Enterprise Target Architecture - Pension Benefit … Chief Architect and the CIO approve the...

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Office of Information Technology

Enterprise Target Architecture

August 26, 2013

Version 1.2

Enterprise Target Architecture

August 26, 2013 PBGC ETA v1.2 Page i


The Chief Architect and the CIO approve the Enterprise Target Architecture.

Signer Signature Date

Anand Kothari

Chief Architect

Barry C. West

Chief Information Officer

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Revision History

Date Version # Reason

03/01/2010 0.1 Initial Draft Version

03/03/2011 0.2 Ongoing updates to include additional technical content

08/18/2011 0.3 Ongoing updates based on feedback from socialization with ETA stakeholders

08/28/2011 0.4 Final quality assurance review and edits

08/29/2011 1.0 1.0 Approval

07/19/2012 1.1 1.1 Approval – Data Management added

08/26/2013 1.2 1.2 Approval – IT Security added

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Table of Contents 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2. ETA Value ..................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Development and Maintenance of the ETA ......................................................................................... 3

3. Enterprise Target Architecture ............................................................................................................. 7

3.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 7

3.2. The Enterprise Target Architecture Diagram .............................................................................. 8

3.3. Participant Management Function ............................................................................................ 10

3.4. Financial Management Function ............................................................................................... 12

3.5. Plan Management Function ...................................................................................................... 14

3.6. Corporate Management Functions ........................................................................................... 15

3.7. Shared Business Functions ........................................................................................................ 17

3.8. Technology Platforms ................................................................................................................ 19

3.9. Data Management ..................................................................................................................... 21

3.10. Technology Infrastructure ......................................................................................................... 26

3.11. IT Security .................................................................................................................................. 27

3.12. IT Governance ............................................................................................................................ 31

4. PBGC Integration Architecture ........................................................................................................... 32

5. APPENDIX A – List of Acronyms.......................................................................................................... 35

6. APPENDIX B – PBGC ETA – Current View ........................................................................................... 40

7. APPENDIX C – PBGC ETA – Transition View........................................................................................ 41

8. APPENDIX D – Current PBGC Business Database Disposition Matrix................................................. 42

9. APPENDIX E – Disposition Matrix of PBGC Oracle Schemas in Current Business Databases ............. 52

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Table of Figures Figure 1 Architect-Invest-Implement Paradigm ............................................................................................ 1

Figure 2 Overview of ETA Development ....................................................................................................... 6

Figure 3 PBGC Enterprise Target Architecture Version 1.2 .......................................................................... 9

Figure 4 Participant Management .............................................................................................................. 10

Figure 5 Financial Management .................................................................................................................. 12

Figure 6 Plan Management ......................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 7 Corporate Management Functions ............................................................................................... 15

Figure 8 Shared Business Functions ............................................................................................................ 17

Figure 9 Technology Platforms ................................................................................................................... 20

Figure 10 Data Management ...................................................................................................................... 22

Figure 11 Technology Infrastructure........................................................................................................... 26

Figure 12 Information Security ................................................................................................................... 27

Figure 13 IT Governance ............................................................................................................................. 31

Figure 14 PBGC Integration Architecture .................................................................................................... 34

Figure 15 PBGC ETA – Current View ........................................................................................................... 40

Figure 16 PBGC ETA – Transition View ........................................................................................................ 41

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1. Introduction

1.1. Overview Information Technology (IT) systems have historically been developed as individual, stove-piped initiatives supporting a small set of users with a specific business need. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) has over 70+ IT systems that execute overlapping business and information management processes, and these systems rely on multiple technologies that are expensive to maintain. Each was developed using the technology and practices which were available at the time. As IT has evolved over the years, interfaces were created that allowed different systems to interconnect and share certain data. These point-to-point interfaces increased system complexity exponentially, which produced a very fragmented and fragile IT environment that has been difficult to manage and change. The Enterprise Target Architecture (ETA) is a valuable tool that supports ongoing application modernization activities to achieve the goals of simplification and standardization.

