Enlightenment â that magnificent escape from anguish...

Post on 09-Sep-2018

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Divine Light

Your task? To work with all the passion of your being

to acquire an Inner Light, so you escape and are safe

from the fires of madness, illusion, and confusion

that are, and always will be, the world. (Rumi)

True love, wisdom and power are the greatest gifts that

one gets by basking in the sunshine of Heaven’s Light. (Sant Kirpal Singh)


The Journey is long, and the Way dry and barren,

that must be traveled to attain the Fount of Water, the Land of Promise.

(Cartusian monks)

Understand this if nothing else: Spiritual freedom and oneness with the Tao

are not randomly bestowed gifts, but the rewards of conscious

self-transformation and self-evolution.


Enlightenment – that magnificent escape from anguish and ignorance –

never happens by accident. It results from the brave and sometimes lonely battle

of one person against his own weaknesses.

(Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano)


To have inner experiences of Godly Light and Sound is no small thing

and really only the fortunate few blessed from above receive them.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)

Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji

When God came into Expression, there was Light and Sound.

There was Light; from Light proceeded Sound.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)

In the center behind and above the eyes there is an aperture;

on this side of it is the material world, in which we are living now;

and on the other side is the astral world.

(Baba Sawan Singh)

Who on earth has the power to pull up sensory currents to the seat of the soul?

Who can open the all-seeing inner eye? It can be done only by a perfect Master.

It is, therefore, said: "By meeting the perfect Master, one is rid of the darkness

within. By meeting the perfect Master, one sees the Holy Light

with his own eyes."

(Sant Kirpal Singh)


This “Single” or “Third Eye” provides an ingress into the spiritual worlds –

the Kingdom of God - now a lost realm to most of us…

Of this inlet or ingress little is known by the people at large.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)

So when Masters come, the first message they bring is, "There is God." They

say, "We have seen God." With what eyes? - The eye which sees God exists

in everybody, and is different from the eyes of flesh and blood;

it is called Third Eye, Single Eye, Latent Eye.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)

Guru Nanak tells us that the "single eye" spoken of is not of flesh and bone,

as are our outer eyes. It is the inner eye - the eye within you. And this is to be

opened. But how? One who has his own eye opened and has seen the Light of

God is also capable of giving you first-hand inner experience of it.

Seeing is believing, and when you see for your own self,

you will require no further testimony.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)


Once you discover this Light and learn to live by it,

your whole existence will be changed. Love will permeate your very being

and it will burst forth from the very pores of your body.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)

True love, wisdom and power are the greatest gifts that one gets

by basking in the sunshine of Heaven’s Light.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)

Charlotte, North Carolina - 1972

The photographer who took and developed this photo reported

that this cloud of light was not a photo anomaly or a print anomaly.

When the Light is seen shining within your heart and the Music of the Spheres

becomes audible, you behold the Light in all that is outside, you see the one

Light in all. This is the Universal Vision that the One is in all and all are in One.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)


One of the many miraculous functions of meditation is that it is a portal to a

different dimension. When you go deeply into the meditative state, your

awareness detaches itself from the thought-stream. Then your identification

with emotion, memory, time and body begins to fall away. You become aware

of something very mysterious. Imagine that you had been fast asleep in a small

dark chamber and then you suddenly awakened to find yourself floating in the

infinite depth of a vast, peaceful ocean. You literally become aware of a new

dimension, when moments before you had experienced yourself as being

trapped, a prisoner of your body, mind and emotions. When you awaken to this

new dimension, all sense of confinement disappears. You feel that you have

access to the whole universe and also to that which the universe exists within.

You're aware of body, mind, time, and space, but there's another dimension that

extends in all directions, unlimited by any of it. Meditation is the portal to this

dimension, a door to the realization of limitlessness.

(Andrew Cohen)

The Guru is He Who brings forth Light in the darkness within the human being.

He gives this Light as a free gift. To live in the human form without seeing the

Light of God within is a waste of a human life; it is a life without real meaning.

