Enterprise Portal Overview

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Enterprise Portal Overview. HR Development Division PA Office of Administration Room 511 Finance Building Harrisburg PA 17120. Click the arrows to go forward or back. Course Description. This is an introductory course for the Enterprise Portal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Enterprise Portal Overview

HR Development DivisionPA Office of AdministrationRoom 511 Finance BuildingHarrisburg PA 17120

Click the arrows to go forward or back

Course Description

• This is an introductory course for the Enterprise Portal

• You will be introduced to the basic components of the Portal and how users interact with them on various levels

• This course is required prior to attending other Portal classes


II. Logging in VII. Collaboration

III. My pages VIII. Publisher

IV. Communities IX. Studio

V. Knowledge Dir X. Security

VI. Search XI. Roles and Training


I. Enterprise PortalThe Portal & Portal ArchitectureHow the Portal works (in a Nutshell)


The Portal

The Portal is a Framework for deploying a broad range of solutions

Everything in the portal is organized around communities

Communities, pages and portlets make up the user experience

Portlets can display content and functionality from any of the Activity Servers, as well as other remote applications


Portal Communities Applications


Collaboration Publisher

Studio Search Analytics

Database Document Repository


IDKIdentity Mgmt & Security





Portal Architecture

The main function of the portal is to deliver the user interface (communities, pages, and portlets) to the end user, as well as control security access to each of those elements

The portal communicates with back-end Activity Servers to provide specific functionality or content

The portal connects to Active Directory, so you use your regular CWOPA account to login




Commonwealth Employee at home


Publisher Server

Analytics & StudioServer

Collaboration Server

Search Server

CWOPA Wide Area Network


Commonwealth Employee at work


Public Internet user

InternetEnterprise Server Farm



& USER domains

How the Portal Works (in a Nutshell)


When a user goes to a portal URL, the portal server retrieves the page structure from the database and checks the security for each object (community, page, and each portlet) to verify the user’s access

Activity Servers

Web Services

Portal Database

CollaborationProject files

Storage ServersPublisher

and KD files

Studio Search

Document Repository

Publisher Collaboration

Portal Servers

The portal then retrieves the actual contents of each portlet from the appropriate Activity Server, and finally puts the whole page together and sends it to the user’s browser


If a user isn’t logged in, or doesn’t have at least Read access the portal will not display that information.

Activity Servers

Web Services

Portal Database

CollaborationProject files

Storage ServersPublisher

and KD files

Studio Search

Document Repository

Publisher Collaboration

Portal Servers

The job of the Community Manager is to create all the containing objects, and manage the security on each object so users receive only what is appropriate for them

How the Portal Works (in a Nutshell)

III. Logging in


• For users connecting to the portal from a computer on the CWOPA domain, login to the portal is automatic.

• For users connecting from outside of the CWOPA domain you must enter your User name and Password following the directions on the login screen.

* To verify if you are logged in or not scroll to the bottom of the navigation portlet in the left column. If there is a “Log Off” button you are logged in If the button says “Log In” you are not logged in to the


IV. My Pages


• My Pages are your personalized view of the portal. Each My Page displays portlets that you choose.

• Other users can not see your My Pages.• You can have up to 7 different My Pages, each one with

it’s own layout and portlets.• These are the tasks that can be performed on a My


Edit page name Change page layout

Add portlets Delete portlets

Rearrange portlets

Click the My Pages dropdown and select Home Page

My Pages Menu


• To customize your default My Page or access other pages within My Pages, click My Pages to display the menu. The My Pages default menu contains the following options:

Create New Page Edit Page

Add Portlets Edit Portlet Preferences

Delete this Page Home Page

These options are available when you view the menu from a My Page. If you view the menu from any other page in the portal, you will only see the Create New Page option and a list of your My Pages.


Click the My Pages dropdown again to see more options

Select Edit Page to change the layout



Click Select Page Layout for more page options

Choose one of the four options and click Finish

Rename your page here

Adding Portlets


This is a My Page before being setup

To add portlets click here

or click Add Portlets on the Edit Page view

or click Add Portlets on the My Pages dropdown


Use the Search box to limit the choices

Select a


Scroll through the pages of available portlets


The Edit Page function

Allows you to rearrange the portlets on your My Page

Click and drag to move portlets. Wide portlets cannot be moved to a narrow column.

V. Communities


• Communities are sites within a portal designed for a specific audience or task, such as collaborative projects.

