
Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Marks: 1

The 25-years patient was admitted to the ENT-hospital with complain of pain in the right

ear, bleeding from the right ear, hearing loss. The small iron parts were entranced in the

right ear accidently during his working in factory yesterday. He visited his family doctor

because of ear injury yesterday and his right ear was syringed. The foreign bodies of the

right ear were removed. After syringing the patient noticed hearing loss and bleeding

from the ear. What complication has the patient?

Choose one answer.

a. the trauma of the mastoid process

b. the affection of the inner ear

c. the trauma of the Eustachian tube

d. the traumatic rupture of the eardrum

e. the trauma of jugular vein.

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What hard (lethal) complications can develop in case of non-diagnosed and non-treated

retropharyngeal abscess?

Choose one answer.

a. purulent meningitis

b. purulent mediastenitis, sepsis

c. thrombosis of cavernous sinus.

d. empyema of lungs

e. abscess of brain

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 35-years patient complains of the severe right-sided hearing loss and tinnitus. These

symptoms appeared suddenly week ago after flu. The bright hyperemia of the mucous

membrane of the nasal cavity was found. There were no discharge in the auditory

channels and both eardrums were intact, grey in color with light reflex. The permeability

of auditory tubes was not affected. The results of tuning fork tests: the Weber test was

lateralisated to the right, the left-sided Shcwabach test was shortened, the Rinne test was positive. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

b. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

c. otosclerosis

d. exudative otitis

e. Meniere’s disease

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 19-years patient was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complain of tickle in his throat

and unpleasant smell from the mouth. He never suffered from angina. The result of

examination was the hyperemia of anterior palatine folds. The palatine glands were

friable and enlarged to the second degree of hypertrophy. The outfalls of lacunae were

dilated and there were a lot of purulent secretion (plugs) in the lacunae. There were no

pathological changes of other ENT-organ. Choose the right algorithm of treatment of this disease.

Choose one answer.

a. hospitalization to the infectious clinic, antibiotics, antiinflammatiry drugs

b. conservative treatment of chronic tonsillitis

c. anti-edematous drugs, the regimen of silence.

d. adenotomy

e. his palatine glands must be removed


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 3-years child has heavy breathing, nasal intonation, rise temperature up to 40С.

The child rejects the food. He had acute rhinitis 2 weeks ago. There is no asymmetry of

soft palate. There is spherical protrusion of right side of posterior pharyngeal wall behind

the soft palate. There is the region of tenderness and swelling behind the angle of lower jaw. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. adenoids

b. retropharyngeal abscess

c. phlegmonous angina

d. acute pharyngitis

e. paratonsillar abscess

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the reasons of the acute rhinitis?

Choose one answer.

a. infection, allergy, mechanical and chemical irritants

b. local and common supercooling, infection, aggressive nasal surgery.

c. allergy, infection, local and common supercooling

d. allergy, local and common supercooling, nasal injury

e. nasal injury, infection, mechanical and chemical irritants

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

Can the cholesteatoma destroy a temporal bone?

Choose one answer.

a. no, the cholesteatoma does not destroy a temporal bone

b. yes, the cholesteatoma can destroy a temporal bone in case of concomitant pathology of nasopharynx

c. yes, the cholesteatoma always destroys a temporal bone

d. yes, the cholesteatoma can destroy a temporal bone in case of trauma of mastoid process

e. yes, the cholesteatoma can destroy a temporal bone in case of affection of permeability of auditory tube


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 25-years singer turned to the ENT-doctor with complains of rapid fatigability of

voice, hoarseness. He didn’t turn to the medical care before. The result of examination:

the voice was hoarse. The mucous membrane of vocal folds and mucous membrane of

larynx was ordinary and pink. There were the regions of symmetricall bulge of white

mucous looking like cone on the border between anterior and middle thirds of vocal

folds. There was incomplete closing of vocal folds during phonation. The glottis looked like sand-glass. Choose the right algorithm of treatment of this patient.

Choose one answer.

a. surgical treatment – laryngectomy.

b. antibiotics, antiinflammatory and antihistamine drugs

c. regimen of silence, sparing diet, antitussive and antihistamine drugs

d. surgical treatment – laryngeal resection

e. regimen of silence, surgical treatment, phonopedial treatment

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What symptoms are not typical for the epytympanitis (attico-antral disease)?

Choose one answer.

a. central perforation of a tympanic membrane

b. the development of a cholesteatoma

c. marginal perforation of a tympanic membrane

d. the threat of development of intracranial complication

e. destroying process of tympanum walls

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is the otoscopic picture of the mesotympanitis and epytympanitis?

Choose one answer.

a. in case of mesotympanitis perforation is situated in a pars flaccida of eardrum

b. in case of epytympanitis perforation is situated in the pars tensa of a tympanic membrane

c. the cholesteatoma never develops in case of the epytympanitis

d. the cholesteatoma develops in case of the mesotympanitis

e. in case of epytympanitis perforation is attical or marginal


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is the most typical site of the nasal bleeding?

Choose one answer.

a. past part of the sock

b. the region of the inferior nasal turbinate

c. the region of the middle nasal turbinate

d. anterior-inferior part of the nasal septum

e. between the cartilaginous and bone parts of the nasal septum

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What types of nasal packing are used to stop nasal bleeding?

Choose one answer.

a. medial and lateral

b. upper and lower

c. packing of external nose and packing of nasal cavity.

d. superficial and deep

e. anterior and posterior

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 35-years patient complains of severe headache, purulent discharge from the nose,

rise in temperature to 40С. The result of examination: the patient is in grave condition.

The skin is moist. The pulse is 102 a minute, heart sounds are muted. There is a big

amount of purulent discharge in the right nasal middle meatus, soreness in palpation of

skin under the outer walls of frontal, ethmoidal and maxillary sinuses. ENT-doctor

obtained fetid pus as result of diagnostic puncture of right maxillary sinus. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. purulent right-side purulent ethmoidal sinusitis

b. purulent pansinusitis

c. right-side purulent hemisinusitis

d. right-side purulent frontal sinusitis

e. right-side purulent sphenoidal sinusitis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the early symptoms of cancer of vestibule of larynx?

Choose one answer.

a. breath disordes and blood spitting

b. blood spitting, disorders of swallowing

c. breath disordes, disorders of swallowing, cough, hoarseness

d. disorders of swallowing, cough, hoarseness

e. cough, hoarseness, blood spitting


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What non-malignant tumors are the connective tissue tumors?

Choose one answer.

a. chondroma and adenoma

b. adenoma and fibroma

c. fibroma and sarcoma

d. fibroma and chondroma

e. chondroma and angioma

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 20-years patient, female, was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complain of dryness

in the nose, nasal bleeding, loss of smelling. She was suffering from these symptoms

during two last years. There was severe odor nuisance from the nose. The mucous

membrane of the nasal cavity was thin and pale and covered with dirty-brown crusts.

The nasal meatuses were broad; the nasal turbinates were extremely small. Anosmia was diagnosed during smell investigation. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. chronic atrophic rhinitis

b. acute rhinitis

c. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

d. chronic vasomotor rhinitis

e. ozaena

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 17-years patients complains of nasal obstruction, purulent discharge from the nose,

pain located in the root of nose and in the inner edge of orbit, rise in temperature, undue

fatiguability. The disease developed after flu. The result of anterior rhinoscopy: the

mucous membrane of nasal cavity is hyperemic, hydropic, there are purulent discharge

in the both nasal middle meatuses. The opacity of both ethmoidal sinuses was discovered on X-ray of paranasal sinuses. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. two-side purulent sphenoidal sinusitis

b. two-side purulent ethmoidal sinusitis

c. two-side purulent frontal sinusitis

d. purulent polisinusitis

e. two-side purulent maxillitis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the typical complains of exudative otitis?

Choose one answer.

a. hearing loss and purulent discharges from the ear

b. hearing loss

c. hearing loss and ear noise

d. mucous discharges from the ear and ear noise.

e. pain in the ear

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient is treating by therapeutist in account of angina. But in spite of anti-

inflammatory treatment his state of health is progressively become worse. The

temperature is febrile. He complains of headacke, ague, hyperhidrosis, and

sleeplessness. The skin and mucous membranes are pale, liver and spleen are

enlargered. All groups of lymphatic nodles are enlargered. The ENT-doctor established

the cattarhal angina after pharyngoscopy. The analysis of peripheral blood: leukocytosis

112G/l, myeloblastes, haemoglobin - 33g/l, ESR 20 mm/hour. Choose the right algorithm of treatment of this patient.

Choose one answer.

a. hospitalization to infectious clinic, antibiotics

b. hospitalization to hematologic clinic, specific chemotherapy

c. hospitalization to infectious clinic, antidiphtheric serum

d. dissection of the phlegmon, antibiotics, disintoxication therapy

e. hospitalization to infectious clinic, antiviral drugs


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 30-years patient was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complain of nasal obstruction.

It was found that he suffered from nasal obstruction of about 5 last years and used nasal

decongestants for improving breathing through the nose. The both inferior nasal

turbinates were increased and the nasal meatuses were extremely narrowed. The

epinephrine test was negative. The posterior loops of the inferior turbinates were enlarged. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. chronic vasomotor rhinitis

b. purulent sinusitis

c. deviation of nasal septum

d. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

e. chronic atrophic rhinitis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.

Finish review


Marks: 1

The outer ear is a structure of:

Choose one answer.

a. peripheral part of vestibular analyzer

b. pathways of the acoustic analyzer

c. sound-conducting system

d. cortex zone of acoustic analyzer

e. sound-perceiving system

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The Schwabach’s test in patient with sensori-neural hearing loss is

Choose one answer.

a. negative

b. positive

c. elongated

d. displaced to the health side

e. shortened

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The Rinne’s test in patient with conductive hearing loss is

Choose one answer.

a. negative

b. shortened

c. displaced to the health side

d. positive

e. elongated

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

displaced to the sick side

Choose one answer.

a. elongated

b. shortened

c. Call the names of the two main types of hearing loss

d. positive

e. displaced to the healthy side


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The Rinne’s test in patient with sensori-neural hearing loss is

Choose one answer.

a. elongated

b. displaced to the health side

c. positive

d. shortened

e. negative

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

Choose the right characteristics of the audiogram in patient with the conductive hearing loss.

Choose one answer.

a. the bone-air gap is absent, reduced perception of high tones by air, reduced perception of high tones by bone

b. the bone-air gap is present, reduced perception of low tones by air, normal perception of all tones by bone

c. the bone-air gap is present, reduced perception of high tones by air, normal perception of all tones by bone

d. the bone-air gap is present, normal perception of low tones by air, reduced perception of all tones by bone

e. the bone-air gap is absent, normal perception of low tones by air, reduced perception of all tones by bone


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The Schwabach’s test in patient with conductive hearing loss is

Choose one answer.

a. displaced to the health side

b. negative

c. shortened

d. elongated

e. positive


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

Choose the right characteristics of the audiogram in patient with the sensori-neural hearing loss.

