Endophytic fungi conservation: techniques, advantages, disadvantages

Post on 04-Jun-2015

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Ponencia: Endophytic fungi conservation: techniques, advantages, disadvantages Autor: Dr. Gary Strobel Evento TF Innova: Workshop Biotechnology "Isolation and identification of endophytic fungi from vascular plants"


Montana State University

Strobelian Advice to a Young Scientist

Looking for EndophytesLooking for a Life in Science

A Life in Science Has Its Many Rewards

A. Anticipation of Experimental Results

B. Some New Challenges Each Day

C. Excitement Involved in the Outcomes

D. Sharing Ideas with Students and Others

E. Feeling That You Are Contributing

What Will You Do With Your Life ?

Will you live to do a job, or do a job to live ?

Consider some long term goals in science

• Teaching others

• Seeing the world

• Having a livelihood

• Leaving a legacy

• Making a difference

The Circle of Survival In Science

Pay Heed to It


*PR activities Preliminary Results

*Publication *Proposal /Plan


*requiring help of others

Advice Point-Learn to think independently

Advice Point-Look around for something that is absolutely new and work on it.

1. Nothing is known about it

2. It is related to a major problem

3. It has broad significance

4. It can be approached by you

The Birth of An Idea

(Identify the Problem)

1. By study and desire

2. By imagination

3. By contemplation

4. By association with other systems

5. Put the problem in your mind and let it incubate !

Let’s Go Dinosaur Bone Hunting !!

Be observant –work with an open unencumbered mind

Advice Point: When making an important /critical observation try finding and using an independent experimental method that corroborates your 1st observation. The data should match.

Scientific publication

1. Only about 1 person, on the average, will read your scientific paper.

2. About 100 will read a review article.

3. Thousands will read a popular science article.

4. Therefore continue to build a body of knowledge that will make you the expert in a field.

5. Is there a problem with this as it relates to life while at the same time having good experience in science?

Doing Science in This Century Versus the LastExamine the number of authors per paper in 1920 in ScienceExamine the number of authors per paper in 2005 in Science

Doing Science Has Become a Group Effort

Form your own group of collaborators

Remember you will not be asked to collaborate until you can offer something that others may not have. Build a skill set and competence !!

Advice Point- Look for and find your own niche - then build on it in a concerted and strong manner, being

patient and observant.

Advice Point-

Pick good colleagues

Behave professionally

Support others

Be generous

Advice Point –read books on the history of science, science philosophy and works of those who have done science.

Classes in Science: What can I say? There is something perverse about our educational system that stifles the

imagination and creativity. Science is not facts or vocabulary it is a process and method to make new discoveries. It is

important to think, to wonder and to be fascinated with all things around us. Try to maintain a sense of fascination with


General Behavior

1. Making comparisons – don’t do it !

2. Telling falsehoods- don’t do it !

3. Making failing promises- don’t do it !

4. Being egotistical- don’t do it !

5. Have realistic expectations- do it !

6. Be mannerly- do it!

Advice Point- Look around and consider developing a taxonomic specialty

Advice Point-don’t spend too much time in the library or at the computer. Information overload can make you feel

insignificant and unable to anything that is new or useful.

Advice Point: Seek help from sagacious, experienced, respected and knowledgeable peers

Advice Point- Remember some trails that you take and things that you discover in science can literally belong to you (shared with your institution and co-inventors). Intellectual property-know about it. Here are some hints on how to proceed.

Keep you eyes open for things and processes that may have

potential usefulness to society. The patenting process is

recommended in order to gain ownership.

A.Filing a provisional patent

B.Company interest should be obtained

C.Filing a full patent

Advice Point- Put time into others things –family, hobbies, outdoor activities, sports, keep a balance of perspective and don’t spend

too much time on one thing!! Eventually you may become non-productive or be considered –odd!!

Advice Point- Develop a set of skills and techniques and cherish them and expand on them your entire life. They are the crux of your ability to do experiments and make conclusions.

Advice Point- Don’t become enamored of one technique and get fixed on it!

Advice Point- Mistakes, you will make them, don’t fret and stew-correct the

error and get on with life.

Let Sleeping Tapirs Lie: There are always issues demanding your time- pick your issues carefully. Most are time wasters !

What’s this business? Was a mistake made?

The Field Experiment

Black Sigatoka of Banana – Pseudomycin vs Control

Advice Point-Handling the Press

Advice Point-Have a weekly regime of reading science and read broadly

Advice Point- Administration seems always to be calling, beware of its insidious nature. It always seems that if it were you in that position you

could do the job better. It takes you out of science in most cases.

Advice Point: If your paper, grant proposal or patent is declined-DO NOT take it personally. Take what is

good about the advice offered and make the document better. Likewise be a good, kind and firm


Despair: Don’t do it more than two minutes! If the positive result doesn’t happen and you feel as if a frog has just slept in your mouth, things will get better. Remember you still have your brain, your hands and your heart. Get on with life-your greatest gift!

BEWARE: The person whose toes you trample today

maybe connected to the face or other bodily part you

have to kiss tomorrow.

On to New Ground- the Post Doc- Choose Wisely and Consider the Following:1. Ability to be mentored2. Direction that you will be given3. The employer and the situation4. Funding level and ability to network

Most likely you will not end up at Yale. There will be some rough roads at lesser developed colleges, universities and other

organizations. Accept the challenge. Make something where little or nothing existed before.

Some Science Related Activities(if you do well and become the expert)

• 1.Travel to scientific meetings abroad

• 2. Advice is sought by foreign govts

• 3. Advice is requested by USA agencies

• 4. Panels and grant reviews

• 5. Company consultant activity

• 6. Guest lectures given around the globe

• 7. Congressional testimony