Enjoy the Journey of Life with Couch Kills

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Enjoy the Journey of Life with Couch Kills

Where I’m at in my life is the sum total of the choices I’ve made to date.

And if I’m being brutally honest, in the past, more times than not, I settled for much, much less than I was ever capable of creating.

That was my truth.

How about you? Could you have done more, been more, experienced more?

Was that your truth too?

Is that still your truth?

This self-inquiry isn’t about being right or wrong, and it isn’t about changing our past, that’s over, that’s done.

It’s about taking a moment of honest reflection and realizing that in this next moment, in every moment, there is an opportunity to create a life you really love.

A life you create, you design, you plan…

One of the ways I get a handle on where I’m at any given time in my life, at any given moment is to honestly ask myself who I’m being at that moment, want am I doing, what am I contributing for myself, my family, for others.

More specifically am I performing at a 100%, at a 110% of attention, engagement, contribution?

For most of my life I was running at about a 30%, maybe a 50% level of awareness and engagement. Because more often than not I was on auto-pilot, going through the motions, very busy and easily distracted.

I had lots of dreams, ideas, designs, parts and pieces of things, tons of things that were started, most of which were never completed.

And it wasn’t that I was lazy, in fact I was busy, very busy, and sometimes too busy.I was busy, busy, busy… but without a plan, without a destination.We’ve all heard it before; and I certainly had heard it a thousand times…

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

Benjamin Franklin

I actually believed that was true, but I guess I really didn’t get how true it was.I’m not big on paying attention to the past, but once I committed to putting “not planning” in my past, my life totally changed. And not only in one area of my life, but in all areas of my life.

You see just being busy without a plan, an ultimate goal, is like being on a road to nowhere.Being busy gives you a false sense of accomplishment. Somehow you think if you just work hard things will open up, something good is bound to happen, hard word pays off, but it usually doesn’t without a plan.But being busy, and working hard with a plan, now that’s a whole different possibility.

Address: 916 Southwood Blvd, Unit 1FIncline Village, NevadaUS (89451)

Business Email: info@couchkills.com