The ETA takes a holistic, business-focused look at enterprise IT, and then describes an idealized target environment. It is an enterprise-level view of business solutions, technology, and data, to perform the PBGC’s mission. The ETA serves as the overarching guide to simplify PBGC’s IT footprint (through retirement of legacy technologies, use of shared solutions and consolidation of solutions, technology and data), align the solutions with the needs of its customers, and integrate Corporation-wide services and benefits to better support mission delivery.

This document formally represents PBGC’s ETA which provides a functional view of PBGC’s target architecture (Figure 3). It further identifies the applications in each functional area and describes targeted application changes. In addition, Section 6 highlights PBGC’s application integration strategy (based on the business needs), which describes how applications – whether cloud-based (Federal or Commercial), Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS), Government-off-the-Shelf (GOTS), or custom-developed – are integrated from the enterprise perspective. Formalizing the PBGC ETA, coupled with an effective IT Governance process, allows PBGC to achieve alignment between mission requirements, IT investments and reduced duplication in systems and technology inventory. The ETA functional view shows the desired end state, which must be migrated to from the Current View (Figure 15) through a structured and systematic approach (depicted in the Transition View, Figure 16).

PBGC is guided by the Architect-Invest-Implement (A-I-I) paradigm for IT modernization:

1. Architect – Enterprise architecture describes the future (target) state for information technology support for the PBGC mission (Enterprise Architecture (EA)).

2. Invest – Opportunities identified during the “Architect” phase are addressed through the PBGC portfolio IT investments (Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC)).

3. Implement – Projects are implemented to achieve business value (IT Solutions Life Cycle Management (ITSLCM)).

Figure 1 below depicts enterprise architecture’s role in all three phases.

Figure 1 Architect-Invest-Implement Paradigm

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By integrating the disciplines of enterprise architecture, investment management, and project implementation, PBGC has established a foundation for sound IT management practices and end-to-end governance of IT investments. This ensures the alignment of IT investments with the Corporation’s strategic goals, driving toward achievement of mission outcomes and results.

1.2. ETA Value The PBGC target architecture provides value in several areas including:

• IT Simplification – Through retirement of legacy technologies and the use of shared solutions. This allows the Corporation to take advantage of economies of scale for licensing and contracted support for the target IT solutions, while making the IT landscape easier and cheaper to manage. In addition, the target IT environment is more flexible and adaptable in response to evolving business needs because of a reduction in the number of ad hoc interfaces.

• Enterprise IT Systems (Commodity Services) – The ETA simplifies PBGC’s IT environment by integrating, sharing, and/or reusing common technologies and commodity services.

• Improved Flexibility – The ETA positions the IT environment to take advantage of the latest developments in information technology, such as mobile computing, cloud hosting solutions, and shared services across the federal government. These approaches to IT have been

with cloud computing in particular being cited for its benefits regarding flexibility, cost savings, and shortened time to deploy solutions.

• Simplify Investment Decisions – The ETA creates a line of sight from strategy to business function to technology, allowing decision-makers to be able to more quickly assess the relative value of initiatives, and to identify duplicative or misaligned initiatives.

• Security – The ETA provides guidance useful in establishing simplified security system boundaries for Security Assessment and Authorization (SA&A) purposes

• Compliance – The ETA allows PBGC to be in compliance with regulations and legislation govern enterprise architecture across the federal government, including PBGC:

recognized as a federal best practice in the 25-Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal IT,1

• Clinger-Cohen Act (also referred to as the IT Management Reform Act of 1996) • OMB Circular A-11 • General Accountability Office (GAO) EA Management Maturity Framework Version 2.0

(GAO EAMMF) • OMB Memo M-11-29 – Chief Information Officer Authorities, August 8, 2011

1 http://www.cio.gov/documents/25-Point-Implementation-Plan-to-Reform-Federal%20IT.pdf

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2. Development and Maintenance of the ETA The ETA is a living document that will be updated based on the analysis and findings of future architecture activities, emerging technologies, commercial and federal best practices, strategic decision-making, and compliance with external mandates. This will ensure that PBGC has an up-to-date ETA that accurately illustrates the Corporation’s idealized IT utilization state. The ETA was authored and is maintained by the EA program with formal approval of the document by the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the PBGC Chief Architect.2 The ETA will be updated and re-approved when significant changes are made. At a minimum, the ETA will be updated at least once a year.

