English Portofolio

Post on 01-Apr-2016

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Clothilde Darcel

Graphic designer



10 rue Solférino

64 000 Pau


EDITIONS Chanel/Munari p.7 Thesis p.13 Nom Féminin p.19

POSTERS Pau - Pyrénées p.25 Workshop Studio Tricolore p.29 Workshop Raphaël Urwiller p.33

PHOTOGRAPHY Mondes parallèles p.37 Fiction p.41

WEB Digital publishing Lev Manovich Le langage des nouveaux médias p.45




MUNARI/CHANELEdition in two parts, one of 210x285mm and one of 155x225mmNatural white paper 90g and 120g2013Handmade bind

The objective of this project was to do the layout and find the iconography of texts from Art of design by Bruno Munari. In his text, the author quotes Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: «form follows function» and illustrates this theory all along the text.Reading the text, I have thought about Coco Chanel, another type of designer, whose creations demonstrate this theory well. Indeed, in her time, Chanel liberated women, removed the corset, instituted pants, and created a feminine wardrobe adapted to the needs and activities of women.She cared about a fashion that in addition to making women beautiful, made them feel free in their movements.To emphasize the relationship between designer and stylist, through gallica.fr I collected pages of some numbers of Vogue, dating from the twenties or thirties, speaking about Chanel’s fashion. Then I tock out pieces of these documents and put them in parallel using a radial color gradient of pink.I chose to leave the iconography in a bigger notebook than the one with the texts, the second notebook including the first, to preserve their status as research leading to the reflection in the heart of the book.For the cover, i drew my inspiration from Erwin Blumenfeld, keeping the idea to cut-out, as in the magazines and the press.


THESIS250x370mmNatural white paper 90g et papier glacé 90g2014Effective adhesive binding

Thesis presented to the jury for my diplôme national d’Art plastique mention Design graphique et Multimédia.My subject of study is the place of graphic design in women’s emancipation through fashion. You can read this document here : http://issuu.com/clothildedarcel/docs/documentecritfinal1


NOM FÉMININ135x200mmCyclus paper 90gand cryogen white paper 120g2014Screen printing coverHandmade bind

Nom féminin is my diploma project. This is a serie of journals. In each journal, a woman working in fashion give her point of vue on one clothes who had participate to women’s emancipation. Ideally, this revue will be distribute with magazines and in family plannings. The aim is to show women that the way they dress is a power ans that can indicate a emancipation’s desire.



PAU-PYRÉNÉESPoster 594 x 841 mm2013

This project is a collective project with Coralie Bischoff and Sophie Quehen.We have worked on the relation between Pau and the Pyrénées through a given topic which was cartography and Franz Schrader’s work. His interest in panorama kept our attention. We think the link between Pau and the Pyrénées is the «boulevard des Pyrénées». This street offers a stunning view on the mountains, so we’re both physically in town but mentally in the mountains. To illustrate this, we have made two maps, one of the town and one of the mountains merging in the center.



This poster was realised during a workshop with the Studio Trico-lore, composed by Damien Auriault and Yann Ledluz.The project was to create a handmade poster.We had to promote an object from «Impossible objects» by Jacques Carelman.I have really appreciated the handmade aspect and the working on lettering.


During a workshop with Raphaël Urwiller, a french illustrator, we had the opportunity to work with a Riso printer.The topic was to illustrate some French phrases, so as to learn about press drawing.




MONDES PARALLÈLES400x600mmSatin paper2013

The subject of this photographic project was «parallel worlds». My interpretation of that subject is that social life and private life are two parallel worlds. We generally have different habits, clothes, attitudes when we’re in private and when we’re in public.To answer to this topic, I’ve taken some pictures of transition between these two worlds, like the act of removing make-up or undressing.


FICTION400x600mmSatin paper2011

The topic of this project was «fiction». I have illustrated this subject with a portrait to recall codes of popular culture through the makeup. In this case the superhero mask.




For this project, we had to do a digital publishing for «What are new media?» an extract from The language of new media written by Lev Manovich.After reading the text, I defined three stages and selected some extracts.In the first step, Lev Manovich describes the new media as mass media, diffusing the same pictures and informations to everyone.In the second step, new media tend to focus on the individual rather than on the mass, leaving him the choice to customize and to control his browsing.Finally, the third step suggests that the freedom of choice is controlled.To illustrate this illusion of choice, I have created one web page for each step. On each of these pages, there are several clickable links all leading to the same place. The entire site is built on a loop system. I’ve choosen to introduce the text with a page of Martin Parr’s photographies because he works on mass tourism, and mass tourism results from mass media.