get software updates and applications to market faster.

• Choosing AWS over on-premise infrastructure helps to reduce latency and bottlenecks in the development process. By automating manual processes around building, configuring and deploying infrastructure, the impact of human error and inconsistencies in different approaches reduces.

• AWS has a number of native services that make it easy for you to deploy, secure, and operate many popular open source tools, while not needing to manage the underlying infrastructure. AWS services follow a utility pricing model, where you pay only for the individual services you use and for as long as you use them. There are no upfront or complex licensing costs.

Why AWS versus On-Premises Infrastructure?

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Infrastructure management is not a new concept just because you have moved from your on-premise datacenter to AWS. After all, this is also effectively a datacenter with the exception being that it is managed by AWS. The tools that you know and love so well from your traditional datacenter are also tools that you can continue to use on AWS.

There’s a reason that some tools have caught on and become popular so why abandon them and switch to other 3rd party tools if these are the ones you want to continue to use.

In breaking down the popular open source tools that you can use on AWS, we split them into four categories as seen below.

Popular Open Source Tools to Support you on AWS

4 Monitor Infrastructure3 Secure Applications

and Systems1 Build, Configure & Deploy Infrastructure

2 Build, Deploy & Manage Containerized Applications


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Introducing CI/CD and Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

With the increasing frequency of development and deployment cycles, the adoption of Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices have changed how software engineers build, test and deliver applications. Automation tools that support these practices are key to enabling faster and more efficient building and configuring of infrastructure, reducing the cost and effort involved.

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice where developers integrate code into a shared repository frequently. Each integration is validated by automatically building the application and testing it to make sure that any changes haven’t broken the code.

Continuous Delivery (CD) is the natural follow up to continuous integration. Continuous Delivery (CD) enables the validated code from CI to get into production faster and more reliably. In CD, each stage involves automation to make this happen.

Infrastructure as code (IaC), enables development and operations teams t0 automatically manage and provision infrastructure using code, rather than using a manual process to configure servers and operating systems. Since this is codified it enables operators to automate infrastructure creation and changes.. The configuration can be stored in version control systems and collaborated on by teams of operators. This provides more consistency, reduces errors, and decreases time. IaC is a key DevOps practice used in conjunction with continuous delivery.

Tools to Build, Configure & Deploy Infrastructure on AWS1

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Jenkins (Build)

Jenkins (https://jenkins.io/) is the leading open source automation server tool that builds and tests software continuously, It compresses the entire development, build, integration and deployment process into an artifact known as a pipeline, enabling a faster and more robust way to integrate the entire chain of build, test and deployment.

Jenkins offers a simple way to set up a CI/CD environment for almost any combination of languages and source code repositories using pipelines, as well as automating other routine development tasks. With just a click of a button, the whole infrastructure can be spun up. The whole CI/CD process can also be audited easily.

It also offers a rich set of plugins to extend its capabilities and can integrate with a wide range of version control systems and third-party tools, including options for integration with AWS products. One of the real benefits of Jenkins is that it brings more consistency to the build process, by eliminating manual and error-prone steps.

Tools to Build, Configure & Deploy Infrastructure on AWS1

1By automating the build processes, release update time was reduced from 2-3 weeks to 15-20 mins.

Jenkins in Action

20 Minutes2-3 Weeks

Source: Shadow-Soft Healthcare Payments Client

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Ansible (Configure)

Ansible (https://www.ansible.com/) is an open source IT automation engine that automates cloud provisioning, configuration, and application deployment, and many other IT needs. It uses a very simple language, in the form of Ansible Playbooks, that allow you to quickly and easily declare configurations and orchestrate the steps of any manual ordered process.

When deploying applications into AWS, you can avail of a suite of services rather than a set of servers. This approach greatly accelerates deployment and scaling. The beauty of Ansible automation is that it allows you to manage your AWS environment as a suite of services. Once you create the Ansible playbook to describe your AWS application environment, you can use this over and over to scale your Amazon EC2 instances.

Tools to Build, Configure & Deploy Infrastructure on AWS1

1Using Ansible, a client automated the manual configuration processes, reducing the deployment time from six hours to 10 minutes.

