Ending Heartache

Post on 30-May-2018

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  • 8/9/2019 Ending Heartache


    1The Legend of the Forgotten

    Ending Heartache

    Ive been traveling for what seems like years. I havent kept track of days or time. I only

    know of days and nights. I eat when Im hungry, I sleep when Im tired, and I fight when Im


    Since the worlds end, as everyone calls it, Ive been wandering. I lost everything when

    the Plague destroyed my home. They killed my parents, my brothers, and the one person I care

    more about than anything, the one whom I love; my best friend. Without them I have no purpose,

    which is why I wander the dead world searching for my killer. I will not make it an easy death

    because to me it would be a form of suicide. I will not be forever damned in Hell while the

    people I care about wait for me at the Golden Gates of Heaven. I will see them again. I will hold

    her in my arms again.

    Until the creature that is meant to kill me reveals its ugly face, I will continue to roam the

    Plagued lands killing all that get in my way. If it is a fellow man, then he shall die a noble death.

    None will stop me from reaching my goal. I will die, but I will take as many of these ugly sons-

    of-bitches with me as I can.

    Hey! A voice called to me.

    It sounded distant. I tried to reply, to say something, but couldnt.

    You alive? the voice asked. Hey! Wake up!

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    2My eyes opened, and saw what had to be a lie. My eyes were fooling me. Knelt by my

    side was the one I had lost; Rebecca.

    It could not be real.

    I was there when her house went up in flames.

    I was there trying to save her.

    I was there, in her room, and saw her corpse.

    I know for a fact she is dead.

    Rebecca, I whimpered.

    Rebecca? she asked bewildered. Who is that?

    I tried to focus my eyes, so I could see the truth. I saw her smile as I became more aware.

    She wasnt her.

    Rebecca was the most beautiful girl I know: she was about 54; short, dark, brown hair;

    big, brown eyes; a voice that couldnt be ignored; a smile that could warm the coldest of hearts;

    and a laugh that made the world seem so good. She was my everything.

    This girl had the same haircut, but her hair was more reddish; the same eyes; her voice

    was a reminder of Rebeccas; her smile was nearly the same but her dimples werent. The laugh

    was yet to be determined, but she was almost an exact copy of my Rebecca.

    Who are you? Where am I? I asked. Basic questions when one is awaken by someone

    he doesnt know.

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    3Im Rose, and were in the middle of the forest. We should get out of here. There is a

    large group of Plague headed this way, she informed me.

    I got to my feet and slung my backpack over my shoulders. I looked around for my

    shotgun, which I distinctly remember laying beside me.

    Whats your name? Rose asked as I continue to search for my shotgun.

    Vincent, I said bluntly.

    What are you looking for? she asked after I pushed her out of the way, searching for

    my gun in the bushes behind her.

    My shotgun. I remember placing it beside me and fiddling with my last four rounds. I

    was unafraid of sharing information with strangers. I dont really care if they know what I have

    as long as they dont know anything about me.

    Sorry, she said.

    I stood erect from searching the bushes. She waved her left arm over her head twice. I

    heard footstep approach, but I didnt turn to look for them. I stared at the Rebecca-look-a-like

    who aimed a pistol at me.

    Area secure? a man behind me, to my left, asked.

    Rose reached behind her, into her bag, with her free hand, pulled out my shotgun, and

    threw it behind me. He only has four rounds.

    Good job.

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    4She smiled.

    I could hear the twigs snap under his feet as he walked up behind me. I kept my hands at

    my side the entire time. I didnt put them on my head or up in the air. Im not afraid to die, so

    they had no power over me.

    Who are you and what are you doing in my forest? the man asked. He pressed my

    shotgun to my back, threatening to kill me with my own weapon.

    Like I told the girl, I said nonchalantly, my name is Vincent.

    Why are you here, Vincent? he sounded annoyed that I wasnt wary of how I spoke.

    Im just passing through. Im a wa

    Hes a Walker! The guns of the soldier behind me all raised and were cocked; Sounds

    like there are four of them.

    What is a Walker? I asked.

    Wanderers who steal from or kill those who provide shelter and food for them. Are you

    one? We dont give Walkers a chance in this forest. Rose explained with her gun pointed at my


    No. Im not aWalker. Im more of aRogue.

