ENG 2100 Fall 2009 Heung

Post on 10-Dec-2014

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Presentation for a workshop for ENG 2100 (a freshman composition course) at Baruch College. The professor wanted me to focus less on finding sources and more on evaluating and using them.


Evaluating and Using


FrancoeurNewman LibraryBaruch College

4 November 2009

Research Survey to Determine the Mobility of Physicians in the Chicago Area Being Conducted at the University of Chicago with the Aid of Forty [40] National Youth Administration Employees. N.d. New York Public Library. NYPL Digital Gallery. Web. 4 November 2009. <http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?1260389>.

Learning Goals

Students will be able to:• Evaluate sources based on multiple,

relevant criteria• Distinguish between source types by

analyzing source citations• Compose citations for online sources


Search the Library Catalog


Search a database, such as:•Academic Search Complete

•LexisNexis Academic

•Opposing Viewpoints

Search Basics

BAD IDEA purpose of a college education


purpose AND college education


(purpose OR goal) AND college education

Evaluating Sources

• Date of publication• Scholarly vs. popular• Credibility of author

Scholarly-Popular Continuum

Scholarly Popular

Scholarly Journals

• Audience = fellow scholars

• Long articles• Bibliographies• Jargon• Peer reviewed

Magazines and Newspapers

• Audience = everyday readers

• Short articles• No bibliographies• Everyday language• Not peer reviewed


Google the author to learn if author:

– Teaches on this topic?– Written more than once on the topic?– Has degrees related to the topic?– Works in a field related to the topic?

Available at the Library

Sample Citations

Schrecker, Ellen. Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America. Boston: Little, Brown, 1998. Print.

Schrecker, Ellen. “McCarthyism: Political Repression and the Fear of Communism.” Social Review 71:4 (2004), 1041-1086. Print.

Thatcher, Margaret. “My Cozy Cottage.” Ladies Home Journal (September 19, 2001), 45-46. Print.

Citing Websites Using MLA

Purdue OWLhttp://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/

“Do Professors Matter?”http://www.insidehighered.com/views/2009/10/30/


How Was It?

1. What are three things I learned about research today that I didn’t already know?

2. What is one thing about research that we should have covered or that I’m still unclear about?