Enigma'15 General Quiz Prelims Answers

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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ENIGMA’15General Quiz




• 26 Question Prelims• Alphabet Soup type answers(A-Z)• Top 8 teams qualify• B,A,N,E,S,W,R are starred questions which shall resolve ties.• If the tie persists then Sudden Death applies.• Quizmaster is God


Whose name has been blanked out? (Image: Next Slide)

Alan Mathison Turing

2.1. X2. AB de Villiers3. Yusuf Pathan4. Paul Valthaty5. Ajinkya Rahane6. Shane Watson7. Lendl Simmons8. X

Cricket Fever :P

Identify X !

Brendon McCullum (2008 & 2015)(The list is that of the First Centurions in Every IPL Edition)

The story of X is set in the year 2220 AD, where humans have been able to conquer the solar system. Planet Earth is controlled by a single unit of World Government, which has its headquarters in the futuristic city of Delhi. Advanced space stations have been set up on various planets of the Solar System. Among them, one of the stations was developed as a high security prison on the moon of Jupiter known as Io, where the 12 most dangerous criminals were imprisoned in suspended animation. During the course of the story, a meteorite strikes space prison and there by destroying the security system which enabled all the prisoners to escape. X, one of the best law enforcers, is assigned on a special mission by the Earth Government to capture and arrest the escaped convicts. The male protagonist is the offspring of one of the best scientists on Earth. His grandfather is the ruler of the Parajeevs, which is a highly advanced race of beings from the thirteenth dimension. Id X.



X is the largest city of an Indian state. According to popular legends, the name X is a corruption of Hidimbapur, meaning the city of Hidimba of Mahabharata whose wedlock with Pandava prince Bhima gave birth to Ghotokacha. There is a place in X where giant chess pieces still lie around in dilapidated state. The locals believe that this is the place where Bhima and his son Ghatotkacha used to practice chess.Identify X.Image: Next Slide


X is medically recognized as a mental and emotional condition in which a person experiences intense feelings of well-being, elation, happiness, excitement and joy. Technically, X is a psychological affect, but the term is often colloquially used to define emotion and an intense state of transcendent happiness combined with an overwhelming sense of contentment.

X is also the name of the first ever band to play inside the United Nations General Assembly.

Give me my X back :P


According to the urban dictionary, a ________ is a person who is different. In a bad way or a good way. Mostly an individual that is not the same as mainstream society. Such as mallgoths, punks, hardcore kids, emos, metalheads, goths etc pretty Much used to describe anyone wearing black.

In the United States of the 1960s, especially during the heyday of the hippie counterculture on the west coast, many teens and young adults that were disillusioned with the austere confines of the post-war, suburbanite American way of life, and the resultant countercultural and New Left movements defined themselves as ________.



7.Indian rupee was an official currency of Aden, Oman, Dubai, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, The Trucial States (later UAE), Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, The Seychelles, and Mauritius till 1958. To reduce the strain put on India's foreign reserves by gold smuggling caused by this external use of the rupee, a separate currency was created. What was the name of this currency introduced by the Indian government in 1959 as a replacement for the Indian rupee, for circulation exclusively outside the country.

Image For Previous Slide

Gulf Rupee


This garment's style and form can be traced back to Medieval Europe when the normal clothing for monks included a cowl attached to a tunic or robes, and a chaperon or _________ cape was very commonly worn by any outdoors worker. Its appearance was known in England at least as early as the twelfth century, possibly an import with the Norman conquest of England.



The Solani aqueduct was constructed by Britishers in the mid 19th Century during the construction of the ganga canal in Haryana. Here the canal flows over a dried up river, Solani. During the construction of the ganga canal, the Solani river obstructed the path, so, it was decided to construct a bridge for the canal to flow uninterrupted.However there was a lack of skilled workmen to aid in the construction of the canal. What was started in 1847 to train the local youth and help the Public Works in completion of this project?

Img: Next Slide


The tombstoneof a famous scientist. Identify.