Choose one answer.

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

Choose the right characteristics of the audiogram in patient with the conductive hearing loss.

Choose one answer.

a. the bone-air gap is absent, reduced perception of low tones by air, normal perception of all tones by bone

b. the bone-air gap is present, reduced perception of low tones by air, normal perception of all tones by bone

c. the bone-air gap is absent, normal perception of low tones by air, reduced perception of all tones by bone

d. the bone-air gap is present, normal perception of low tones by air, reduced perception of all tones by bone

a. the bone-air gap is present, reduced perception of low tones by air, normal perception of all tones by bone

b. the bone-air gap is present, normal perception of low tones by air, reduced perception of all tones by bone

c. the bone-air gap is absent, reduced perception of high tones by air, reduced perception of high tones by bone

d. the bone-air gap is present, reduced perception of high tones by air, normal perception of all tones by bone

e. the bone-air gap is absent, normal perception of low tones by air, reduced perception of all tones by bone

e. the bone-air gap is present, reduced perception of high tones by air, normal perception of all tones by bone

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The conductive hearing loss is characterised:

Choose one answer.

a. disturded conduction by bone and normal conduction by air

b. normal conduction by bone and normal conduction by air

c. the absence of air-bone gap

d. normal conduction by bone and disturbed conduction by air

e. disturbed conduction by bone and disturbed conduction by air

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

A sound may be conducted by

Choose one answer.

a. by fluid and by bone

b. by air

c. by air and by bone

d. by fluid

e. by bone


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The sensori-neural hearing loss is characterised:

Choose one answer.

a. the presence of air-bone gap

b. normal conduction by bone and normal conduction by air

c. disturded conduction by bone and normal conduction by air

d. normal conduction by bone and disturbed conduction by air

e. disturbed conduction by bone and disturbed conduction by air

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What craniocerebral nerve takes part in hearing?

Choose one answer.


b. V

c. VI

d. IV

e. VII

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The spiral organ of the inner ear is a structure of:

Choose one answer.

a. pathways of the acoustic analyzer

b. peripheral part of vestibular analyzer

c. sound-perceiving system

d. cortex zone of acoustic analyzer

e. sound-conducting system


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

conductive and sensori-neural

Choose one answer.

a. outer and inner

b. slight and severe

c. acoustic and vestibular

d. acute and chronic

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The Weber’s test in patient with one-sided sensori-neural hearing loss is

Choose one answer.

a. displaced to the healthy side

b. The Weber’s test in patient with one-sided conductive hearing loss is

c. displaced to the sick side

d. elongated

e. shortened

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The eardrum is a structure of:

Choose one answer.

a. sound-perceiving system

b. peripheral part of vestibular analyzer

c. cortex zone of acoustic analyzer

d. sound-conducting system

e. pathways of the acoustic analyzer


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The perilymph of the inner ear is a structure of:

Choose one answer.

a. sound-perceiving system

b. pathways of the acoustic analyzer

c. sound-conducting system

d. cortex zone of acoustic analyzer

e. peripheral part of vestibular analyzer

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

Choose the right result of tuning-forks examination of patient with the conductive hearing loss.

Choose one answer.

a. Rinne’s elongated, Schwabach’s negative

b. Rinne’s positive, Schwabach’s shortened

c. Rinne’s positive, Schwabach’s elongated

d. Rinne’s negative, Schwabach’s shortened

e. Rinne’s negative, Schwabach’s elongated

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The Rinne’s test in person with normal hearing is

Choose one answer.

a. shortened

b. elongated

c. displaced to the right side

d. negative

e. positive



Marks: 1

The child has permanent nasal obstruction and breathing through mouth. What pathology of pharynx causes these symptoms the most often in children?

Choose one answer.

a. tumours of nasopharynx

b. chronic rhinitis

c. adenois

d. chronic tonsillitis

e. nasal septum deviation

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What opens into the inferior nasal duct (meatus)?

Choose one answer.

a. nasolacrimal canal

b. frontal sinus

c. cells of ethmoidal bone

d. maxillary sinus

e. sphenoidal sinus


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 45-years patient was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complain of sudden nasal

bleeding without any obvious reason of itself. What localization of nasal bleeding is the most often takes place?

Choose one answer.

a. anterior-inferior part of nasal septum

b. posterior parts of nasal septum

c. anterior part of inferior nasal turbinates

d. middle nasal turbinates

e. posterior part of inferior nasal turbinates

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 28-years patient was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complains of headache, rise in

temperature, nasal obstruction and purulent discharge from the left half of nasal cavity.

The hyperemia and swelling of mucous membrane of left half of nasal cavity was found

as result of anterior rhinoscopy as well as purulent discharge in the left middle nasal meatus (duct). What paranasal sinuses may be affected in patient?

Choose one answer.

a. left maxillary and left frontal sinuses

b. left maxillary, left frontal, left sphenoid sinuses

c. left maxillary, left frontal, left anterior ethmoidal sinuses

d. all paranasal sinuses

e. left frontal, left sphenoid and left posterior ethmoidal sinuses

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the local reasons of nasal bleeding?

Choose one answer.

a. diseases of blood

b. infectious diseases (influence, malaria)

c. removing crusts from nose, injury of nose

d. a long being under the sun

e. diseases of kidney and liver


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What organ the hypopharynx connects below with?

Choose one answer.

a. orhopharynx

b. throat

c. esophagus

d. nasopharynx

e. trachea


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What method of examination can help you to value the upper nasal turbinate?

Choose one answer.

a. orhopharyngoscopy

b. otoscopy

c. anterior rhinoscopy

d. middle rhinoscopy

e. posterior rhinoscopy

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

How are the holes the nasal cavity connects with the nasopharynx called?

Choose one answer.

a. nostrils

b. openings of auditory tubes

c. openings of paranasal sinuses

d. nasal meatuses

e. choanae

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient has the opaque of the right maxillary, right frontal and right ethmoidal sinuses. What nasal meatus pathology can you suspect of?

Choose one answer.

a. right upper meatus

b. right middle meatus

c. right inferior meatus

d. left middle meatus

e. left upper meatus

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What opens into the upper nasal duct (meatus)?

Choose one answer.

a. cells of ethmoidal bone

b. maxillary sinus

c. nasolacrimal canal

d. cells of ethmoidal bone and sphenoid sinus

e. sphenoidal sinus


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

Find the structure not belonging to the outer nose.

Choose one answer.

a. nasal cavity

b. nostrils

c. dorsum of the nose

d. radix of the nose

e. tip of the nose


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the parts of nasal septum?

Choose one answer.

a. upper and lower

b. there is no right answer

c. bone and cartilage

d. bone

e. anterior and posterior


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What opens into the middle nasal duct (meatus)?

Choose one answer.

a. maxillary and frontal sinuses

b. frontal sinus

c. nasolacrimal canal

d. maxillary sinus

e. sphenoidal sinus

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

During performing the posterior rhinoscopy the ENT-doctor saw the purulent discharge in

the patient’s right upper nasal meatus. What paranasal sinus may be affected in this patient?

Choose one answer.

a. right maxillary sinus

b. right sphenoid sinus

c. right frontal sinus

d. right frontal and right maxillary sinus

e. all sinuses.

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The child has permanent nasal obstruction and breathing through the mouth. How can you diagnose this pathology?

Choose one answer.

a. to perform X-ray examination of nose

b. to perform smell examination

c. to perform pharyngoscopy

d. to perform anterior rhinoscopy

e. to perform posterior rhinoscopy

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

How many nasal ducts (meatus) are in the nasal cavity?

Choose one answer.

a. one

b. three

c. four

d. five

e. two

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What two zones the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is divided into?

Choose one answer.

a. respiratory and facialis

b. respiratory and olfactory

c. inferior and superior

d. respiratory and digestive

e. anterior and posterior

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

How many tonsils form the lymphoid circus of pharynx?

Choose one answer.

a. two

b. four

c. five

d. six

e. three

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient with complain of hoarseness of the voice was admitted to the ENT-doctor.

The doctor performed the indirect laryngoscopy and diagnosed the immobility of the left half of larynx without any other obvious pathology. What nerve is affected in patient?

Choose one answer.

a. nervus cervicalis

b. nervus laryngealis inferior (recurrens)

c. nervus laryngealis superior

d. nervus facialis

e. nervus pharyngealis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

How many nasal turbinates are in the nasal cavity?

Choose one answer.

a. five

b. one

c. two

d. three

e. four


Marks: 1

The patient with acute purulent otitis media has

Choose one answer.

a. normal hearing

b. sensori-neural type of hearing loss

c. conductive type of hearing loss

d. deafness .

e. mixed type of hearing loss

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

In what cases wax mustn’t be syringed?

Choose one answer.

a. the first period of acute purulent otitis media

b. dry perforation of the ear drum

c. the second period of acute otitis media

d. the exacerbation of chronic purulent otitis media

e. furuncle of meatus externus


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is the most typical way for infection to reach the tympanum?

Choose one answer.

a. through the mastoid cells

b. hematogenously

c. through the Eustachian tube

d. through the inner ear

e. through the eardrum

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is the beginning of the second clinic period of acute purulent otitis media?

Choose one answer.

a. severe hearing loss

b. perforation of the eardrum

c. disappearing of the landmarks of the eardrum

d. rise in temperature

e. bulge of the eardrum

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What changes of the eardrum are typical for the beginning of the acute otitis media:

Choose one answer.

a. perforation of the drum

b. vessel’s injection

c. diffuse hyperemia of the drum

d. swelling of the drum

e. purulent discharge from the eardrum perforation


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The tenderness of the tragus to touch is never associated with

Choose one answer.

a. acute purulent otitis media in adult

b. furuncle of meatus externus

c. acute purulent otitis media in child

d. otitis externa in child

e. otitis externa in adult.

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What structure of the middle ear may be involved into the inflammation process in patient with otitis externa:

Choose one answer.

a. eustachian tube

b. eardrum

c. oval and round windows

d. antrum

e. ossicles

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The outflow of purulent discharge is typical for:

Choose one answer.

a. the first period of acute otitis media

b. furuncle of meatus externus

c. the second period of acute otitis media

d. the first and the second period of acute otitis media

e. the third period of acute otitis media

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What symptoms are typical for the second period of acute purulent otitis media?

Choose one answer.

a. acute sharp pain located in the head, hearing loss, temperature is normal

b. hearing loss, purulent discharges, fever

c. acute sharp pain located in the ear itself, purulent discharges, rise in temperature

d. hearing loss, purulent discharges, temperature is normal

e. acute sharp pain located in the ear itself, hearing loss, rise in temperature

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What factors lead to the development of the otitis externa?