Of what use is a tree that does not bear fruit? If the Light of God is not manifest

in you, it is a waste of precious human birth.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)


When you come in contact with Light and Sound Power within,

you have not to adopt any virtues, but everything, all virtues,

will come within you of themselves.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)

Once we have a direct experience of the inner Light and Sound,

we realize that we are not the body but soul. We realize a higher reality within.

It is the beginning of our journey to our true Home.

(Sant Rajinder Singh)

Man must let his true nature blossom,

for there is inside him a Light that asks only to shine.


No man who has lived through a temporary spiritual experience

is ever likely to forget it. His days will be haunted until he sets out

to seek ways and means of repeating it.

(Paul Brunton)


Your task?

To work with all the passion of your being to acquire an Inner Light,

so you escape and are safe from the fires of madness, illusion,

and confusion that are, and always will be, the world.


There are, it is said, seventy-thousand veils between ourselves and God.

These are habits and ideas that prevent us from remembering and being aware

of our direct connection with the Divine Light.

(James Fadiman)

Looking up gives Light, though at first it makes you dizzy.

Get used to this Light, unless you’re a bat! The sign of your having this Light

is your vision of the end. The lust of the moment is in truth your dark grave.


When you begin to accumulate the wealth of Naam,

your soul will go within and you will find yourself in a bright and radiant land.

(Baba Sawan Singh)


The ira-vein, the pingala-vein, the sukhmana-vein –

these three converge at one spot. Where the three meet,

there is found holy Light – and it is there that

the heart bathes and becomes clean.

Exalted, drawn, and absorbed into the uncreated Light,

I beheld that which cannot be related.

(Angela of Foligno)

This humble receptiveness, this still and steady gazing, in which emotion, will,

and thought are lost and fused, is the secret of the great contemplatives on fire

with love of that which he has been allowed to see.

(Evelyn Underhill)

The inner Light will give you a glimpse of an ennobled and purified life

and inspire you with the urge to realize it.

(Paul Brunton)


The true gambling lies in sacrificing all other things - body and its environments

- for the purpose of enkindling the Light within.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)

Once the mind is interiorized and withdrawn from its identification

with the world and with the body, the inner Light

comes into clear and steady focus.


Maulana Rumi says that compared to the vastness of the worlds within,

this world is not even the extent of an atom. What a magnificent abundance

of life there is within us!

(Sant Kirpal Singh)

When you realize the unborn, uncreated, unconditioned,

you are liberated from everything born, created, and conditioned.



The point is that you are seeing something beyond nature, beyond the

existential, beyond the psychic, beyond even cosmic identity. You are starting to

see the hidden or esoteric dimension, the dimension that transcends nature.

You see the Light, and sometimes this Light literally shines like the light of a

thousand suns. It overwhelms you, empowers you, energizes you, remakes you,

drenches you. This is what scholars have called the "numinous" nature of subtle

spirit. Numinous and luminous. That is, no doubt, why saints are universally

depicted with halos of light around their heads. That is actually what they see -

Divine Light.

(Ken Wilber)

The Path is but one step.

Taking one step out of one’s self to get to God.



What is the nature of this mysterious mystic illumination?

Apart from the certitude it imparts, what is the form which it most usually

assumes in the consciousness of the self?

The mystics seem to assure us that its apparently symbolic name is really

descriptive; that they do experience a kind of radiance,

a flooding of the personality with new light. A new sun rises

above the horizon, and transfigures their twilit world.

Over and over again they return to light-imagery in this connection.

Frequently, as in their first conversion, they report an actual and overpowering

consciousness of radiant Light, ineffable in its splendor, as an accompaniment

of their inward adjustment.

“Light rare, untellable!” said Whitman. “The flowing Light of the Godhead,”

said Mechthild of Magdeburg. Saint Hildegarde described her revelations as

appearing in a special Light, more brilliant than the brightness round the sun.

It is an “infused brightness,” says Saint Teresa, “a Light which knows no night;

but rather, as it is always light, nothing ever disturbs it.”

It really seems as though the mystics’ attainment of new levels of consciousness

did bring with it the power of perceiving a splendor always there,

but beyond the narrow range of our poor sight…

The cumulative testimony on this point is such as would be held to prove, in any

other department of knowledge, that there is indeed an actual Light, “lighting the

very light” and awaiting the recognition of men. (Evelyn Underhill)


This self-originated Clear Light, which from the very beginning

was never born, is without any parents.

