English Phrases 40001

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  • 7/31/2019 English Phrases 40001


    English Phrases 40001-41000by Mike on Monday, 13 June 2011 at 15:00

    40001 Today I'll be in the office all day.

    40002 I'll be expecting you at ten.

    40003 I'll be waiting for you at ten.

    40004 I'll expect you at ten.

    40005 I expect to meet you at ten.

    40006 I'll be there.

    40007 How about Monday at two?

    40008 Would Monday at two be all right?

    40009 How does Monday at two sound?

    40010 That's fine with me.

    40011 When would be best?

    40012 How about at the beginning of April?

    40013 How about in the middle of August?

    40014 How about at the end of October?

    40015 I was thinking of early April.

    40016 I was thinking of mid August.

    40017 I was thinking of late October.

    40018 What do you think of early May?

    40019 Would late May work for you?

    40020 I'll meet you at eleven a.m.

    40021 Can we meet at ten a.m. instead of eleven a.m.?

    40022 Ten a.m. would be better for me.

    40023 I'd rather meet at ten a.m. instead.

    40024 Would it be possible to meet at ten a.m. instead?

    40025 How does the tenth sound?

    40026 How does the twentieth sound?

    40027 How does the twenty-fifth of this month sound?

    40028 Could we make it to the following week?

    40029 Could we change it to the following week?

    40030 Would the following week be all right?

    40031 Could we make it next week?

    40032 Could we change it to next week?

    40033 Would next week be all right?

    40034 Would you mind making it next week?

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    40035 See you at two then.

    40036 I'll see you at two then.

    40037 I'm looking forward to seeing you at two.

    40038 Sounds good.

    40039 When do you want to meet?

    40040 Let's make it six o'clock.

    40041 Let's meet at six o'clock.

    40042 Is six o'clock okay?

    40043 I made an appointment to see him.

    40044 I'll be meeting with him.

    40045 I have an appointment with him.

    40046 Good for you.

    40047 Where do you want to meet?40048 Let's meet at your hotel.

    40049 Please meet me at seven o'clock.

    40050 Where shall we meet?

    40051 Where do you want to get together?

    40052 Where should we meet?

    40053 Where would you like to meet?

    40054 What's a good place to meet at?

    40055 What's a good restaurant to meet at?

    40056 What's a good cafe to meet at?

    40057 What's a good hotel to meet at?

    40058 What's a good subway station to meet at?

    40059 I hope you can join us.

    40060 I'll be there.

    40061 I'll see you there.

    40062 I'll be there waiting.

    40063 Would you like me to come up?

    40064 Should I come up?40065 I'll come down to meet you.

    40066 Would you come up to my office, please?

    40067 Come up to my office, please.

    40068 I'd like you to come up to my office.

    40069 Certainly. Lead the way.

    40070 Are there any landmarks?

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    40071 Can you see any landmarks?

    40072 What landmarks are nearby?

    40073 There's a McDonald's on the corner.

    40074 I'm across the street from Taipei 101.

    40075 I hope I can find it.

    40076 You can't miss it.

    40077 It's easy to find.

    40078 You'll find it easily.

    40079 You'll find it right away.

    40080 You'll have no problem finding it.

    40081 Where are you?

    40082 I'm at the reception desk.

    40083 I'm at the front desk.40084 I'm in the reception area.

    40085 I'm in the lobby.

    40086 If we miss each other by any chance, call me.

    40087 If for some reason we miss each other, then call me.

    40088 Just in case we miss each other, give me a call.

    40089 If we miss one another by any chance, call me.

    40090 If for some reason we miss one another, then call me.

    40091 Just in case we miss one another, give me a call.

    40092 Please give me your number again.

    40093 We need to talk sometime today.

    40094 When would you like to meet?

    40095 How about right now?

    40096 What time shall we meet?

    40097 When can we get together?

    40098 When should we meet?

    40099 When's a good time to meet?

    40100 When's good for you?40101 Friday would be best.

    40102 When would be convenient for you?

    40103 When are you free?

    40104 Not today.

    40105 When will have some free time?

    40106 When are you available?

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    40107 When's the best time to come?

