Engineering, Technology & Science

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Engineering, Technology & Science. What comes to mind when you hear the word “technology?”. Technology in a Bag. What is technology? What does your technology do? What problem does it solve? How else could you use it? What materials are used to make it? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Engineering, Technology & Science

What comes to mind when you hear the word “technology?”


Matching Keywords: 0Keywords: NA

Technology in a Bag

What is technology? What does your technology do? What

problem does it solve? How else could you use it? What materials are used to make it? What other material could be used to make


What is technology?

Technology is: Anything human-made or used to solve a problem

or to fulfill a desire

Technology can be an object, system or a process. Can you identify a technology in this room that is a:

System Process

What can you do with a spoon?

What is an alternative function for this spoon?

If you were to think about redesigning this spoon so that it functioned better as a ______, what you change and why?

Who does this kind of work? Who uses their knowledge of science, materials properties and ergonomics to design technologies?

Science, Technology, Engineering

Engineering: Design under constraint Seeks solutions for

societal problems and needs

Aims to produce the best solution given resources and constraints

Engineering uses a process--the engineering design process--to produce solutions and technologies

Science: A body of knowledge Seeks to describe

and understand the natural world and its physical properties

Scientific knowledge can be used to make predictions

Science uses a process--the scientific method--to generate knowledge

Technology: The body of

knowledge, processes, and artifacts that result from engineering

Almost everything made by humans to solve a need is a technology

Examples of technology include pencils, shoes, cell phones, and processes to treat water

Comparison of typical processes

Scientific Inquiry1.) Observation and form a question

2.) Hypothesis & procedure

3.) Conduct an experiment

4.) Refine hypothesis and experiment again

5.) Form a conclusion and communicate it

RESULT: Facts and theories

Engineering Design1.) Define the problem and resources available

2.) Develop a design

3.) Test the design

4.) Modify the design and test again

5.) Analyze the design and use or market it

RESULT: Products and processes

Engineering at work…

Ms. Campbell-Klett wants to put on display some of the Rainbow Lab Cylinders that her students have made in the 9th grade physical science in the large display cases near the Trojan head.

What is the problem? In order to solve this problem, what do you

need to know?

Tower Activity

Construct a tower to hold up a student rocket, the tower must be:

At least 2 feet tallStructure must support a stapler for 10 secondsCannot test the structure until the deadline is

reached (30 minutes) and cannot be anchored

Supplies your group may use: 1 pack of 100 index cards Scotch tape Scissors

Tower Activity

30 minutes

Tower Activity

What is similar about these solutions? What is different about them? After testing, what would you do if given the

chance to improve your tower?

Action Words

What are some action words that describe what you did during the design process?

Rocket lab redesign

Ms. Campbell-Klett wants to find a way to make the film canister rockets go higher. Brainstorm ideas in your lab groups for how this could look.

Engineering Video Clip

Engineering Design ProcessGoal: To solve a problem by

developing or improving a technology

Engineering Design ProcessAsk What is the problem? What have others done? What are the constraints?

Engineering Design Process

Imagine What are some solutions? Brainstorm ideas. Choose the best one.

Engineering Design Process

Plan Draw a diagram. Make lists of materials

you will need.

Engineering Design Process

Create Follow your plan

and create it. Test it out!

Engineering Design Process

Improve Talk about what works, what

doesn't, and what could work better.

Modify your design to make it better.

Test it out!

Engineering Design ProcessASK What is the problem? What have others done? What are the constraints? IMAGINE What are some solutions? Brainstorm ideas. Choose the best one. PLAN Draw a diagram. Make lists of materials you will

need. CREATE Follow your plan and create it. Test it out! IMPROVE Talk about what works, what

doesn't, and what could work better.

Modify your design to make it better.

Test it out!