Engaging Teens throughTechnology

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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setting the scene for a full day web 2.0 workshop on authoring environments, continuing on at http://ckendall.wikispaces.com/Teens+and+Tech


Cindy KendallIngham Intermediate School District

Mason, MI

Introduce yourself

My name is (name) and I teach (what, where). I am like a (object) because (use your imagination).

Are we preparing teens for this world?Sell to and buy from the worldWork for international companiesWork with and perhaps manage employees from

other cultures and countriesCollaborate with people all over the world in joint

venturesCompete globallyServe locallyThe U.S. Department of Labor estimates that today’s

learner will have 10-14 jobs … By the age of 38.

We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist . . .

Using technologies that haven’t been invented . . .

In order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.

- David Warlick

For what kind of world is schooling preparing student?

In what world are our teens living?

In what world are our teens living?

Literacy“Literacy has always been about using the most powerful cultural tools available to make and communicate meaning. At the present, those tools happen to be multimedia tools that use video, graphics, sound, and traditional text in a hypermedia format. If we or our students don't know how to critically use these tools to their fullest meaning-constructive potential, then we—and they—are illiterate.”

-Jeff Wilhelm