    What do you think will happen to us? she asked as we watch the news for information

    on the war in Europe and Asia.

    What do you mean?

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    5Will webe okay? She looked at the screen; Footage of the creatures advancing

    through towns and demolishing homes.

    Of course, I assured her. Well be just fine. Our troops will join with the French and

    British at their borders and stop them dead in their tracks. The Germans and Russians have

    already got them on the run, and the Chinese are slaughtering them. There is no way theyll

    make it across the sea.

    I lied. She never watched the news, so she had no idea what was going on in the war. Our

    troops have been with the French and British for a few weeks and still werent making a dent.

    Russia and Germany were taken over by the monsters for a month ago, and China was putting up

    a good fight but it wouldnt last.

    Are you sure?

    I held her hands in mine. Yes, I said and kissed her cheek. But if they do make it here,

    then Ill protect you. I smiled.

    She laughed.

    We lay on her couch watching the muted TV. I held her in my arms as we talked about

    the future.

    If they take over what will we do? she asked curiously.

    I dont know. We cant really do much if theyre roaming around killing people. I

    looked at her and saw the reality I put in her head. I think, we could find an isolated place in the

    woods, build a house, and start a new life.

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    6She smiled and snuggled closer to my body. She pressed her ear against my chest,

    listening to my heart beat. It was always fast when she was near, and she always laughed about


    I think we should travel the country and fine the best place. While everyone is fighting

    and running and hiding, well be sightseeing. Well be like Rogues. She giggled. Ive always

    wanted to see the world.

    We will. I promise.

    Fine then, Rogue, put your hands behind your head! he commanded.

    I left my hands by my side. They dont seem the type to kill a man for being disobedient.

    Did you hear what I said?! Put your hands behind your head! he repeated.

    I stared at Rose and thought of Rebecca. Would she last in this cruel world? Could she

    take a life if it meant keeping her own? Would she still want to travel and find our home if this is

    the world wed be living in?

    Goddammit! I could hear him approach me. He grabbed my wrists and smacked my

    hands to the back of my head. Search him! he called to one of his men.

    The soldier patted me down. He stopped a few times to find what I was hiding. He took

    my knives, CD player, and extra batteries. He searched everywhere but my boots.

    Got it all, Captn, he stated.

    Remove his boots, he ordered calmly.

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    7I waited for the soldier to get closer. I wasnt about to let them get what I hid in my boots.

    He knelt down, raised my right foot, and was about to remove my boot, but I striked. I kicked the

    soldier in the face with my right foot, then quickly kicked out the Captains legs. We both fell to

    the ground and started wrestling. His troops cheered him on. It was an evenly matched fight, but

    one of us had to end it. I got on top of him and punched him in the face twice before he swung at

    me and knocked me off him. He got me in a sleeper hold, but I got out of it. We kicked and

    threw punches for a little while before I managed to get him in a choke hold. I had him where I

    wanted him.

    Two shotgun blasts stopped me from finishing it. Thats enough! A soldier said and

    pressed the gun to my back. Take off your boots!

    I did as he said. I slowly took of both of my boots and placed them in front of me.

    Take them! he ordered the soldier with a newly broken nose.

    Sorry, I said with a smirk as he picked up my boots.

    He looked inside both of them. Inside the left boot was a map. He gave it to his Captain.

    In my right boot was my wallet. The soldier searched the contents and found pictures, cards,

    tickets, and other things that they didnt understand.

    The Captain took the wallet from his soldier and examined it. After a few seconds, he

    confronted me. This was worth dying over? he questioned in a quiet, soft voice.

    Yes! I said not looking at him with tears forming in my eyes as I thought about her.

    The Captain looked through the sleeves until he found what was worth dying for. He

    studied the picture, and looked at Rose. He was confused until he took another look at the

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    8picture, and found the differences. He smiled, closed the wallet, and handed it to me. I looked at

    him, surprised.

    Anyone willing to die over something like that belongs with me. Whats your name? he

    asked with his arm extended.

    Vincent. I shook his hand.

    Im Wolf, and this is my Wolf Pack! He pointed at the two soldiers that were behind

    us, but more began to show themselves from behind tress and in bushes. There were about

    twenty of them, all of which couldnt be seen until they wanted to. Rose, get him his gun. Hes

    gonna need to re-supply, so he can be on his way.

