English Law Terminology-1

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Provides – zagotavlja provisions - določbe

Overview of – pregled nad rulings – sodbe

Law-making process – zakonodajni postopek refers to – nanaša na

Justice system – pravosodni system derived – izhajajo

Law of torts – odškodninsko pravo fundamental - temeljnih

Designed – namenjen arrived at trough - rezultat

In the Framework – v okviru in the second sense – v drugem smislu

Civil law system – kontinentalni pravni sitem breach of contract – kršitev pogodbe

It aims – namen/cilj

Insight - v pogled

Superiority – vladavini

Code – zakonik

Different Approaches – drugačni pristopi

CIVIL LAW –legal system developed from Roman codified law, established (ustanovljen/izpostaviti) by a state for its regulation

COMMON LAW – legal system which is the foundation of the legal systems of most of the English-speaking countries of the world, based on customs, usage and court decisions (also case law, judge-made law)

CRIMINAL LAW – area of the law which deals with crimes and their punishments, including fines (denarna kazen) and/or imprisonment (zaporna kazen) (also penal law – kaznovalno pravo)

Article – člen

Based on – temelji na

Bound by – zavezano plain - preprosto

Codified – uzakonjen unambiguous - nedvoumen

Disputes – spori intention - namen

Legislation - zakonodaja

Precedents – prejšnja sodna odločba višje oblasti

REGULATIONS – rules issued by a government agency to carry out the intent of the law; authorized by a statue, and generally providing more detail on a subject than the statue

ORDINANCE – law enacted (uzakoniti) by a town, city or county (okraj) government

BILL – draft document before it is made into law

DIRECTIVE – legal device used by the European Union to establish policies at the European level to be incorporated into the laws of the Member States.

STATUE – formal written law enacted by a legislative body

Property tax – davek na premoženje

Seizing – zasega

The law stipulates that… - določa/definira

The law provides that…

The patent law specifies that…

The law states/sets forth/determines/lays down/prescribe that… - DOLOČATI!!


Tried – obravnava

APPELLATE COURT (court of appeals, appeals court) – this is where a case is reviewed which has already been heard in a lower court

CROWN COURT (okrožno za kazenske zadeve) – this is where serious criminal cases are heard by a judge and a jury in the UK

HIGH COURT (glavno pritožbeno telo) + DIVISIONS (odelki) – this is usually the highest court in a jurisdiction, the court of last resort

JUVENILE COURT (za mladoletnike) – this is where a person under the age 18 would be tried

LOWER COURT (or court of first instance – crown court and magistrate’s court) – this is a court of primary jurisdiction, where a case is heard for the first time.

MAGISTRATE’S COURT (sodišča za nižje kazenske zadeve) – this is where a small crimes are tried in the UK.

MOOT COURT (simulacijsko sodišče) – this is where law students argue hypothetical cases.

SMALL-CLAIMS COURT (sodišče za spore majhne vrednosti) – this is where cases involving a limited amount of money are handled.

TRIBUNAL (razsodišče) – this is where a group of specially chosen people examine legal problems of a particular type, such as employment disputes.


1. JUDGE – public official (javni uslužbenec) who has the authority to hear (pristojnost obravnavati) and decide cases Hearing – obravnava

2. CLAIMANT – person who initiates (začne) a civil lawsuit3. A EXPERT WITNESS (strokovni izvedenec) – person who has specialized knowledge of a

particular subject who is called to testify in court4. APPELLANT (pritožnik) – person who appeals a decision to a higher court5. ADVOCATE – person who pleads cases in court

To advocate – zagovarjati6. CLERK (administrativni uslužbenec) – employee who takes records, files papers and issues

processes7. BAILIFF (sodni izvršitelj) – officer of the court whose duties include keeping order and

assisting 8. REASONABLY PRUDENT (skrben) PERSON – hypothetical person who uses good judgment or

common sense in handling practical matters; such a person’s action are the guide in determining whether an individual’s actions were reasonable

9. DEFENDAT/RESPONDENT – person who is sued in a civil lawsuit


AFFIDAVIT – zaprisega v pisni obliki – a written statement that somebody makes after they have sworn officially to tell the truth, which might be used as proof in a court

ANSWER – odgovor na tožbo – the principal pleading by the defendant in response to a complaint

BRIEF – dopolnilo tožbe (explaining the case in details) – a document or set of documents containing the details about a court case

