English Gr 5 Book 2 · 2015-07-22 · 80 Spelling machine factory dependant limitation clever...

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Cloze procedure

solar survive cold closestsun know night travelnine walked starsArmstrong earth moons

Our solar system

The word solar has to do with the sun. Our _1_ system consists of our _2_ and the planets that move around it. There are many other suns. If you look up into the sky at _3_, you can see them shining. We call them _4_. Our sun is really a star. There are _5_ planets in our solar system, and we live on the planet called _6_. Earth is the third planet from the sun. It is very far away from the sun. No one has ever tried to _7_ to the sun, because it is too far away and it is also too hot! We _8_ that Earth is the only planet in our solar system where there is life: people, animals, plants, _9_ and birds. The planets closer to the sun are too hot for life to _10_,and the planets that are very far away from the sun are too _11_ for life to survive. The _12_ planet to the sun is Mercury. It is also the smallest planet in our solar system. The furthest planet from the sun is Sedna. Some of the planets in the solar system have _13_. A moon shines like a star, but is actually a small planet. People have _14_the moon was Neil _15_, an American. He stepped on to the moon on 20 July, 1969.



machine factory dependant limitationclever bicycle satellite instructionsinventor tremble specialised communicationmanual complete picture electricityvisible objects computer power


A robot is a machine that’s controlled by a computer. It’s only as clever as the person who designs it.

Words easily confused

Complement:A bus with a full complement has the maximum number of passengers.compliment: He paid compliments to my mother’s cooking.desert: The Sahara is a huge desert.dessert: We had fruit for dessert.few: I bought a few books.little: There is only a little sugar left.fewer: We have fewer sheep than they have. (number)less: This bottle has less milk than that one. (quantity)lay: The hens lay many eggs. (Yesterday the hens laid many eggs.)

Susan and I will lay the table. (Susan and I always laid the table.)lie: I lie on my bed. (Yesterday I lay on my bed.)



Present tense (do, does, is, are)She likes my cat. Does she like my cat?They go to town. Do they go to town?We swim every day. Do we swim every day?My dog barks a lot. Does my dog bark a lot?He is in town. Is he in town?They swim. Do they swim?He writes a letter. Does he write a letter?

Past tense (did)They played outside. Did they play outside?Mother cooked food. Did mother cook food?Rina sang a song. Did Rina sing a song?

I love helpingpeople!


Future tense (will, shall)We shall work Shall we work?They will walk to school. Will they walk to school?Pete will run fast. Will Pete run fast?I shall be here. Shall I be here?

Goliath. And the Lord be with you.” Then King Saul clothed David in his own royal armour.

David was happy that King Saul chose

But he was upset by what happened next.

Connect the dots and you’ll see why!


Comprehension test

Live picturesProfessor Branestawn is an absent-minded inventor. One day, when his housekeeper, Mrs Flittersnoop, went into his room, he was holding a bottle containing an evil-smelling liquid.

“This liquid,” said the Professor, trembling with excitement, “will bring to life any picture to which it is applied. Look at this.” He poured some of the sparkling liquid into a glass jar, drew some up in the syringe and squirted it over a picture of some apples on the cover of a book. Nothing happened, except that the picture got wet. “Very good, Sir, I’m sure,” said Me Flittersnoop. “And now I must be getting back to my cakes.” “Wait, wait, wait,” he shouted excitedly. “It takes time. Look, look!” He pointed with

“Oo-er,” said his housekeeper. “It’s getting all lumpy like.” It certainly was. The apples began to swell up, the picture went all nobbly. Green smoke rose from the paper. The smell would have got worse, only it couldn’t. Then suddenly four rosy apples rolled out of the picture on to the table, as real and solid as you please. “Oh my!” exclaimed Me Flittersnoop. “Try one,” said the Professor and together they munched the apples. “It’s rather a pity,” said the Professor, spraying a picture of a box of chocolates to life, “that it costs more to make the liquid for doing this than it would cost to buy the things.” “You don’t say!” said Me Flittersnoop. She took a handful of the chocolates. She was not bothered about her cakes any more, which had burned into cinders in the meantime. Neither of them could smell them because of the other smell. She was also thinking that the Professor could just spray a few cakes out of a book if he wanted them. “Yes,” said the Professor, hunting among his books and papers, “and there are certain limitations to the power of the liquid. The things it brings to life go back as they were when the liquid dries off.” “Oo-er,” said Me Flittersnoop, thinking of the apples and chocolates she had eaten. But the Professor was pulling out a book with a picture of a cat in it. “Let me try this,” he said, “I don’t know yet whether it will work with animals or people.”

was a scratchy sort of one. It was most likely to be, because most of the Professor’s books were about wildish animals. “Phiz-z-z-z-z,” went the spray. They waited. The picture bulged. The picture smoked. The smell didn’t get worse, just as before. then - “Miaow!” - out jumped the cat. The

“Amazing!” gasped the Professor, struggling out of the waste paper basket where the elephant had knocked him.

The Incredible Adventures of professor Branestawn: Norman Hunter



1. What did the professor invent to make any picture come to life?

3. Is it cheaper to make a picture come to life than to buy the real thing?4. Why couldn’t they smell the cookies burning?5. What were the limitations of this invention?6. Did this invention work on animals as well?

8. Give another word for eat. (It is in the story)9. What did the professor use to get the liquid out of the glass jar?10. Give a word that means the same as “looking for”. (in the story)

Same word, different meanings and uses

1. Some words have more than one meaning.

below the pictures.

Sp_ _ _ _ is a season. A s_ _ _ _ _ is a place A s_ _ _ _ _ is a twisted where water wells up. piece of metal.

A m_ _ _ is the f_ _ _ that we eat at a certain time of the day.

M_ _ _ is gr_ _ _ or seed of mealies.

To s_ _ _ someone is to help a person who is in s_ _ _ _ _.

To s_ _ _ something is to k_ _ _ it until it is wanted.

C_ _ _ _ _ _ is a g_ _ _ that you play with a bat and a ball.

A c_ _ _ _ _ _ is an i_ _ _ _ _ that makes a noise at night.










A thing and an action.

a. A c_ _ _ is a black bird.

b. To c_ _ _ is to make a noise like a cock does.

c. A r_ _ _ is something we must obey.

d. To r_ _ _ is to have the highest authority in a country.

e. The s_ _ _ _ is the points you get in a game.

f. To s_ _ _ _ is to get points in a game.

g. D_ _ _ is very small pieces of dirt.

h. To d_ _ _ is to wipe off dust.

i. A s_ _ _ _ _ _ is a mark made by scratching.

j. To s_ _ _ _ _ _ is to make marks with something sharp.

A p_ _ _ is something to keep w_ _ _ _ in a basin.

A p_ _ _ is something which joins w_ _ _ _ to electricity.

j. k.