This Clear Light has not been created by anyone, has never experienced birth

and has nothing in it that could cause it to die.

Although it is evidently visible, yet there be few who see it.

Although it exists in everyone everywhere, it has gone unrecognized.

And yet you go on hoping to attain some other fruit than this Clear Light

elsewhere. Even though it is the thing that is most essentially yours,

you seek for it elsewhere – how amazing!

(Tibetan Buddhism)

The physical world is a fulcrum by which to lift yourself up to the intelligible

world. If there were no connection or correspondence between the two,

the path to ascend would be closed.


If God is to be seen then it must happen in a Light, as God himself is Light.

(Meister Eckhart)


If you were able to go inward right now and waken your sleeping Buddha,

what would you find?

Tibetan Buddhism says that at the heart of you, me, every single person,

and all other creatures great and small, is an Inner Radiance that reflects

our essential nature, which is always utterly positive.

Tibetans refer to this Inner Light as Pure Radiance or Innate Luminosity;

in fact, they call it Ground Luminosity because it is the “bottom line.”

There is nothing after this, nothing before this.

This luminosity is birthless and deathless.

It is a luminescent emptiness, called “Clear Light,”

and it is endowed with the heart of unconditional compassion and love.

(Lama Surya Das)

When you have got a taste of the beyond

then there’s nothing here to compare with that.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)

The Divine Light of the Infinite Lord,

who owns the soul and the breath of life,

is deep within the inner being.

(Sri Guru Granth Sahib)


And I entered and beheld with the eye of my soul the Light Unchangeable…

He that knows the Truth knows what that Light is, and he that knows It,

knows eternity.

(Saint Augustine)

My mind withdrew its thoughts from experience, extracting itself from the

contradictory throng of sensuous images, that it might find out what that Light

was wherein it was bathed…And thus, with the flash of one hurried glance,

it attained to the vision of That Which Is.

(Saint Augustine)

Mystical prayer…is a supernatural intercourse between the soul and the divine,

or some aspect of the divine, sometimes full of Light and joy, sometimes dark

and bare. In some of its degrees it is a placid, trustful waiting upon messages

from without. In others, it is an inarticulate communion, a wordless rapture,

a silent gazing upon God. The mystics have exhausted all the resources of all

tongues in their efforts to tell us of the rewards which await those who will

undertake this most sublime and difficult of arts.

(Evelyn Underhill)

Imagine if all the tumult of the body were to quiet down, along with our busy

thoughts…Imagine if all things that are perishable grew still…And imagine if

that moment were to go on and on, leaving behind all other sight and sounds but

this one vision which ravishes and absorbs and fixes the beholder in joy,

so that the rest of eternal life were like that moment of illumination

which leaves us breathless. (Saint Augustine)


The Light of the body is the eye: therefore when your eye is single,

your whole body also is full of Light; but when your eye is evil,

your body also is full of darkness. Take heed therefore

that the Light which is in you be not darkness.

(Jesus Christ)

That was the true Light, which lighteth every man

that cometh into the world.

(Jesus Christ)

You were darkness once, but now you are the Light of the Lord.

Be like children of Light, for the effects of the Light are seen in

complete goodness and right living and truth.

(Saint Paul)


The middle region of the sky, where-in the spirit dwelleth,

is radiant with the Music of Light.


By meditation upon Light and upon Radiance,

knowledge of the spirit can be reached

and thus peace can be achieved.


The Vedas and other scriptures reveal to us the existence of tens of millions of

suns and moons that are in the kingdom of heaven within us.

But if we do not go within, how shall we ever behold them?

(Baba Sawan Singh)

In my travels I spent time with a great yogi. Once he said to me,

“Become so still you hear the blood flowing through your veins.”

One night as I sat in quiet, I seemed on the verge of entering a world inside

so vast I know it is the source of all of us.


Turn your vision inward and the whole world will be full of Supreme Spirit.