COMPLAINT – tožba – in civil law, the first pleading filed on behalf of a plaintiff, which initiates a lawsuit, setting forth the facts on which the claim is based

INJUCTION – odredba (court order to stop doing something) – an official order from a court for a person to stop doing something

MOTION – zahtevek – an application to a court to obtain an order, ruling or decision

NOTICE – obvestilo, zaznamek – a document providing notification or a fact, claim or proceeding

Notify – obvestiti

PLEADING – argument, zagovor, utemeljitev – a formal written statement setting forth (določa) the cause of action or the defence in a case

WRIT – uradno pisanje – a document informing someone that they will be involved in a legal process and instructing them what they must do

To draft a document – sestaviti/oblikovati

To issue a document –izdati

To file document with an authority – vložiti

To serve a document on someone (or to serve someone with a document) – vročiti

To submit a document to an authority – predložiti



Advise – clients, defendants, corporations

Draft – contracts, decisions

Litigate ( pravdati se) – disputes (spori), cases

Practice – law

Represent (zastopati) – clients (stranke), corporations, defendants (toženci)

Research – law, cases, legislation, decisions

Bar – odvetništvo; odvetniška zbornica

Defence – zagovornik

Government – pravobranilec

Practitioner – praktik


Bar - – a bar is a term for the legal profession itself

Bar association – is the association which regulates the profession.

Admitted to the bar – sprejet: person who qualifies to practice law

Disbar – izključen; disbar lawyer – is to make him unable to practice law


Bachelor degree in law – diplomirani pravnik – LLB – 3 years Comprises – vključuje

Call to the bar – poklic Bar examination – odvetniški izpit

Pupilage – odvetniški kandidat Barrister – odvetnik

Apprenticeship – uvajanje Solicitor – pravnik izven sodišča

Barrister – a lawyer who is qualified to plead on behalf of clients

Bar vocational course (BVC) – a training course which enable people who wish to become barrister and who have registered with the Inns of Court to acquire the skills and knowledge to prepare the for the specialized training of the pupilage

Call to the bar – a ceremony held at the end of this training course, when a candidate enter the profession

Bar association – organization regulating the legal profession

Bar examination – in the USA, an important test taken by law-school graduates which, when passed, qualifies a person to practice law

Admitted to the bar – granted entrance to the legal profession

Disbar – to compel a lawyer to stop practising law

Advocacy – zastopanje Conveyance – prepis

Extensive experience – obsežne izkušnje Merger – združitev

Acquisitions – prevzem Trainee – pripravnik

Sole traders – s.p. Unlimited liability – neomejena odgovornost

In-house counsel – notranji

Provide representation in the court – zagotoviti zastopanje na sodiščih

Referred to as counsel – klicani GDL – graduate diploma in law


Circuit judges – okrožni sodniki Lays down – predpisuje/določa

Mandatory requirements – obvezne zahteve Lord Chancellor – minister za pravosodje

Statutory requirements – zakonske zahteve Probation Service – pripravništvo

Fine, commit to imprisonment – denarno kaznuje ali pdredi zapor

Give a suspended sentence – pogojna obsodba Offence – kršitev

Seek an injunction – zahteva odredbe Respondent – 2.stranka

Interim injunction – začasna odredba

The judge can:

- Grant or refuse an injunction – odobri ali odkloni odredbo- Alternatively, require an undertaking – po drugi strain lahko zahteva ukrep

Arbitrary consideration – not based on reason, random

Credibility of witnesses – can be believed

Predicated on a dispute – based on

Defendant asserts – state something is true

Attempt is unavailing – unsuccessful

Re-draft – popravil Tenant – najemnik

Landlord – najemodajalec/ ženski spol – landlady Lease – najem

Breach – kršitev The assignment clause of the contract – klavzula/določilo

Closing argument – zaključni argument Argue – trditev

Writ – document Slightest defect – najmanjša napaka

Rendered useless – neuporabno Equity – pravičnost

Prevail –prevlada Enact – uzakoniti

Amending act – novela zakona Remedy – popravi

MPs – members of the parliament Majority – večina

To oppose – nasprotovati Wording – besedišče

To outweigh – prevagati To argue – trditi

Ambiguous – dvomljiv To deal with – soočiti se

Content – vsebina To settle – poravnati

Statutory interpretation – zakonska razlaga Opaque – moten

Contrary – nasprotno


Primary legislation – ustava

Secondary or delegated legislation – sekundarna/delegirana

Statutory instruments – podzakonski akti

Bye-laws – lokalni akti

Act is passed/adopted (sprejet) in order to (za namenom da) update or amend (posodobi) existing legislation