In particular, future versions of this document may include Technology Infrastructure section based on the results of the IT Infrastructure Alternatives Analysis (ITIAA) or other more recent approved planning efforts which completed analysis of the IT Infrastructure area.

Some of the sources that may be used in the development and maintenance of the ETA are:

• Recommendation from Segment Architecture Blueprints ( final outputs from the segment architecture efforts, and result from analysis performed by a cross-organizational team comprised of representatives from core mission areas, supporting business areas, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) and the PBGC EA team in order to define a set of recommendations). Each Segment Architecture Blueprint is located in a subfolder within the Segment Architecture Work Products folder on the Community Portal.

• The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Reference Models (RM) equip OMB and federal agencies with a common language and framework to describe and analyze investments, enhance collaboration and ultimately transform the federal government.

• Guiding Principles

The following list of principles was developed from many sources, including OMB’s 25-Point IT Reform Plan,3 OMB Memorandum 97-02 (“Raines’ Rules”),4 the ideas identified in the White House’s Modernizing Government Forum,5 and other federal and industry best practices. The list reflects those principles that were most relevant to PBGC.

• Demonstrate Business Need Before Investing – Before making a new technology investment, agencies must be able to articulate clearly the investment’s purpose and how business requirements will be met by the investment.

• Evaluate Cloud First – Consistent with OMB’s “Cloud First Policy”, a cloud alternative should be evaluated as an option in solution planning, product and service selection, and solution implementation whenever possible.

• Buy before Build– In general it is more cost effective to use a Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) or Government Off-the-Shelf (GOTS) product so that the cost of innovation is spread across multiple companies.

• Build it Once – Do not reinvent functionality. Common needs should be met by constructing and using common, scalable services.

2 Enterprise Architecture RACI Chart, June 23, 2011, Version 1, Table 2. 3 http://www.cio.gov/documents/25-Point-Implementation-Plan-to-Reform-Federal%20IT.pdf 4 http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda_m97-02/ 5 http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/01/15/what-we-saw-and-heard-modernizing-government-forum

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• Minimize Software Customization – The federal government should make greater use of cloud and shared service providers and off-the-shelf technology solutions rather than defaulting to costly, customized ones.

• Leverage Industry Standards or Best Practices – The use of industry standards increases the robustness of the standard and reduces deployment time and costs for PBGC to adopt that standard. These standards could include the National Institute of Standards and Technology, World Wide Web Consortium, or other professional communities of interest.

• Design with the Enterprise in Mind – Any solution design must consider the needs of the Corporation by being modular and scalable, allowing for new technologies and configurations to be deployed with minimal cost and impact.

• IT Simplification Tenets – The PBGC CIO has established the overall approach to IT transformation at PBGC, which is summarized here: o Make Gradual Changes – Some of the changes required to achieve the target

architecture may affect the organization’s culture. This is best addressed not by harsh demands for rapid overwhelming changes, but by conversation and gradual step-wise implementation and consensus building.

o Implement Corporation-Wide Solutions – Stakeholder buy-in and support for business transformation can be achieved by highlighting the business benefits and value to the whole Corporation.

o Collapse Similar Technology/Functionality – Bringing together similar functions, such as PBGC’s multiple web presenting applications, can demonstrate the meaning of simplification to executives in a way that creates business value.

o Align Systems on Value Streams – Value streams, such as financial management, can serve as a framework to simplify PBGC’s IT portfolio in a way that is intuitive to executives.

o Incorporate Federal Initiatives – Federal initiatives such as data center consolidation and cloud computing will be valuable in guiding the transformation. This is because they represent government best practices that are likely to be useful in achieving IT simplification, and assure executives of an appropriate level of compliance with them.

o Build on Existing Initiatives – Simplification that is already being done, in the Benefit Administration and Payment Department (BAPD) and Financial Operations Department (FOD) areas, for instance, should be continued and extended.