Choose one answer.

a. narrow meatus externus

b. gyperfunction of serumen glands

c. supercooling

d. local irritation of the skin

e. viral infection

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

How many clinical periods acute purulent otitis media has?

Choose one answer.

a. four

b. two

c. six

d. five

e. three


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The sharp acute pain located in the ear itself is typical for

Choose one answer.

a. the third period of acute otitis media

b. the first period of acute purulent otitis media

c. the acute pain is not typical for all periods of otitis

d. the first and the second periods

e. the second period of acute purulent otitis media

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

Furuncle of the meatus externus is situated in:

Choose one answer.

a. bone and cartilagenous parts of meatus

b. cartilagenous part of meatus

c. bone part of meatus

d. only deep part of meatus

e. deep and surface parts of meatus

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What changes of the ear drum are typical for the second period of acute purulent otitis


Choose one answer.

a. perforation of the drum

b. swelling of the drum

c. the eardrum is thin and pale

d. the yellow exudates can be seen through the eardrum

e. vessel’s injection

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is the outstanding symptom of furuncle of meatus externus?

Choose one answer.

a. the acute pain in the ear growing during mastication

b. fever

c. purulent discharges

d. vomiting

e. severe hearing loss

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

When the furuncle of the meatus externus must be dissected?

Choose one answer.

a. in case of fever

b. the meatus externus is blocked by furuncle

c. in all cases.

d. in case of abscess formation

e. in case of acute pain in the ear

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

Where the infection may penetrate in patient with furuncle of the meatus:

Choose one answer.

a. inner ear

b. middle ear

c. parotid gland

d. orbita

e. submandibular gland


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

In what clinical period of acute purulent otitis media myringotomy must be performed?

Choose one answer.

a. the second

b. the first

c. the third

d. the second and the third

e. the first and the second

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What symptoms are typical for the first period of acute purulent otitis media?

Choose one answer.

a. acute sharp pain located in the ear itself, hearing loss, rise in temperature

b. hearing loss, purulent discharges, temperature is normal

c. acute sharp pain located in the head, hearing loss, temperature is normal

d. acute sharp pain located in the ear itself, purulent discharges, rise in temperature

e. hearing loss, purulent discharges, fever

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What medicine must not be used in the treatment of acute purulent otitis media?

Choose one answer.

a. Gentamycin

b. Cephazolin

c. Aspirin

d. Penicillin

e. Erythromycin


Marks: 1

What symptoms are typical for exudative otitis?

Choose one answer.

a. the eardrums have no perforation, dirty-grey in color, there is level of liquid inside tympanum being seen during otoscopy;

b. the ear drum is totally red, bulge without light reflex

c. the ear drum has retraction pocket.

d. there are no pathological changes being found during otoscopy;

e. the auditory channels are broad without any wax, the eardrum is intact


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 35-years patient, female, complains of severe right-sided tinnitus and right-sided

hearing loss. These symptoms appeared firstly 56 years ago after delivery. She has

broad outer channels and no wax. Both eardrums are normal. The result of tuning fork

tests: Weber test is lateralized to the right side, right-sided Schwabach test is elongated,

right-sided Rinne test is negative. There is affection of right sound-conductive system

found as result of audiometry. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. exudative otitis

b. otosclerosis

c. Meniere’s disease

d. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

e. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the reasons of sensory-neural hearing loss?

Choose one answer.

a. infection, trauma, diseases of liver.

b. trauma, diseases of blood and vessels, diseases of digestive tract

c. infection, trauma, diseases of digestive tract

d. diseases of liver, diseases of blood and vessels, diseases of digestive tract

e. infection, trauma, diseases of blood and vessels

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What indications for radical sanitizing operation on ear do you know?

Choose one answer.

a. acute otitis media complicated by a labyrinthitis.

b. acute otitis media complicated by a meningitis

c. epytympanitis (attico-antral disease)

d. mesotympanitis (tubo-tympanic suppuration)

e. acute otitis media complicated by a mastoiditis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

Chose distinguishing symptoms of the mesotympanitis (tubo-tympanic suppuration):

Choose one answer.

a. acute headache, attic perforation of a tympanic membrane, mucopurulent discharge from an ear

b. central perforation of a tympanic membrane, hearing loss, mucopurulent discharge from an ear

c. acute headache, central perforation of a tympanic membrane, hearing loss

d. pains at a palpation of a mastoid, central perforation of a tympanic membrane, hearing loss

e. attic perforation of a tympanic membrane, hearing loss, mucopurulent discharge from an ear


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 35-years patient complains of the severe right-sided hearing loss and tinnitus. These

symptoms appeared suddenly week ago after flu. The bright hyperemia of the mucous

membrane of the nasal cavity was found. There were no discharge in the auditory

channels and both eardrums were intact, grey in color with light reflex. The permeability

of auditory tubes was not affected. The results of tuning fork tests: the Weber test was

lateralisated to the right, the left-sided Shcwabach test was shortened, the Rinne test was positive. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. exudative otitis

b. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

c. otosclerosis

d. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

e. Meniere’s disease

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is the cholesteatoma?

Choose one answer.

a. non-malignant tumour of the outer ear

b. epidermal lump which originates and is advanced in cavities of a middle ear against chronic destructive process

c. disease which is complication of an acute otitis media

d. non-purulent disease of a skin of an external acoustic meatuse with a lesion of a mucous membrane of a tympanic cavity

e. malignant tumour of the middle ear

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The most typical symptom of the limited tympanogenic labyrinthitis is:

Choose one answer.

a. clinical symptoms of the chronic mesotympanitis (tubo-tympanic suppuration)

b. positive symptom of "fistula"

c. normal otoscopic picture

d. spontaneous nystagmus

e. vertigo, unsteadiness of a gait


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient complains of the purulent discharges from the right ear, vertigo which

appears periodically. When pushing a tragus of the right ear, there was a nystagmus to

the same side. How is this test named?

Choose one answer.

a. positive Weber test

b. positive Rinne test

c. positive symptom of "fistula"

d. positive Schwabach test/

e. positive tragus test


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the typical complains of otosclerosis?

Choose one answer.

a. ear noise

b. ear noise and pain in the ear

c. pain in the ear

d. purulent discharges from the ear and ear noise.

e. purulent discharges from the ear

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 35-years patient complains of the severe right-sided hearing loss and tinnitus. These

symptoms appeared suddenly week ago after flu. The bright hyperemia of the mucous

membrane of the nasal cavity was found. There were no discharge in the auditory

channels and both eardrums were intact, grey in color with light reflex. The permeability

of auditory tubes was not affected. The results of tuning fork tests: the Weber test was

lateralisated to the right, the left-sided Shcwabach test was shortened, the Rinne test

was positive. What is the etiological factor in this case?

Choose one answer.

a. trauma

b. disturbance of blood circulation

c. the high pressure in the inner ear

d. viral infection

e. ototoxicity of medicines

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is main symptoms of a labyrinthitis?

Choose one answer.

a. spontaneous nystagmus

b. hearing loss

c. nausea and vomit

d. reduced vision

e. positive Kernig's symptom

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 40-years patient complains of the left-sided hearing loss, tinnitus and attacks of

giddiness, sickness, vomiting, coordination disorders accompanied with severe hearing

loss. After the attack the hearing improves and tinnitus disappears. The both eardrums

are normal, there are no discharge or any pathological changes in the outer and middle

ears. The permeability of both auditory tubes is not affected. The slight affection of left

sound-conductive system was found as result of hearing examination. The left-sided

hyporeflexia was found as result of the examination of stato-kinetic analyzer. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. Meniere’s disease

b. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

c. otosclerosis

d. exudative otitis

e. acute sensory-neural hearing loss


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 25-years patient has progressive hearing loss and tinnitus developed after delivery

two years ago. She has broad outer channels and no wax. Both eardrums are normal.

Her hearing improves in noisy environment. The affection of sound-conductive system

was found as result of hearing examination. The permeability of auditory tubes was not

affected. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

b. Meniere’s disease

c. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

d. exudative otitis

e. otosclerosis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What indications for sanation operations of the ear?

Choose one answer.

a. otogenic intracranial complications

b. tympanosclerosis

c. auditory nerve neuritis

d. permanent central perforation of a tympanic membrane

e. otosclerosis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient complains of the purulent discharges from the right ear, vertigo which

appears periodically. When pushing a tragus of the right ear, there was a nystagmus to the same side. What does this test tell about?

Choose one answer.

a. the development of diffuse labyrinthitis

b. the presence of mastoiditis.

c. the presence of sensory-neural hearing loss

d. the development of purulent meningitis

e. the development of limited tympanogenic labyrinthitis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 62-years patient complains of the left-sided hearing loss, left-sided tinnitus

appeared suddenly four days ago. It was found that she is suffering from the arterial

hypertension during a long period of time. There are no pathological changes being

found during routine ENT-examination. The thresholds of air-conducted and bone-

conducted sounds were increased up to 40 dB mainly to high frequency tones without any air-bone gap. Write the results of tuning fork tests of this patient

Choose one answer.

a. Weber lateralized to the right, right side - positive Rinne’s, Schwabach elongated

b. Weber lateralized to the right, right side - positive Rinne’s, Schwabach shortened

c. Weber lateralized to the right, right side - negative Rinne’s, Schwabach elongated

d. Weber lateralized to the left, right side - positive Rinne’s, Schwabach shortened

e. Weber lateralized to the left, right side - negative Rinne’s, Schwabach shortened

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient complains on long-term purulent discharges from the right ear, hearing loss,

vertigo during wiping of an external acoustic meatus. Otoscopy: there were purulent

discharges with odor nuisance, marginal defect of a tympanic membrane. Whispered

speech AD/AS = 1/6 m. There was mixed type of hearing loss as result of audiometry. Pressure test is positive. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. epytympanitis (attico-antral disease)

b. acute otitis media complicated by a labyrinthitis

c. mesotympanitis (tubo-tympanic suppuration)

d. epytympanitis (attico-antral disease) complicated by a limited tympanogenic labyrinthitis

e. acute otitis media complicated by a mastoiditis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What symptoms are not typical for the epytympanitis (attico-antral disease)?

Choose one answer.

a. the threat of development of intracranial complication

b. marginal perforation of a tympanic membrane

c. destroying process of tympanum walls

d. central perforation of a tympanic membrane

e. the development of a cholesteatoma

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 62-years patient complains of the left-sided hearing loss, left-sided tinnitus

appeared suddenly four days ago. It was found that she is suffering from the arterial

hypertension during a long period of time. There are no pathological changes being

found during routine ENT-examination. The thresholds of air-conducted and bone-

conducted sounds were increased up to 40 dB mainly to high frequency tones without any air-bone gap. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

b. chronic form of sensory-neural hearing loss

c. acute form of sensory-neural hearing loss

d. Meniere’s disease

e. acute otitis media

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is the otoscopic picture of the mesotympanitis and epytympanitis?