(Ramana Maharshi)


I wish I could give a description of at least the smallest part of what I learned,

but, when I try to discover a way of doing so, I find it impossible; for, while the

light we see here and that other Light are both light, there is no comparison

between the two and the brightness of the sun seems quite dull if compared with

the other. In short, however skillful the imagination may be,

it will not succeed in picturing or describing what that Light is like.

(Saint Teresa of Avila)

Absolutely unutterable and indescribable are the lightning like splendors of

Divine Beauty; neither can speech express nor hearing apprehend.

Shall we name the brilliance of the morning star, the brightness of the moon,

the radiance of the sun - the glory of all these is unworthy of being compared

with the true Light, standing farther from it than does the gloomiest night

and the most terrible darkness from midday brightness.

(Saint Basil the Great)

To experience God as Light during meditation brings calmness to the mind,

purifying it and giving it clarity. The more deeply one contemplates the inner

Light, the more one perceives all things as made of that Light.


There is a current of Light and Sound that flows out from God through the

various regions of creation. This divine stream also returns to God.

If, through meditation, we connect our soul to this current,

we can travel on it back to our Source.

(Sant Rajinder Singh)


Cease inwardly from thought and word, be motionless within you, look upward

into the Light and outward into the vast cosmic consciousness that is around

you. Be more and more one with the brightness and the vastness. Then will

Truth dawn on you from above and flow in you from all around you.

(Sri Aurobindo)

Each man has a private door opening on to the Eternal Brightness.

If he will not press and push it open, his darkness is self-doomed.

(Paul Brunton)

The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this

life. For it is only through meditation that you can undertake the journey to

discover your true nature, and so find the stability and confidence you will need

to live, and die, well.

(Sogyal Rinpoche)


Our mind is pure and simple. When it is emptied of thought,

it enters the pure and simple Light of God, and finds nothing but the Light.


I have come to recognize the Divine Light within my own heart.

(Sri Guru Granth Sahib)

The inner Light is beyond both praise and blame, like unto space it knows no

boundaries; yet it is right here with us ever retaining its serenity and fullness.

You cannot take hold of it nor can you get rid of it; while you can do neither,

it goes on its own way. You remain silent and it speaks; you speak and it is

silent. The Gate of Heaven is wide open with no obstructions whatever before it.

(Yung-chia 665-713, Chinese Zen Master)

There is nothing in this world human beings do not seek; they explore the

mountains and the hills, aspire to know what is in the sea and beneath the sea,

in the most remote deserts. However, there is one thing people neglect

and do not seek: the divinity that is within them.

(Rabbi Zadok ha-Kohen)


To experience “I am Light and Light is me” is conscious awareness

of the absolute Truth. This Light illumines light as well as darkness.

Radiance is the basis of all. Out of Light, beings emerge; Into the Light, beings

dissolve. This entire universe is born of Light, exists in Light, and merges into

Light. The supreme Light, the radiance of the Truth, is the source of the cosmos.

In Light there is bliss. Wherever the experience of Light appears,

along with it arises great joy. One delights in this illumination.

Light is God and God is Light. This is the unchanging Truth.


He is the Light of all lights which shines beyond all darkness.

(Bhagavad Gita)

The heart is nothing but the Sea of Light,

the place of the vision of God.



Where all splendors are in the Light and all darkness in the dark –

brilliant Light and gloomy darkness! I praise that Transcendent Supreme Light!

Always new, hidden, yet old and apparent to all. Within the cave of the heart,

the Ultimate shines alone with the brilliance of the Supreme.

(Atma Nidhi)

Ground yourself, strip yourself down, to blind loving silence.

Stay there until you see you are gazing at the Light with its own ageless eyes.


I went round the streets and squares of the cities of this world seeking Thee,

and I found Thee not, because in vain I sought without

for Him who was within myself.

(Saint Augustine)


Just behind the darkness of closed eyes shines the Light of God.

When you behold that Light in meditation, hold onto it with devotional zeal.

Feel yourself inside it: That is where God dwells.

If, on the other hand, you behold no light in meditation,

then concentrate at the point between the eyebrows, and gaze deeply into the

darkness that you see with closed eyes. Try, by your devotion,

to penetrate that thick veil.