Circumstances – okoliščine Ensure compliance – zagotovi skladnost

Consolidate laws – združenje zakonodaje : bringing together into one statute al the existing statutes on one topic

Repeal obsolete laws – razveljavi slabe zakone repeal ≠ enact

Scrutinise the provisions – pregled določb Enshrines – uzakonja

Initiate – sproži Consultative process – posvetovalni postopek

Adopt, enact, passed Acts of parliament.

Enact new statutes.

Updated or amend existing legislation.

Repeal obsolete law.

Codified statute law and amendments into one Act.

Consolidated law by repealing and re-enacting in one statute provisions .


Override – nadvlada Subject to interpretation – podvržene razlagi

Binding on – zavezuje Consider – upoštevati

Bound to follow – zavezani slediti Must be applied – se mora uporabjati

During a trial – tekom sojenja Cite cases – citirali/sklicevali se na sodne določbe (ci’tation)

Referred to – sklicevati Applicable – se uporabi


Stare decisis – principles of binding precedent

Ratio decidendi – the rule at law reasoned

Obiter dictum – persuasive authority


Hear evidence – presojajo dokaze Matters of fact – dejanska vprašanja

Points of law – dejanska vprašanja Civil action – civilna zadeva

Undefended divorce – sporazumna razveza Jury – porota

Juror – porotnik Appeal – pritožiti

First instance – na 1. stopnji Claimants – tožniki

Seek a legal remedy – zahtevajo pravno sredstvo Harm – škoda

Injury – poškodba Appellants – pritožniki

Are tried – so obravnavani With petty crimes – za manjša KD

Minors – mladoletniki Indictable offences – hujša KD

Conviction – obsodba


Supranational law – nadnacionalno pravo

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties – dunajska konvencija o poškodbenem pravu

Charter – listina Framework/outline conventions – okvirne konvencije

Binding source of law – zavezujoči vir prava

Pattern – vzorec Have become a principle vehicle – so postal glavni akterji (nosilci)

Establish – vzpostaviti Sovereign – suveren

Customs union – carinska unija


To impose – naložiti Imposition – naložitev Measure – ukrepi Recommendations – priporočila

Goods (blago) – anything which can be bought or sold

Customs duty – any charge (carina) that is imposed on goods because they are imported

The common customs tariff (skupna carinska tarifa) applies to all goods imported into EU from other countries.

Member states – države članice

UN – The United Nations

Successor – naslednik Is concerned with – se ukvarja s

Maintenance internatonal peace and security –vzdrževanje mednarodnega miru in varstva

Headquarters – sedež Issued – izdana Defining – opredeljuje Extracts – izvzeti

Detention – pridržanje Exile – izgon

Remedy – pravno sredstvo Slavery – suženjstvo

RECOMMENDATIONS AND OPINIONS – are view and preferences expressed by EU institutions

REGULATIONS – are detailed instructions which are applicable throughout the EU and which are directly binding on the member state’s national legal system

DIRECTIVES – are EU decisions which are binding on the EU institutions and the member states; but they are only general instructions on the goal to be achieved

DECISIONS – are fully binding on those to whom they are addressed; do not require national implementing legislation

COMMUNICATIONS – are published by the commission and set out the background to a policy area.


For valid contract to be formed is necessary that offer is made and accepted.

Value – vrednost

Consideration – avans ali ara; known as promise in common law system (e.g. promise to make a gift)

Enforceable contract – izvršljiva pogodba

Binding – zavezujoča

Counter-offer – nasprotna ponudba; that is a new offer to the first party which then may be accepted or rejected

Valid – veljavna

Essential terms of a contract – bistvene sestavine; the price and the subject matter of a contract

Deals with … - zadeva Promises – obljube

A contract is formed – pogodba je sklenjena Require – zahteva

Formation – sklenitev Oral contract – ustna pogodba; contract by spoken words

Sale of land – prodaja zemlje Obligations – obveznosti

Rights – are something positive which a party wants to get from a contract (e.g. the right to payment of money)

Obligations – are something which a party has to do or give up to get those rights (e.g. the obligation to work)

