End of Cold War - Poland's Solidarity, Gorbachev, Fall of USSR

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Prague Spring, Poland's Solidarity, Gorbachev, Fall of USSR. http://curriculumglobal.blogspot.com



Brezhnev Doctrine

“ When forces that are hostile to socialism try to turn towards capitalism, it becomes not only a problem of the country concerned, but a common problem and concern of all socialist countries.” (1968)

Socialism ‘with a human face’?Dubcek’s belief that socialism did not have to be

what Soviet Union had practiced – corrupt, power abuse, deception…

Lessened censorship – criticism of the government allowed

Less oppressive policiesincreased democratisation including more open

debate and freedom of speech*** Dubcek had no intention to give up

communism or leave the Warsaw Pact. He only aimed to reform communism.

Why did the Soviet Union feel threatened by the Prague Spring 1968?

- The USSR thought they would lose control as Dubcek launched reforms and modernized communism with “Socialism with a human face”. He introduced free expression and ended rule of terror by secret police.

- Dubcek even planned to set up a Social democratic Party as a rival to the Communists.

- Although Dubcek promised Brezhnev not to leave Warsaw Pact, Brezhnev's Doctrine stated that if control was lessened in one country, others Satellite states would undermine Soviet control, and USSR had the right to intervene.

- Czechoslovakia was too important to the USSR as it had borders with West Germany.

- Brezhnev was the new Soviet leader and he was determined to maintain Soviet control of eastern Europe.


Improved Sino-American relations!

Ping-pong diplomacy (1971)!

Détente with the USSR

1972 – Nixon flew to Moscow (the first president to do so since Roosevelt in 1944)

SALT: Strategic Arm Limitation Talks

SALT I (1972)

Limited number of ICBMs (missiles) and ABMs

Agreed not to test ICBMs

MIRV – Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle

SALT: Strategic Arm Limitation Talks

SALT II (1979) President Carter of USA tried to get further deals on arms limitationsSlow progress1979 – Soviet Union invaded AfghanistanDiplomatic links brokenCarter withdrew US Olympic team from 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow.

1979 - Afghanistan December 25, 100,000

Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan as communist Babrak Karmal seized control of the government.

U.S.-backed Muslim guerrilla fighters waged a costly war against the Soviets for nearly a decade before Soviet troops withdraw in 1988.

Afghanistan—the Soviet “Vietnam”

Reagan – The 80s

•Aggressive anti-Soviet policy

•Both sides developing new weapons

•USA developed neutron bomb – could kill many people without much damage to property

1983 - Star Wars

March 23, Reagan outlinrd his Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars," a space-based defensive shield that would use lasers and other advanced technology to destroy attacking missiles far above the Earth's surface.

Soviets accuse the U.S of violating the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty.

Soviets forced to spend heavily to match the program causing near economic collapse.

Solidarity Movement in Poland

Poland during the Cold War

- economic disasters

- hunger

- Communist government failed to solve any problem

- people had no faith in the communist government

How It All Began...

In 1970, Stalin’s Shipyard in Gdansk, Poland, was the center of huge and violent demonstrations against the government’s decisions to increase food prices.

Six years later Wałęsa was fired and became an activist

In 1980 the food prices were raised again. >100,000 workers went on strike.

Workers seized control of the yard and Lech Wałęsa scaled the shipyard fence and joined the workers inside.

The picture above is of Lech Wałęsa speaking the workers at the shipyard.

What is the Solidarity movement?

- A trade union of workers

- backed by popular opinion and the use of non-violent methods

- the 1st non–communist party-controlled trade union in a Warsaw Pact country.

- reached 10 million members before 1981 (1/3 of Poland's work force).

Lech Wałęsa

Leader of the Solidarity movement and led Poland out of communism.

Contributed to the end of communism and Europe and an end to the Cold War

Passive Passive resistanceresistance

Helping Solidarity 1982: Reagan met with Pope John Paul II

(Polish!) They decided to secretly help Solidarity, to

secretly challenge the communist government.

1982-9, American organizations provided money and advice to help Solidarity!

At the same time, the Polish communist party was falling apart.


What's so important about Solidarity?

- Solidarity began calling for greater political and religious freedoms.

- Government feared to take action!

- The banning and imprisonment did not work. Solidarity went from strength to strength.

- a symbol for opposition to communism. It set an example to the rest of Eastern Europe ...

Meanwhile in USSR...

Gorbachev’s ‘Sinatra Doctrine’


There was more and more support for perestroika and glasnost!

Hungary became the first Soviet Satellite to 'fall' (or be liberated)

Lech Wałęsa: President of Poland

In 1989 he ran for President and won by a landslide.

Bulgaria and Albania also abandoned communism around 1989-1990

Fall of Berlin Wall

1989 - Berlin Wall falls

Gorbachev loosened Soviet control in Eastern Europe.