• Input from core team comprised of IT & Business Modernization Department (IT&BMD) division managers and key stakeholders from IT Infrastructure Operations Department (ITIOD)

• Feedback from OIT and Business stakeholders • Architectural guidance from the CIO Council and OMB • PBGC EA Data Tenets and Principles

The PBGC EA program has established a set of guiding principles and tenets for data based on industry and federal best practices, which are:

• Data is a corporate asset • A gold source of data should be identified that provides the source of record for that data • Data replication between systems for duplication purposes should be minimized and used

only when necessary • COTS databases and COTS software should not be customized • Data should be stored and presented to best support the overlying business processes • Data exchange should be provided via data services

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• Data requirements should be considered from an enterprise perspective • Reporting data operations and transactional data operations should be separated when

possible • Historical data and current data should be separated when possible

The ETA was presented to the following stakeholders across PBGC to create enterprise-wide buy-in regarding the desired future state for Corporation’s IT:

• Federal enterprise architects • IT&BMD and ITIOD division managers • OIT Senior Management (IT&BMD and ITIOD Directors, Deputy CIO and Senior Agency

Information Security Officer (SAISO)) • Key Business Program Stakeholders (Program Managers, Business User Representatives,

Department Directors, C-level executives) • CIO (approving authority)

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Figure 2 Overview of ETA Development

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3. Enterprise Target Architecture

3.1. Introduction The functional view of the target architecture emphasizes the IT simplification and standardization themes by decreasing redundancy, enabling scalability, and ultimately improving mission delivery. This will assure that PBGC’s IT resources are efficiently and effectively utilized to protect the pension system and the retirement security of participants and retirees, directly supporting PBGC Strategic Goal 3.6

The benefits of the functional view of PBGC’s target architecture are:

• Core mission functions tend to be stable over time, which results in a consistent view that will support PBGC IT architecture for an extended period of time.

• Shared functions provide the ability for PBGC to obtain economies of scale. • Corporate functions provide visibility for small-scale applications that otherwise might not be

reflected in PBGC’s IT investments. • Technology platforms facilitate a standard approach to improve IT support for PBGC business

functions. • Technology Infrastructure and Data Management are crucial elements in IT support for PBGC

business functions.

Ten high-level functions are identified in the target architecture with business, IT management, and technology support orientations.

The five business-focused functional areas are:

1. Participant Management – This target area covers the core PBGC business of managing participant accounts and paying participant pensions. This includes Benefit Administration and Benefit Determination and Valuation.

2. Financial Management – This target area covers standard financial functions such as budgeting, accounting, obligations and commitments. It also includes PBGC-unique financial functions including Premium Management, Trust Accounting, and Financial Reporting. It also includes the Acquisition sub-function that is closely-coupled with the financial functions.

3. Plan Management – This target area covers the core PBGC business of monitoring risks to pension plan solvency, including plan events. It includes the Plan Risk/Legal Management, and Plan Termination sub-functions.

4. Corporate Management Functions – This target area covers PBGC supporting business functions, such as Facilities Management, Legal Management, Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO), and Economic Modeling. These functions use unique applications to meet their function-specific needs.

5. Shared Business Functions – This target area covers non-core business functions that are cross-enterprise in scope, such as Records Management and Human Resources (HR) Management. Processes and systems supporting these functions are used across the entire Corporation. For example, all managers and employees are customers of HR system; all employees use the Corporation’s Intranet and Portal; and PBGC.gov represents the Corporation to the world.

6 “PBGC will exercise effective and efficient stewardship of PBGC resources.” Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Strategic Plan FY 2011-2016, Page 12.

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The three technology support functions are:

1. Technology Platforms – Technology platforms includes various common services and infrastructure components needed by the business areas across PBGC. The platforms include Enterprise Resource Planning, Web, Business Intelligence, Collaboration, and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).

2. Data Management – Business data underlies and is crucial to all functions and application solutions; important data management functions (e.g., governance and stewardship, privacy, security, and quality management) will be detailed in future iterations of the Enterprise Target Architecture.

3. Technology Infrastructure – The functions in Technology Infrastructure outline all of the IT infrastructure underlying the entire PBGC enterprise. This will be detailed in future iterations of the ETA.

The two IT management functions are:

1. IT Security – Comprehensively assures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of PBGC business data and solutions at all control levels.

2. IT Governance – The IT Governance structure includes mutually supportive processes that guide the Corporation’s IT decisions and oversight responsibilities.