• The portlets, layout, community preferences, and subcommunities within a community are determined by the community manager.

• Although the community managers determine which portlets are displayed in a community, a portlet itself might allow community members to change the content within each portlet.

• To view the communities of which you are a member, click the My Communities menu. To view a community, click its name.

My Communities Menu


Join Communities Unsubscribe Communities

Add Portlets Edit this Community

Create New Page Edit Portlet Preferences

The My Communities menu also allows you to:

Depending on the security settings all of these options may not be available to you.

Joining a Community


• From the My Communities menu, select Join Communities.

• Search for and select the communities you want to join.• After you have selected all of the communities that you

want to join, click Finish.

• Note: To unsubscribe from communities on this page, clear the check boxes next to the communities from which you want to unsubscribe.

• Note: You will only see the communities that you have permission to join. If you are not able to join a community, ask your portal administrator to change your access privilege.

Searching for a Community


• On the Join Communities page, type the text for which you want to search in the Search for Communities text box.

• Click • You can perform the following actions on the search

results: To change the way the search results are sorted, in the

Sort by drop-down list, select Relevance, Last Modified Date, or Folder.

To join a community, select it and click Finish to save your changes.

Unsubscribing from a Community


To remove yourself from a community:1. In the My Communities menu, click Unsubscribe

Communities.2. To select all non-mandatory communities, select the box next

to My Communities; to select an individual community, select the box next to the community.

3. Click Unsubscribe. 4. To save your settings, click Finish. To revert to your previous

settings, click Cancel.5. The communities to which you unsubscribed no longer appear in your My Communities menu.

This page lists all of the communities of which you are a member, making it simple to unsubscribe from communities you no longer need. However, your administrator might have made your membership in some communities mandatory.

NOTE: You cannot unsubscribe from mandatory communities.

VI. Knowledge Directory


• Allows all logged in Users to browse the folders in the Directory that they have been given access to. The Knowledge Directory is similar to a Windows Explorer file system tree in that documents are organized in folders and subfolders.

• A folder can contain content from various sources including documents, links to people, portlets, and communities. If your Portal or Community Manager has given you permission you may also be allowed to submit content or documents to the Knowledge Directory.

• If the folder includes a description, it appears as a tooltip. To view the description, place your mouse over the folder name.

Knowledge Directory (cont)


• To view a document or content in a folder or subfolder, click the folder or subfolder, navigate to the item you want to view, and click its name.

• You can tell other portal users about a document by sending them a Document Invitation. When other portal users click the URL in your e-mail, the document displays. If a user does not have permission to see the document, an error message is displayed.

Knowledge Directory (cont)


The following options are only available to you if you have the appropriate permissions. Contact your Portal or Community Manager if you need to perform any of these actions but do not have the option to do so.

Edit the Directory Submit Documents

Add yourself as an Expert See Related Communities

See Related Folders See Related Portlets

See Related Experts See Related Content Managers

VII. Search


• The Portal Search is included in the header for all communities. The search returns results from the Portal.

• The Agency Search is created by the agency Portal Manager or Community Manager for use on the community pages. The search can be set up to look in specific folders in the Knowledge Directory, specific Publisher portlets, as well as Collaboration Projects.

VIII. Collaboration


• The collaboration portion of the Portal provides us with Projects or work areas to share information.

NOTE: Projects in the portal are distinct and separate from project management activities.

• Collaboration Projects allow us to: Set schedules Manage tasks Share documents Exchange ideas

Collaboration Project


The functional areas of a Project


Set Schedules

Manage tasks

Share documents

Exchange ideas

Project Calendar



EventRecurring Event


Project Tasks


Task Lists



Project Documents


Folder list

Document list

Project Discussions


Discussion Topics

Discussion Message

Message Replies

Collaboration Summary

• Collaboration Projects provide an easy to use interface for sharing calendars, tasks, documents and discussions.

• Anyone assigned as a Project Leader should take the Collaboration Project Leader Workshop training.The workshop covers:

Setting up and using the project Adding users and setting security Using WebDAV to upload documents and folders


IX. Publisher


Publisher allows portal users to publish content in a controlled, consistent way. Publisher provides fully integrated administration, search, security, and user profile management.

Publisher Users


• Publisher users can be divided into the following groups based on the tasks they perform:

Content Manager - Creates and Maintains all Publisher based content for a community and its subcommunities.