Ansible in Action

10 minutes with Ansible

6 hours

Source: Shadow-Soft Healthcare Payments Client

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1Terraform (Deploy)

Terraform (https://www.terraform.io/) is an open source infrastructure as code software tool to define and provision infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform is used to write, plan, and create infrastructure as code. Since this is codified it enables operators to automate infrastructure creation and changes. The configuration can be stored in version control systems and collaborated on by teams of operators. This provides more consistency, reduces errors, and decreases time.

Managing AWS with Terraform allows you to declare configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned. Using infrastructure as code, you can consistently provision your AWS services. Terraform also enables users to easily provision AWS infrastructure on-demand with a library of approved infrastructure.

Tools to Build, Configure & Deploy Infrastructure on AWS1

Using Terraform a client reduced the time to build, configure and deploy infrastructure from 10 hours to 10 minutes

Terraform in Action

60XTime Reduction

Source: Shadow-Soft Healthcare Payments Client

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2Introducing Containers, Cloud Native, and Container Orchestration

In a container-based approach to application development and deployment, the different services that make up an application are packaged into separate containers and deployed across machines.

But to manage containers efficiently requires container orchestration to automate their deployment, management and scaling. Hence the emergence of the open source Kubernetes system and Red Hat’s OpenShift platform which is an enterprise-ready Kubernetes platform. It’s important to note that OpenShift is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that can be deployed either on-premise or on the infrastructure of a cloud provider, such as AWS.

Essentially, using containers makes it easy to move applications from an on-premise environment to the cloud, or from one container environment to another. The term cloud native is synonymous with container-based environments and containerized application development, but that’s a whole other discussion that we won’t delve into here. However, this doesn’t mean that all applications are suited to containerization or that you have to use a container platform to run applications on AWS infrastructure.

However, for those that are looking to cloud native and container-based applications, that have the benefit of greater portability across different environments, Kubernetes and OpenShift are popular platforms that support

Tools to Build, Deploy and Manage Container-based Applications on AWS2

Source: 451 Research: Voice of the Enterprise:Servers and Converged Infrastructure, Workloads and Key Projects 2018

“About half of enterprise organizations are either using containers today or planning to use them in the next two years.

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2Kubernetes (Native)

Kubernetes (https://kubernetes.io/) is an open-source system used to automate the building, deploying, management and scaling of containerized applications. With Kubernetes you can automate installation, upgrades, and lifecycle management throughout your container stack—i.e. the operating system, Kubernetes and cluster services, and applications. It allows applications to be portable across any system running the Linux operating system. Kubernetes enables applications to be even more distributed, stripping them down into specific functions.

Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift (https://www.openshift.com/) is an enterprise-grade Kubernetes container platform from Red Hat, with full-stack automated operations to manage hybrid and multi-cloud deployments. It offers additional features to Kubernetes such as

• Quickstart application templates: These allow you to build and deploy your favorite application languages, frameworks, and databases with one click—Java, Node.js, .NET, Ruby, Python, PHP and more.

• Red Hat Container Development Kit: This enables you to develop container-based applications quickly in the cloud or locally on a machine.

• Jenkins integration: Integration with Jenkins allows you to quickly connect your CI/CD pipelines.

Tools to Build, Deploy and Manage Container-based Applications on AWS2

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With Kubernetes or OpenShift, developers can rapidly build, deploy, and manage container-based applications on AWS, without relying on operations to deploy the infrastructure. This gives them greater levels of self-service in managing and scaling their infrastructure requirements, enabling them to make changes and get applications to market faster. It also allows them to innovate faster as they can focus on their code rather than the infrastructure.

The advantages of using either Kubernetes or OpenShift is that the infrastructure design paradigm and the application paradigms are the same whether you are on-premise or in the cloud.

• The infrastructure design paradigm used for building an application on either Kubernetes or OpenShift is the same whether the infrastructure is in a datacenter or on AWS. The transition from running an application in the datacenter to running it in the cloud is trivial. For example, if you build an OpenShift cluster on-premise and write an application that uses that cluster, you can lift and shift that cluster from the datacenter to AWS and the application will run without any problems. Similarly with a Kubernetes cluster transitioning from a datacenter to AWS.

