Eng101 Frags Run-Ons Sentencevariety SP15

Post on 17-Jul-2016

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Fragments Run-ons Sentence Variety English 101_SP15


A sentence is a group of words that has three elements:



And a Complete thought

A fragment seems to be a complete sentence but it lacks either a



Or a complete thought


What are the two basic ways to correct sentence fragments?

Add what is missing (subject, verb, or both)

Attach fragment to sentence before or after it

Spotting Fragments

What are the five trouble spots that signal possible fragments?

A word group that begins with a(n)


Dependent word

Spotting Fragments

Dependent words

after, although, as, as if, because, before, even though, how, if, since, so that, than, that, though, unless, until, when, where, whether, which, while, who, whom, whose, why

Spotting Fragments

What are the five trouble spots that signal possible fragments?

A word group that begins with a(n)


Dependent word

“-ing” verb form

“to” and a verb

an example or explanation

Spotting Fragments – the basics

Find the subject.

A subject is the person or thing doing the action or being described in the sentence.

I run two miles every day, rain or shine.

Find the verb.

A verb is a word that expresses action or a state of being.

He is happy about his new shoes.


1. Eat your spinach.

2. Until I turn sixteen.

3. My big fat mouth.

4. When I come home from school.

5. Flies off her perch, lands on my shoulder, and begs for sunflower seeds.

6. The dog and cat are both making noise.

7. She can’t sleep because of the noise.

8. What makes me mad!


There are two types of run-ons:


Comma splice


Fused sentence

We went to the beach last summer I learned to surf.

Comma splice

We went to the beach last summer, I learned to surf.


4. What are the five ways to correct run-ons?

Add a period

We went to the beach last summer. I learned to surf.

Add a semicolon

We went to the beach last summer; I learned to surf.

Add a semicolon, a conjunctive adverb, and a comma

We went to the beach last summer; therefore, I learned to surf.


4. What are the five ways to correct run-ons?

Add a comma and a coordinating conjunction

We went to the beach last summer, so I learned to surf.

Add a dependent word

Since we went to the beach last summer, I learned to surf.


1. I thought I made a C on the test however, I made a B.

2. I didn’t study very much, I made a good grade.

3. I might not be so lucky next time I’m going to study right now!

4. My friends went bar hopping, they all failed. (add a dependent word)

Newsletter Practice – one line under

subjects, two lines under verbs While discussing the subject of acronyms let’s

examine a doctor of chiropractic’s purpose – DC = doctor of cause. Chiropractors and chiropractic patients understand that all disease has a cause and focus on removing it so the body can heal. Not maintaining disease through drugs. Chiropractic understands that the human body is conceived by two cells. Those two simple cells share responsibility for creating life. Chiropractic understands that the very first organ those cells develop is a brain, then from that brain comes the spinal cord, then like branches growing on a tree come the nerves and finally like fruit at the end of those branches grows organs. Since all life starts with the central nervous system, then it must maintain life and health. The healthier the nervous system the healthier the body, chiropractors understand this fundamental law of the body and maximize the nervous system through adjustments.

Newsletter Practice – one line under

subjects, two lines under verbs

While discussing the subject of acronyms let’s examine a doctor of chiropractic’s purpose – DC = doctor of cause. Chiropractors and chiropractic patients understand that all disease has a cause; They focus on removing it, so the body can heal. The point is to not maintain disease through drugs. Chiropractic understands that the human body is conceived by two cells. Those two simple cells share responsibility for creating life. Chiropractic understands that the very first organ those cells develop is a brain, then from that brain comes the spinal cord, then like branches growing on a tree come the nerves and finally like fruit at the end of those branches

grows organs. Since all life starts with the central nervous system, then it must maintain life and health. The healthier the nervous system, the healthier the body, chiropractors understand this fundamental law of the body and maximize the nervous system through adjustments.

Newsletter Practice

While discussing the subject of acronyms let’s examine a doctor of chiropractic’s purpose – DC = doctor of cause. Chiropractors and chiropractic patients understand that all disease has a cause and focus on removing it so the body can heal. Not maintaining disease through drugs. Chiropractic understands that the human body is conceived by two cells. Those two simple cells share responsibility for creating life. Chiropractic understands that the very first organ those cells develop is a brain, then from that brain comes the spinal cord, then like branches growing on a tree come the nerves and finally like fruit at the end of those branches grows organs. Since all life starts with the central nervous system, then it must maintain life and health. The healthier the nervous system the healthier the body, chiropractors understand this fundamental law of the body and maximize the nervous system through adjustments.

Sentence Variety

Providing Sentence Variety

Use a variety of sentence structures

Simple - A sentence with one independent clause and no dependent clauses

Niles is a thief.

Compound - A sentence with multiple independent clauses but no dependent clauses.

Niles likes paperclips, and he steals them often.

Complex - A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.

When Niles took the paperclip from the student’s essay, his fangs tore the paper.

Compound-complex - A sentence with multiple independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.

Although I warned the student about Niles, I still felt badly about the incident, so I gave her a sticker.

Newsletter Practice – look at

how each sentence begins

You wake up and on your morning commute the city skyline is illuminated in pink. You walk into the office and your coworkers are sporting hot pink shirts and buttons. You see at lunch those same coworkers munching way on KFC from a pink bucket and washing it down with pink bottles of Pepsi. Your boss calls a team meeting after lunch because Katherine was just diagnosed with breast cancer, the third coworker this year, so he rallies the troops to support her by “baking a dozen for the cure” and wearing even more pink tomorrow. You come home exhausted from the day and put on Monday night football to sell all of your favorite athletes, wearing what other than pink. You say to yourself “If I didn’t know better I think I have been pink washed”.

Newsletter Practice You wake up and on your morning commute the city

skyline is illuminated in pink. You walk into the office and your coworkers are sporting hot pink shirts and buttons. You see at lunch those same coworkers munching way on KFC from a pink bucket and washing it down with pink bottles of Pepsi. Your boss calls a team meeting after lunch because Katherine was just diagnosed with breast cancer, the third coworker this year, so he rallies the troops to support her by “baking a dozen for the cure” and wearing even more pink tomorrow. You come home exhausted from the day and put on Monday night football to sell all of your favorite athletes, wearing what other than pink. You say to yourself “If I didn’t know better I think I have been pink washed”.

For Tuesday...

Newsletter submission #1 due

Read Comparison techniques pgs. 219-231