3.2. The Enterprise Target Architecture Diagram The purpose of the structure depicted in Figure 3 is to organize PBGC business processes that need IT application support for the analysis of IT requirements and alternatives. The structure is aligned such that IT market and business factors influence analysis, driving sound, effective investment decisions. It does not require or imply any particular organizational configuration or structure for defining IT investments. The ETA functional view shows the desired end state, which must be migrated to from the Current View (Figure 15) through a structured and systematic approach (depicted in the Transition View, Figure 16).

Brief definitions of each of the ten functional areas are provided within the diagram on the next page, and described in further detail in the following pages. Note that items designated with “FC” in the diagram will be hosted in a Federal Cloud as part of a shared service solution, whereas items designated with “CC” will be hosted in a Commercial Cloud.

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Figure 3 PBGC Enterprise Target Architecture Version 1.2

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3.3. Participant Management Function The Participant Management area supports Benefit Administration and Payment and includes participant Benefit Determination and Valuation as well as Benefit Administration functions. These functions are grouped together to provide participant services for trusteed plans and provide operational actuarial support for PBGC in selected cases.

The Participant Management function addresses a core PBGC mission: providing timely and uninterrupted payment of pension benefits by serving participants in terminated pension plans, notably by calculating and ensuring payment of pensions that are due. From a business perspective, this is a distinct set of functions separate from other core functions such as Plan Management and Financial Management.

Providing benefits is supported by a robust market in COTS HR and customer management software. However, given legislative and PBGC-specific policy mandates and the thousands of plans whose specific benefits PBGC must support for benefit calculations, COTS does not accommodate the one-size-does-not-fit-all landscape of retirement programs.

These functions intersect with the Financial Management function at payment issuance. In addition, where common functionality may be shared with other mission functions’ requirements for customer interactions, it is covered in the Shared Business Functions area. Participant Management is a heavy user and provider of shared services such as document management and image processing, letter generation, and address validation. Participant data is also used in the appeals process.

Figure 4 shows the graphical view of the Participant Management function, as seen in the functional view of PBGC’s ETA diagram.

Figure 4 Participant Management

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Sub-groups within the Participant Management functional grouping include:

• Benefit Administration Function o BMA – Benefit Management Applications (BMA) is a collection of tools that will

subsume Spectrum and incorporate the functionality of Approval Worklist Application (AWA), Service Administration Tool (SAT), and other related applications. Spectrum – Spectrum represents the largest component of BMA. It

supports customer information import and maintenance processes, as well as putting a participant or alternate payee into pay. It will absorb the current BPB Suite (Integrator, Balancer, Ledger Load, Ledger Error, TB – Trial Balance, TB – Trial manager, LRU, Notice of Change)

o Customer Care Application CRM – The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system tracks all

interactions between PBGC and participants, alternate payees, and other individual PBGC clients. It records events like telephone calls, paper correspondence, My Pension Benefit Account (MyPBA) requests and responses, and other appropriate touch points. The Participant Call Center uses CRM in its day-to-day operations to view and analyze the history of the customer on the line.

MyPBA – This is PBGC’s self-service functionality, including the customer information review, benefit estimator, and secure message center, among other features.

ARTIS – An alternatives analysis will be performed in the functional area performed by the Appeals Reengineering Technical Information Solution (ARTIS) application. Currently this application tracks and manages appeals received from participants in trusteed plans and establishes and maintains records of PBGC documents used to process participants’ appeals.

o Paying Agent – The PBGC Paying Agent performs payment functions such as executing ACH payments and managing returned payments.

• Benefits Determination and Valuation o BCVS – Benefit Calculation and Valuation System (BCVS) is envisioned to allow

calculations of participant termination and actual benefits and plan valuation. It will replace the ACT tools (ValTool, ACT- DRS, ACT- Design, ACT-RunTime, ACT-VBA Add-in’s, ACT-ATPBGC, and ADT), OASD Application Suite (Leo, Plan Closing Tool, Plan Download Tool, NPVF Calculator, AGGMAX Tool, Batch PACS Prep Tool, BDL Query Tool, Conversion Project for OFA Tool, ValPatch, Software Closeout, Pre-trusteeship Data Viewer), Archive tools (Archive – Access, Archive – Utility), and Payment Adjustment Calculation System (PACS).