JOULE772.55 at the top of his gravestone is

the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat

11.As per the folktale, after her banishment from Ayodhya, Sita gave birth to Luv at the ashram of Sage Valmiki. One day Sita left Luv in the custody of Sage Valmiki and went into the forest to collect firewood. But when the sage left for his daily prayers, Luv wandered into the forest and followed his mother. Upon returning, the sage became tense as he could not find the child. Not knowing what he would say to Sita, the Sage created something from a strand of grass. What ?


12.It was the depot of the former East Indian Railway. The prime responsibility of this workshop was to manufacture rolling stock. Another interesting fact which is less known is that apart from rolling stock manufacture it made immense contribution to the war machinery of Allied Forces during the Second World War. Apart from rolling stock required for transport of military equipment and also produced hundreds of Ambulances, Water Cars, tanks, armoured vehicles and lorries. Ammunitions were also produced for the British Army, the Indian Army and Royal Air force. Identify!


Identify the Organisation


14. Which Upcoming game that has already garnered immense popularity since its unveiling at the E3 conference?


X is derived from the 5th century Latin word, which is derived from the combination of two Ancient Greek words for: "sharp, keen" and "dull, stupid“ respectively, making the word itself an X.


16. In the jungles of the African country of Bangalla, there is a myth featuring The Ghost Who Walks, a powerful and indestructible guardian of the innocent and fighter of all types of injustice. Because he seems to have existed for generations, many believe him to be immortal. In reality, the ______ is a legacy hero, descended from 20 previous generations of crime fighters who all adopt the same persona. When a new _____ takes the task from his dying father, he swears the Oath of the Skull: "I swear to devote my life to the destruction of piracy, greed, cruelty, and injustice, in all their forms, and my sons and their sons shall follow me".



X: "Now pay attention, 007,"X : "I've always tried to teach you two things: First, never let them see you bleed;"Bond: "And second?"X : "Always have an escape plan“

X has shown a warm and fatherly concern for 007's welfare and has posed as his father in You Only Live Twice. He flatly tells the agent, "If it hadn't been for X Branch, you'd have been dead long ago. Identify.



There are two kinds of folks who sit around thinking how to kill people: Psychopaths, and mystery writers. I'm the kind that pays better. Who am I? I'm _____ _____... Every writer needs inspiration, and I found mine "And thanks to my friendship with the mayor, I get to be on her case... And together, we catch killers.“An author of mystery fiction, with 26 bestsellers. He uses ______ Edgar ______ as his nom de plume as a tribute to Edgar Allen Poe.

Who is he?



Blockade is an arcade maze game developed and published by Gremlin in October 1976. Using four directional buttons, each player moves their character around. To win, a player must last longer than the opponent. The game ends after one player gains six wins.Blockade was the first of what would inspire a very famous arcade. Which?

( Looking for a single word answer)


It is an ancient form of torture practiced by the Chinese, in particular the courts of the Han Dynasty. Chinese ________ torture was a punishment for nobility since it left no marks and a victim could recover relatively easily and quickly.

Heinz Heger, a man persecuted in the Flossenbürg concentration camp during World War II, witnessed Nazi prison guards perform it on a fellow inmate, followed by various other tortures which resulted in his death.

20. What?



What is the National Animal of Scotland?



X was founded by four Israeli partners: Talmon Marco, Igor Megzinik, Sani Maroli and Ofer Smocha, with Talmon Marco as its CEO. On February 13, 2014, Rakutenannounced they had acquired X for $900 million. Identify!


Logo of What?

24. What was this tweet about?

X-FilesRebooted for a

new mini-series after being of air

for almost 13 years.


A stupid motto that countless teenagers live by because it gives them the excuse to be

promiscuous, commit crimes, drink underage, do drugs and deny responsibility for their actionsThere is an exception for those who believe in

reincarnation or are cats.



_________ is originally a Hebrew name. Mostly used as a first name, it is an equally uncommon last name. The

meaning of the name, is “radiance, brilliance, light, God, brightness.

Been in news recently.


Finals coming
