Engineering College Seat Selection Process

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  • 8/14/2019 Engineering College Seat Selection Process


    Mind Tree RIPECSSP

    SRS30 SEP 2009

    R.Harshad (

    Sneha Aswani (

    Vishnu.G (

    Amrita School of Engineering,Cbe
  • 8/14/2019 Engineering College Seat Selection Process


    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents....................................................................................2

    Purpose of this document.........................................................................4

    Scope of this document............................................................................4

    Definitions, Abbreviation and Acronyms....................................................4

    Introduction ............................................................................................5

    2 Overview ...............................................................................................5

    2.1 Overview of the product or solution ............................................5

    2.2 Scope ..............................................................................5

    2.3 Deployment context of the application ........................................5

    2.4 Users ..............................................................................5

    2.5 Assumptions ..............................................................................5

    2.6 Solution constraints ....................................................................6

    2.7 Entity Relationship Diagram .......................................................6

    3 Functional Requirements .......................................................................7

    4 Interface Requirements ........................................................................13

    5 Non-functional Requirements ...............................................................14

    Business attributes ........................................................................14

    Cost ............................................................................. 14

    Reusability .............................................................................14

    Behavioural attributes ....................................................................15

    Performance .............................................................................15

    Usability .............................................................................15

    Availability .............................................................................15

    Safety .............................................................................15

    Security .............................................................................15

    Development attributes ..................................................................15

    Testability .............................................................................15

    Evolutionary attributes ...................................................................15

    Extensibility .............................................................................15

    Modifiability .............................................................................15

    User Documentation and Training requirements ...........................15

  • 8/14/2019 Engineering College Seat Selection Process



  • 8/14/2019 Engineering College Seat Selection Process


    Purpose of this document

    This document captures all the information related to the software requirements and inferences

    provided by the Consortium of Colleges.

    Scope of this documentThis document gives a brief description about the system overview, functional, interface and non

    functional software requirements.

    Definitions, Abbreviation and Acronyms

    The terms in use in the document are explained below

    Acronym Description

    ECSSP Engineering College Seat Selection Process


  • 8/14/2019 Engineering College Seat Selection Process



    The ECSSP is a web application for engineering college seat allocation system. Students

    use this system to apply for admissions in the college. The system monitors the allocation of

    seats based on merit.


    2.1Overview of the product or solution

    The ECSSP system accepts applications from the students for their respective choice of

    branch in a college. The system validates, compares and allocates seats to the students

    registered based on merit.



    This application helps the student to register themself to colleges by

    providing necessary details.


    This application serves the student community by reducing their workload (both

    physical and mental) in applying for colleges.


    The application should have a simple and clear interface to the user.

    It provides all the functionality specified by the user.

    2.3Deployment context of the application

    The Application is deployed on the internet and should be accessible anywhere.


    Applicants( Students applying to the college)



    The assumptions made in the development of ECSSP are:

    Basic English knowledge is mandatory.

    The system admin is already created and has access to Database.

    The tasks of users and admin are predefined.


  • 8/14/2019 Engineering College Seat Selection Process


    2.6Solution constraints

    Internet must be accessible to applicants.

    GUI is available only in English.

    A student registers to only one college at a time.

    2.7Entity Relationship Diagram


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    3Functional Requirements

    Functionality encompasses four Modules

    Student registration

    Student applying to a college

    Status check

    Updating the college details

    Updating the selected students list

    3.1 Sequence of Events:

    1. The Student registers to a college using his/her board ID, Name, DOB and this ID is validated with

    the Board Database.

    2. The student can apply to at most two branches from the listed colleges in the consortium and their

    respective branches.

    3. The student checks his/her application status using the ID.

    4. The Admin can add/modify the list of colleges and the branches in that particular college.

    5. The Admin can set/modify the cut off scores and seats per branch.

    6.Allot seat to students and Display list of students who have been allotted seats in every branch of

    college based on their merits

    7.Update the status of applicants.


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    3.2 Use case Diagram:

    3.3 Specific Requirements:


    Name of Use Case: Student Registration

    Description: Register on the site with the board details


    student should have a Board ID

    Normal flow of events:

    Student enters his/her details

    Marks are validated with the Board database

    Login ID is assigned

    Alternate flow of events: None.

    Post condition: None.


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    o Name of Use Case: Applying to the college

    Description: Apply to a college with branch choices


    Student is already logged in.

    User has been created and assigned some roles.

    List of available colleges

    Normal flow of events:

    Select a college

    Select atmost two branches for the college

    Submit the query

    Alternate flow of events: None.

    Post condition: Application status pending.


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    o Name of Use Case: Status check

    Description: Check the status of the application


    The student has applied to colleges

    Normal flow of events:

    Students logs into the portal

    Student checks the applications' status.

    Relevant output will be displayed.

    Alternate flow of events: None.

    Post condition: None.


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    o Name of Use Case: Updating the college details

    Description: Admin updates the details of colleges and their corresponding branches.


    Administrator is already logged in.

    Normal flow of events:

    Select the college and the branch.

    Update the details.

    Alternate flow of events: None.

    Post condition: None.


  • 8/14/2019 Engineering College Seat Selection Process


    o Name of Use Case: Updating the "Selected Student" List

    Description: Admin updates the selected candidate list depending on the number of applications and

    their marks.


    Administrator is already logged in.

    Late date for the registration is over

    Normal flow of events:

    Initiate the selection process

    The selected students list will be displayed.

    Alternate flow of events: None.

    Post condition: None.


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    4Interface Requirements


  • 8/14/2019 Engineering College Seat Selection Process


    4.1 User interfaces:

    Web browser

    Any operating system

    4.2 Hardware interfaces:

    4.3 Software interfaces:

    Any Web server (Apache)

    Database server (MySQL)

    Development end (PhP)

    4.4Communication interfaces:

    Internet client uses HTTP protocol.

    5Non-functional Requirements

    Business attributes


    Linux OS, Apache Server are used, which are Open Source.


    Flexible service based architecture, can be extended in the future.


  • 8/14/2019 Engineering College Seat Selection Process


    Behavioural attributes


    The component design delivers better performance by quick response.


    User interacts with the ECSSP like any other web applications.


    The product is accessible to applicants and the administrator 24 x 7


    The Application is safe enough to run independently without affecting the other

    applications running simultaneously.


    The Student details will be kept confidential.


    Development attributes


    The ECSSP will be tested module wise:

    Registration Module Testing: Intake and Validation

    Status Check Module Testing

    Seat Allocation Module Testing.

    This is followed by integration of the three modules and Finally System testing.

    Evolutionary attributes


    Any future requirements or enhancements can be added to the ECSSP Application


    The "ECSSP" can be easily modified because of the modular design..

    User Documentation and Training requirements

    User manual is provided with the product i.e. a Help Document.