Endocrine system

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Endocrine System

ByKamal kr.Joshi

RGNV Dehradun

Endocrine system

Endocrine system includes endocrine gland and hormones.

Endocrine gland- Endocrine glands are ductless gland which secrete chemical i.e. hormones.

Pituitory gland (Master Gland) GH-Growth hormones – It help for body growth. Deficiency of GH- causes Dwarfism & its excess secretion cause


TSH- Thyroid stimulating hormone-Stimulate thyroid gland to form the thyroxine hormone

ACTH- Adreno cortico-tropic hormone-stimulates Adrenal gland ( Adrenal cortex – it forms hormones like Gluco-corticoids, Mineralo-corticoids, Androgens.)

Oxytocin- It is also known as Birth hormone & milk ejection hormone

Vasopressin (ADH-Anti-diuretic hormone)- Help in reabsorption of water . Its deficiency cause Diabetes insipidus.

Gonadotropin hormones- FSH &LH /ICSH(FSH-Follicle stimulating hormone, LH-Luteinising hormone/ ICSH(Interstistal cells stimulating hormone)-stimulates gonads like ovary./testis.

FSH- it stimulates testes/ovary to form sperms/ova as well as stimulate these gonads to secretes the sex hormones (Testosteron in male / Estrogen in female.)

LH (in female)/ICSH(Interstistal cells stimulating hormone in male)- ICSH help to stimulates the testis to form the Testosterone hormones & LH – stimulates corpus luteum to secrete progesterone hormone which plays important role in ovulation.

* Prolactin ( LTH- luteo tropic hormone)- It is required for the development of mammary glands.

Thyroid glands- a pair of glands present in neck region, which forms throxine hormone in response of TSH of pituitory.Thyroxin hormone - Thyroxin controls the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and helps in proper growth.

Goiter - If the diet is deficient in iodine it causes deficiency of thyroxin leads to cause the goiter in which enlargement of thyroid glands cause the swelling of neck.

Parathyroid glands- two pair of parathyroid glands which are close to thyorid gland. It secretes the parathormone which is required to control the Calcium and phosphorous

Thymus gland- It is present near the heart & secretes the hormone Thymosine. It is required for maturation of T- lymphocytes which require for immunity.

Adrenal glandsA pair of glands present (one over on one Kidney) .Its has two parts-Adrenal cortex - This part secretes Gluco-corticoids, Mineralo-corticoids, Androgens. . It requires for Glucose metabolism, mineral balance, secondary sexual characters respectively.

Adrenal medulla- it produces two hormones – Adrenaline &

Nor adrenaline Adrenaline hormone – It is also known as Emergency hormone or hormone of 3 F – Fight, Flight, Freight. It increase of heart beats, blood pressure, rate of breathing , causes rapid contraction of rib muscles etc to full fill the increasing demand of body. Nor adrenaline hormone- It require for normal functioning of heart beat,blood pressure,breathing rate etc.

Pancreas- It is heterocrine gland or mixed gland ( Exocrine & Endocrine gland) The endocrine part of pancreas known as ilets of langerhans.It has two types of cells- Beta cells & alpha cells, which forms hormones- Insulin & glucagon respectively.

Insulin- This hormone is responsible for “Glycogenesis” (conversion of glucose to glycogen)The deficiency of insulin hormone causes the disease, Diabetes mellitus.

Glucagon- Alpha cells secretes the glucagon hormone which convert glycogen into glucose during starvation.

Testes In male a pair of testes present. It produce the Testosterone hormone. it is require for development of secondary sexual characters ,masculine characters .It also plays an important role in spermatogenesis

Ovary In female a pair of ovaries

present.• Two hormones are

produced in ovary.Estrogen (from Graffian follicle). It

is required for development of secondary sexual characters.

Progesterone (from Corpus

luteum)Progesterone hormone help

to maintain the pregnancy, hence it is also known as Pregnancy hormone.