    He surprised me more and more. How did he know I wouldnt join his unit?

    Rose took the gun from the soldier who had it, and tossed the shotgun to me. I caught it

    and tossed it back to her. Ill get it when I leave.

    Wolf nodded. Back to base! he ordered.

    We walked the short distance to his well guarded and hidden base. I marveled at how

    battle scarred the building and the area was. It had seen a lot of bloodshed. Inside, it was

    completely difference than what I expected. I thought there would be a lot of broken walls and

    fallen in halls and rooms. It was in perfect condition, clean, and ready for battle on the inside.

    Everyone was working together and preparing for battle.

    I kept my mouth shut even though I bet Wolf was waiting for me to say something.

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    9Rose will show you to the mess hall, armory, and a bed you can use for the night, he

    informed me. Ill see you later, he said in a way that couldnt be mistaken for anything other

    than as a lover. By the way, Vincent, he called, shes beautiful. He quickly headed down the

    hallway to the right.

    Are you hungry? she asked.

    Not at the moment, I answered.

    Ill show you to the armory, you can fill up your bag, and then Ill show you to a bed.

    She didnt seem to enjoy the idea of being a tour guide or babysitter, or maybe she didnt like my


    We walked down the middle hallway, passing room after room. She was quiet and I dont

    why, but I felt like talking with her.

    So how long have you two been together? I asked.

    What? She stopped, turned to face me, then turned back and started walking. I dont

    know what youre talking about.

    Its a secret then? It was none of my business, but if they can intrude on my secrets

    then I can do the same to them.

    What? No! she was getting annoyed and defensive.

    So people do know? I smiled.

    Yes! I mean no! I meanjust shut up!

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    10Why are you keeping it a secret? I was interested in what was their reasoning.

    Were not together! She was really annoyed.

    Then what was with the look he gave you, and the look you gave him? I noticed how

    she looked at him too.

    What look? I look at him the same way I look at everyone else.

    No. No one looks at someone the same way they look at everyone else. We always look

    at someone differently because the memories and feelings they give us cause us to look at them

    differently. I said with a memory stuck in my head.

    Whered you hear that? she asked. She wasnt annoyed anymore, but she was


    A girl I knew.

    Dont go, she cried. You said youd protect, and wed travel together.

    I know and Im sorry, but I dont have a choice. I cant stop the draft and I wont run

    from my duties. In a way, Im protecting you. I said trying to hide my feelings and hold back

    my tears.

    I held her in my arms as she cried, and let out all her tears on my chest for the last time. I

    didnt want to let go of her, didnt want to waste a single second. I wanted to spend my last hours

    with her in my arms.

    I love you, she whispered.

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    11I looked at her. She removed her head from my chest and looked back at me. I had

    always known I loved her, but I could never bring myself to say it. I didnt think she would ever

    say it, but she had because of the fear that this could be our last day together. I stared into her

    eyes and finally said what Ive always known.

    I love you too.

    Their armory was fully loaded with everything needed for war. I dont know what they

    needed a jet missile for, but I wasnt going to ask because I didnt care. I grabbed a few shells

    and loaded them in my bag, along with a flashlight. Before we left, Rose gave me a 9mm pistol

    with an extra magazine.

    We have plenty to spare, she said.

    I took it and put it in the bottom of my bag, under a hoodie.

    We walked back down the hall we came from, and walked into the second room, we

    passed the first time, on the left. There was a row of bunk beds that were used by many. No one

    had their own room, except for the Captain.

    This will be your bed for tonight. She pointed at the bottom bunk that was three beds

    from the door. You can leave your things here. No one will take it.

    I placed my bag on the floor and sat on the bed. It didnt feel right. I lay down and it felt

    uncomfortable. I got up and stared at the bed for a second, then picked up my bag.

    Whats wrong? she asked.

    I dont want the bed, I said. Ill sleep on the floor or something.

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    12She looked at me in a way as if I insulted her. I wasnt denying shelter, just a bed. I have

    been sleeping on the ground for so long that the hard surface had become comfortable.

    She shrugged and left the room.

    I followed her and closed the door behind me.

    Are you hungry? she asked again.

    A little. I wasnt hungry, but I hadnt had a good meal in a long time.