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3.4. Financial Management Function Financial Management includes all functions related to both core mission as well as business support financial transactions within the Corporation. These are grouped together for three reasons. First, the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) and the CIO Council recognize and recommend this business view in the Business Reference Model (BRM). Second, there is a clear business interest in considering these areas together for auditing and financial control reasons. Third, there is a robust commercial market for the software supporting these functions, distinct from other PBGC functions such as Participant Management and Plan Termination, etc.

Figure 5 shows the graphical view of the Financial Management function as seen in the functional view of PBGC’s ETA diagram.

Figure 5 Financial Management

Sub-groups within the Financial Management functional grouping include:

• Financial Reporting o CFS (Financial Reporting) – The Consolidated Financial System (CFS) is the PBGC

integrated financial system which includes functionality for financial reporting. o IPVFB – Integrated Present Value of Future Benefits (IPVFB) is an actuarial valuation

system used in the Actuarial Service Division (ASD) within PBGC to determine the Corporation's Present Value of Future Benefits liability. An Analysis of Alternatives effort is currently underway which focuses on IPVFB solution composition. The main goal of this effort is to recommend viable solution alternatives for the IPVFB modernization effort.

• Trust Accounting o TAS – The Trust Accounting System (TAS) streamlines and automates processes for

accounting for terminated pension plans trusteed to PBGC and the commingled Trust Fund portfolio. TAS supports accurate financial reporting, operational efficiency, and greater transparency.

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o CFS (General Ledger) – CFS is the PBGC integrated financial system which includes functionality for the general ledger.

• Premium Management o PPS – The Premium and Practitioner System (PPS) is primarily used to process

premiums for the pension plans PBGC insures. o MyPAA – The My Plan Administration Account (MyPAA) is a web application

available to plan practitioners on PBGC.gov. It allows them to enter or upload plan premium filings, make premium payments, and see previous transactions and filings.

• Acquisition Management o Procurement System TBD – A solution is being identified to replace PBGC’s legacy

procurement automation system that tracks requisitions, solicitations, and awards. o FedSelect – Tool that standardizes the proposal evaluation phase of a source

selection by providing clear and consistent structure to any competitive procurement. Enables evaluators to document their strength, weakness, and deficiency comments and their ratings and rationale electronically in one data file. Additionally, it allows contracting officers and specialists to monitor the progress of an evaluation and move directly from individual evaluations to consensus.

o CFS (Payables) – CFS is the PBGC integrated financial system which includes functionality for payables.

o FBO.gov – PBGC and other government agencies are required to post controlled, unclassified information on upcoming contract work (pre-solicitations, solicitations, requests for information, award information, etc.) using FedBizOpps (FBO).

• Budget Management o DEBS – PBGC enters formulated budget information into the Departmental

Electronic Budgeting System (DEBS) hosted by Department of Labor (DOL). o Online Budgeting – Online Budgeting is envisioned to be the future budget

formulation system available to managers and authorized personnel to prepare and approve department and PBGC budget.

o CFS (Fed Admin.) – Budget Execution – CFS is the PBGC integrated financial system that includes functionality for budget execution; this module is also sometimes referred to as “Federal Administrator” or “Fed Admin” because of the federal government-specific features it provides.

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3.5. Plan Management Function Focused on the management of traditional pension plans, the Plan Management function includes Plan Risk Management and Plan Termination functions. This grouping aligns with a core PBGC mission function, protecting America’s defined benefit pension system. A segment architecture has not been performed for this functional area. Additional details will be included in a future ETA iteration after completion of the segment architecture.

Figure 6 shows the graphical view of the Plan Management functional grouping as seen in the functional view of PBGC’s ETA diagram.