On September 10, Hungary opened its border with Austria, allowing East Germans to flee to the West.

After massive public demonstrations in East Germany and Eastern Europe, the Berlin Wall fell on November 9.

Tear down the wall: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzsklVTlopE



1990 – German unificationAt a September 12 meeting in

Moscow, the United States, Soviet Union, Great Britain, France and the two Germanys agreed to end Allied occupation rights in Germany.

On October 3, East and West Germany united as the Federal Republic of Germany.

USSR in HUGH crisis!

- Economy failing- unable to afford military expenses in the arms race- corruption- poverty & famine- people lost faith in communism- Military defeat and humiliation at Afghanistan- Rising discontent EVERYWHERE - low social morale (alcoholism)

Warsaw Pact also in HUGH crisis!Warsaw Pact also in HUGH crisis!

- Economy failing- unable to afford military expenses in the arms race- corruption- poverty & famine- people lost faith in communism- Military defeat and humiliation at Afghanistan- Rising discontent EVERYWHERE - low social morale (alcoholism)- Red Army could not no longer suppress all riots

"Sinatra Doctrine"

USSR would allow Eastern Europe Satellites to choose their “own way” of government.

USSR would not send in Red Army to crush rebellions any more.

1985 - Gorbachev came to power

started an era of reform.

•Perestroika - Economic restructuring

•Glasnost - openness, allowed greater free expression and criticism of Soviet policies


Restructuring - including capitalist practices! Competition and market

economy was encouraged.

Glasnost!!!Open up! - including criticizing the

government! - to restore faith in government and end corruption.

People who criticised would no longer be persecuted!

Moves to establish friendly relations with the west and signed arms reduction treaties with USA!

1987 - INF On December 8,

1987, Reagan and Gorbachev signed the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

It was the removal of more than 2,600 nuclear missiles.


President George Bush and Russian president Boris Yeltsinissue formal statement declaring end to Cold War.

Who “won” the Cold War?

Vladimir Putin and George Bush, Jr.

How far - mark questions

1. How important was Solidarity in the decline of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe?

2. How far can decline of Soviet power in Eastern Europe be blamed on the Solidarity Movement?

3. Gorbachev was responsible for the collapse of Soviet control over Eastern Europe. How far?

How far was it due to Solidarity?Very important as it brought change and it set an example to others.

It challenged the USSR by showing that if people stood together against oppression, it would  force the government to give way through popular opinion and non-violent methods.

The government in Poland had lost the confidence of the people and Solidarity showed that a Communist government could not solve Poland’s economic problems.

Solidarity began calling for greater political and religious freedoms. As it was strong, the government feared to take action, as did the Soviet Union. The USSR did not use force to ensure this unlike in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

The movement showed that tough moves of threats, banning and imprisonment did not work. Solidarity only grew stronger. In the free elections of 1989, Solidarity won massive support and Walesa became first non-communist President.

This set an example to communist control for the rest of eastern Europe.

Was it Gorbachev’s leadership?Gorbachev created a more open atmosphere and no longer used armed forces to

enforce Soviet rule over Satellite states. This helped to reduce spending on the military.

He proposed that the Soviet economy should be improved by “perestroika” – restructuring, including capitalist practices. More competition in industry was encouraged.

Free market capitalism and trade with the West increased. This also increased Soviet awareness of better standards of living in the West.

He introduced “glasnost” – openness to restoring faith in government and end corruption. People who criticised the government should no longer be persecuted. This allowed discontent to grow.

He proposed a cut back in money spent on the arms race and signed arms limitation treaty with the USA.

He sought to establish more friendly relations with the west and signed arms reduction treaties.

In 1989, communist regimes of eastern Europe toppled one by one as Gorbachev's reforms signalled that the Soviet Union could no longer intervene. (Sinatra Doctrine)

How far was it because of communism’s own weaknesses?

Communism was seen by many as corrupt and Soviet industry and agriculture inefficient. The USSR was in economic crisis. Food shortages were everywhere. Large sums of money were being spent on military at the expense of citizens living in poverty.

There was much corruption with Party members living in luxury whilst the workers were living in poverty. People had lost faith in it as there was much corruption. Corruption ran too deeply for the changes to happen.

Large sums of money were being spent on defence and the 1979 Afghanistan war.

Warsaw Pact countries were clearly behind western countries in economic and social development. 

Gorbachev’s withdrawal of Red Army from Satellite countries resulted in one by one the communist governments coming to an end.

So your conclusion?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akGjJcl3GDw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ielyVJUgXK8

Gorbachev in commercial:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9lvzzH0STw

Breaking up of USSR... 15 republics declared independence one by one under the “union treaty”

Gorbachev became both the hero and the devil


1991 coup d'etat by hardliners to overthrow Gorbachev



Yugoslavia since WWII

Marshal Josip Tito

Fall of USSR


End of communism in E Europe


‘My Way’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?