ENG 102BC MLA With Activity

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ENG 102BC MLA With Activity



Review writing process

MLA formatting

Quotation marks

When to use quotations in research


What is your purpose for writing?

How are you going to achieve this purpose?

Who is your reader?

Use journalistic questions





More prewriting questions - http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/673/03/

Prewrite, Plan

Why create an outline?

Helps to keep track of large amounts of info

Helps organize ideas

Presents material in logical form

Shows relationships among ideas

Defines boundaries and groups

Prewrite, Plan

2 types of outlines



Outlines should be balanced






Rough draft, early version of final copy





Peer review grammar and process

Apply all grammar lessons

Make checksheet if necessary!






All done! Final copy

Must be typed, double-spaced, one sided, paperclipped I want typed, double-spaced, double sided, stapled

Only one space after punctuation

1 inch margins, Times New Roman, 12 point font

Title centered

Include heading Your name

Instructor name


Due Date

Page number in upper right hand corner

Used to document sources to avoid


Consult OWL at Purdue for up-to-date



Bibliography generators are like Word and

don’t always catch errors

Demonstrate CCAC bib generator

Entries are arranged alphabetically by author, or

by title if there is no author

Each entry includes medium of publication of

source (Print, Web, DVD, etc)

It there is more than one entry per author, works

are arranged alphabetically by title

For second and all additional entries, type three

hyphens and a period in place of the author’s


Link to example on Owl at Purdue


Every source on Works Cited must be mentioned in

body of paper

Every source cited in an in-text citation must be

included on Works Cited page

First word in each entry of Works Cited must also

appear in the in-text citation

The following is an excerpt from an essay:

This disenfranchisement over his “marginalization in

Anglo society [affected] his individual psyche”

(Delgadillo 99).


Stanko 17

Works Cited

Delgadillo, Theresa. “Forms of Chicana Feminist

Resistance: Hybrid Spirituatlity in Ana

Castillo’s So Far From God.” Modern Fiction

Studies 44.4 (1998):79 – 102. Print.

In-text citations contain two elements

Last name of author

Page number of quoted or paraphrased passage

Information can be placed in parentheses

immediately after the material being cited

The Spanish tried to reduce the status of Filipina women,

who had been able to do business, get divorced, and

sometimes become village chiefs (Karnow 41).

Or place author’s name in an attributive tag at the

beginning of the source material and the page

number in parentheses at the end

According to Karnow, the Spanish tried to reduce the status

of Filipina women, who had been able to do business, get

divorced, and sometimes become village chiefs (41).

Using the article on page 360 in your

Behrens text, create a citation for a works

cited page.

Create two in-text citations for this source:

one with an attributive tag and one


Knapp, Robert. “A Psychology of Rumor.”

Writing and Reading Across the

Curriculum. Ed. Laurence Behrens and

Leonard J. Rosen. New York: Pearson

Longman, 2013. 360 - 362. Print.

In groups, use the packet to create a

works cited page.

Your works cited page should follow

MLA format.

There are 4 sources

Your essay is 5 pages in length




Double spacing

Hanging indent

Alphabetical order

Order of citation information – did you

correctly identify type of source? Did you

put information in correct order according

to the formula provided in the packet?

Baldwin, Gayle. “World War Z and the End of Religion as We Know It.” Cross Currents 57.3 (2007): 412 – 425. Print

Coombs, Marian. “Unraveling the Undead.” American Conservative 11.2 (2012): 40 – 42. Print.

Dhar, Michael. “Survive a Zombie Apocalypse? Just Do the Math.” Live Science. NBCNews.com 30 July 2013. Web. 13 Sept 2013. <URL is at discretion of instructor>.

Pastor, Paul. “The Zombie Apocalypse.”

Christianity Today 57.1 (2013): 80. Print.

Quotation Marks

When do you use

quotation marks???

What is a direct quotation?

Exactly repeats what someone said or wrote

When are quotation marks used?

Use quotation marks around direct quotations

Lina asked, “Do you think we should ask a


Quotation marks always appear in pairs

Use quotation marks around titles of poems,

song titles, short stories, magazine or

newspaper articles, essays, speeches, chapter

titles, and episodes of TV or radio shows

“Just Like a Woman,” by Bob Dylan

ITALICIZE/UNDERLINE titles of magazines,

novels, books, newspapers…

How is a quotation within a quotation punctuated?

With single quotation marks The man said, “I’m sorry, officer, but did I

hear you correctly when you said, ‘Drive into that ditch’?”

What is an indirect quotation? Restates what someone said or wrote, but

not word for word Rachel told the security guard that

she needed to enter the building for official business.


Punctuation & Quotation marks

Place periods and commas inside

The name of the short story is “Hills

Like White Elephants.”

Put question marks and exclamation

points inside quotation marks unless

they apply to the whole sentence

Bedtime at my house is marked by

“Mommy, can I tell you a story now?”

Have you heard the old proverb “Do

not climb the hill until you reach it”?

Punctuation & Quotation marks

Put colons and semicolons outside

Harold wrote, “I regret that I am

unable to attend the fundraiser for

AIDS research”; his letter, however,

came with a substantial


Punctuation & Quotation marks

Don’t be this guy:



Do not use quotation marks to draw

attention to familiar slang, to

disown trite expressions, or to

justify an attempt at humor

It was a “ballpark figure.”

1. As for the advertisement “Sailors have more

fun”, if you consider chipping paint and

swabbing decks fun, then you will have plenty

of it.

…fun,” if…

2. Even after forty minutes of discussion, our

class could not agree on an interpretation of

Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken.”


3. After winning the lottery, Juanita said that

“she would give half the money to charity.”

Omit…it’s an indirect quote

4. After the movie,Vicki said, “The reviewer called this flick “trash of the first order.” I guess you can’t believe everything you read.”

…flick ‘trash of the first order.’ I…

5. “Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing,” quipped Phyllis Diller, “is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.”


6. “That’s the most beautiful seashell I’ve ever seen!”, shouted Alexa.

Omit comma before shouted

7. “Get your head in the game, and the rest will come” advised the coach just before the whistle.

…come,” advised…

8. Gloria Steinem once twisted an old proverb

like this, “A woman without a man is like a fish

without a bicycle.”


9. “Even when freshly washed and relieved of

all obvious confections,” says Fran Lebowitz,

“children tend to be sticky.”


10. Have you heard the Cowboy Junkies’ cover

of Hank Williams’s “I’m So Lonesome I Could




Length, Punctuality, Accuracy,

Concept Instruction

Practice Worksheet

Reinforcement Activity


Use sparingly

Too many quotes causes a loss of ownership

Also makes readers question your

knowledge of the topic

Quoting memorable language

Worded so eloquently or powerfully that

summarizing/paraphrasing would sacrifice impact

and meaning

Quoting clear and concise language

To summarize/paraphrase would make it too


Quoting authoritative language

Lends authority and credibility to your essay

Quote only part of sentence or paragraph


“Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

but bears it out even to the edge of doom.”

Avoid freestanding quotations

Use attributive tags

Shakespeare insists that “Love alters not with his brief

hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of


“Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,”

Shakespeare insists, “but bears it out even to the edge

of doom.”

Shakespeare insists that true lovers are persistent:

“Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, but

bears it out even to the edge of doom.”

Incorporate the quotation into the flow of

your own sentence

In Sonnet 116, true lovers “[bear] it out even to

the edge of doom.”


Shakespeare’s description of true love argues that

“love is not love which alters when it alteration

finds...but bears it out even to the edge of


Read Behrens Chapter 1 pgs. 3-24

Find and read five scholarly sources on

a topic of your choice

Create a works cited page for the