    40108 When are you least crowded?

    40109 When are you least busy?

    40110 What time do you suggest I come?

    40111 What time do you recommend I come?

    40112 Any time before seven p.m.

    40113 Can we meet this week?

    40114 Can we get together this week?

    40115 Can we meet sometime this week?

    40116 That'll be fine.

    40117 Can we get together soon?

    40118 How about sometime next week?

    40119 Could you spare a few minutes for me next week?40120 How does next week suit you?

    40121 When will we see you again?

    40122 When will we see you next time?

    40123 How long will it be until we see you?

    40124 When will be the next time we see you?

    40125 I'll drop by real soon.

    40126 I'll stop by real soon.

    40127 Do you have anything scheduled for Tuesday?

    40128 Do you have anything on Tuesday?

    40129 Is there anything scheduled for Tuesday?

    40130 Are you available on Tuesday?

    40131 Are you free on Tuesday?

    40132 I have two meetings.

    40133 I'd like to set a time for the meeting.

    40134 I'd like to arrange a time for the meeting.

    40135 Let's set a time for the meeting.

    40136 What day is good for you?40137 What time would be good for you?

    40138 What time would be convenient for you?

    40139 What is a good time for you?

    40140 What time would work for you?

    40141 What time would be best for you?

    40142 Any time after six.

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    40143 What did you need to see me about?

    40144 I need to change our appointment to 10 o'clock.

    40145 Can I change our appointment to 10 o'clock?

    40146 I need to meet you at 10 o'clock instead.

    40147 I don't have time to see you today.

    40148 It won't take more than a half hour.

    40149 It shouldn't take more than a half hour.

    40150 It'll take no more than a half hour.

    40151 It won't take more than half an hour.

    40152 It shouldn't take more than half an hour.

    40153 It'll take no more than half an hour.

    40154 I'll come over to the office sometime next week.

    40155 That's too vague. Please be specific.40156 Please be more clear.

    40157 We need a more specific answer.

    40158 I really need to see you.

    40159 May I ask what it's regarding?

    40160 May I ask what it's about?

    40161 I'm sorry, this doesn't concern you.

    40162 None of your business.

    40163 Does Friday work better for you?

    40164 That's not a good day for me.

    40165 That day is no good for me.

    40166 That day doesn't work well for me.

    40167 I'm busy that day.

    40168 That's a bad day for me.

    40169 I'm not available that day.

    40170 Can you change the date?

    40171 I'm afraid I can't.

    40172 I'm sorry I can't.40173 There's no way I can.

    40174 We're scheduled for 9 a.m.

    40175 We're set for 9 a.m.

    40176 We're on for 9 a.m.

    40177 Could we make it later?

    40178 Can I see you today?

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    40179 My schedule is tight today.

    40180 I have a tight schedule today.

    40181 I'm really booked today.

    40182 I'm booked solid today.

    40183 I need to see you as soon as possible.

    40184 I'll be busy on Monday, but I'll be free on Tuesday.

    40185 Monday is busy, but Tuesday looks good.

    40186 I'm pretty booked on Monday, but I'm available Tuesday.

    40187 I'd like to make an appointment for 2 p.m. on Monday.

    40188 Our office will be closed through Tuesday.

    40189 We'll open our doors again on Wednesday.

    40190 Our office will be closed until Wednesday.

    40191 We won't be open until Wednesday.40192 Can we see you in April?

    40193 That's the busiest time of year.

    40194 That's our busiest season.

    40195 That's when we are the busiest.

    40196 When can we see you?

    40197 Late April would be fine.

    40198 The end of August would be fine.

    40199 Early April would be best for us.

    40200 Late October would be good.

    40201 Would you like us to visit your company?

    40202 Yes, sometime next week would be best.

    40203 I'm Mike Campbell of Acme Technologies.

    40204 I'm Mike Campbell and I'm with Acme Technologies.

    40205 Mike Campbell of Acme Technologies here.

    40206 I represent Acme Technologies.

    40207 I'm a rep with Acme Technologies.

    40208 We've been expecting you.40209 Mr. Chen's been expecting you.

    40210 We really enjoy doing business with you.

    40211 We appreciate your continued support.

    40212 We thank you for your continuous support.

    40213 We're grateful for your continuing support.

    40214 How do you do?

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    40215 Nice to meet you.

    40216 It's nice to meet you.

    40217 It's a pleasure to meet you.

    40218 I'm happy to meet you.

    40219 Glad to meet you.

    40220 Pleased to meet you.

    40221 I'd like to see him.

    40222 I need to meet with him.

    40223 I'd like to speak to him.

    40224 I'd like to see her.

    40225 I need to meet with her.

    40226 I'd like to speak to her.

    40227 He's not in today.40228 Is he in?

    40229 Is he in the office today?

    40230 Is he available?

    40231 I'd like to see him.

    40232 Is she in?

    40233 Is she in the office today?

    40234 Is she available?

    40235 I'd like to see her.

    40236 He just stepped out.

    40237 He just stepped out of the office.

    40238 I'd like to see someone in charge of advertising.

    40239 I'm interested in seeing the person in charge of advertising.

    40240 I'm here to see the head of advertising.

    40241 Certainly, just a moment.

    40242 May I see the person in charge?

    40243 May I see the manager?

    40244 May I see your supervisor?40245 May I see your boss?

    40246 I'd like to see the manager.

    40247 I'd like to see your supervisor.

    40248 I'd like to see your boss.

    40249 Are you in charge here?

    40250 Are you the boss?

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    40251 Are you the supervisor?