Community Manager - responsible for the creating and publishing content.

Content Portlet Developer - responsible for creating portlets that are used in community pages and My Pages as well as the templates that are used within Publisher.

Portal Manager - responsible for configuring and maintaining the agency folder in Publisher.

• These Publisher groups are assigned permissions based on the roles listed in the Enterprise Portal Governance document. To review the document, sign into the Portal then click here

X. Studio

• Studio gives us a set of portlet templates that allow users to create powerful database driven portlets. An easy to follow Wizard walks you through the creation

process Create polls and surveys quickly Build a database to your specifications

• Database stores all information submitted by users

• Portlets collect data from and display data to end users


Studio Portlets

• There are seven (7) Studio Portlet Templates available

Studio Calendar

Studio Poll

Studio Survey

Studio Data Submission

Studio Record Browser

Studio Record Lookup

Studio Record Summary

• An additional portlet template available for Studio is the New Studio Portlet. This allows the user to preview the various types of Studio portlets and choose the one that best meets their needs.


Studio Calendar


Looks just like the Collaboration Calendar but, the New Event button opens a custom designed submission form set up by the portlet creator.

Studio Poll


In just a few minutes time you can create a portlet that asks one question

and get immediate feedback.

Studio Survey


A survey can be created to ask a series of questions.

The type of response is selected while setting up the survey with the Wizard.

Studio Data Submission


• The Data Submission portlet allows users to determine what information they want to capture

• The input form shown here lets the audience respond to a set a questions

• These responses will be created as records in the Database

• Other portlets can be created to display or search for the records in the database

Studio Record Browser


Using a Record Browser portlet you can view and edit the records that have been created in the various Studio databases.

You can also create New records, Export records, and Delete records based on the permissions you have to the database.

Studio Record Lookup


The Record Lookup portlet lets you specify the search criteria for the records you want to find in a particular database.

You can view each record by clicking on it’s link

Studio Record Summary


The Record Summary allows you to view a report of the combined record totals.

XI. Security


• Everything that is created in the Portal is considered an object

• All objects have some level of security assigned

• Security settings are different for each of the functional areas of the Portal

Collaboration has 5 levels of security but can only be assigned to 3 groups (Leaders, Members, Guests)

Communities have 4 levels

Publisher has 7 levels

Studio security is set on the database and has 8 levels

XII. Roles & Training


Role Role Description Approved Curriculum

Collaboration Project Leader

Manages and Leads a Collaboration Project(s). •Enterprise Portal Overview•Collab Project Ldr Workshop

Content Manager Creates and maintains all Publisher based content for a community and its sub-communities, at the level where the Content Manager role is given responsibility (this may be at the CoP level, and agency level, or – for very large agencies- a particular set of sub-communities within a large agency). The responsibilities are the same regardless of the breadth of the Content Manager’s oversight.

•Enterprise Portal Overview•Publisher Basics

Content Portlet Developers

Manages the content portlets and page layout for a community and its sub-communities, at the level where the Content Portlet Developer is given responsibility. The responsibilities are the same regardless of the breadth of the Content Portlet Developer’s oversight.

•Enterprise Portal Overview•Community Management•Publisher 5-day Advanced Workshop •Knowledge Directory

Community Managers

Administers the portal at the level where the community manager is given responsibility. The responsibilities are the same regardless of the breadth of the portal manager’s oversight.

•Enterprise Portal Overview•Community Management•Studio•Analytics•Knowledge Directory•Collab Project Ldr Workshop

Roles & Training (cont)


Role Role Description Approved Curriculum

Portal Managers Administers the portal at the level where the portal manager is given responsibility. The responsibilities are the same regardless of the breadth of the portal manager’s oversight.

•Enterprise Portal Overview•Administration •Community Management•Studio•Analytics•Publisher Basics•Knowledge Directory•Collab Project Ldr Workshop

Portal Application Developer

Develops custom portlets using the Integration Developers Kit to integrate applications with a portal community.

•IDK Parts 1 & 2•Portal Admin Concepts

Business Sponsor Provides Executive Level Business Direction and Financial Support.

•Enterprise Portal Overview

Project Manager Leads portal project following the EPM Methodology. •Enterprise Portal Overview

Portal Designer Optional Role: Leads overall layout of the portal to meet business, usability, and IT Accessibility requirements.

•Enterprise Portal Overview
