English Korean Conversations Section 19 Physical Condition

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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  • 8/3/2019 English Korean Conversations Section 19 Physical Condition


    [ Eureka Golden English 1

    SECTION 19Unit 32 : Physical condition (~ Ail {lC .l{ :"!)

    1. I'm exhausted.A i~ A I~ 'B LIq.

    2. He is good and tired._: ::J_~uf t-9 - IL I-20 ft0 t~ V'BLIq .

    3. I really feel lazy.~ol Lt~ot2R .

    4. I feel so weak.~O JI ~ol \ltO iR .

    5. I'm not myself today.Lft ~ol Lft ~ol at\:! ~ ILI-20tqlR.

    6. I ache all over.~it0 l ~ 'BLIq.

    7. I have a slight cold.~PI 71go1 V 'BLIq.

    8. I have a cough and my nose is running.71~ol Lt~ ~~ol Q --Llq.

    9. I'm having chills..2 .l (! "0 l L tR.

    10. I've lost my appetite.

    .g ~ol 7t2l~~R .14. My leg has gone to sleep.

    qcj7t A ic1R.15 . I got bitten by mosquitoes.

    .271l(!"EJI~~OiR.16. My feet hurt.

    W O l tIL tR .17. He is in bad health.

    _:: :J_ ~~~ ~6~ VOiR.18. I'm tired out. / I'm worn out.

    Ai~ ~~ol AI~OiR .19. She is in the pink.

    _ :: :J _L l~0 t~ < H jO f tR .20. I'm in good health.

    A i~

  • 8/3/2019 English Korean Conversations Section 19 Physical Condition


    [ Eureka Golden English 1

    46. My back aches.- - l !ip "1 ~ 2R.

    47. I've got a pain in my back.R~ --Oj l~~ol V,OjR.

    48. They hurt like mad.A P~ OP 'lI 0 tE '.B W O IO jIR .

    49. My ears are ringing.'i'P t Q jQ jO ftR .

    50. I felt dizzy and almost fainted.l(!71~ol LV i 71~W ~ ~OjR.

    51. He turned dizzy or something.

    52. I broke out in a cold sweat.~FPI ~grgol ~OjR.

    53. I'm running a temperature.~O jl ~ol V,OjR.54. My nose is running.

    ~~ol C jR.55. I've got the runs.

    tlft' ol ~ Oj R .56. I have a loose stool, because of what I ate

    last night.O j~~O jI Q jg 3 t l IJ l~Oj I t lf t'ol ~OjR.

    57. I have loose bowels due to what I've eaten.Q jg 3 t lIJl~Ojl i1"m Lt R .

    58. I'm hard of hearing.'i'P t ~ < c ! " ~c1R.

    59. I think I'm getting absent-minded.77. Excuse me, is this the general reception desk?

    i!C jl~ Llq l(!", pP t ~9{t-T

  • 8/3/2019 English Korean Conversations Section 19 Physical Condition


    [ Eureka Golden English 1

    89. How long will it take for me to recover?Qj~otcm ~otLt ~~ 3 t ~'BLI7Jt?

    Lesson 1 : Expressions of the doctor (.QjAt.Qj H.~D90. Am I hurting you?

    t.!"_AjlR?91. How is your appetite?

    ~~.g O jITjAjlR ?92. What kind of pain are you having?

    Oj~7 J I t. !" _A jlR?93. Are you coming down with something?

    O jcm ~&Q AjlR ?94. What are your symptoms?

    ~ Ajm O j~ 'B LI7Jt?95. Please remove your shirt so I can listen toyour chest.~ ~ ~ W EjiLI ~ ~ 1)!O j ~"IAIR.

    96. When did the annoying sensation begin? !A jpf-E j ~ ~ol "I~ ~~ 'B LI7 Jt?

    97. Have you been feeling dizzy?l(! 7 1~ ol L tA jlR ?

    98. Let's take your temperature.A jl.g ~ A ft "*"Iq.

    99. Let's see if you have a temperature.~ol V,~AI Ajl.g~ Aft "*"Iq.

    100. Have you had any nausea or vomiting?Ujl~ 'flCpjLt ~l(!" ~ V,QAjlR?

    101. Have you ever vomited right after eating?~" t ~ - ~l(!" ~ V,QAjlR?

    102. Have you had any shortness of breath?~ol At~ _:::J_CjA jlR ?

    103. Have you felt any tightness in your chest?7t~~ ::q~ ~l (! " l Ij jS=_V,L tR?

    104. Are you worried about the operation?9~ol 2:j~~AjlR?

    105. Could you stand the pain?~ ~ ~ < : ! C j i ! 9 v''BLI7J t?

    106. How often do you defecate a day?ot'f-OJI 1(1~ 9 . ! 1( j " * L I 7 J t?

    107. Let's do some allergy tests.yCjl~ 71 ~"t~ ft"*"Iq.

    108. Press this to your arm until the bleeding stops.lIm ~~ lIjj7JtAI l~ . -i'~~ 71jAjiR.

    109. Have you ever visited another doctor before?~ OJI q~ .Q j"tO JI7 JI~ ~ ~Q{! ~ v''BLI7J t?

    110. Are you taking any medicine these days?


    R~ ~ %o t~ 71 l{! < 21 '1v''B LI7J t?111. Have you had any nose bleeding?

    i2Im B ~ V,QAjlR?112. Is it a stabbing pain?

    }};I~~ ~ l(!" ~~

  • 8/3/2019 English Korean Conversations Section 19 Physical Condition


    [ Eureka Golden English 1


  • 8/3/2019 English Korean Conversations Section 19 Physical Condition


    [ Eureka Golden English 1

    Lesson 3 : At the internal department (LH -'lJ")

    179. My stomach feels funny.~ol ~~ motR.

    180. I think I ate something that didn't agree with me.i:m ~~~ ~~ Qjg 7i ~otR.181. My stomach feels heavy all the time.

    i1Pt ~{t 7i~~Llq.182. My stomach is upset.

    i1jOJIol ~OiR.183. I think my stomach is upset.

    tJH'ol B 3 t ~otR.184. I felt sick to my stomach.~ol .!fl~ojAI~ 3 t ~V:OiR.185. My stomach hurts very badly.

    tJH7tLi 0tIilR.186. I had an intestinal disorder last night.


  • 8/3/2019 English Korean Conversations Section 19 Physical Condition


    [ Eureka Golden English 1

    220. How is the color of your urine?~1(1 ~~.g Oj~B LI7)t?

    221. I'm having trouble passing urine.~1(11 ~ LtQAI mBLIq.

    222. I have a problem with hemorrhoids.Ai~ AI~ol VBLIq.

    223. I am constipated.Ai~ 1(1tJI

  • 8/3/2019 English Korean Conversations Section 19 Physical Condition


    [ Eureka Golden English 1

    I guess.~Aft l ( ! " ~s::_ ~ ~BLIq. 9l(!A jl~ QjOjo~ W 7Jt *Llq.

    262. Do you think I should go to a hospital?~~Ojl 7to~ W 7JtR?

    263. Give me first aid.% - 8 - Aj A I ~ 0ft~AjiR.

    264. How often should I take this medicine?