    40252 Are you the manager?

    40253 He's not in right now.

    40254 When do you expect him back?

    40255 When is he coming back?

    40256 When is he getting back?

    40257 When will he be back?

    40258 Shall I come back later?

    40259 Do you want me to come back later?

    40260 Should I return later?

    40261 Please sit down.

    40262 Go ahead and take a seat.

    40263 How did you hear about us?40264 I was referred by him.

    40265 He referred me.

    40266 He suggested I come.

    40267 Do you have a number I can reach you at?

    40268 Do you have a number I can get a hold of you at?

    40269 What number can I reach you at?

    40270 I've been trying to get a hold of you all day.

    40271 I've been trying to reach you all day.

    40272 What number can I reach you at?

    40273 Here's my card.

    40274 Here's my business card.

    40275 Let me give you my card.

    40276 Take my card.

    40277 Do you have a business card?

    40278 Do you have a business card on you?

    40279 May I have your card?

    40280 Unfortunately, no. I ran out of them yesterday.40281 I used them up yesterday.

    40282 I'm all out of cards.

    40283 I've already used them all up.

    40284 Sorry to have kept you waiting.

    40285 I just got here a little while ago.

    40286 I've only been here a few minutes.

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    40287 I just arrived.

    40288 I'm sorry I couldn't see you sooner.

    40289 I'm sorry you had to wait so long.

    40290 Sorry for the delay.

    40291 I believe he's already talked to you about us.

    40292 I believe he's already mentioned us.

    40293 He told you about us, I believe.

    40294 What did you want to see me about?

    40295 The reason I'm here is the budget.

    40296 What I wanted to see you about was the budget.

    40297 I'm here to see you because of the budget.

    40298 I was in the neighborhood.

    40299 I happened to be in the neighborhood.40300 I was just in the area.

    40301 Come on in.

    40302 Do you need something?

    40303 I just wanted to say hello.

    40304 Just saying hello.

    40305 I brought you a gift.

    40306 Here's a present for you.

    40307 Here's something for you.

    40308 I heard you're developing a new product.

    40309 Is it true you're developing a new product?

    40310 Rumor has it you're developing a new product.

    40311 I believe you are interested in carrying our products.

    40312 I believe you want to carry our line of products.

    40313 I understand you're interested in carrying our products.

    40314 Most definitely.

    40315 Your office is very impressive.

    40316 I'm very impressed with your office.40317 Some office you have.

    40318 Nice of you to notice.

    40319 Is everything all right?

    40320 How are things coming along?

    40321 How's business?

    40322 How's your business going?

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    40323 Is your business doing well?

    40324 How's your business?

    40325 How's business coming along?

    40326 How are sales?

    40327 Is it selling well?

    40328 Better than we expected.

    40329 How's business?

    40330 How's it selling?

    40331 Are sales good?

    40332 Is there something you don't like?

    40333 Is something bothering you?

    40334 I get the feeling you don't like something.

    40335 If anything happens, let me know immediately.40336 Please keep us informed.

    40337 I'll keep you updated.

    40338 Should anything happen, let me know immediately.

    40339 If anything comes up, contact me immediately.

    40340 Please keep us up-to-date.

    40341 Please tell us what's happening.

    40342 Please stay in touch.

    40343 Please notify us if there are any new developments.

    40344 Please keep us informed of the progress.

    40345 There's nothing we can do now.

    40346 We'll let you know when we have something.

    40347 We'll call you when we have something.

    40348 We'll keep you informed.

    40349 He'll let us know when he finds something.

    40350 I'll let you know what happens.

    40351 If something comes up, just call me.

    40352 If anything comes up, just call me.40353 If anything important happens, just call me.

    40354 If you need anything, just call me.

    40355 If anything should happen, just call me.

    40356 Call me if a problem arises.

    40357 Call me if there's a problem.

    40358 Please consider it.

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    40359 I'd appreciate it if you could consider it.