Figure 6 Plan Management

Sub-groups within the Plan Management functional grouping include:

• Plan Risk/Legal Management o E4010 – E4010 is a web application available to plan practitioners on PBGC.gov. It

allows plan practitioners to determine if they need to submit a 4010 filing and to create and submit a 4010 filing if necessary.

o RMEW – The Risk Management and Early Warning (RMEW) System allows the Corporate Finance and Restructuring Department (CFRD) and the Office of Chief Counsel (OCC) to manage pre-termination pension plan matters as it monitors the condition of active plans, receives and reacts to reportable events, and mitigates the risk of plan terminations. The system implements the workflow, legal, and actuarial aspects of the pension plan cases using the capabilities of the customized COTS, TeamConnect. RMEW is also one of a few consumers of the Document Management

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System’s underlying platform. It utilizes the platform through custom-built user and programming interfaces.

• Plan Termination o CMS – The Case Management System (CMS) Database is used to manage plan case

data through reportable events, enquiries, and activities related to pension plan termination. In doing so, it supports PBGC’s core mission function of terminating plans and assuming payment responsibility to the plan’s participants. Additionally, the CMS system processes a case from standard termination through ongoing administration.

3.6. Corporate Management Functions The Corporate Management Functions area includes processes performed by individual business areas to support the Corporation as a whole, such as Facilities Management and EEO.

Corporate Management covers internal PBGC processes and systems supporting the Corporation. They are used by a limited number of users, primarily in the organizational unit providing the support, distinguishing them from Shared Business Functions applications.

The purposes and functions of the various Corporate Management functional components are different from each other. They are grouped together for convenience, however analysis of the components generally will be independent of each other.

Figure 7 shows the graphical view of Corporate Management Functions as seen in the functional view of PBGC’s ETA diagram.

Figure 7 Corporate Management Functions

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Sub-groups within the Corporate Management functional grouping include:

• Corporate Legal Management o OGC Matters/CoolLEW2 – Office of General Counsel (OGC) Matters and CoolLEW2

are used to manage a wide range of legal cases, including fiduciary breach legal cases and participant appeal litigation cases.

o eDiscovery – the system that operates over the textual documents or other electronic information along with its metadata that can be relevant evidence in a law suit. It allows attorneys to define what information is relevant to a specific legal case and helps to extract, analyze and convert the discovered evidence to a form for use in court. The solution can support work on both the pension plan and PBGC legal cases and thus is shared by the General and the Chief Counsel offices.

o eDisclosure – the electronic workflow system (formerly eFOIA) used by the Disclosure Division in the Office of the General Counsel to track two kinds of external requests; participant requests for their personal information (governed by the Privacy Act) and citizen requests for any agency information (governed by the Freedom of Information Act). These requests are tracked from their initial submission to PBGC through confirmation, perfection, determination, and release or partial release of agency records as necessary.

o Index Engine – The Index Engine allows indexing and searching content of the electronic or scanned documents. It enables full-text search and e-Discovery capabilities.

• Facilities Management o Facilities Management Tool – The target state facilities management solution will

include and expand on the functionality of FaciPlan, which is an application used to support space management for PBGC.

o eDelivery - This system facilitates the transmission and delivery of personnel investigations via electronic means.

o Library On-line Catalogue – This system allows PBGC employees and contractors to search and navigate through the PBGC library of resources (books, periodicals, legal publications and other materials). This system is an externally hosted Federal cloud service.

o WIC Responder – Wireless Incident Controller (WIC) Responder is a COTS content management tool that provides Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) participants access to COOP documentation on their BlackBerries.

• EEO o eCATS – The electronic Case Activity Tracking System (eCATS) is the umbrella system

that supports internal EEO operations and is comprised of i-Complaints. • Economic Modeling

o PIMS – Pension Insurance Modeling and Simulation (PIMS) models economic impacts on the defined benefit pension system. PBGC uses PIMS to project its own possible future financial condition under various scenarios and better understand its exposure to risk. PIMS is expected to change based on the results of the architectural analysis effort.

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3.7. Shared Business Functions The Shared Business Functions area includes various business functions used by multiple business areas throughout the Corporation to support their missions, such as document management and collaboration, reporting capabilities and human resources. Applications in this area are used across the Corporation, which distinguishes them from Corporate Management applications. For instance, all managers and employees are customers of HR systems like FedTraveler and Employee Express, while all employees use the Corporate Intranet and Portal, and PBGC.gov represents the Corporation to the world.