Choose one answer.

a. the cholesteatoma develops in case of the mesotympanitis

b. in case of epytympanitis perforation is attical or marginal

c. the cholesteatoma never develops in case of the epytympanitis

d. in case of epytympanitis perforation is situated in the pars tensa of a tympanic membrane

e. in case of mesotympanitis perforation is situated in a pars flaccida of eardrum

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are clinic form of otosclerosis?

Choose one answer.

a. outer, middle, inner

b. malignant and non-malignant

c. acute and chronic

d. peripheral, central, mixed

e. tympanic, cochlear, mixed


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is purpose of the tympanoplasty?

Choose one answer.

a. cleaning an ear in case of epytympanitis

b. recovery in case of dry perforation of the eardrum

c. reconstruction of the sound-conducting system of the middle ear

d. cleaning an ear in case of mesotympanitis

e. to prevent the development of intracranial complications.

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient with a chronic otitis media complains of vertigo, a deflection to the left at

walking, in Romberg’s posture falls to the left. The direction of falling changes during

head repositioning. During examination the doctor has found horizontal small-swinging

nystagmus at looking to the right. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. chronic purulent otitis media

b. limited tympanogenic labyrinthitis

c. diffuse labyrinthitis

d. otogenic meningitis

e. mastoiditis.

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 62-years patient complains of the left-sided hearing loss, left-sided tinnitus

appeared suddenly four days ago. It was found that she is suffering from the arterial

hypertension during a long period of time. There are no pathological changes being

found during routine ENT-examination. The thresholds of air-conducted and bone-

conducted sounds were increased up to 40 dB mainly to high frequency tones without any air-bone gap. What is the etiological factor in this case?

Choose one answer.

a. the high pressure in the inner ear

b. trauma

c. viral infection

d. disturbance of blood circulation

e. ototoxicity of antihypertensive medicines

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The most typical symptoms a mesotympanitis (tubo-tympanic suppuration) is:

Choose one answer.

a. mucopurulent exudate

b. central perforation of a tympanic membrane

c. pains at a palpation of mastoid process

d. cholesteatoma

e. attic perforation of a tympanic membrane

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the typical complains of exudative otitis?

Choose one answer.

a. hearing loss and purulent discharges from the ear

b. mucous discharges from the ear and ear noise.

c. hearing loss

d. hearing loss and ear noise

e. pain in the ear

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient complains of purulent discharges from the left ear, hearing loss. He is ill for

3 years. Otoscopy: there are purulent discharge in the left external acoustic meatus;

kidney-like central defect of a tympanic membrane. The anulus tympaticus isn’t involved

in the inflammatory process. The mucous membrane of a tympanic cavity was reddened,

edematic, there was pus into the tympanic cavitys. Whispered speech AD/AS=6/3 m.

Tuning forks tests: Shvabach’s test on the left is prolonged, Rinne’s test - negative, Weber’s test - a note lateralization in the left ear. What is presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. chronic mesotympanitis (tubo-tympanic suppuration)

b. acute otitis media, the second period

c. acute otitis media, the first period

d. diffuse labyrinthitis.

e. chronic epytympanitis (attico-antral disease)


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 36-years pregnancy patient had an attack of giddiness, sickness and vomiting but

without passing out. She also had spontaneous nystagmus, right-sided hearing loss and

tinnitus. The attack has finished suddenly in an hour and the patient felt much better

after it. There were no pathological changes in the outer and middle ears. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. exudative otitis

b. otosclerosis

c. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

d. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

e. Meniere’s disease

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is the main etiological factor of exudative otitis?

Choose one answer.

a. The poor permeability of Eustachian tubes

b. The bacterial infection of the mastoid cells.

c. The viral infection of the middle ear

d. The inflammation process of the ear channel

e. The inflammation of the ear drum

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 6-years girl was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complain of the both-sided hearing

loss, feeling of fullness in the ears. The girl notices the improving of hearing during of

head movement forward. She is feeling hearing loss during several years. There are

adenoids in her nasopharynx. The both eardrums have no perforation, dirty-grey in

color, indrawn into the tympanum. There is level of liquid inside tympanum being seen

during otoscopy. The permeability of the auditory tubes is affected. The affection of the

sound-conductive system was found as result of hearing examination. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute purulent otitis media

b. exudative otitis

c. acute inflammation of auditory tube

d. chronic purulent otitis media

e. acute sensory-neural hearing loss


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What peculiarities of purulent exudates which is secreted from an ear at epytympanitis and mesotympanites?

Choose one answer.

a. in case of mesotympanites a purulent exudate has odor nuisance

b. in case of mesotympanites there aren’t purulent discharges

c. in case of epytympanitis there aren’t purulent discharges

d. in case of mesotympanites a purulent exudate always has green color

e. in case of epytympanitis a purulent exudate has odor nuisance

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What the pathways of infection of the labyrinthites development do you know?

Choose one answer.

a. tympanogenic, rhinogenous, hematogenic

b. rhinogenous, hematogenic, traumatic

c. tympanogenic, meningogenic, hematogenic

d. traumatic, meningogenic, rhinogenous

e. tympanogenic, rhinogenous, traumatic

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the typical complains of sensory-neural hearing loss?

Choose one answer.

a. hearing loss and purulent discharges from the ear

b. ear noise and pain in the ear

c. hearing loss and pain in the ear

d. hearing loss and ear noise

e. purulent discharges from the ear and ear noise.


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 47-years patient complains of the severe tinnitus in the left ear and left-sided

hearing loss. She noticed the improving of the hearing being in noisy environment, in

bus or train. It was found that similar symptoms were in her mother and aunt. The result

of examination: the auditory channels are broad without any wax and discharge. The left

eardrum is intact, grayish. The affection of the sound-conductive system and Kharhart tooth were found as result of hearing examination. What is presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

b. otosclerosis

c. Meniere’s disease

d. exudative otitis

e. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

Can the cholesteatoma destroy a temporal bone?

Choose one answer.

a. yes, the cholesteatoma can destroy a temporal bone in case of trauma of mastoid process

b. no, the cholesteatoma does not destroy a temporal bone

c. yes, the cholesteatoma can destroy a temporal bone in case of concomitant pathology of nasopharynx

d. yes, the cholesteatoma always destroys a temporal bone

e. yes, the cholesteatoma can destroy a temporal bone in case of affection of permeability of auditory tube


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the findings of the audiometry examination of the patient with epytympanitis?

Choose one answer.

a. increasing of thresholds of perception by bone and by air

b. normal audiometric curved line

c. presence of the bone-air gap

d. increasing of thresholds of perception by bone

e. absence of the bone-air gap


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 33-years patient complains of the giddiness, balance disorders, vomiting, left-sided

tinnitus. These symptoms appeared a month ago when she had taken the course of

streptomycin because of pneumonia. The result of otoscopy was normal. The affection of

the left sound-perceiving system was found as result of hearing examination. The

spontaneous nystagmus to the left was found. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute purulent otitis media

b. acute inflammation of auditory tube

c. chronic purulent otitis media

d. exudative otitis

e. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 20-years patient complains of the both-sided hearing loss after respiratory viral

infection. The bright hyperemia of the mucous membrane of nasal cavity and

nasopharynx was found as result of routine ENT-examination. The result of otoscopy:

there was no discharge inside the auditory meatuse; the both eardrums were without

perforation and with light reflex, dirty-grey in color, slight indrawn into the tympanum.

The permeability of the auditory tubes was affected. The threshold of the air-conducted

sounds was increased mainly to the low frequency tones up to 40dB and the air-bone

gap of about 30dB were found as result of hearing examination. What is the presumptive


Choose one answer.

a. chronic purulent otitis media

b. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

c. acute purulent otitis media

d. acute inflammation of auditory tube

e. exudative otitis


Marks: 1

The 20-years patient complains of the both-sided hearing loss after respiratory viral

infection. The bright hyperemia of the mucous membrane of nasal cavity and

nasopharynx was found as result of routine ENT-examination. The result of otoscopy:

there was no discharge inside the auditory meatuse; the both eardrums were without

perforation and with light reflex, dirty-grey in color, slight indrawn into the tympanum.

The permeability of the auditory tubes was affected. The threshold of the air-conducted

sounds was increased mainly to the low frequency tones up to 40dB and the air-bone

gap of about 30dB were found as result of hearing examination. What is the presumptive


Choose one answer.

a. acute purulent otitis media

b. acute inflammation of auditory tube

c. chronic purulent otitis media

d. exudative otitis

e. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 62-years patient complains of the left-sided hearing loss, left-sided tinnitus

appeared suddenly four days ago. It was found that she is suffering from the arterial

hypertension during a long period of time. There are no pathological changes being

found during routine ENT-examination. The thresholds of air-conducted and bone-

conducted sounds were increased up to 40 dB mainly to high frequency tones without

any air-bone gap. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute otitis media

b. Meniere’s disease

c. acute form of sensory-neural hearing loss

d. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

e. chronic form of sensory-neural hearing loss

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 62-years patient complains of the left-sided hearing loss, left-sided tinnitus

appeared suddenly four days ago. It was found that she is suffering from the arterial

hypertension during a long period of time. There are no pathological changes being

found during routine ENT-examination. The thresholds of air-conducted and bone-

conducted sounds were increased up to 40 dB mainly to high frequency tones without any air-bone gap. Write the results of tuning fork tests of this patient

Choose one answer.

a. Weber lateralized to the right, right side - negative Rinne’s, Schwabach elongated

b. Weber lateralized to the right, right side - positive Rinne’s, Schwabach shortened

c. Weber lateralized to the right, right side - positive Rinne’s, Schwabach elongated

d. Weber lateralized to the left, right side - positive Rinne’s, Schwabach shortened

e. Weber lateralized to the left, right side - negative Rinne’s, Schwabach shortened

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 40-years patient complains of the left-sided hearing loss, tinnitus and attacks of

giddiness, sickness, vomiting, coordination disorders accompanied with severe hearing

loss. After the attack the hearing improves and tinnitus disappears. The both eardrums

are normal, there are no discharge or any pathological changes in the outer and middle

ears. The permeability of both auditory tubes is not affected. The slight affection of left

sound-conductive system was found as result of hearing examination. The left-sided

hyporeflexia was found as result of the examination of stato-kinetic analyzer. What is the

presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. Meniere’s disease

b. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

c. otosclerosis

d. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

e. exudative otitis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 36-years pregnancy patient had an attack of giddiness, sickness and vomiting but

without passing out. She also had spontaneous nystagmus, right-sided hearing loss and

tinnitus. The attack has finished suddenly in an hour and the patient felt much better

after it. There were no pathological changes in the outer and middle ears. What is the

presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. otosclerosis

b. exudative otitis

c. Meniere’s disease

d. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

e. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the typical complains of otosclerosis?