    40360 Your consideration is appreciated.

    40361 I hope we can give you good news.

    40362 I came to ask you to cooperate with me on this.

    40363 I came to ask you for your help with this.

    40364 I'm here to ask for your support on this.

    40365 I need to know more about it before I agree.

    40366 I'm very grateful to you.

    40367 I appreciate it.

    40368 Here's some coffee for you, sir.

    40369 You didn't have to do it.

    40370 That's very nice of you.

    40371 It wasn't necessary.40372 You really shouldn't have.

    40373 Please don't go to any trouble.

    40374 Please don't trouble yourself.

    40375 Please don't go out of your way.

    40376 It's no trouble at all.

    40377 Do you have any information about your products?

    40378 Please take a copy of our brochure.

    40379 Please have a copy of our brochure.

    40380 Please feel free to take a copy of our brochure.

    40381 How do you like our proposal?

    40382 What do you think of our proposal?

    40383 What is your opinion of our proposal?

    40384 Did you read through our proposal?

    40385 Have you gone over our proposal?

    40386 Have you looked over our proposal?

    40387 We sure did.

    40388 I'm impressed with it.40389 Please feel free to make suggestions.

    40390 Please make any suggestions you may have.

    40391 I'd welcome any suggestions you have.

    40392 I do have one idea I'd like to share.

    40393 I'd like you to consider our merchandise.

    40394 I'd like a chance to show you our merchandise.

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    40395 Won't you let me show you our merchandise?

    40396 I'm open to it.

    40397 I'm sure you'll be satisfied.

    40398 I'm sure you'll be pleased.

    40399 I'm certain that you'll be satisfied.

    40400 I really hope so.

    40401 How long will it take to get my shipment here?

    40402 How long will it take for me to get my shipment?

    40403 I can't answer it offhand.

    40404 I can't give you an immediate answer.

    40405 I can't say for sure immediately.

    40406 I can't immediately say for sure.

    40407 Are those the latest figures?40408 I'll check on it.

    40409 Let me check on it.

    40410 I'd better check.

    40411 Do you have the new shipping schedule?

    40412 I'll get back to you on it.

    40413 I'll let you know later.

    40414 I'll have to get back to you.

    40415 May I clarify something?

    40416 May I make something clear?

    40417 May I explain something more clearly?

    40418 Can we trust you with this?

    40419 Any information here remains confidential.

    40420 Anything we say does not leave this room.

    40421 All information here remains secret.

    40422 Any information here will be kept confidential.

    40423 Keep a lid on it.

    40424 Can I count on your support?40425 I'm always on your side.

    40426 I'll always be on your side.

    40427 I have your back.

    40428 You can always count on me to back you up.

    40429 That's reasonable.

    40430 It makes sense.

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    40431 It's fair.

    40432 I thought you'd think so.

    40433 Are you interested in our ad?

    40434 We've been giving it a lot of thought.

    40435 We've been seriously considering it.

    40436 We've been thinking carefully about it.

    40437 I gave you the special rate.

    40438 That's all very interesting, but not good enough.

    40439 I understand it, but it's not good enough.

    40440 That's all well and good, but it's not good enough.

    40441 Is your offer still on the table?

    40442 Sorry, we have to withdraw our offer.

    40443 We're no longer able to make that offer.40444 We can't make that offer now.

    40445 I should get going.

    40446 I'd better get going.

    40447 I have to run.

    40448 Thank you for coming.

    40449 Thank you for your time.

    40450 Thank you for your attention.

    40451 Thank you for listening.

    40452 Thank you for taking the time to see me.

    40453 I appreciate you taking the time to see me.

    40454 Thanks for seeing me.

    40455 Thank you for sparing the time for me.

    40456 Thank you for everything.

    40457 Thank you very much for all you've done for me.

    40458 I appreciate everything you did.

    40459 I'm grateful for all your effort.

    40460 Thank you for all your help.40461 I'm grateful for your assistance.

    40462 Thank you so much for your help.

    40463 I really appreciate you helping me.

    40464 My pleasure.

    40465 It's no problem.

    40466 It was nothing.

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    40467 Don't mention it.

    40468 It was a productive day.

    40469 We got a lot done today.

    40470 Here's the complete project.

    40471 I'll check with him on it.

    40472 I'll check with her on it.

    40473 I'll ask him about it.

    40474 I'll ask her about it.

    40475 I wish you would.

    40476 Could you explain it more fully?

    40477 I'll give you more information later.

    40478 I'll give you more details later.

    40479 I'll fill in the blanks for you later.40480 I'll tell you more about it later.

    40481 I'll brief you later.

    40482 I'll fill you in later.

    40483 I'll give you the 411 on that later.

    40484 Thanks for seeing me.

    40485 I'll be in touch.

    40486 You'll hear from me.

    40487 I'll be in touch with you.

    40488 I'll keep in touch with you.

    40489 I'll keep you informed.

    40490 I'll get back to you.

    40491 I look forward to it.

    40492 I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

    40493 I'll let you know as soon as possible.

    40494 I'll let you know as soon as I can.

    40495 I'd really appreciate it.

    40496 Who should I contact in your office?40497 Who can I contact in your office?

    40498 Who do I need to contact in your office?

    40499 You can contact Mr. Lin.

    40500 We'll go over the plans and let you know.

    40501 We look forward to hearing from you.

    40502 We look forward to getting your call.

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    40503 We hope to hear from you.