Breached the contract – kršitev pogodbe; party does not do what it is required to do under a contract (kar bi po pogodbi morala storiti)

File a lawsuit - vložiti tožbo

Breach of contract – breaching party (stranka kršiteljica) or non-breaching party (stranka nekršiteljica) – injured party – poškodovana

To award damages – prisoditi odškodnino

Remedies for breach of contract :

Specific performance – izpolnitev pogodbe: where a court orders the breaching party to perform the contract (that is to do what is promised to do)

Damages – odškodnina: refers to (pomeni/je) money which the court orders the breaching party to pay to the non-breaching party in compensation (izravnava) – compensation for their loss

Restitution – povrnitev: to have what they gave returned to them, available only in certain circumstances

Assignment – party may want to transfer its rights under a contract to another party – prenos naslova – cesija

Party assigns (gives) – prenese

ASSIGNOR - assigning party– prenosnik

ASSIGNEE - party who gets the rights – prejemnik

To perform – izpolniti Acceptance - sprejetje

A party - an offer – accept, make, form, reject

The parties – a contract – breach, enforce, negotiate, form, perform

The court - damages – award, accept, negotiate, reject

Lawyer – lawsuit - file

Agreement – soglasje Arise – je nastalo

Fundamental – temeljno Reference – sklicevanje

Lease – zakup Loan agreement – posojilna pogodba

Sales agreement – prodajna pogodba

Consultancy agreement – is a legally binding agreement about the nature of working relationship between two or more researchers in a research project.

A hire purchase agreement – lizing Hire contract – najemna pogodba

Service contract – storitvena pogodba

Offer – ponudba: the offer is submitted by the purchaser, who offers to purchase at a specified price and will usually incorporate the terms of the invitation to treat into his/her offer

Auction – dražba Vendor – prodajalec

Make an invitation to treat – invite an offer : vabilo k podajanju ponudb

Conditions of sale – when payment will be made

Submitted – poda Purchaser – naročnik

Acceptance – sprejem: there must be an unqualified agreement to proceed on the basis set out in the offer and it must be communicated to the offeror (the person making the offer)

Offeree – the person receiving the offer – if he states that he accepts the offer subject to contract, then no contract is formed.

Unqualified agreement – nepogojna/brezpogojna pogodba

Subject to contract – predmet pogodbe Instantaneous – trenutno

Uncertainty – nejasnosti Vague – dvoumen/nejasen

Consideration – for a contract to be enforceable something of value must be given

Intention – namen/volja: it is assumed that contracting parties intend to crate legal relations, particularly in commercial circumstances.

Rebuttal presumption – izpodbojna domneva: an assumption that can be contradicted

Capacity to contract – poslovna sposobnost

Agents – zastopniki Representatives – predstavniki

Contracting parties with the authority to act – pogodbene stranke s pooblastilom

Enforceable – izvršljiva

Implied from conduct – konkludentno: by the behaviour of the contracting parties

Effective – učinkovito Contracts of guarantee – garancijske pogodbe

Contracts for transfer of shares – pogodbe o prenosu delnic Deed – dejanje

Contract by deed – konsenzualni kontrakt

Contract may be:

- Defective: z napako- Consequently be void: nični- Voidable: izpodbojni- Unenforceable: neizvršljiv

Lapse of time – zastaranje Limitation period – zastaralni rok

Barred from – preprečen Public policy – javni red

Fraud – goljufija Rescission – odstop

TORT LAW – odškodninsko pravo

Misrepresentation – predstavljati se za nekoga drugega

Contractual relations – pogodbeni odnosi

Civil wrong – civilni delikt

Medical expenses – stroški zdravljenja

Monetary damages – denarna odškodnina

TORT: is a civil wrong that can be remedied (odpravljen) by awarding damages.