    Okay. Well go to the mess hall, and then the Captain wants to see you in his office.

    She lead the way to the entrance hall and then to the last hallway in the room; the one to the left.

    What kind of food do you have here? I asked trying to make small talk.

    We usually eat canned food, but today, since we have a guest, well be having the

    special prepared. She smiled.

    Whats the special? I asked curiously.

    She opened the double doors to the mess hall, and the smell of pizza punched me in the

    face. I stood in the doorway, taking in all marvelous smell.

    You have pizza? I asked, stunned.

    Only on special occasions. She grinned. What kind do you want? We only have thin

    crust, and also we dont have anything other than sausage and pepperoni.

    Not the best choices. I like a good stuffed pizza with spinach and sausage, I said.

    Wolf says the same thing, she said, surprised. Ive never had spinach in a pizza.

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    13Rebecca said the same thing.

    We lay on her couch, as we usually did. I held her in my arms as we talked and watched

    comic stand-up. Her eyes had finally dried as she had calmed down. It didnt take long for her to

    feel better, especially with me around.

    We were at her front door, before, but when we shared our feelings, we started making

    out, and then I picked her up and brought her inside and invited myself in. I didnt want to rush

    things and do anything that neither of us was sure about. I went to the couch, lay her down, and

    continued making out. We stopped when her phone rang, and when she was done, we did as we

    usually did. We were content with keeping things routine.

    I dont know why we had the TV on. Neither of us were watching it or even listening to

    it. She had her head pressed against my chest, listening to my heart and playing with my hand

    that held hers; counting the scars, feeling the roughness, and tracing the lines. I was watching her

    and listening to her soft breathing. We would occasionally hear the comedian say a good joke

    and laugh, but we were more wrapped up in each other.

    Where do you think theyll send you?

    I dont know, probably France. I grabbed her finger with my pinkie as she was tracing

    the lines of my palm.

    Will you get me a souvenir? she asked with a smile.

    Of course, I answered.

    She slipped her finger out of my grip, and ran her fingers up my arm, stopping at the

    fairly large scar on my forearm. How did you get this one?

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    14Bar fight, I said bluntly and jokingly. Kissing the back of her head and neck, I told her

    how; I was at a bonfire, and someone grabbed a metal rod and put it in the flames. He was

    playing around and scaring people. He got a little too close to me and the tip of the rod just

    brushed against my arm.

    Did it hurt? she asked concerned.

    Not at first. It felt really warm, then later that night it stung a lot.

    She kissed my arm. I smiled.

    We talked for a little bit about the future, again. She wanted to know what it would be

    like if the war never happened. I told her what I thought, which was different from what she

    thought, but I wouldnt find out until later.

    Well, after college, Id finish my books and get them published, becoming a bestselling

    author. You, of course, would travel the world and tell me all about it when you came to visit


    Where would we live? she asked. She was only interested in what I thought.

    Id like to live somewhere warm and peaceful, but also near you.

    So where are we going to live? She giggled.

    California, Texas, Puerto Rico; its your choice.

    You choose, she smiled and held my arm tight.

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    15Fine, then Puerto Rico it is. Youd love it. Its always hot even with the rain, and the

    rain doesnt ruin the day. I tried to see her face, but she hid it from me, holding my arm tighter.

    Will we be together? I could barely hear her question. It was faint.

    Always. My arm felt wet, and her breathing had changed. Rebecca? Whats wrong?

    She turned herself around and buried her face in my chest. I love you. I dont want to let

    you go.

    I did all I could do; I wrapped my arms around her, never wanting to let go.

    It was a sad moment that was meant to for us to be serious, but my damn stomach ruined

    it. She calmed down when the sudden growl from my stomach surprised her. We both laughed

    and she pushed herself free.

    Guess its time to eat, she said, patting my stomach. Lets have pizza.

    Stuffed spinach pizza, I suggested with a grin.

    Sure. Ive never had it before.

    Rose! a large man called. He sat beside the soldier I kicked, and the Captain.

    She walked to them and I followed.

    Is this the guy that busted up Robs nose? the large man asked when we reached the


    Yeah, thats him, replied the soldier I kicked in the face.

    Sorry again, I said.

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    16Dont apologize! The large man laughed. Hes had it coming.

    The soldier glared at him.