    40504 We anticipate hearing something good from you.

    40505 It was great doing business with you.

    40506 I'll be counting on you again next time.

    40507 I'd appreciate your continued support.

    40508 I hope I can count on you again.

    40509 I look forward to working with you again.

    40510 I look fowrard to our continued relationship.

    40511 I look forward to knowing you for a long time.

    40512 We'll keep in touch.

    40513 Thank you for your continued suport.

    40514 Your continued support is appreciated.

    40515 We welcome your continued support.40516 Maybe we can work together sometime in the future.

    40517 Perhaps we can work together some day.

    40518 Maybe we can work together down the road.

    40519 I'd be very honored.

    40520 We'd like to have a long-term relationship.

    40521 We're looking for a long-term relationship.

    40522 We're interested in a long-term relationship.

    40523 You have some interesting ideas.

    40524 I'd like to talk to you again.

    40525 Let's get together again soon.

    40526 We should definitely do that.

    40527 I'd like to meet with you again.

    40528 Perhaps we can get together again.

    40529 I hope we'll get together again soon.

    40530 Let's see one another again soon.

    40531 I hope you're successful in your work.

    40532 I wish you a lot of success in your work.40533 Good luck with your work.

    40534 What's the quickest way to get to the hotel?

    40535 What's the fastest way to get to the hotel?

    40536 How do I get to the hotel quickly?

    40537 Probably walking would get you there the quickest.

    40538 Is it far from here?

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    40539 Is it far away?

    40540 Does it take a long time to get there?

    40541 Not at all.

    40542 Is it near the station?

    40543 Is it close to the station?

    40544 Is it by the station?

    40545 It's right next door.

    40546 Can I walk there?

    40547 Do you think I could walk there?

    40548 Is it within walking distance?

    40549 It's too far.

    40550 You'd better drive.

    40551 How far is the company from here?40552 You can walk there.

    40553 It's close enough to walk to.

    40554 It's not far.

    40555 It's two blocks down.

    40556 It's two lights down and on your right.

    40557 It's two blocks down and on your left hand side.

    40558 It's within walking distance.

    40559 Is your office near here?

    40560 It's a few minutes' walk from here.

    40561 It's just a few minutes on foot.

    40562 It only takes a few minutes to walk there from here.

    40563 It only takes a few minutes to drive from here.

    40564 You should take a bus.

    40565 It'd be better if you took a bus.

    40566 I'd recommend taking a bus.

    40567 You'd better take a bus.

    40568 Is there a bus stop near here?40569 Did you get directions?

    40570 They suggest that we go by bus.

    40571 They suggest that he go by bus.

    40572 They suggest we take the bus.

    40573 They said we should take the bus.

    40574 How will you get to the meeting?

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    40575 I'll go by subway.

    40576 I'll take the train.

    40577 I'll ride the subway over.

    40578 Let's go by train.

    40579 Let's share a cab.

    40580 It'll be faster and cheaper.

    40581 Let's take the train.

    40582 Let's ride the train.

    40583 How far away is Taichung?

    40584 It's about an hour train ride.

    40585 It takes about an hour on the train.

    40586 It takes about an hour by train.

    40587 It's roughly an hour train ride.40588 It's about a two-hour drive to the city.

    40589 What if I took the train instead?

    40590 What if I flew instead?

    40591 It's roughly a two-hour drive.

    40592 It's about two hours by car.

    40593 Where can I catch a taxi?

    40594 Where can I get a taxi?

    40595 Where can I get a cab?

    40596 Where can I find a taxi?

    40597 Where are the taxis located?

    40598 Is there a taxi around here?

    40599 Right in front of the hotel.

    40600 Right in back of the hotel.

    40601 Right behind the restaurant.

    40602 Right on the back street.

    40603 Right around the next corner.

    40604 Can you call a taxi for me?40605 Please hail me a cab.

    40606 Please call me a taxi.

    40607 Where are you going?

    40608 Where would you like to go?

    40609 Where to, sir?

    40610 Where to, ma'am?

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    40611 Please take me to Southport Beach.

