Engage Your Employees. Boost Your CX...

Post on 16-Jul-2020

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Engage Your Employees.Boost Your CX Success.You’re the CX champion in your organization, and you already know how e�ective customer feedback can be at returning real business results. But you also know that your employees have a huge impact on your CX success because they interact with customers every day. The fact is that you can design the best CX program in the world, but if you don’t have engaged employees to execute, the program will invariably fail.

If you’re ready to take your CX program to the next level—and we know you are—complementing your existing VoC e�orts with an employee engagement program can dramatically increase your customers’ overall satisfaction with your brand—and turn you into a CX rockstar.



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Employee Engagement

Companies with high employee engagement scores have 2x the customer loyalty than companies with average employee engagement levels.1


— Ralph Cumbee, Senior Vice President and CXO Solarity Credit Union

“Employee engagement is a critical piece of our CX strategy. We've seen that when employees get feedback directly from members, they’re more motivated to provide a better experience. In fact, we've made several changes based on customer feedback that have simplified processes for employees, and in turn, our employees feel more empowered to make better decisions for members.”




Satisfied Loyal Engagement Creates Advocacy

I like them and will go out of my way to use them

I care about my job and want to stay here

My functional needs are met

I come to work and do my job

I had a good product/service delivery experience

I like working here, my manager and my team

I will recommend them to others

I love my job and want to contribute to make it a great place to work

Copyright © 2016 InMoment, Inc

Employee engagement has more of a connection with customer satisfaction than sleeping pills have on reducing insomnia?

• Sleeping pills and improvement in insomnia: r = .30

• Employee engagement and customer satisfaction: r = .432

Did you know...

Find out what you have to work with. Does your HR department already have a program? If so, who owns it? Would it be more e�ective to have your VoC and employee engagement programs in a single platform? If a program doesn’t exist, why is that? Asking the right questions will help you build a better business case.

You can’t succeed without your employees. Get them engaged. Boost your CX success.

Ready to learn more? Contact your Customer Success Manager or visit inmoment.com/products/employee-engagement.

Ask the right questions.1.

And bring the numbers. There is a huge amount of research available about how engaged employees drive business results. For example, companies with an engaged workforce had 21% higher productivity and 22% higher profitability than their competitors. And a 5% increase in total employee engagement correlates to a 7% increase in operating margin.6

Build a business case.2.

Find an executive sponsor who will champion the value of a cross-departmental employee engagement and customer experience initiative. Then bring in members from your CX and HR teams to help set strategic direction and foster buy-in while pooling resources.

Create an engagement consortium. 3.

Top Tips to Get HR Invested


Top 25%Companies

Bottom 25%Companies

Companies in the top 25% in employee engagement outperformed bottom 25% companies by 10% on customer ratings.3

of senior level executives believe that employee engagement has a

considerable impact on customer experience.4


SOURCES1. Are They Really ‘On the Job’?, Pont 2. http://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2014/01/07/employee-engagement-the-wonder-drug

-for-customer-satisfaction/#10ce85f729813. http://www.gallup.com/businessjournal/163130/employee-engagement-drives-growth.aspx4. https://hbr.org/resources/pdfs/comm/achievers/hbr_achievers_report_sep13.pdf5.http://www.gallup.com/businessjournal/163130/employee-engagement-drives-growth.aspx6. Reconnecting with Employees. Towers Perrin 2004 European Talent Survey