In time you will surely behold the inner Light, for it is ever there,

shining in your forehead. Just as all human beings have eyes,

so does everyone have this spiritual eye within his forehead.

It awaits only his discovery in deep concentration within.


The kingdom of God is just behind the darkness of closed eyes,

and the first gate that opens to it is your peace.


I shut my eyes in order to see.

(Paul Gaugin)


Human industry must be joined to grace if the spiritual eye is to be opened.

So long as the eye which looks upon time fills itself with things and usurps the

conscious field, that spiritual eye which looks upon eternity can hardly act at all:

and this eye must not only be opened, it must be trained, so that it may endure

to gaze steadfastly at the Uncreated Light.

(Evelyn Underhill)

The simple, absolute and immutable mysteries of Divine Truth are hidden in the

super luminous darkness…For this darkness, though of deepest obscurity, is yet

radiantly clear; and, though beyond touch and sight, it more than fills our

unseeing minds with splendors of transcendent beauty.

(Dionysius the Areopagite)


It is an excellent time for meditative practices. Turning within and being aware

of the inner Light is a stabilizing force. When we experience our own inner

Light, it radiates outward to the whole world. Turning within toward the inner

Light projects an uplifting energy to those around us. And now is a time when

the world needs Light the most.

(D.R. Butler)

Now the question comes: How to open that eye with which He can be seen?

He says, when you close your eyes, there is darkness. Look penetratingly into

it; put your whole attention into it. That is knocking on the door, you see, and it

shall be opened. You continue to look directly into that and you will find Light.

Who will see that Light? Your very Self. Tulsi says, “How to penetrate this

darkness? Sit at the feet of a Master - He gives you a boost, you see Light."

Is it not wonderful? Is it not a miracle? What more miracle is required?

(Sant Kirpal Singh)

Take care to retain attention within the two eyebrows. Purifying the mind

and body, fix thy gaze at one center; then shall thou penetrate into the beyond,

seeing the Reality face to face. The dust of the Saints spreads before thee

a carpet of Light.

(Sant Tulsi Das)


Purity of heart is very necessary for a pilgrim on the Path, for without it

one cannot see the Light of God and hear the Voice of God.

All scriptures speak of it.

The Sermon on the Mount is clear enough on this point. In it Jesus deals with

the realities of life. References to the "single eye" and the "Kingdom of God

within," etc., pertain to the inner life. The inner and the outer are interdependent.

Jesus has dealt with both the aspects of life: outer as well as inner.

We have therefore to go step by step.

Buddha also laid great stress on right living and enunciated the Eightfold Path of

righteous living for his followers. In fact, he never uttered a word about God as

he knew that the God experience would follow of necessity when the ground

was prepared. The Hindu scriptures too say the same thing.

(Sant Kirpal Singh)


I am blind and do not see the things of this world; but when the Light comes

from above, it enlightens my heart and I can see, for the Eye of my heart sees

everything; and through this Vision I can help my people. The heart is a

sanctuary at the center of which there is a little space, wherein the Great Spirit

dwells, and this is the Eye. This is the Eye of the Great Spirit by which He sees

all things, and through which we see Him. If the heart is not pure,

the Great Spirit cannot be seen.

(Black Elk)

Radiant in his Light, yet invisible in the secret place of the heart,

the Spirit is the supreme abode wherein dwells all that moves and breathes

and sees. Our whole business, therefore, in this life is to restore to health

the eye of the heart whereby God may be seen.

(Saint Augustine)

The experience of divine Light is no hallucination but an actuality, an entirely

real one, even a thrilling one. If the Light is not resisted, by timidity, ignorance,

or egoism, it will work upon the entire human being, radically transforming

his outlook, life, and consciousness.

(Paul Brunton)


One who beholds the inner Light may be grateful for several reasons.

First, it is the only occult experience of which it may be said that it is entirely

without risk or peril. Second, it is the loftiest of all clairvoyant visions.

Third, it confers the feeling of perfect felicity, not in the worldly sense,

but of an ethereal unearthly kind. Fourth, it is a direct manifestation of God to

man, being the first of His outpourings, hence an uncommon blessing, a grace.