    40612 Take me to Oak and Maple.

    40613 I'd like to go to California and Montgomery.

    40614 Drop me off at the corner of Pacific Avenue and Battery Street.

    40615 Where would you like me to take you?

    40616 Take me to this address, please.

    40617 I'd like to go to this address.

    40618 Please take me here.

    40619 Hang a right at the next light.

    40620 Hang a left at the next intersection, if you could.

    40621 How much would it cost to get there?

    40622 About twenty dollars.

    40623 If you go now, you'll make it.40624 If you leave now, you'll get there in time.

    40625 You'll be able to make if it you leave now.

    40626 You need to go now if you want to be on time.

    40627 I'd better hurry.

    40628 I can't miss the plane.

    40629 Be sure and leave early then.

    40630 I can't miss the flight.

    40631 I need to make that flight.

    40632 I almost missed the train.

    40633 The train almost left without me.

    40634 I got to the train just in time.

    40635 You need to leave for the station earlier.

    40636 Is this a local train?

    40637 It's an express train.

    40638 Does this train stop at every station?

    40639 Is this the slowest train?

    40640 I had to stop at every light on the way over.40641 I can't find the bus stop.

    40642 Where can I find the bus stop?

    40643 The nearest bus stop is up that way.

    40644 What a traffic jam!

    40645 Some traffic jam!

    40646 Traffic is really backed up.

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    40647 Traffic is very heavy.

    40648 Traffic is congested.

    40649 I hope we don't miss our flight.

    40650 What's the speed limit here?

    40651 How fast can I drive here?

    40652 What's the legal speed limit here?

    40653 50 miles per hour.

    40654 80 kilometers per hour.

    40655 80 clicks.

    40656 Are you familiar with this part of town?

    40657 Do you know this part of town?

    40658 How familiar are you with this part of town?

    40659 I'm new around here.40660 I'm new in town.

    40661 I'm a stranger around here.

    40662 Which way is downtown?

    40663 Which direction is downtown?

    40664 Could you point me downtown?

    40665 Which direction should I take to get downtown?

    40666 Do you know how to get downtown?

    40667 Just take bus number seventy-six at the corner.

    40668 Could you tell me how to get downtown?

    40669 How do I get downtown?

    40670 It's that way.

    40671 Just head in that direction.

    40672 Where's the post office?

    40673 It's on Pine Street.

    40674 It's located on Cherry Street.

    40675 It's on Willow Street.

    40676 The bus doesn't run on Sunday.40677 There are no buses on Sunday.

    40678 The buses don't come on Sunday.

    40679 The buses don't operate on Sunday.

    40680 I guess I'll take a taxi then.

    40681 We might as well take a taxi then.

    40682 I guess a taxi's our best bet.

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    40683 Is the office building difficult to find?

    40684 You might get lost on your way back.

    40685 You may not find your way back.

    40686 You might have a hard time getting back.

    40687 Don't give your coworkers a hard time.

    40688 This location is out of the way.

    40689 This location is remote.

    40690 This is not an ideal location for our business.

    40691 Let's hope it doesn't cost us clients.

    40692 My business cost me my life savings.

    40693 The business cost us the house.

    40694 Is flight twelve arriving on time?

    40695 It'll be delayed an hour.40696 It'll be an hour late.

    40697 There'll be an hour delay.

    40698 What are you looking for?

    40699 Can I help you find something?

    40700 Do you need help finding something?

    40701 I'm trying to find the bathroom.

    40702 Where's the shoe department?

    40703 Over this way.

    40704 Right this way.

    40705 Right over here.

    40706 Follow me.

    40707 How is it?

    40708 I really don't care for it.

    40709 How do you like it?

    40710 I like it a lot.

    40711 Do you like it?

    40712 How do you feel about it?40713 What do you think of it?

    40714 How about this one?

    40715 That'll work.

    40716 Will this one do?

    40717 Will this one work?

    40718 How does it fit?

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    40719 It fits perfectly.

    40720 Is it going to fit?

    40721 Does it fit you?

    40722 I'd like to see it.

    40723 Sure, here it is.

    40724 Show me that one, please.

    40725 I'd be happy to.

    40726 I'm curious about it.

    40727 I wonder what it looks like.

    40728 I'd like to see that one.

    40729 May I please see that one?

    40730 Could you please show me this bag?

    40731 Sure, here you are.40732 Would you show me this bag?

    40733 Could I see this bag?

    40734 Do you have any toothpaste?

    40735 No, but there's a shop across the street.

    40736 Do you carry film toothpaste?

    40737 Do you sell film toothpaste?

    40738 I'm afraid we're out of toothpaste.

    40739 Do you know where I can get some?

    40740 I'm afraid we're sold out of toothpaste.

    40741 I'm sorry, but we've run out of toothpaste.

    40742 I'm afraid we don't have any toothpaste.

    40743 I'm running out of toothpaste.

    40744 It's almost used up.

    40745 I'm looking for something more colorful.

    40746 We don't have anything like it.

    40747 We don't carry anything like it.

    40748 We don't have anything similar to it.40749 How do you like the design?

    40750 Do you have this in a different color?

    40751 Do you have this in another color?

    40752 Does this come in any other color?

    40753 Which one do you prefer?

    40754 I can't tell the difference.

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    40755 They look the same to me.

