English Summative for Mr. Sharma.

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Investigating a Healthy LifestyleBy Bobby


Morgan Spurlock goes on a 30 day McDonald’s binge to see what would happen to his health. He ate at McDonalds 3 times a day from Feb. 1 to March 2, 2003. Whenever someone asked if he wanted to Supersize his meal he had to as

part of his plan.



McDonald’s is bad for you because the food is high in calories, has a lot of fat in it and contains a lot of salt. All processed foods like the stuff at McDonald’s is not as good for you as pure foods like fruit

and vegetables are.


Spurlock consumed an average of 5,000 kcal (the equivalent of 9.26

Big Macs) per day during the experiment.

Spurlock gained 24½ lbs. (11.1 kg), a 13% body mass increase, a

cholesterol level of 230, and experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation in his liver.


It took Spurlock fourteen months to lose the weight

gained from his experiment using a vegan diet supervised by his future wife, a chef who specializes in gourmet vegan



National Heart Lung and Blood Institute A healthy eating plan:emphasizes fruits, vegetables,

whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products

Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts

Is low in saturated fats, trans fat, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and

added sugarsControls portion sizes


1) Food is your true medicine and the key to your good health.

2)Products actually CAUSE cravings and keep you coming back for more.

3)High salt and sugar diet make people have less energy.


Swim three times a week, go on a run two times a week and workout in the weight room three times a week. Stretching is very important

before and after a workout. Physical exercise is very

demanding on your body. You need at least 8 hours of sleep

every night so your muscles are able to rebuild + repair.


In the movie Supersize me, Morgan Spurlock ate McDonald’s 3 times a day every day for one month. Over that time he gained 24 ½

pounds and damaged his liver by eating over 5000 calories a day. McDonald’s has a lot of bad stuff in the food like calories and fat. All

the food at McDonald’s is not fresh. So the big breakfast has a lot of salt in it.

FOOD INC. For most Americans, the ideal meal is fast,

cheap, and tasty. Food, Inc. examines the costs of putting value and convenience over nutrition

and environmental impact.Director Robert Kenner explores the subject from

all angles, talking to authors, advocates, farmers, and CEOs, like co-producer Eric

Schlosser (Fast Food Nation), Michael Pollan (The Omnivore’s Dilemma), Gary Hirschberg

(Stonyfield Farms), and Barbara Kowalcyk, who’s been lobbying for more rigorous standards since E. coli claimed the life of her two-year-old son.



Healthy eating is one of the most important things you can do to improve your general health.Nutritious, balanced meals and healthy snacks may reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by helping you increase your intake of heart-healthy nutrients, manage your weight, keep your blood pressure down, control your blood sugar levels and lower your cholesterol.A healthy eating plan may also boost your overall feeling of well-being, giving you more energy and vitality. It may make you look better and feel good about yourself, inside and out.How to make heart-healthy choicesWith the vast array of food choices available today, it's difficult to know where to begin. You may wish to start by aiming to include items from the four food groups: vegetables and fruit, whole-grain products, lower-fat milk products and alternatives, and lower-fat meat and alternatives. Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide provides direction on the types and amount of food we should eat for overall health. It makes it easier than ever to plan your meals and snacks around a wide variety of delicious and heart-healthy foods. Reading the Nutrition Facts table on food products will help you make smart choices. When you're grocery shopping, look for the Health Check™ symbol on food packaging, the Heart and Stroke Foundation's food information program, based on Canada's Food Guide. It’s your assurance that the product contributes to an overall healthy diet. For more information on Health Check, go to healthcheck.orgFor exclusive, heart-healthy recipes, please go to our recipe file. Last reviewed: April 2011


Physical activity can be a lifesaver – literally. Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines recommend

that you accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical

activity per week, in bouts of 10 minutes or more. Moderate intensity activities include brisk walking

or bike riding. Vigorous intensity may mean jogging or cross-country skiing. To derive the most benefit, spread your activity out over

several days of the week. By doing so, you can dramatically lower your risk of heart disease and


SNACKINGHealthy snacking is part of a heart-healthy diet.

Healthy snacking may help you get all the nutrients you need to protect you from heart disease, stroke and other chronic diseases. Nutritious snacks also keep you feeling energized

throughout the day, especially helping you beat mid-morning and mid-afternoon fatigue. Snacking can stave off hunger and keep your metabolic rate up, which makes it an integral

part of maintaining a healthy weight.Snacks are meant to tide you over, not replace a meal, so it's important to keep portion sizes

small.Healthy choices

What you choose to snack on makes all the difference. As a general rule, it's best to opt for a snack that contains foods from at least two of the four food groups (vegetables and fruit, whole grains, milk and alternatives, meat and alternatives) in Canada's Food Guide. For

example, half of a small whole-grain bagel with lower-fat cheese, or a small handful of nuts with a piece of fresh fruit, will boost your energy while also leaving you feeling satisfied longer.

By planning your snacks just as you would your meals, you avoid making unhealthy snack choices that may be high in salt, fat and sugar. Snacks such as potato chips, cookies,

doughnuts and candy bars may actually sap your energy, while adding unnecessary calories. Be aware that so-called energy bars can be high in sugar and trans fats. Read the Nutrition Facts table on any snack foods and look for sugar content and trans fat ingredients such as

hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.

TRYING TO IMPROVE YOUR FITNESS LEVEL CAN FEEL LIKE AN UPHILL BATTLE. You want visible results – say, dropping a pant

size or gaining more muscle definition. When you don’t get them, you feel as if you’re not making any progress. That’s why it is important to set

goals. The right goals can motivate you through the tough times and help make you accountable – meaning more likely to stick with your activity commitments. But let me emphasize that you

need to set the right goals. The wrong ones won’t help you.