Enhancing Learning Through Place-based Education

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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Enhancing Learning Through Place-based EducationMonday, Aug. 10, 20152 – 3 p.m.Aaron D. Wolowiec, MSA, CAE, CMP, CTALearning StrategistEvent Garde, LLC


learning objectives

field trip

20 minutes Venue welcome, challenge, lesson learned

20 minutes Related association challenge, similarities, lesson learned

20 minutes Engagement/transfer activity


Venue tour


20 minutes Challenge: parachute volunteersLessons learned: recruiting/training

20 minutes Challenge: accountability/recognitionLessons learned: volunteer management

20 minutes Activity: Apply strategies to solve volunteer development issues in your organization


Tour of Parade Company

parade company



report out

What are some of the things we did today?

What insights are beginning to emerge?

How has this conversation benefited you?

Which ideas are you most looking forward

to implement?

1. Key insight2. Translation to my

context3. Desired outcome4. First step5. When and where

you’ll take that first step

Contact MeAaron D. WolowiecLearning StrategistEvent Garde, LLC(616) 710-1891aaron@eventgarde.comwww.eventgarde.comwww.aaronwolowiec.com