    40756 I can't tell them apart.

    40757 I can't tell one from the other.

    40758 Do you have anything smaller?

    40759 Sorry, one size fits all.

    40760 Does it come in a smaller size?

    40761 Do you have something less expensive?

    40762 We have several items over here.

    40763 Do you have something cheaper?

    40764 Do you have something that isn't so expensive?

    40765 Do you have something more inexpensive?

    40766 This dress costs only sixty dollars.

    40767 It's a good buy.40768 It's a bargain.

    40769 What a steal.

    40770 Great price.

    40771 It's sixty-five dollars.

    40772 I'll take it.

    40773 I'd like to buy it.

    40774 I'll get it.

    40775 Can you gift-wrap this?

    40776 What color bow would you like?

    40777 Could you gift-wrap this?

    40778 Could you wrap this up for me?

    40779 Could I get this gift-wrapped?

    40780 I'd like this gift-wrapped, please.

    40781 Look how expensive this is.

    40782 I wish prices weren't so high.

    40783 I wish things weren't so expensive.

    40784 If only prices weren't so high.40785 It's a little too big.

    40786 Try something smaller.

    40787 It's too big for me.

    40788 It doesn't fit.

    40789 So what do you think?

    40790 It's not quite good enough.

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    40791 This just won't do.

    40792 This is unsatisfactory.

    40793 Do you like this?

    40794 That's not what we had in mind.

    40795 That's not what we were thinking of.

    40796 That isn't quite the way I saw it.

    40797 That isn't quite what we were looking for.

    40798 They look like antiques.

    40799 We've owned them a long time.

    40800 We've had them for a long time.

    40801 They've been with us forever.

    40802 How much is that sofa?

    40803 It's a thousand dollars.40804 It costs a grand.

    40805 The cost is one thousand dollars.

    40806 How much does it cost?

    40807 It's five thousand dollars, including tax.

    40808 It's five grand total.

    40809 Five grand including everything.

    40810 How much does that one cost?

    40811 It's five thousand dollars before tax.

    40812 It's five grand, excluding tax.

    40813 It's five thousand dollars plus tax.

    40814 How would you like to pay?

    40815 I'll pay cash.

    40816 How will you be paying?

    40817 Will that be cash or charge?

    40818 Would you like to pay by cash or charge?

    40819 May I use a credit card?

    40820 I'm sorry, we only take cash.40821 Do you take credit cards?

    40822 Do you accept credit cards?

    40823 May I pay by credit card?

    40824 What kind of credit cards do you take?

    40825 We take all major credit cards.

    40826 Which credit cards do you take?

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    40827 What are the credit cards that you accept?

    40828 Which ones do you take?

    40829 Which credit cards do you accept?

    40830 We only accept cash.

    40831 No credit cards?

    40832 You must pay in cash.

    40833 Payment in cash is required.

    40834 We only take cash.

    40835 We want to return these.

    40836 I'm sorry, but they are nonrefundable.

    40837 We want to get a refund for these.

    40838 We want to exchange these.

    40839 Can I get a refund?40840 No, but you can exchange it for another product.

    40841 I'd like a refund, please.

    40842 May I see your receipt?

    40843 Can I get my money back for this?

    40844 Is this a refundable product?

    40845 I'd like my money back, please.

    40846 As a rule, we don't give refunds without a receipt.

    40847 We don't generally give refunds without a receipt.

    40848 Normally we don't offer refunds without a receipt.

    40849 Please make an exception for me.

    40850 I thought we had a no refund policy.

    40851 We don't give refunds, but we'll make an exception in this case.

    40852 We'll give a refund, but only in this case.

    40853 This case is different, so we'll give a refund.

    40854 Would you like to exchange it?

    40855 No, I'd like a refund.

    40856 Do you want to exchange it?40857 Would you care to exchange it?

    40858 Thanks for everything.

    40859 Thank you for your patronage.

    40860 Please come and see us again.

    40861 Please come visit us again soon.

    40862 Please come back again.

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    40863 I'd like to have someone paged.