• When you build an application on-premise using Kubernetes or OpenShift, you are inherently using cloud-natve design principles and building a distributed application. If you decide to move to the cloud either by rehosting or refactoring, you don’t have to redesign the application. You simply can pick it up and move it to the cloud.

Kubernetes or OpenShift?2

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Kubernetes and OpenShift can also leverage additional AWS resources, by using AWS Service Operators. This allows you to have an on-premise Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster but treat certain AWS services as if they were native to your datacenter. AWS services like Amazon SNS, DynamoDB, ECR, or S3 Buckets can be integrated into the Kubernetes or OS cluster. This gives organizations the flexibility to use an AWS service as if it was native to the Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster. For example, if you want to use DynamoDB instead of Redis.

Kubernetes or OpenShift?2Using Kubernetes, a large retail client optimized compute resources across their analytics application, reducing costs by a factor of 3X.

OpenShift in Action

3X reduction in costs

Source: Shadow-Soft Large Retail Client

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HashiCorp Vault

HashiCorp Vault (https://www.vaultproject.io/) is a secrets management application and framework that is used to centrally store, access, and distribute secrets like API keys, AWS IAM/STS credentials, SQL/NoSQL databases, X.509 certificates, and SSH credentials. It allows you to securely and programmatically access secrets and ensures that only those that are authorized can retrieve the required data. Dynamic secrets are generated when they are accessed and do not exist until they are read, reducing the risk of security breaches. Being on AWS essentially means that you are in another datacenter so being able to trust all the connections and ensure the right access is paramount.

Using HashiCorp Vault eliminates secrets sprawl in the cloud by centrally managing and enforcing access to secrets and systems based on trusted sources of application and user identity. Vault also enables you to encrypt data by providing encryption-as-a-service with centralized key management to simplify encrypting data in transit and at rest across cloud infrastructure. Hashicorp Vault can be leveraged inside OpenShift or in your Kubernetes cluster.

Tool to Secure your Applications and Systems3

3The security process for a Global Financial Payments Company reduced from 2-3 hrs to 30 secs.

HashiCorp Vault in Action:

300X Reduction In Process Time

Source: Shadow-Soft Global Financial Payments Company

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Icinga (https://icinga.com/) is an infrastructure monitoring tool that monitors complex infrastructure and systems across multiple internal teams. It looks for state changes on a predefined endpoint and when thresholds are reached is sends alerts or notifications so that the appropriate actions can be taken.

Icinga allows you to view all your infrastructure, including AWS EC2 instances, from a single pane view dashboard that can be customized around your specific alerting and user control requirements. For example, you may want to monitor a node in AWS for CPU usage if you are running CPU-intensive applications. You can set the alert to your desired level and if this critical state is reached, an email is sent to the system admin, who can log in to the web interface, view the alert, silence it, and add notes to share with teams that can then take the necessary actions to resolve it.

Icinga offers the benefit of one platform that can be customized to monitor the most complex systems and infrastructure across all your IT teams including network operations, system operations, infosec, and telecommunications. You can also write custom modules and integrate 3rd party plugins to design solutions that will achieve your unique monitoring requirements. Finally, for those that are used to operating in a traditional datacenter infrastructure and have been using Icinga, the switch to monitoring the AWS environment is easy. The tool, concepts, and processes are identical whether you’re in your own datacenter or on AWS.

Tool to Monitor your Infrastructure44Icinga is available

from Shadow-Soft via AWS marketplace

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Jenkins, Ansible, and Terraform in Action

Shadow-Soft’s commitment to open source innovation and our strong partnerships enable us to keep abreast of the leading open source tools that can help our clients achieve success.

Here are some examples of how transformative the tools can be when implemented:

One of Shadow-Soft’s clients from the healthcare payments industry used a Jenkins pipeline to orchestrate and automate builds and deployments of their AWS machines. This enabled their developers to build machines in a self-service manner, giving them the agility and flexibility they needed to make changes. By using Jenkins they were able to automate the manual build processes and reduce the time required to release updates from 2-3 weeks to 15-20 minutes. Their developers can now focus on building software instead of managing the development environment.