Choose one answer.

a. ear noise

b. ear noise and pain in the ear

c. purulent discharges from the ear

d. purulent discharges from the ear and ear noise.

e. pain in the ear

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 47-years patient complains of the severe tinnitus in the left ear and left-sided

hearing loss. She noticed the improving of the hearing being in noisy environment, in

bus or train. It was found that similar symptoms were in her mother and aunt. The result

of examination: the auditory channels are broad without any wax and discharge. The left

eardrum is intact, grayish. The affection of the sound-conductive system and Kharhart tooth were found as result of hearing examination. What is presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

b. otosclerosis

c. Meniere’s disease

d. exudative otitis

e. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 6-years girl was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complain of the both-sided hearing

loss, feeling of fullness in the ears. The girl notices the improving of hearing during of

head movement forward. She is feeling hearing loss during several years. There are

adenoids in her nasopharynx. The both eardrums have no perforation, dirty-grey in

color, indrawn into the tympanum. There is level of liquid inside tympanum being seen

during otoscopy. The permeability of the auditory tubes is affected. The affection of the

sound-conductive system was found as result of hearing examination. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. exudative otitis

b. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

c. chronic purulent otitis media

d. acute inflammation of auditory tube

e. acute purulent otitis media

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 35-years patient, female, complains of severe right-sided tinnitus and right-sided

hearing loss. These symptoms appeared firstly 56 years ago after delivery. She has

broad outer channels and no wax. Both eardrums are normal. The result of tuning fork

tests: Weber test is lateralized to the right side, right-sided Schwabach test is elongated,

right-sided Rinne test is negative. There is affection of right sound-conductive system found as result of audiometry. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

b. Meniere’s disease

c. otosclerosis

d. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

e. exudative otitis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 35-years patient complains of the severe right-sided hearing loss and tinnitus. These

symptoms appeared suddenly week ago after flu. The bright hyperemia of the mucous

membrane of the nasal cavity was found. There were no discharge in the auditory

channels and both eardrums were intact, grey in color with light reflex. The permeability

of auditory tubes was not affected. The results of tuning fork tests: the Weber test was

lateralisated to the right, the left-sided Shcwabach test was shortened, the Rinne test was positive. What is the etiological factor in this case?

Choose one answer.

a. viral infection

b. ototoxicity of medicines

c. the high pressure in the inner ear

d. disturbance of blood circulation

e. trauma

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the typical complains of sensory-neural hearing loss?

Choose one answer.

a. ear noise and pain in the ear

b. hearing loss and pain in the ear

c. hearing loss and purulent discharges from the ear

d. purulent discharges from the ear and ear noise.

e. hearing loss and ear noise

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 62-years patient complains of the left-sided hearing loss, left-sided tinnitus

appeared suddenly four days ago. It was found that she is suffering from the arterial

hypertension during a long period of time. There are no pathological changes being

found during routine ENT-examination. The thresholds of air-conducted and bone-

conducted sounds were increased up to 40 dB mainly to high frequency tones without any air-bone gap. What is the etiological factor in this case?

Choose one answer.

a. the high pressure in the inner ear

b. ototoxicity of antihypertensive medicines

c. disturbance of blood circulation

d. viral infection

e. trauma

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are clinic form of otosclerosis?

Choose one answer.

a. malignant and non-malignant

b. tympanic, cochlear, mixed

c. outer, middle, inner

d. acute and chronic

e. peripheral, central, mixed


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the reasons of sensory-neural hearing loss?

Choose one answer.

a. trauma, diseases of blood and vessels, diseases of digestive tract

b. infection, trauma, diseases of blood and vessels

c. diseases of liver, diseases of blood and vessels, diseases of digestive tract

d. infection, trauma, diseases of liver.

e. infection, trauma, diseases of digestive tract

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 33-years patient complains of the giddiness, balance disorders, vomiting, left-sided

tinnitus. These symptoms appeared a month ago when she had taken the course of

streptomycin because of pneumonia. The result of otoscopy was normal. The affection of

the left sound-perceiving system was found as result of hearing examination. The spontaneous nystagmus to the left was found. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. exudative otitis

b. chronic purulent otitis media

c. acute purulent otitis media

d. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

e. acute inflammation of auditory tube

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 25-years patient has progressive hearing loss and tinnitus developed after delivery

two years ago. She has broad outer channels and no wax. Both eardrums are normal.

Her hearing improves in noisy environment. The affection of sound-conductive system

was found as result of hearing examination. The permeability of auditory tubes was not affected. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. otosclerosis

b. exudative otitis

c. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

d. Meniere’s disease

e. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What symptoms are typical for exudative otitis?

Choose one answer.

a. the eardrums have no perforation, dirty-grey in color, there is level of liquid inside tympanum being seen during otoscopy;

b. the ear drum has retraction pocket.

c. the ear drum is totally red, bulge without light reflex

d. there are no pathological changes being found during otoscopy;

e. the auditory channels are broad without any wax, the eardrum is intact


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is the main etiological factor of exudative otitis?

Choose one answer.

a. The bacterial infection of the mastoid cells.

b. The inflammation process of the ear channel

c. The viral infection of the middle ear

d. The poor permeability of Eustachian tubes

e. The inflammation of the ear drum

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the typical complains of exudative otitis?

Choose one answer.

a. hearing loss and purulent discharges from the ear

b. pain in the ear

c. mucous discharges from the ear and ear noise.

d. hearing loss and ear noise

e. hearing loss

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 35-years patient complains of the severe right-sided hearing loss and tinnitus. These

symptoms appeared suddenly week ago after flu. The bright hyperemia of the mucous

membrane of the nasal cavity was found. There were no discharge in the auditory

channels and both eardrums were intact, grey in color with light reflex. The permeability

of auditory tubes was not affected. The results of tuning fork tests: the Weber test was

lateralisated to the right, the left-sided Shcwabach test was shortened, the Rinne test was positive. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute diffuse labyrinthitis

b. acute sensory-neural hearing loss

c. exudative otitis

d. otosclerosis

e. Meniere’s disease


Marks: 1

What surgical performances are used in case of nasal septum deviation?

Choose one answer.

a. galvanocautery of the inferior nasal turbinates

b. puncture of the protrusion of the nasal septum

c. ethmoidotomy

d. conchotomy

e. septum operation


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient with complains of the swelling, hyperemia and tenderness of the skin of the left-side of the nose

after flu was admitted to the ENT-doctor. The pain in the nose irradiates to the teeth, cheek and left eye-ball.

The temperature rises up to 38,5ºС. There is dark-red part of swelling with shank of pus in the center. What is

the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. abscess of nasal septum

b. boil of the nose

c. allergic rhinitis.

d. acute rhinitis

e. acute maxillary sinusitis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 32-years patient complains of the nasal obstruction, watery discharge from the nose, smelling loss, attack of

sneezing and watering. He’s feeling ill during two last years when she started to work at the chemical factory.

The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is swelling and has white and grayish spots in it. The nasal turbinates

are enlarged. The nasal meatuses are narrowed. The nasal turbinates decreased significantly after oiling of

epinephrine. What is the presumptive diagnose?

Choose one answer.

a. chronic vasomotor rhinitis

b. chronic atrophic rhinitis

c. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

d. acute rhinitis

e. ozaena


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 18-years patient was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complain of the nasal obstruction, frequent headache,

and permanent watery discharge from the nose. He was suffering from these symptoms during last 5-6 years.

The outer nose was usual shape, there was no nose deformity. There was both-sided nasal obstruction. The S-

like deviation of nasal septum was found during anterior rhinoscopy, the bone crest taught with the right inferior

nasal turbinate. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. deviation of nasal septum

b. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

c. chronic vasomotor rhinitis

d. chronic atrophic rhinitis

e. purulent sinusitis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the reasons of the acute rhinitis?

Choose one answer.

a. infection, allergy, mechanical and chemical irritants

b. local and common supercooling, infection, aggressive nasal surgery.

c. nasal injury, infection, mechanical and chemical irritants

d. allergy, local and common supercooling, nasal injury

e. allergy, infection, local and common supercooling


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 20-years patient, female, was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complain of dryness in the nose, nasal

bleeding, loss of smelling. She was suffering from these symptoms during two last years. There was severe odor

nuisance from the nose. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity was thin and pale and covered with dirty-

brown crusts. The nasal meatuses were broad; the nasal turbinates were extremely small. Anosmia was

diagnosed during smell investigation. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. ozaena

b. chronic vasomotor rhinitis

c. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

d. chronic atrophic rhinitis

e. acute rhinitis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient with complains of the nasal obstruction, attacks of sneezing and watering and watery discharge from

the nose was admitted to the ENT-doctor. He was suffering from these symptoms during last two years. The

attacks always take place at his flat. There are dog and aquarian fishes in his flat. There was both-sided nasal

obstruction; the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity was swelling, pale. There were pale spots on the nasal

septum. The epinephrine test was positive. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. seasonal form of chronic allergic rhinitis

b. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

c. chronic atrophic rhinitis

d. deviation of nasal septum

e. perennial form of chronic allergis rhinitis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the symptoms of the chronic atrophic rhinitis?

Choose one answer.

a. dryness in the nose, smell-loss, the enlargement of inferior nasal turbinates.

b. the broad nasal meatuses, the enlargement of the inferior and middle nasal turbinates

c. smell-loss, the narrow nasal meatuses, crust formation in the nasal cavity

d. the enlargement of the inferior and middle nasal turbinates, smell-loss

e. the broad nasal meatuses, crust formation in the nasal cavity, dryness in the nose


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 20-years patient was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complain of the attacks of sneezing, watering and

watery discharge from the nose that appeared every year from May to July. There are no pathological changes

during period between attacks. During exacerbation of the disease there is swelling of the mucous membrane of

the nasal cavity, pale spots of the mucous membrane of the nasal septum. There is watery discharge in the nasal

cavity. Epinephrine test is positive. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. chronic atrophic rhinitis

b. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

c. seasonal form of chronic allergic rhinitis

d. perennial form of chronic allergis rhinitis

e. deviation of nasal septum


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the symptoms of ozaena?

Choose one answer.

a. swelling of the inferior and middle nasal turbinates

b. mucous-purulent discharge from the nose

c. sneezing

d. the narrowing of the nasal meatuses

e. odor nuisance from the nose


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 28-years patient complains of the dryness of the nose and crust formation in it as well as smelling disorders

and slight nasal bleedings. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is thin and pale and covered with dry

crusts. The nasal turbinates are small and the nasal meatuses are broad, what is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. perennial form of chronic allergis rhinitis

b. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

c. chronic atrophic rhinitis

d. seasonal form of chronic allergic rhinitis

e. deviation of nasal septum


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 65-years patient was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complain of the dryness in the nose, slight nasal

bleeding. He’d worked at the metallurgical factory during years. The conchotomy of the both inferior nasal

turbinates was performed to him twenty years ago. There was no nasal obstruction. The nasal meatuses were

broad; the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity was thin, pale and covered with crusts. What is the

presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. seasonal form of chronic allergic rhinitis

b. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

c. perennial form of chronic allergis rhinitis

d. chronic atrophic rhinitis

e. deviation of nasal septum


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is the indications to the conchotomy?