    40864 Who shall I page for you?

    40865 I need to page someone.

    40866 I want you to page someone for me.

    40867 A phone call for Mr. Campbell.

    40868 I'm looking for a Mr. Campbell.

    40869 What time do you open?

    40870 We'll open in five minutes.

    40871 There are still five minutes until we open.

    40872 We have five minutes until we open.

    40873 We have five minutes until opening.

    40874 Five minutes left before opening.

    40875 Are you open seven days a week?40876 We're closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

    40877 We're closed on weekends.

    40878 We don't do business on Saturdays or Sundays.

    40879 We aren't open on Saturdays or Sundays.

    40880 What car would be the best for me?

    40881 For you, I'd recommend this one here.

    40882 For you, my recommendation is this one here.

    40883 For you, I would suggest this one here.

    40884 We strongly recommend this for your company.

    40885 Thanks for thinking of us.

    40886 We really think you should use this for your company.

    40887 We highly recommend this for your company.

    40888 Is this product the right one for me?

    40889 This product is just what you need.

    40890 This product is just right for your needs.

    40891 This product is perfect for you.

    40892 This product is the answer to your needs.40893 This is the main feature of the store.

    40894 It's a very unique product.

    40895 This is the main attraction of the store.

    40896 This is our store's special item.

    40897 This store uses this to attract people to come in.

    40898 I'm going to sell all my stock tomorrow.

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    40899 I wouldn't recommend it.

    40900 I wouldn't suggest that.

    40901 I wouldn't do that if I were you.

    40902 It'd be more economical to get this one.

    40903 Is that true?

    40904 Is that a fact?

    40905 Is that so?

    40906 Does this look all right?

    40907 How about this?

    40908 Does this work?

    40909 Now is an excellent time to buy.

    40910 Thanks for the tip.

    40911 This is the best time to buy.40912 You should definitely buy now.

    40913 This design is more attractive.

    40914 This is a more attractive design.

    40915 This design is more pleasing to the eye.

    40916 This product's selling point is it's advanced technology.

    40917 Unfortunately, it's just too expensive.

    40918 The good thing about this product is its technology.

    40919 This product's best point is its effectiveness.

    40920 The selling point for this product is its packaging.

    40921 The selling point for this product is its quality.

    40922 This product is extraordinary.

    40923 How do you compare this product to others?

    40924 There's nothing comparable to this.

    40925 Nothing compares to this.

    40926 This is in a category all its own.

    40927 Why is the price so high?

    40928 It's a very high-quality product.40929 The quality of this product is very high.

    40930 This product is very well-made.

    40931 It's a very low-quality product.

    40932 We have top-quality products.

    40933 How are they tested for quality?

    40934 Our products are of the highest quality.

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    40935 We carry top-of-the-line products.

    40936 I understand your product is quite good.

    40937 Qualitywise, we have an edge.

    40938 How's the quality of that company's products?

    40939 Our quality is much better.

    40940 Our quality is superior.

    40941 We have the edge on quality.

    40942 Our quality is definitely better.

    40943 Nobody beats our quality.

    40944 What makes this model better than the others?

    40945 It's more compact.

    40946 It's smaller.

    40947 It takes up less space.40948 What is its selling point?

    40949 Not much space is required.

    40950 It doesn't take up much space.

    40951 It's space efficient.

    40952 It's very easy to carry.

    40953 How much does it weigh?

    40954 It's easy to handle.

    40955 You can carry it very easily.

    40956 What's special about this bicycle?

    40957 It's collapsible.

    40958 You can collapse it.

    40959 You can fold it up.

    40960 Why do you prefer this model?

    40961 It's easier to operate.

    40962 It's easier to use.

    40963 It's simpler to use.

    40964 It's adjustable.40965 That's a nice feature.

    40966 You can adjust it.

    40967 It's made to adjust.

    40968 It's easier to clean.

    40969 In what way?

    40970 It isn't as hard to clean.

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    40971 It's less difficult to clean.

    40972 Is it durable?

    40973 It's made very well.

    40974 It's very well made.

    40975 It's built well.

    40976 It'll last a long time.

    40977 Does it come with a warranty?

    40978 It's durable.

    40979 What is it made of?

    40980 It's long lasting.

    40981 It'll sustain itself for a long time.

    40982 It's very sturdy.

    40983 It'll last for a very long time.40984 It can be used longer.

    40985 The machine is working out well.

    40986 It's very economical, too.

    40987 It's very thrifty.

    40988 It makes economical sense.

    40989 We're saving 20 percent.

    40990 That's a super discount.

    40991 It's super savings.

    40992 We're talking about a savings of 20 percent.

    40993 We're getting a 20 percent discount.

    40994 You can have significant annual saivngs.

    40995 How significant?

    40996 There'll be great savings annually.

    40997 You can enjoy significant annual savings.

    40998 It'd save business expenses, too.

    40999 That's a good point.

    41000 It'd save money, too.