Fifth, if it appears in consciousness as Power, the recipient may feel a

tremendous force, unknown otherwise, throbbing all around and within him, or a

sudden lightening-like flash of complete comprehension: he understands what

neither bodily sense nor intellectual faculty can understand – the supernatural

meaning of Spirit, of eternity, of transfiguration, and of reality.

(Paul Brunton)

And so it came…It tiptoed itself into my heart, silently, imperceptibly, and I

looked at it with wonder. It was a still, small Light, trembling softly. It had the

infinite sweetness of a first love, like an offering of fragrant flowers with gentle

hands, the heart full of stillness and wonder and peace.

(Irina Tweedie)


Generally, the seeing of Light during meditation is a favorable sign of present

experience or good omen of future experience. It indicates that meditation in

depth is being attained, or will be later. The Light may seem spread out in space

or as a thin ray alone. It may appear as a tiny black-centered sun or as a large

round ball. There are still other forms--such as lightning and stars. Generally,

too, there will be a living dynamic quality in it, a movement, a winking,

and a fiery flickering.

This Light is the penultimate experience on the mystic's way. He finds himself

totally lost indeed but lost in the most dazzling Light. The ego seems to have

vanished: infinity and universality of being have replaced it. Ecstatic rapture fills

him. Is it any wonder that the Greek Orthodox Church mystics of the first few

centuries believed this was the ultimate experience of pure Spirit, the final union

with God? Yet it may not last, cannot last, must come to an end. It may have

held him for one or two minutes only or it may have done so for a longer period.

It may never recur again in his whole lifetime--this is so in most cases--or it may

come several times more. But it stands as a landmark until the end of his years.

Where the Greek Orthodox Church regards the Light experience as the highest

point reachable by man, the Indian Philosophic Teaching regards it as the last

stage before the highest. For anything which is "seen" implies the existence of a

"seer" as separate from it. This is not less so even in the case of the Holy Light.

Not seeing but be-ing is the final experience according to this Teaching.

"You have to go beyond seeing and find out who is the `I' who experiences

this Light," said Ramana Maharshi to a disciple.

(Paul Brunton)


To have one eye glued on the enchanting pleasures of the flesh

and with the other expect to see a spark of Eternal Bliss

is not only impossible but the height of hypocrisy.

(Meher Baba)

Overcoming and giving up outward tendencies, stilling the mind

and dying while alive is not easy. The inner gate opens only when

the outer gates are closed. There is no other way to get in.

People wish to continue to run out through the outer gates

and also wish to get into the inner. This is impossible.

Two things cannot happen at the same time.

One is to be given up to achieve the other.

(Baba Sawan Singh)


He has awaited me for countless ages, for love of me He has lost His heart:

Yet I did not know the bliss that was so near to me,

for my love was not yet awake.


I concerned myself to remember God, to know Him, to love Him and to seek

Him. When I had come to the end I saw that He had remembered me before I

had remembered Him, that His knowledge of me had preceded my knowledge of

Him, that His love towards me had existed before my love to Him

and He had sought me before I sought Him.



Come, come, whoever you are - wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving.

It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair.

Come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times.

Come, yet again, come, come.


You imagined that you would accomplish this task through your own strength,

activity, and effort. This is the rule that has been established:

Expend everything you have in journeying on the Way.

Then the bounty will come to you.

On this endless road, you are commanded to travel

with your own feeble hands and feet.

God knows that you cannot traverse this Way with feet so feeble.

Indeed, in a hundred thousand years you will not arrive at the first way station.

However, when you travel this road until your legs are exhausted

and you fall down flat, until you have no more strength to move forward,

then God’s grace will take you in its arms.



Keep strenuously toiling along this Path, do not rest until the last breath;

for that last breath may yet bring the blessings from the Knower of all things.


I will cry to Thee and cry to Thee and cry to Thee

until the milk of Thy kindness boils up.



The rewards of a life of faith and devotion to God are love and inner rapture,

and the capacity to receive the Light of God.


Sant Kirpal Singh, 1894-1974

May your soul be happy;

journey joyfully. (Rumi)


HOME: http://kirpalsingh.org

(Spiritual Quotations for Lovers of God)