    My names RJ, the large man said. And thats Rob. Wolf already told me about you.

    Nice to meet you, I said politely.

    I sat down across from RJ and beside Rose, who was already sitting. He went on and on

    about the base and the battles they fought, while I ate. Wolf and Rose kept to themselves, and

    Rob ate in silence.

    Whats your story? RJ asked casually.

    I froze. Why did he want to know?

    RJ! Wolf called. RJ looked at him. Boundaries, he reminded him.

    Sorry. I forgot the rule, he confessed.

    What rule?

    My rule, Wolf intervened again. No one is to ask about anyones past life. Its in the

    past, and it shall remain in the past. If you wish to share it, then that is your choice, but I will not

    allow my people to pry into other peoples lives.

    My life isnt locked in chest that can be pried open with a crowbar. If I wish to share it

    then I will, but to say one cant be curious and ask questions is to deny that person the right to be

    human, to be interested and make conversation. I didnt mean to give a speech or a lecture. It

    just came out.

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    17Wolf didnt think anything of it. It was my opinion. He listened to what I said and

    muttered something that I could barely make out. It sounded like, Im not human.

    I didnt have to leave until three in the morning. I was supposed to wake up at two, but I

    couldnt sleep. I talked to Rebecca all night, until she fell asleep, and we spent all day together. It

    was the best day we ever had, even if her parents never wanted me in their home again: Rebecca

    didnt want me to leave, so she hid me in her room. I was all packed and ready to go, but I knew

    there was something I had to do.

    Dont leave without saying goodbye, she said before her parents kicked me out.

    Im not going to say goodbye, I replied. Ill stop by and see you before I leave, and

    Ill say see you later and I love you, but no goodbyes. I smiled.

    I loaded my bag into my car. Before I could leave, my mom made sure I had something

    to eat, and my dad gave me some money. My little brother was sleeping. We got into a fight

    earlier, but he knew hed always be my brother even though he pissed me off. I left him a note on

    his desk. Then I went to see my older brother, who hadnt gotten any sleep. He was unfit for the

    draft, apparently. His medical records showed something wrong with his leg or something. I

    talked to him for the last time about his stupid Anime cartoons. I made my goodbye quick and

    left. I went to the front door, grabbed my keys, took off the house key from the chain, and gave it

    to my dad. He wouldnt take it, so I left it behind a plant. They didnt watch me leave in the

    doorway, as they usually did whenever I left.

    I drove around the neighborhood thinking about my time here. After about five minutes, I

    pulled up at Rebeccas house and got out. I always texted her when I arrived, so this was my last

    time to be romantic or cute, as she called it, with her.

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    18I grabbed a few pebbles and threw them at her window on the side of the house. I threw

    at least fifteen pebbles. She finally woke up, looked out the window, and then disappeared, out of

    sight. I waited for her. The sound of the front door opening and closing caught my attention. I

    jogged to her as she ran to me. I stopped and she threw herself into me. I held her close as we

    kissed for the final time. I could feel the pain in my heart from the fear of leave her, of her losing


    We stopped for a second, breathing heavily. I held her close and said those words again.

    I love you. I tried to hold back my tears, but one escaped through.

    She wiped it away and pressed her head to my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, and

    felt my heartbeat quicken.

    She smiled. I love you too.

    We stood for what seemed like hours, but were actually three minutes. I grabbed her

    hands and kissed them, and reached into my pocket.

    There is something I want you to have. Its very special to me as are you. I opened her

    hand and placed a necklace in it. A dark, black rope held a rock with a lost name. I got this at

    Puerto Rico. I dont know what kind of stone it is, but it has helped me with my writing. I want

    you to have it. Keep it with you, always.

    I will.

    She gripped it tight in her hand. I leaned in close and gave her the very last kiss. With

    everything said and done, it was time for me to leave. If I didnt leave now it would only cause

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    19more pain. I left her standing alone in the middle of her yard and got into my car. I started it up

    and was about to leave.


    I turned and saw her running to me. She leaned in through the lowered, open window

    space, and gave her last kiss. She made it last. We didnt want it to end.

    Promise me, youll come back to me! I wont wait for you unless you promise.

    I wiped a single tear from her cheek and made my promise. You know I will. I held her

    hand. I promise Ill come back, and then well go to Puerto Rico.