Arson – požig; setting fire to a building

Assassination – atentat; killing a public figure illegally and intentionally

Assault – napad; acting in such a way as to make someone believe he will be hurt

Bigamy – bigamija; going through a ceremony of marriage when you are still married to someone else

Blackmail – izsiljevanje; getting money from people by threatening to publicise facts they do not want revealed

Bribery – podkupnina; offering money corruptly to get someone to do something to help you

Burglary – vlom; entering a building illegally and stealing things

Embezzlement – poneverba: using illegally or stealing money which you are looking after for someone else

Espionage – vohunjenje; trying to find out secrets by illegal means

Extortion – izsiljevanje; getting money from people by using threats

Fraud – goljufija; getting property or money from people by making them believe untrue things

Forgery – ponarejanje; making an illegal copy of a banknote or document

Libel – pisna žalitev; writing, publishing or broadcasting a statement which damages someone’s character

Manslaughter – uboj; killing someone unintentionally or in mitigating circumstances

Mitigating circumstances – olajševalne okoliščine

Murder – umor; killing someone illegally and intentionally

Perjury – kriva zaprisega; telling lies when you have sworn an oath to say what is true in court

Oath - prisega

Piracy – piratstvo; copying patented inventions or copyrighted works

Robbery – rop; stealing something by using force or threatening to use force

Slander – ustna žalitev; saying something which damages someone’s character

Smuggling – tihotapljenje; taking goods illegally into or out of a country

Theft – kraja; stealing, taking property which belongs to someone else

Treason – izdaja; betraying your country to a foreign power

Accuse /charge – obožba (criminal charge: a formal accusation made before a court by a prosecuting authority – organ pregona

Acquit – oprostilo; what a jury or judge himself does at the end of criminal trial if finds the accused defendant not guilty

Arrest – prijetje; to take or hold a suspected criminal

Confess – priznanje; to voluntarily state that one is guilty of a criminal offense

Offense – kaznivo dejanje; crime or punishable violation of law of any type or magnitude

Drop – opustiti; Engage – najeti

Fine – kazen Grant – odobri

Plead – Release – sprosti/izpusti

Seize – zasega Served – odslužiti


Distinct – različni/ločeni

Business entities – poslovni/gospodarski subjekti

Legal person – pravna oseba

Shareholding members – družbeniki

Can own – ima v lasti

Enter into contracts – sklepa pogodbe

Limited liability – omejena odgovornost

Members of a company – člani družbe/družbeniki

Debt – dolg

Separate personality – ločene osebnosti Tax treatment – davčne obravnave

Inherent flexibility – vgrajena prožnost Initially – sprva

Sole proprietor – samostojni podjetnik Public listed company – delniška družba

Shareholders – delničarji; those who invest money in it and get shares – delnice in return

A board of directors – uprava; people who manage the affairs (vodijo posle) of the company

Creditors – upniki; those to whom the company owes money

Regulators – zakondajalci Company formation – ustanovitev družbe

Agent – zastopnik Accountant – računovodja Certificate of incorporation – potrdilo o ustanovitvi Issue – izda

Memorandum of association – osnovni document; states the principal object of the company (določa glavni cilj/predmet)

Articles of association – regulates the company’s internal management and administrative affairs (upravljanje družbe)

Conduct of meetings – vodenje sestankov

One-tier system: eno-tirni sistem (en organ upravljanja)

Administrative board – upravni odbor (UK)

Executive officers – izvršilni organ – chief executive officer – CEO - glavni

Non – executive officers

Two-tier system – dvo-tirni system

Management board – uprava

Supervisor board – nadzorni svet

General meeting

Extra-ordinary general meeting – EGM (izredna skupščina)

Annual meeting – AGM (redna letna skupščina)

Consolidated version – prečiščena verzija

Societas Europe – European company

Company name – firma

Balance sheet – bilanca stanja

Profit-and-loss account – izkaz finančnega uspeha

Monitor – spremljati

Serves on - ?

Winding up – prenehanje družbe (bankruptcy or liquidation); process of bringing a company to an end

Funding – raising money to pay for a business or business idea (financirati)

Business vehicle – poslovni subjekt; type of company organization

Directors’ duties – responsibilities of leading company officers


- Describing time of action: before the verb (e.g. often, usually, currently,)- Describing manner of action: before/after the verb (e.g. slowly, carefully, clearly, quickly)- Qualifying an adjective: before adjectives (e.g. particularly interesting, incredibly detailed,

extremely difficult)

Utra vires – beyond the power (čez meje) Personal liability – osebna odgovornost

Perpetually – nenehno Despite – kljub

Ownership – lastništvo As it allows – saj omogoča

Perpetrate – zagrešiti Acts beyond the power – dejanja, ki presegajo pooblastila

Lift (UK) or pierce (US) the corporate veil - to prove that a corporation exists merely as a completely controlled front (alter ego) for an individual or management group, so that in a lawsuit the individual defendants can be held responsible (liable) for damages for actions of the corporation.

