Engineering Project Recommendations(51)

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  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    Engineering Project

    Recommendations (51)
  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)









    ? ?

  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    ( :) At a recent meeting, members discussedways in which to improve pumping performance insemiconductor manufacturing. Increasingly largersubstrate requirements have spurred advances in semiconductormanufacturing. Thus, to satisfy ultracleam environment

    requirements, the pumping performance of vacuum pumps isincreasingly important in the etching process, chemical vapordeposition (CVD), and physical vapor deposition (PVD). However, the processing pressure can not remainconstant with a declining pumping performance. (NOTE : Add3-4 more sentences that describe characteristics of the problem

    or statistics that reflect its severity) According to evaluations based on man-made andcomputational fluid dynamics (CFD) in previous studies,pumping lasts too long. The inability toevaluate the pumping performance efficiently and preciselymakes it impossible to comply with the demand of actual

    processing pressure.

  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    (:) Therefore, we recommend developing a vacuumperformance system according to ISO standards, with automatictesting and human-machine interface functions. To do so, pumping performance can be evaluated based onthe flow meter method. The flow rate can then be adjusted to

    obtain a balanced inlet pressure. Next, the pumping speed can bedetermined based on this relationship. Additionally, results of theexperimental pumping speed can be compared with those ofsimulations. As anticipated, the proposed vacuumperformance system can evaluate the throughput, pumping speed,ultimate pressure, and residue gas analysis via its automatic

    testing and human-machine interface functions in an inlet pressurerange exceeding 1.3x10-6 Torr. Importantly, theproposed system can eliminate the evaluated time and providehuman-machine interface functions. (NOTE : Add 2-3 moresentences that describe more thoroughly how the proposedmethod contributes to a particular field or sector)

  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    ( :) Our management supervisors recently

    expressed concern over how to satisfy consumer demand

    in the area of optical storage media devices,

    Advances in telecommunications and information

    technology have led to the transformation of optical storagemedia from CD, VCD, DVD to BD format. Consumer

    demand for an optical pick-up head in higher capacity

    portable optical storage media, e.g., near-field optical disc,

    focuses on a more compact and lightweight size with alarger storage capability, as well as fast read and write

    action capabilities. In particular, a glass material refractive

    index exceeding 2.0, a weight less than 80 gram and a size

    smaller than 1.0 millimeter in diameter are of priority


  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    ( :) For current specifications of a refractiveindex exceeding 2.0 for glass material and a diametersmaller than 1 millimeter for glass beads, conventionalgrinding and polishing glass processing methods fail tosatisfy stability requirements and consumer demand

    regarding the shape of the optical storage media device interms of precision and efficiency. (NOTE : Add 2 moresentences that describe characteristics of the problem orstatistics that reflect its severity) (NOTE: You need to quantify the problem that you are

    trying to solve) The inability tocomply with consumer demand regarding the specificationsof optical storage media devices makes it impossible toproduce a quality and sufficiently small optical pick-up headthat can read and write data efficiently.

  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    (:) Therefore, we recommend

    designing (WHAT?) method that can manufacture 100

    optical lenses in a single run using a glass molding process.

    To do so, two 10 * 10 ceramic mold array

    plates, with each mold having a diameter of 1 mllimeter,can be produced based on the temperature distribution of a

    heating device. Glass with a refractive index of 2.003 can

    then be selected and pre-manufactured to the appropriate

    volume. Next, the required shape for an optical lens can bepressed by controlling the heating and cooling times

    through use of a high-temperature glass molding machine.

  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    (:) As anticipated, the proposed method canensure the manufacturing of 100 precision optical lenses in3 hours, along with homogeneity of the shape reaching95%. Importantly, in addition to its desired features

    of optimized batch production, precise speed control andshorter processing time, the proposed method ensures thatthe components cost less when a greater volume isproduced. (NOTE : Add 2-3 more sentences that describemore thoroughly how the proposed method contributes to a

    particular field or sector)

  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    ( :) During our most recent board meeting,participants expressed concern over the current trend intreating defective CCDs. The image data ofa spatial dimension in cross-track and the spectraldimension are sampled simultaneously for hyperspectral

    imagers by using a 2D detector array. Based on use of thepushbroom mechanism, these spectrographs, with anentrance slit and a PGP dispersing element, is extensivelyadopted in remote sensing. A hyperspectral image of alarge ground surface can be easily obtained by multiple

    image acquisition using these imagers.Thedetector array gradually malfunctions after long-termimaging operations. Additionally, a few CCDs in thedetector array decline in performance with differentlevels. (NOTE : Add 2-3 more sentences that describecharacteristics of the problem or statistics that reflect its


  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    ( :) For instance, a higher performancedecay level of defective CCDs, e.g. 50%, implies a greaterimpact on the image quality for a hyperspectral image; thesame condition is true as the number of defective CCDsand the spectrum bands. Such

    defective CCDs produce vertical stripes in image segmentsand degrade the image quality of a hyperspectralimager. While the detector array must be replaced tomaintain high image quality, replacing a detector array withonly a few defects is economically infeasible.

  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    (:) Therefore, we recommend developing a novelrestoration algorithm for a hyperspectral image to maintain ahigh image quality without replacing the detector array of animager. To achieve restoration, the proposed algorithmincludes defective CCDs detection based on acquired images

    and image restoration based on inter-band radiance interpolation. Defective CCDs are detected (based on ORaccording to) radiance deviation of each image line for allhyperspectral bands. Image restoration is then performed usinginter-band radiance interpolation of Lagrange polynomial on theimage lines with defective CCDs. Next, CCDs defects for an

    imager are identified periodically to update the CCDs healthstatus. Additionally, hyperspectral observer of plants andenvironment (HOPE) images, as developed by ITRC, withsimulated defective CCDs of various performance decay levelsare applied for validation.

  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    (:) As anticipated, the proposed restoration algorithm has anaccuracy for images with homogeneous ground feature thatexceeds those with non-homogeneous features. Additionally,defective CCDs with a performance decay of 10% can still bedesignated precisely. Moreover, restoration accuracy of pixel radianceis achieved as well for various spectral bands using the proposed

    algorithm. Furthermore, image reconstruction is performed usinginterpolation of spatial neighboring pixels. Both methods are comparedin terms of radiance deviation. In contrast with the method usinginterpolation of neighboring pixcels, the proposed algorithm can handlethe images taken by hyperspectral imager with adjoining defectiveCCDs both in spatial and spectral dimensions. Highlypromising for hyperspectral images, the proposed algorithm can ensurethat an imager operates continuously despite the presence of a fewdefects in detector array. (NOTE : Add 2-3 more sentences thatdescribe more thoroughly how the proposed method contributes to aparticular field or sector)

  • 8/7/2019 Engineering Project Recommendations(51)


    Further details can be found at