Choose one answer.

a. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

b. ozaena

c. allergic rhinitis

d. chronic purulent maxillary sinusitis

e. nasal septum deviation


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 30-years patient was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complain of nasal obstruction. It was found that he

suffered from nasal obstruction of about 5 last years and used nasal decongestants for improving breathing

through the nose. The both inferior nasal turbinates were increased and the nasal meatuses were extremely

narrowed. The epinephrine test was negative. The posterior loops of the inferior turbinates were enlarged. What

is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

b. chronic vasomotor rhinitis

c. chronic atrophic rhinitis

d. purulent sinusitis

e. deviation of nasal septum


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What symptom is never taking place in case of nasal bone fractures?

Choose one answer.

a. the enlargement and tenderness of the submaxillary lymphoid nodes

b. bleeding from the nasal cavity :

c. pain in palpation of the nose

d. swelling of the nose and skin hemorrhage

e. pain in the nose inside


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 42-years patient complains of the nasal obstruction discharge from the nose, smelling disorders. The first

symptoms of the disease appeared four years ago. There is some swelling and hyperemia of the mucous

membrane of the nasal cavity. Inferior and middle nasal turbinates are enlarged. The nasal meatuses are

narrowed. There is mucous discharge in the nasal cavity. After the oiling of the epinephrine into the nasal cavity

the nasal turbinates don’t change of their volume. What of the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. seasonal form of chronic allergic rhinitis

b. chronic atrophic rhinitis

c. perennial form of chronic allergis rhinitis

d. deviation of nasal septum

e. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is the most typical site of the nasal bleeding?

Choose one answer.

a. the region of the inferior nasal turbinate

b. past part of the sock

c. the region of the middle nasal turbinate

d. between the cartilaginous and bone parts of the nasal septum

e. anterior-inferior part of the nasal septum


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What common reasons of the nasal bleeding are the most frequent?

Choose one answer.

a. liver and spleen diseases

b. kidney diseases

c. decompensate of the heart disease

d. arterial hypertension

e. blood diseases


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 40-years patient was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complains of the nasal obstruction, discharge from

the nose, headache, rise in temperature up to 38С. She became ill two days ago after supercooling. There was

severe nasal obstruction. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity was extremely red, swelling, there was

watery discharge from the nose. What is the presumpltive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute purulent sinusitis

b. chronic vasomotor rhinitis

c. acute rhinitis

d. chronic atrophic rhinitis

e. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the forms of the chronic rhinitis?

Choose one answer.

a. catarrhal, hypertrophic, purulent

b. catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic

c. vasomotor, hypertrophic, atrophic

d. catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic, vasomotor

e. hypertrophic, atrophic, purulent


Marks: 1

What symptoms are typical for chronic allergic sinusitis?

Choose one answer.

a. periodic nasal bleeding

b. rise in temperature

c. crust formation in the nasal cavity

d. eosinophils in the nasal discharges

e. atrophy of the nasal mucous membrane


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 26-years patient complains of the headache located mainly in the right side of the

forehead, feeling of fullness in the head, purulent discharges from the nose, nasal

obstruction and rise in temperature up to 38ºC. He felt ill 5 days ago, a week after the

respiratory infection. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is hyperemic, inflamed.

There are purulent discharges in the right middle nasal meatus. The tenderness above

the eyes was revealed as result of palpation. The intensive opaque of the right ethmoidal

and right maxillary sinuses was diagnosed as result of X-rays examination. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute left-sided purulent maxillary and ethmoidal sinusitis

b. acute right-sided purulent maxillary and ethmoidal sinusitis

c. chronic right-sided purulent maxillary and ethmoidal sinusitis

d. acute right-sided purulent polysinusitis

e. acute right-sided purulent hemisinusitis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 45-years patient complains of headacke, rise in temperature to 37,5С, nasal

obstruction, purulent discharge from the nose. He was feeling bad about a week. The

result of examination: the general well-being was satisfactory. The result of anterior

rhinoscopy: oedema and hyperemia the mucous membrane of the left-side of the nasal

cavity, mainly in the left middle nasal meatus. There was the stripe of pus in the left

middle nasal meatus. The soreness of the anterior wall of the left maxillary sinus was

found during palpation of this region. The acute purulent inflammation of the first cheek-

tooth radix was found as result of oral cavity examination. The result of X-ray of

paranasal sinuses was the homogeneous opacity of the left maxillary sinus. The volume

of the left maxillary sinus measured during diagnostic puncture of the sinus was 0 ml and the sinus was thick with fluid fetid pus. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. left-side odontogenic purulent maxillitis

b. osteomyelitis of maxilla

c. acute purulent polisinusitis

d. left-side purulent rhinogenic maxillitis

e. left-side chronic purulent sphenoiditis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What is hemisinusitis?

Choose one answer.

a. the inflammation of the both maxillary and ethmoidal sinuses

b. the inflammation of the all paranasal sinuses of one side

c. the inflammation of the both maxillary and frontal sinuses

d. the inflammation of the all paranasal sinuses

e. the inflammation of several paranasal sinuses on the both sided.

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What paranasal sinus is affected the most often?

Choose one answer.

a. sphenoidal

b. ethmoidal and frontal

c. ethmoidal

d. frontal

e. maxillary

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 35-years patient complains of severe headache, purulent discharge from the nose,

rise in temperature to 40С. The result of examination: the patient is in grave condition.

The skin is moist. The pulse is 102 a minute, heart sounds are muted. There is a big

amount of purulent discharge in the right nasal middle meatus, soreness in palpation of

skin under the outer walls of frontal, ethmoidal and maxillary sinuses. ENT-doctor

obtained fetid pus as result of diagnostic puncture of right maxillary sinus. The neck

stiffness and positive symptom of Kernig were discovered during neurologic examination. Choose the right algorithm of treatment of the patient.

Choose one answer.

a. emergency maxillary and frontal sinus surgery, intensive antibacterial therapy and dehydration therapy

b. punctures of the maxillary sinuses, intensive antibacterial therapy and dehydration therapy

c. antibiotics, nasal decongestants, antiphlogistic drugs

d. nasal decongestants, antiphlogistic drugs.

e. punctures of the maxillary and frontal sinuses, intensive antibacterial therapy and dehydration therapy

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 45-years patient complains of headacke, rise in temperature to 37,5С, nasal

obstruction, purulent discharge from the nose. He was feeling bad about a week. The

result of examination: the general well-being was satisfactory. The result of anterior

rhinoscopy: oedema and hyperemia the mucous membrane of the left-side of the nasal

cavity, mainly in the left middle nasal meatus. There was the stripe of pus in the left

middle nasal meatus. The soreness of the anterior wall of the left maxillary sinus was

found during palpation of this region. The acute purulent inflammation of the first cheek-

tooth radix was found as result of oral cavity examination. The result of X-ray of

paranasal sinuses was the homogeneous opacity of the left maxillary sinus. The volume

of the left maxillary sinus measured during diagnostic puncture of the sinus was 0 ml

and the sinus was thick with fluid fetid pus. What is the most likely path of infection in this case?

Choose one answer.

a. traumatic

b. hematogenic

c. odontogenic

d. allergic

e. rhinogenous


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 35-years patient complains of severe headache, purulent discharge from the nose,

rise in temperature to 40С. The result of examination: the patient is in grave condition.

The skin is moist. The pulse is 102 a minute, heart sounds are muted. There is a big

amount of purulent discharge in the right nasal middle meatus, soreness in palpation of

skin under the outer walls of frontal, ethmoidal and maxillary sinuses. ENT-doctor

obtained fetid pus as result of diagnostic puncture of right maxillary sinus. The neck

stiffness and positive symptom of Kernig were discovered during neurologic examination. What rhinogenous complication has the patient?

Choose one answer.

a. rhinogenous purulent meningitis

b. phlegmon of orbit

c. rhinogenous sepsis

d. rhinogenous abscess of the frontal lobe of the brain

e. thrombosis of cavernous sinus

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 12-years patient was admitted to the ENT-department with complaints of severe

headache, purulent rhinitis and nasal obstruction. She felt ill five days ago after the

respiratory viral infection. The first signs of the disease were pain above the eyes, rise in

temperature up to 38,5С. The swell of the eyelids and soft tissues of the forehead

appeared next day. The result of examination: the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity

is extremely red and swollen, there are purulent discharge in the both middle nasal

meatuses. The regions lower and above the eyes are tenderness to touch. The

homogenic opacity of maxillary and frontal sinuses was established during X-ray examination of the paranasal sinuses. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute purulent polisinusitis

b. acute purulent frontal sinusitis

c. acute purulent pansinusitis

d. two-side purulent maxillary sinusitis.

e. acute purulent hemisinusitis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 17-years patients complains of nasal obstruction, purulent discharge from the nose,

pain located in the root of nose and in the inner edge of orbit, rise in temperature, undue

fatiguability. The disease developed after flu. The result of anterior rhinoscopy: the

mucous membrane of nasal cavity is hyperemic, hydropic, there are purulent discharge

in the both nasal middle meatuses. The opacity of both ethmoidal sinuses was

discovered on X-ray of paranasal sinuses. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. two-side purulent ethmoidal sinusitis

b. two-side purulent frontal sinusitis

c. two-side purulent maxillitis

d. two-side purulent sphenoidal sinusitis

e. purulent polisinusitis


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 16-years patient was admitted to the ENT-department of the hospital with complaint

of general weakness, indisposition, headacke, mainly in the frontal region, sickness,

vomiting. Anamnestic data: he was suffering from the strong headacke during two last

months. He asked for help to the ENT-doctor of the ambulance and the diagnosis of two-

side acute purulent maxillitis was determined. He took out-patient treatment but without

any result and therefore he was hospitalized to the ENT-department. The conservative

treatment of purulent maxillitis was prescribed. The result was the disappearance of

purulent discharge from the nose and nasal obstruction, but headacke and sickness

remained. The result of examination: the patient is in grave condition, drowsy. The pulse

is 84 a minute. AP - 120/60 mm hg st. Meningeal symptoms are absent. The

blepharoptosis and paresis of the sixth cranial nervous take place. Right naso-labial fold

is smoothed. There is purulent discharge in the right middle nasal meatus, the mucous

membrane is swollen and hyperemic. The result of X-ray of paranasal sinuses was the

diagnosis of exacerbation of right-side chronic purulent hemisinusitis. The additional

examination were conducted. The examination of fundus of eye showed the hydrops of

disk of optic nerve. The leukocytosis (L-10,0109/л) was found in peripheral blood. The

result of liquor examination: transparent, without any sediment, with increased level of

protein (0,33g/l) and cells (130). The result of ultrasonography was the displacement of

M-echo to the left on 5mm. CT-scan – the locus of inhomogeneous opacity in the right

frontal lobe of the brain was found. The middle structures of the brain were extremely

displaced to the left. The right lateral ventricle of brain couldn’t be seen. Choose the

right algorithm of treatment of the patient.