Partnership – is a business association which, strictly speaking, is not considered to be legal entity but, rather, merely (samo) an association of owners (združenje lastnikov).

Cease – preneha


Duty of care – directors must exercise the care of an ordinarily prudent and diligent person under the relevant circumstances.

Prudent and diligent person – skrbna in vestna oseba

Fiduciary duty – the director must act in the best interests of the company and not for any collateral purpose –namen zavarovanja.

State of health – zdravstveno stanje Accounts – financial statements

Bonus – stock dividend (dividend – dobiček na delnico) Capitalisation issue – cash dividend

Auditor – revizor; Company secretary – sekretar

Liquidator – likvidacijski upravitelj Managing director – upravni director

Official receiver – stečajni upravitelj Promoter – predlagatelj

Proxy – prokurist, zastopnik direktorja Receiver – upravitelj

Shareholder – delničar Policy – politika

Acquisition - pridobitev (shares) Jointly and severally – solidarno

Joint and several liability – solidrana odgovornost Duty of confidentiality – poslovna skrivnost

Reluctant – odklonilni

Ustanoviti družbo: - to create a company

- To form a company (formation) - to incorporate (incorporation)- To establish a company (establishment) - to constitute


TORT – a wrongful act that causes harm to another person for which the injured party may request damages.

Damages – odškodnina defendant - toženec

Fraudulent misrepresentation – predstavljati se za nekoga drugega primary aim – glavni cilj

Contractual relations – pogodbeni odnosi provide – zagotoviti

Civil wrong – civilni delikt relief - povračilo

Medical expenses – stroški zdravljenja deter - odvrniti

Monetary damages – denarna odškodnina potential tortfeasors – potencialni povzročitelji škode

Remedied – odpravljena tortious conduct – škodno ravnanje

Harm – škoda (physical – telesna, emotional – duševna, financial – premoženjska)

Negligence – malomarnost monetary damages – denarna odškodnina

Private property – zasebno premoženje compensatory damages – nadomestitvena odškodnina

Misstatements – napačne izjave punitive damages – kaznovalna odškodnina

Trespass – motnje posesti loss of earnings capacity – izgubljeni dobiček

Assault – sihični napad future expected loses – pričakovana prihodnja škoda

Business torts – poslovni delikti

Interference in contractual relations – vmešavanje v pogodbene odnose

Intentional torts – namerni delikti Unfair competition – nepoštena konkurenca

Negligent torts – delikti iz malomarnosti

Strict liability torts – odgovornost ne glede na krivdo (objektivna odgovornost)

Defective products – proizvodi z napako Overlaps – prekrivata

Liable – odgovoren Standard of proof – dokazni standard

Outcomes – izid Conviction – obsodba

Proximate cause – neposredni vzrok; the word proximate means ´direct` or ´immediate`

Claimant/plaintiff – the person who brings an action in a court of law

Defendant – the person against whom an action is brought in a court of law

Finds for that party – when a case is decided in favour of a certain party

Affirm that judgment – when a court states that a judgment of a lower court is true

Reverses that judgment – when a court changes the judgment of a lower court to its opposite

Entitle to – upravičen do Entitles – opravičuje

Entitlement –upravičenje

Negligence – the breach of a duty of care which is owed to a claimant, who in consequence suffers injury or loss

Trespass – an interference with private property

Damages – financial compensation for loss or injury

Damage – physical or economic harm or loss

Strict liability - total legal responsibility for an offence which has been committed

Defamation (žalitev dobrega imena/ponižanje osebe) – publishing a statement about someone which lowers the person in the opinion of others. Libel – when in a permanent form (žalitev v časopisu); slander – if it is in speech (v ustni obliki)

Suppliers – dobavitelji To sustain (an injury) - utrpeti

Debt repayment - odplačilo dolga Insolvency proceeding – stečajni postopek

Non-contentious litigation – nepravdni postopek Timetable – narok

Adhere to timescales – spoštujejo/ se prilagodijo Initiated – začnejo

Claim form – tožbeni obrazec; writ of summons Summons – poziv

Specified or unspecified monetary sums – opredeljen ali neopredeljene denarne zneske

Served on – vročena Admit the claim - prizna zahtevek

Form of admission – obrazec za sprejem; the document in which the defendant agrees to the cliam made by the claimant

Counterclaim – nasprotna tožba; the document in which the defendant makes a claim against the claimant