    For the last time I heard her wonderful laugh.

    For the last time she saw my smile.

    Now that we are alone, we can talk. Wolf sat comfortably in his chair behind his desk

    as I waited patiently to figure out what this Captain wanted. You seem to be well trained in

    combat, and since you have survived this long on your own, you have been a military man.

    What happened with your rule? I asked.

    I am not asking you anything. I am merely stating what I have gathered about you. You

    can choice to clarify if you wish. He was very clever.

    Fine. I was drafted. I was stationed in France for a week, and then we were pulled out.

    You still had another two week until the invasion. Enough time to see your family, he


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    20No. I volunteered to be one of the last units out. I wanted to make sure they didnt get

    passed our defenses. I was only meant to be there for a four day tops, but wound up staying for

    eleven. I didnt know why I was telling him all this. Maybe it was time to let it all out.

    You saw combat. He was starting to get closer to asking questions.

    Yes. I took a deep breath. They breached the North perimeter on day ten. We held

    them off, but we had to be evacuated. There wasnt enough room for everyone. I was beginning

    to feel all the emotions I held inside pouring out.

    You gave up your seat. He was stunned to realize all that I had sacrificed.

    Yes. My entire unit gave up their seats for the soldiers whove been there longer. We

    fought hard, all six of us. In the end, by the morning of the eleventh day, there were only two of


    I paused to take a breath and pull myself together.

    When transport arrived, there still wasnt enough room. There were ten other units

    beside mine that stayed. They sent one jet that couldnt hold all of us! There was only room for

    one more, and it was between me and my brother-in-arms! Do you know what he said to me?!

    No, he muttered.

    He told me to get on that planeand go see my girl. I couldnt stop the tears from

    falling. They came long before I realized it.

    Is that what you wanted to know?! I asked angrily.

    No. Not all I want to know.

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    21I get it! Ill continue! He died as soon as we were about a mile away! Someone

    neglected to mention there was a bomb in the base! When we got home the invasion was hours

    away. I got home as fast as I could, but, as we all know, they came from the North! When I got

    home, my family was dead; their car was burning in the middle of the road, the bodies were I

    bit my fist, trying to get the image out of head.

    I took a deep breath.

    I drove as fast as I could to my Rebeccas house and found it in flames. The first thing I

    could think of was to find her. I ran inside and searched the house. You know what I found?

    I waited for Wolf to answer. He didnt.

    Do you know what I found?! I screamed.

    No, he said with watery eyes.

    I found the corpse of the woman I love, still in her bed! She was asleep when they set

    her house on fire! It took every ounce of strength to keep me from lying beside her and let the

    inferno take me! I was about to do it, when my necklace in her hand. I looked at my fire scarred

    hand holding the necklace. This is what keeps me going. I held up the necklace. Her! She is

    my only reason for being here. I know she would never forgive me if I killed myself, and I would

    never forgive myself if I broke the promise I made her. I will travel the country and find a place

    to call home, and then I will die. There is no in between! Is that enough for you?! I let out all

    my rage, all my sorrow, all my agony on him and he took it.

    Goodnight, Vincent. He stood from his chair, walked to the door behind me, and held

    the door open, waiting for me to leave.

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    22I didnt know what to do. The only thing I could think of was getting away from him. He

    had tricked me into letting everything out. He knew I had a secret, and that I was keeping

    everything bottled up inside. I was meant to let it all out.

    Before he closed the door, I had to ask, Why did you want to know about my past?

    He studied me for a second. I wanted to see if you were cursed as I am. You seemed to

    have all the signs, but it was just your memories haunting you. Im sorry.

    Satisfied that I got an answer, I left to the entrance hall and slept beside the gate.

    I left at dawn.

    Wolf. He left you a note, Rose said, handed me the note, and then left.


    I dont know what haunts you, but my encounter with you has changed me and I hope you encounter someonethat changes you. I am still searching for my home and my death, but I hope I live long enough to hear of your triumphsspread through the far towns to the west. I will find you again if I cannot find my home, and help you win this war.

    The Rogue,


    P.S. Dont ever let her go.

    He will burn as his mate did.

    No, he wont.

    You think he will return? Foolish.

    No. Well never see him again. He already knows where his home is, hes just trying to

    get there.