Using Ansible to configure and deploy a consistent infrastructure across their Development, QA, and Production, they were also able to drastically reduce the deployment time from 6 hours to 10 minutes.

Using Terraform, this client reduced the time to build, configure, and deploy infrastructure from 10 hours to 10 minutes.

Combining the power of Jenkins, Ansible, and Terraform has drastically shrunk the time and effort involved in building, configuring and deploying their infrastructure. Not only has this yielded greater efficiencies and lower costs, but it has allowed the company to move towards a more modern software delivery model that enhances product features and capabilities, and gets software solutions to market faster.

Case Study Spotlights

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OpenShift in Action

A large financial institution client is realizing the multiple advantages by hosting applications in containers with OpenShift. Their developers can work more efficiently to quickly release updates and features. These self-service capabilities have cut provisioning times from weeks to hours and freed up IT staff to work on new, valuable projects instead of routine tasks. Besides the resource savings, the client has also optimized compute resources by running multiple applications on the same machine. Time, cost and effort have all been dramatically reduced by implementing OpenShift. The added benefit is that their applications are now portable. By using OpenShift to containerize their applications, it is now easy to host and move the container on any infrastructure platform.

HashiCorp Vault in Action

A large global financial payments company turned to Shadow-Soft to help them overcome their challenge with secrets sprawl. With thousands of hosts across the globe, both in AWS and in on premise data centers, the company needed a reliable way to manage secrets and avoid unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

Using HashiCorp Vault added a security and compliance layer that took the burden of IT teams that were intensely focused on managing access and security. Vault enabled them to standardize their secrets management and access across their global infrastructure, providing a more consistent experience for customers who are accessing credentials or other protected data. It also improved the performance of their security by a factor of 300, reducing the process time from 2-3 hours to 30 seconds. By implementing Vault, the client was also able to also release teams of IT staff to focus on other projects, such as developing additional applications or features for their customer base.

Icinga in Action

A higher education institute turned to Shadow-Soft to help them monitor complex systems and networks from a single pane view, using one platform. They use Icinga to develop custom checks and plugins to monitor their legacy applications hosted in their data center.

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Modern software development requires more agile development and continuous deployment approaches, where changes can be made quickly to respond to changing consumer demand and new applications and services can be brought to market at speed.

The adoption of cloud, containers, and DevOps practices support a faster and more collaborative model of building and delivering software. They are underpinned by culture, process, technologies, and tools that support greater flexibility, scalability, and automation.

The open source tools outlined in previous sections help automate key aspects of infrastructure management when provisioning, configuring, deploying, securing, and monitoring your environments in more efficient and less costly ways. Whether you operate in your own on-premise datacenter or in an AWS or other cloud environment, these tools have been widely adopted and are in use across many businesses and industries. And if you are moving to the cloud and have been using these tools to support your DevOps, you can continue to use them and avail of the benefits of both the cloud and the tools that automate cloud operations.

Shadow-Soft helps clients across multiple industries to navigate their digital transformation and cloud initiatives with confidence and success. Our consultants have helped many leading global brands achieve greater business agility by implementing cloud, DevOps, containers, and associated tools and technologies. We recognize that every organization has a unique set of challenges and business objectives. Our strategists and experts embrace the opportunity to bring solutions that are best aligned to the business need and that will accelerate their journey.

The Benefits of Open Source Tools for Digital Business Agility

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Contact Shadow-Soft to see how we can help you.

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About Shadow-Soft

Shadow-Soft is a systems integrator with a rich open source history. Our team of strategists and engineers help organizations navigate their technology journey with confidence. Hundreds of customers rely on Shadow-Soft to solve business problems with solutions that span culture, process, and technology. Founded in 2008, Shadow-Soft has office locations in Atlanta and Nashville. Shadow-Soft is an Advanced AWS Consulting Partner and part of the APN network.

Ready to seize the opportunities presented by modern toolkits and DevOps for your




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