Fast track – hitro odločeno

Disclosure – razkritje; the process by which the claimant is required to inform the defendant of documents they hold relevant to the claim

Temporary halt – začasna ustavitev

Dissenting opinion – odklonilno ločeno mnenje

Concurring opinion – pritrdilno ločeno mnenje


A crime – kaznivo dejanje joyriding – vožnja s tujim vozilom

Omission – opustitev kidnapping - ugrabitev

Armed robbery – rop larceny - tatvina

Arson – požig manslaughter - uboj

Assault – psihični napad money laundering – pranje denarja

Battery – fizični napad obstruction of justice – oviranje uradne osebe

Burglary – vlom rape - posilstvo

Domestic violence – nasilje v družini shoplifting – kraja v trgovini

Drug trafficking – preprodaja drog stalking - zalezovanje

Drunk driving – vožnja pod vplivom alkohola tax evasion – utaja davkov

Embezzlement – poneverba theft - tatvina

Extortion – izsiljevanje vandalism - vandalizem

Forgery – ponarejanje white-collar crimes – criminal belih ovratnikov/gospodarski kriminal

Fraud – goljufija

Homicide – umor

Insider dealing – zloraba notranjih informacij

Matching verbs + nouns:

- commit a crime (KD) - an offender commit a crime- resolve a dispute (rešiti spor) – a judge resolve a dispute- bring a suit (vložiti tožbo) – a victim/lawyer bring a suit- render a verdict (razsodba porote) – the court/a judge render a verdict- sentence an offender (kaznovati kršitelja) – the court/a judge sentence an offender- Suspend a sentence (odložiti kazen). the court/a judge suspend a sentence

Penal law – kaznovalno pravo

Prosecution – kazenski pregon; prosecutor - tožilec

Initiated - začne

offence –kršitev; offender – kršitelj

various punishments – različne kazni:

When someone is sentenced to execution – na smrt – they are killed as legal punishment for crime Corporal punishment – telesna kazen Loss of liberty – izguba svobode - When someone is sentenced to imprisonment or incarceration – zapor – they are put in prison for crime Suspend the sentence – pogojna obsodba When someone is fined (impose a fine) – naložiti denarno kazen – they have to pay an amount of money as a punishment for breaking a law When someone is put on probation – pogojna – they are given a period of time when they must behave well and not commit any more crimes in order to avoid being sent to prison When someone is put on parole – they are released before their prison sentence is finished, with the agreement that they will behave well When someone is placed on community service order – družbeno koristno delo – the court requires an offender to perform unpaid work in their spare time and to contribute to their community

sentence – kaznuje beyond reasonable doubt – brez razumnega dvoma

government supervision – vladni nadzor standard of proof – dokazni standard

proscribes – prepoveduje balance of probabilities – ravnotežje verjetnosti

criminal act – KD preponderance of evidence – ravnotežje dokazov

criminal intent – naklep/namen felonies – hujše KD

conviction – obsodba misdemeanours - prekršek

burden of proof – dokazno breme petty theft – mala tatvina

trier – razsodnik

accused - obdolžen

SUSPECT – osumljenec ACCUSED - obtoženec

WRONGDOER/OFFENDER – kršitelj CONVICT – obsojenec

charged with a crime – obtoženi/obdolženi zločina investigation – preiskava

apprehend – primejo detain in custody – zadržijo v priporu

crown prosecution service – okrožno državno tožilstvo evidence – dokaz

realistic prospect of conviction – realne možnosti za obsodbo

caution – dodatna preiskovalna dejanja public prosecutor – državni/javni tožilec

a warrant of arrest – nalog za prijetje – a court document authorising the police to detain someone

legal aid – pravna pomoč

defence costs – stroški za obrambo summary offences – blažja KD

indictable offences – serious crime the alleged offences – domneva

an indictment – obtožnica – a written statement with details of the crimes someone is charged with

cross-examination – navzkrižno zasliševanje

burden of proof – dokazno breme bail – varščina

disclosure – razkritje witnesses – priče

whereabouts – nahajanje reduced sentence – zmanjšana kazen

acquitted – oproščen - the defendant is found not guilty by the court and discharged


Termination of employment – prenehanje delovnega razmerja

Employment tribunals – delovna sodišča

Terms of employment - pogoji za zaposlitev

Employment legislation – delovnopravna zakonodaja

Labour law – kolektivno delovno pravo

Protecting the disabled – varstvo invalidov

Recruitment – postopek za zaposlitev

Employer – delodajalec

Employee – delavec

Trade union – sindikat (US – labor union)