Choose one answer.

a. emergency sinus and brain operation, intensive antibacterial therapy and dehydration therapy

b. intensive antibacterial therapy and dehydration therapy

c. emergency brain operation in the neuro-surgical department, intensive antibacterial therapy and dehydration therapy

d. intensive antibacterial therapy and dehydration therapy, in case of non-effective treatment – sinus surgery

e. punctures of affected sinuses, intensive antibacterial therapy and dehydration therapy

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 45-years patient complains of headacke, rise in temperature to 37,5С, nasal

obstruction, purulent discharge from the nose. He was feeling bad about a week. The

result of examination: the general well-being was satisfactory. The result of anterior

rhinoscopy: oedema and hyperemia the mucous membrane of the left-side of the nasal

cavity, mainly in the left middle nasal meatus. There was the stripe of pus in the left

middle nasal meatus. The soreness of the anterior wall of the left maxillary sinus was

found during palpation of this region. The acute purulent inflammation of the first cheek-

tooth radix was found as result of oral cavity examination. The result of X-ray of

paranasal sinuses was the homogeneous opacity of the left maxillary sinus. The volume

of the left maxillary sinus measured during diagnostic puncture of the sinus was 0 ml

and the sinus was thick with fluid fetid pus. Choose the right algorithm of treatment of the patient.

Choose one answer.

a. nasal decongestants, antihistamins

b. surgical treatment with removal of necrotic mass

c. punctures are not used, antibiotics, antiphlogistic drugs, antihistamins

d. antihistamins, topical steroids

e. punctures of left maxillary sinus, antibiotics, antiphlogistic drugs, antihistamins

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 12-years patient was admitted to the hospital with complain of severe headache,

purulent discharge from the nose, nasal obstruction. These symptoms appeared 5-6

days after flu. The first symptoms of disease were pain in the superciliary region, rise in

temperature to 39С. Then the swell of frontal soft tissues appeared. The hyperemia of

the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, purulent creamy discharge in the both middle

nasal meatuses was the results of anterior rhinoscopy. The soreness in palpation of

superciliary region and region of maxillary sinuses were found. X-ray of paranasal

sinuses: homogenous opacity of both maxillary and frontal sinuses. Choose the right algorithm of treatment of the patient.

Choose one answer.

a. urgent maxillary and frontal sinus operation

b. punctures of the maxillary sinuses, antibiotics, nasal decongestants

c. puncterus of the maxillary and frontal sinuses, antibiotics, nasal decongestants

d. nasal decongestants, antiphlogistic drugs

e. antibiotics, nasal decongestants, antiphlogistic drugs

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 16-years patient was admitted to the ENT-department of the hospital with complaint

of general weakness, indisposition, headacke, mainly in the frontal region, sickness,

vomiting. Anamnestic data: he was suffering from the strong headacke during two last

months. He asked for help to the ENT-doctor of the ambulance and the diagnosis of two-

side acute purulent maxillitis was determined. He took out-patient treatment but without

any result and therefore he was hospitalized to the ENT-department. The conservative

treatment of purulent maxillitis was prescribed. The result was the disappearance of

purulent discharge from the nose and nasal obstruction, but headacke and sickness

remained. The result of examination: the patient is in grave condition, drowsy. The pulse

is 84 a minute. AP - 120/60 mm hg st. Meningeal symptoms are absent. The

blepharoptosis and paresis of the sixth cranial nervous take place. Right naso-labial fold

is smoothed. There is purulent discharge in the right middle nasal meatus, the mucous

membrane is swollen and hyperemic. The result of X-ray of paranasal sinuses was the

diagnosis of exacerbation of right-side chronic purulent hemisinusitis. What results of X-ray of paranasal sinuses belong to the patient?

Choose one answer.

a. opacity of right maxillary, right frontal and right ethmoidal sinuses

b. opacity of both frontal and both ethmoidal sinuses

c. opacity of both maxillary, right frontal and right ethmoidal sinuses

d. opacity of both maxillary and both ethmoidal sinuses

e. opacity of all sinuses

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 16-years patient was admitted to the ENT-department of the hospital with complaint

of general weakness, indisposition, headacke, mainly in the frontal region, sickness,

vomiting. Anamnestic data: he was suffering from the strong headacke during two last

months. He asked for help to the ENT-doctor of the ambulance and the diagnosis of two-

side acute purulent maxillitis was determined. He took out-patient treatment but without

any result and therefore he was hospitalized to the ENT-department. The conservative

treatment of purulent maxillitis was prescribed. The result was the disappearance of

purulent discharge from the nose and nasal obstruction, but headacke and sickness

remained. The result of examination: the patient is in grave condition, drowsy. The pulse

is 84 a minute. AP - 120/60 mm hg st. Meningeal symptoms are absent. The

blepharoptosis and paresis of the sixth cranial nervous take place. Right naso-labial fold

is smoothed. There is purulent discharge in the right middle nasal meatus, the mucous

membrane is swollen and hyperemic. The result of X-ray of paranasal sinuses was the

diagnosis of exacerbation of right-side chronic purulent hemisinusitis. The additional

examination were conducted. The examination of fundus of eye showed the hydrops of

disk of optic nerve. The leukocytosis (L-10,0109/л) was found in peripheral blood. The

result of liquor examination: transparent, without any sediment, with increased level of

protein (0,33g/l) and cells (130). The result of ultrasonography was the displacement of

M-echo to the left on 5mm. CT-scan – the locus of inhomogeneous opacity in the right

frontal lobe of the brain was found. The middle structures of the brain were extremely

displaced to the left. The right lateral ventricle of brain couldn’t be seen. What rhinogenous complication has the patient?

Choose one answer.

a. rhinogenous purulent meningitis

b. phlegmon of orbit

c. rhinogenous abscess of the right temporal lobe of the brain

d. thrombosis of cavernous sinus

e. rhinogenous abscess of the right frontal lobe of the brain


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 12-years patient was admitted to the hospital with complain of severe headache,

purulent discharge from the nose, nasal obstruction. These symptoms appeared 5-6

days after flu. The first symptoms of disease were pain in the superciliary region, rise in

temperature to 39С. Then the swell of frontal soft tissues appeared. The hyperemia of

the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, purulent creamy discharge in the both middle

nasal meatuses was the results of anterior rhinoscopy. The soreness in palpation of

superciliary region and region of maxillary sinuses were found. X-ray of paranasal

sinuses: homogenous opacity of both maxillary and frontal sinuses. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. two-side acute purulent maxillitis

b. acute purulent polisinusitis

c. two-side chronic purulent polisinusitis

d. acute purulent hemisinusitis

e. two-side acute purulent frontal sinusitis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 12-years patient was admitted to the ENT-department with complaints of severe

headache, purulent rhinitis and nasal obstruction. She felt ill five days ago after the

respiratory viral infection. The first signs of the disease were pain above the eyes, rise in

temperature up to 38,5С. The swell of the eyelids and soft tissues of the forehead

appeared next day. The result of examination: the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity

is extremely red and swollen, there are purulent discharge in the both middle nasal

meatuses. The regions lower and above the eyes are tenderness to touch. The

homogenic opacity of maxillary and frontal sinuses was established during X-ray

examination of the paranasal sinuses. What complication has the patient?

Choose one answer.

a. retrobulbar abscess

b. rhinogenic purulent meningitis

c. phlegmon of orbit

d. thrombosis of cavernous sinus.

e. reactive swell of the upper eyelids


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 17-years patient complains of nasal obstruction, purulent discharge from the nose,

pain located in the root of nose and in the inner edge of orbit, rise in temperature, undue

fatiguability. The disease developed after flu. The result of anterior rhinoscopy: the

mucous membrane of nasal cavity is hyperemic, hydropic, there are purulent discharge

in the both nasal middle meatuses. The opacity of both ethmoidal sinuses was

discovered on X-ray of paranasal sinuses. Choose the right algorithm of treatment of the patient.

Choose one answer.

a. antibiotics, nasal decongestants, antiphlogistic drugs

b. nasal decongestants, antiphlogistic drugs.

c. emergency maxillary and frontal sinus surgery

d. punctures of the maxillary sinuses, antibacterial therapy and nasal decongestants

e. punctures of the maxillary and frontal sinuses, antibacterial therapy and nasal decongestants

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 35-years patient complains of severe headache, purulent discharge from the nose,

rise in temperature to 40С. The result of examination: the patient is in grave condition.

The skin is moist. The pulse is 102 a minute, heart sounds are muted. There is a big

amount of purulent discharge in the right nasal middle meatus, soreness in palpation of

skin under the outer walls of frontal, ethmoidal and maxillary sinuses. ENT-doctor

obtained fetid pus as result of diagnostic puncture of right maxillary sinus. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. right-side purulent sphenoidal sinusitis

b. purulent pansinusitis

c. right-side purulent hemisinusitis

d. purulent right-side purulent ethmoidal sinusitis

e. right-side purulent frontal sinusitis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 9-years patient was admitted to the ENT-department with complaints of headache

rise in temperature up to the 38,9C swell of the soft tissues of the inner angle of left

orbit and upper and lower left eyelids. He felt ill five days ago. The result of

examination: the swell of the left cheek, the left eye is closed; the skin of the nasal

bridge is swollen and hyperemic. Rhinoscopy: the mucous membrane of the left half of

the nasal cavity is extremely red and swollen, the inferior and middle left nasal meatuses

are narrowed. There is pus in the left half of nasal cavity and in the nasopharynx. The

failure of pneumatization of left frontal and left maxillary sinuses was established, the

opacity of the left ethmoidal cells was found during X-ray examination of paranasal

sinuses. What is the presumptive diagnosis? What rhinogenic complication has the


Choose one answer.

a. left-side acute purulent hemisinusitis, reactive swell of the eyelids

b. acute purulent inflammation of left frontal and ethmoidal sinuses, reactive swell of the eyelids

c. left-side acute purulent hemisinusitis, rhinogenic purulent meningitis.

d. left-side acute purulent maxillitis, rhinogenic purulent meningitis

e. acute purulent polisinusitis, reactive swell of the eyelids


Marks: 1

What medicines are prescribed in case of acute tonsillitis (angina)? Find the mistaken answer.