Recruiting process – postopek zaposlovanja Marital status – zakonski stan

In respect – v pogledu

Terms and conditions of employment – zaposlitveni pogoji

Genuine occupational qualification (GOQ) – pristni zaposlitveni pogoj; only female applicants are hired for jobs at an all-women hostel

Reasonable adjustment – razumna prilagoditev Hire – najeti

Identities of the parties – navedba strank Entitlement – upravičenje

Redundant worker – presežni delavec Collective bargaining – kolektivna pogajanja

Strike – stavka Picketing – stavkovna straža lockouts – izprtje Seeking injunctions – zahteva začasne odredbe

To render – to make Prospective earning – pričakovani dobiček

Discriminatory dismissal – an employee is fired when she becomes pregnant

Redundancy dismissal – an employee is laid off because his employer had insufficient work for him to do

Unfair dismissal – a worker’s employment is terminated because he took part in lawful union activities

Ethnic origins – narodnost

Strike-breakers – stavkokazi (delavci ki jih delodajalec zaposli, ko so drugi delavci na stavki)

To outlaw something – to make something illegal

To bring a claim against someone – to assert (zatrjevati) a legal right alleged to have been violated

Entitlement – right to benefits specified by law or contract

Claimant – a person asserting a legal right which has been violated

Voluntary = optional

Key = important

Vast = huge

Confidential = private

Conventional = traditional

To waive (ukiniti) – to give something up - right

To hear – to listen to a case at a relatively formal proceeding – a case

To plead – to argue a case in court – a case

To apply – to make use of something (when deciding a case) – a law

To appeal – to formally request that decision of an inferior body be reviewed by a superior one – a case

To challenge (izpodbijati) – to question something – a law, an award, a case

Settlement of disputes – reševanje sporov contractual provisions – pogodbene določbe

collective bargaining – kolektivna pogajanja alike – tako

statutory rights – zakonske pravice minimum wage – min plača

employment particulars – pogoji zaposlovanja time off – dopust

itemised pay statement – razčlemba plače sick pay – bolniško nadomestilo

family/parental leave – družinski dopust transfer of business – prenos podjetja

termination of employment – odpovedni rok deduction – odtegljaj

part time – krajši DČ full time – polni DČ

fixed term – zaposlitev za določen čas commencement of employment – pričetek zaposlitve

restriction on the action/restrictive covenant – prepoved zaposlitve pri konkurenci

grievance procedures – postopek s pravnimi sredstvi variation of contract – sprememba pogodbe

unilaterally varied – enostransko spremenjena constructive dismissal – odpoved s strani delavca

gross misconduct – delavec se neustrezno obnaša

SICK PAY – salary paid when an employee cannot work because of illness

FIXED TIME – restricted period of employment set out in contract

TRADE UNION – organization which represents the workers, who are its members, in discussions of pay and working conditions with their employer

EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL – specialist court dealing in disputes between employers and employees

EMPLOYMENT PARTICULARS – written details of a position in a company

COLLECTIVE BARGAINING – negotiations between an employer and a trade union on terms and conditions of employment and work


CARTEL – kartelni sporazum, sklep podjetniškega združenja ali usklajeno ravnanje: a group of similar independent companies who agree to join together to control prices and limit competition

MERGER – združenja : the joining together of two or more companies

OLIGOPOLY – oligopol: a market situation in which a small number of firms compete with each other

MONOPOLY- monopol: an organization or group that has compete control of an area of business so that others have no share

rooted – izvira prohibit – prepovedati

trusts – skladi trustubusters - ?

economic efficiency – ekonomska učinkovitost relevant market – upoštevni trg

high barriers to entry – visoke ovire za vstop (vstopni pogoj) penetrate the market – prodor na trg

price fixing – določanje cen inter-related group – medsebojno povezana skupina

parallel behavior (to adopt) – usklajeno ravnanje output decisions – izhodne odločitve

aspect – vidik abuse of dominant position – zloraba prevladujočega položaja

predatory pricing – predatorske/roparske cene tie-in arrangement – vezani posli

joint-ventures - skupna podjetja merger regulation – uredba o združitvi

market power – tržna moč

limiting anti-competitive concentration – omejevanje protikunkurenčne koncentracije