Choose one answer.

a. antibiotics

b. anti-inflammatory drugs

c. steroids

d. antihistamine drugs

e. antiseptics

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What can you see during examination of patient with paratonsillar abscess on the

4-5th days of the disease?

Choose one answer.

a. the mucous membrane of the soft palate, uvula, palatinal folds is hyperemic

b. the mucous membrane of posterior wall of the pharynx is hyperemic

c. the patient can open his mouth

d. the palatinal tonsils are swollen and enlarged.

e. the patient can’t open his mouth (trismus of the chewing muscles)

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What kinds of patches are typical for diphtheria?

Choose one answer.

a. thin and superficial

b. yellow in color

c. there are no patches in case of diphtheria

d. thick, dirty-grey, hardly take away, leaving the bleeding surface

e. easily take away

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 16-years patient complains of unpleasant feeling in the throat, feeling of

foreign body in the throat, increased sialorrhea and unpleasant smell from the mouth.

He is ill during 3 days, the temperature is normal. A month ago he was treating

at the surgical department in case of acute phlegmonous appendicitis and peritonitis.

His general well-being is satisfactory.

The temperature is 36,6С. The results of pharyngoscopy:

the hyperemia and swelling of right anterior palatine fold and right palatine gland.

The surface of right palatinar gland is covered by grayish patch that not spread to the surrounding structures. This patch easy takes away. There are carious teeth in the oral cavity.

The regional lymphatic glands are enlarged and some tenderness.

There is polymorphonuclear leukocytosis in the peripheral blood.

What is the aethiological factor of this disease?

Choose one answer.

a. viruse of Epstein-Barr

b. symbiosis of Spirocheta buccalis and Bacillus fusiformis

c. herpetic viruse

d. streptococci and staphylococci

e. pale Spirocheta


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What diseases do you have to differentiate the retropharyngeal abscess with?

Choose one answer.

a. acute laryngitis

b. hypertrophy of faucial tonsills

c. paratonsillar abscess

d. acute pharyngitis

e. adenoids


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 14-year girl complains of pain in the throat, common weakness, rise in temperature. She is ill during three days. The temperature

is 40С. The hyperemia of posterior wall of pharynx was established during pharyngoscopy. The palatine glands were hyperemic,

covered by white patches. The enlargement of submandibular, cervical, axillary and inguinal lymphatic nodules was found as good as

the enlargement of liver and spleen. The analysis of peripheral blood: leucocytes-14G/l, eosinophils-1, stab neutrophils-2, segmental leukocytes-32, lymphocytes-25, monocytes-40, ESR – 18mm/hour. What is the etiological factor of this disease?

Choose one answer.

a. streptococci and staphylococci

b. viruse of Epstein-Barr

c. herpetic virus

d. Corinebacterium diphtheriae

e. symbiosis of Spirocheta buccalis and Bacillus fusiformis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 3-years child has heavy breathing, nasal intonation, rise temperature up to 40С.

The child rejects the food. He had acute rhinitis 2 weeks ago.

There is no asymmetry of soft palate.

There is spherical protrusion of right side of posterior pharyngeal wall behind the soft palate.

There is the region of tenderness and swelling behind the angle of lower jaw.

What is the presumptive diagnosis? Choose the right algorithm of treatment of this disease

Choose one answer.

a. may be treat at home, antibiotics, antiinflammatory drugs, goggling of the throat

b. hospitalization to the infectious clinic

c. dissection of the abscess, antibiotics, therapeutic diet

d. antibiotics, antiinflammatory drugs, local therapy by antiseptics

e. adenotomy

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient is treating by therapeutist in account of angina.

But in spite of anti-inflammatory treatment his state of health is progressively become worse.

The temperature is febrile. He complains of headacke, ague, hyperhidrosis, and sleeplessness.

The skin and mucous membranes are pale, liver and spleen are enlargered.

All groups of lymphatic nodles are enlargered.

The ENT-doctor established the cattarhal angina after pharyngoscopy.

The analysis of peripheral blood:

leukocytosis 112G/l, myeloblastes, haemoglobin - 33g/l, ESR 20 mm/hour. Choose the right algorithm of treatment of this patient.

Choose one answer.

a. hospitalization to infectious clinic, antiviral drugs

b. hospitalization to infectious clinic, antidiphtheric serum

c. dissection of the phlegmon, antibiotics, disintoxication therapy

d. hospitalization to infectious clinic, antibiotics

e. hospitalization to hematologic clinic, specific chemotherapy

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 12-years patient was admitted to the ENT-department by emergency ambulance car

with complains of sharp acute pain in the throat that become stronger during swallowing,

rise in temperature to 40С, increased salivation and difficult opening of mouth.

Anamnestic data: he fell ill week ago. He didn’t turn to the medical care.

The result of examination: there were pronounced lockjaw and increased salivation.

The submandibular lymphatic nodles were enlarge and tenderness.

There was bright hyperemia of mucous membrane of oropharynx.

The palatine glands were hyperemic, swelling, covered by dirty-white patch that

didn’t spread to the surrounding structures. The soft palate was asymmetric due

to the pronounced oedema of right palatinal fold. The right palatinal fold

was hyperemic, enlarges, covered 2/3 of right palatine gland.

The fluctuation was established during touching to the right palatine fold.

What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. lacunar angina

b. paratonsillar abscess

c. diphtheria of pharynx

d. phlegmon of bottom of oral cavity

e. retropharyngeal abscess


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What can you see in pharynx in case of retropharyngeal abscess?

Choose one answer.

a. the mucous membrane of posterior wall of pharynx is slight hyperemic

b. there are dirty-grey patches on the faucial tonsils

c. there are dirty-grey patches on the posterior wall of pharynx.

d. hypertrophy of faucial tonsils

e. rounded, asymmetric protrusion of posterior wall of pharynx

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 19-years patient turned to ENT-doctor with complains of sharp pain in the throat, rise in temperature to 39,5С, common

weakness and indisposition. She fell ill three days ago after super cooling. The general well-being was not good. His opening of mouth

was not disturbed. There was bright hyperemia of palatine glands and palatine folds, there were white and yellow-white rounded points

under the mucosa of glands (inflamed follicles). Submandibular lymphatic nodules were enlarged, painful during palpation. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. phlegmonous angina

b. diphtheria of pharynx.

c. chronic tonsillitis, the decompensated form

d. acute pharyngitis

e. follicular angina

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What complications of diphtheria develops after 2-3 weeks and more?

Choose one answer.

a. haemorrhage, myocarditis

b. paralysis of soft palate, laryngeal edema

c. paralysis of soft palate, myocarditis

d. laryngeal edema, paralysis of soft palate

e. breath disorders, myocarditis

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What organs are affected in case of acute pharyngitis?

Choose one answer.

a. faucial tonsils and orhopharynx

b. hypopharynx and faucial tonsils.

c. orhopharynx, nasopharynx and adenoids

d. nasopharynx, orhopharynx, hypopharynx

e. nasopharynx and adenoids

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What hard (lethal) complications can develop in case of non-diagnosed

and non-treated retropharyngeal abscess?

Choose one answer.

a. purulent meningitis

b. empyema of lungs

c. purulent mediastenitis, sepsis

d. abscess of brain

e. thrombosis of cavernous sinus.


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

What are the main symptoms of angina? Find the mistaken answer.

Choose one answer.

a. headache

b. pain in the throat

c. sleeping disorders

d. rise in temperature

e. joint pain

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 5-years child was admitted to the ENT-doctor with complains of tenderness in the throat,

rise in temperature to 37,5◦C. He had a tickle in his throat during last two days after becoming

too cold. The result of pharyngoscopy was the bright hyperemia

of the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the pharynx,

the accumulations of the lymphoid tissue on the posterior wall were enlargement and swelling.

There were no pathological changes in the nasal cavity and in the larynx.

What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute tonsillitis

b. acute pharyngitis

c. paratonsilar abscess

d. acute laryngitis

e. follicular angina

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 12-years patient was admitted to the ENT-department by emergency ambulance

car with complains of sharp acute pain in the throat that become stronger during

swallowing, rise in temperature to 40С, increased salivation and difficult opening of mouth.

Anamnestic data: he fell ill week ago.

He didn’t turn to the medical care. The result of examination:

there were pronounced lockjaw and increased salivation. The submandibular lymphatic

nodles were enlarge and tenderness

. There was bright hyperemia of mucous membrane of oropharynx.

The palatine glands were hyperemic, swelling, covered by dirty-white patch that

didn’t spread to the surrounding structures. The soft palate was asymmetric due

to the pronounced oedema of right palatinal fold. The right palatinal fold was hyperemic,

enlarges, covered 2/3 of right palatine gland. The fluctuation was established during

touching to the right palatine fold. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, local therapy by antiseptics

b. hospitalization to infectious clinic, antidiphtheric serum

c. dissection of the abscess, antibiotics, antiinflammatiry drugs, sparing diet

d. hospitalization to infectious clinic, antibiotics, antiinflammatiry drugs, sparing diet

e. dissection of the phlegmon, antibiotics, disintoxication therapy

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 3-years child has heavy breathing, nasal intonation, rise temperature up to 40С.

The child rejects the food. He had acute rhinitis 2 weeks ago.

There is no asymmetry of soft palate. There is spherical protrusion of right

side of posterior pharyngeal wall behind the soft palate.

There is the region of tenderness and swelling behind the angle of lower jaw.

What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. acute pharyngitis

b. adenoids

c. phlegmonous angina

d. paratonsillar abscess

e. retropharyngeal abscess


Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The 14-year girl complains of pain in the throat, common weakness, rise in temperature.

She is ill during three days. The temperature is 40С.

The hyperemia of posterior wall of pharynx was established during pharyngoscopy.

The palatine glands were hyperemic, covered by white patches.

The enlargement of submandibular, cervical, axillary and inguinal lymphatic

noodles was found as good as the enlargement of liver and spleen.

The analysis of peripheral blood: leucocytes-14G/l, eosinophils-1,

stab neutrophils-2, segmental leukocytes-32, lymphocytes-25, monocytes-40,

ESR – 18mm/hour.

What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. scarlett fever

b. lymphoblastosis

c. mononucleosis

d. generalized diphtheria

e. lacunar angina.

Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1.


Marks: 1

The patient is treating by therapeutist in account of angina.

But in spite of anti-inflammatory treatment his state of health is progressively become worse.

The temperature is febrile. He complains of headacke, ague, hyperhidrosis, and sleeplessness.

The skin and mucous membranes are pale, liver and spleen are enlargered.

All groups of lymphatic nodles are enlargered. The ENT-doctor established the

cattarhal angina after pharyngoscopy. The analysis of peripheral blood: leukocytosis 112G/l,

myeloblastes, haemoglobin - 33g/l, ESR 20 mm/hour. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

Choose one answer.

a. paratonsilar abscess

b. mononucleosis

c. necrotic angina

d. hemoblastosis

e. toxic diphtheria