Because these are enterprise-wide functions, requirements analysis should be conducted from an enterprise perspective. For example, there is shared functionality between records and document management and the collaboration platforms (Intranet and Portal), which enable them to be analyzed together.

Figure 8 shows the graphical view of the Shared Business function as seen in the functional view of PBGC’s ETA diagram.

Figure 8 Shared Business Functions

Sub-groups within the Shared Business functional grouping include:

• HR Management o HRMS – Human Resources Management System (HRMS) will provide automation of

a number of HR functions that are accomplished primarily through a manual process today. The automation of these HR functions through HRMS will enhance internal reporting, data management, and sharing within the Human Resources Division (HRD) and across PBGC. The functions that are automated through HRMS provide for staff acquisition (QuickHire or its replacement in the staffing solution of the Monster Government Services), human resources development (Talent Management System), performance management, and compensation management with a focus on the awards component. This functionality is currently being acquired through the use of the National Business Center’s Shared Services Center (SSC) Talent Management System (TMS).

o Employee Express – Employee Express is an electronic system that empowers federal employees to perform their own discretionary payroll and personnel transactions (e.g., federal tax withholding, home address, direct deposit information, etc.).

o eOPF – The electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) is an electronic version of the paper OPF, providing web-enabled access for federal employees and HR staff to view eOPF documents. This system is hosted and maintained by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

o Financial Disclosure Online – Financial Disclosure (FD) Online provides an electronic, automated capability for eligible PBGC employees to file financial disclosure forms (278s and 450s), and enables the PBGC OGC to track and manage these filings.

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o PI Manager – The Personnel Investigation Manager (PIM) is a background investigation and security clearance information management tool. This tool enables the Facilities and Services Department (FASD) to update and query relevant background information about employees and contractors.

o Payroll (FPPS) – The Federal Payroll and Personnel System (FPPS) performs a set of HR functions including management of personnel records, time capture, payroll payment calculations and initiation and reporting.

o FedTraveler – Allows federal employees to plan, book, track, approve, and request reimbursement for travel services.

o USAJobs.gov – Federal government’s official web-based job search system hosted by Monster.com. PBGC posts and manages job openings on USAJobs.gov. Candidates also apply to the PBGC job openings using the system.

o QuickTime – QuickTime is a component of FPPS, which allows employees to enter their time and attendance.

o Workforce Transformation and Tracking System (WTTS) – WTTS helps with the paperwork during the hiring process and allows managers the ability to see the status of the hiring process.

o Entry on Duty System (EODS) – EODS provides a library of on-line forms to be filled out by a federal new hires. The forms are prefilled with information entered by the selectee during his/her application process.

• Shared Services o Address Validation Service – Address Validation Service (AVS) provides valid

address information verified against the United States Postal Service (USPS) database of valid deliverable addresses. These valid addresses are then made available to consuming applications throughout the enterprise. AVS in target state will be hosted externally.

• Web Presence o PBGC.gov – PBGC.gov provides information for participants, practitioners, and the

general public about PBGC’s mission, pension programs, and information specific to some large pension plans. It also serves as a launch pad for self-service web applications for practitioners and participants, such as MyPBA or MyPAA.

o Social Media – PBGC already uses Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to engage external PBGC stakeholders. PBGC is currently working on a Media Directive delineating the internal policies and procedures for updating information available on these social networking sites. PBGC will leverage capabilities of the new social media technical platform (internal and external) when it is available for use.

• Records Management o Document Management System – Document Management System (DMS) is used

for creating recording searching, storing and retrieving the electronic or scanned documents (including the correspondence, facsimile, email, secure electronic messages, etc.). This system shares the same platform with RMEW, through different user interface.

• Collaboration o Collaboration – The target collaboration solution will replace the existing email,

Plumtree portal, network departmental shared drives, end-user home drives, with the “innovative tools, methods, and systems to cooperate … across all levels of Government and with nonprofit organizations, businesses, and individuals in the

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private sector.” [OMB Memorandum M-09-12, President’s Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government - Interagency Collaboration]. Federated Search – This target function is a set of COTS products and tools

to process, review, and analyze a potentially relevant native file document set that is identified, preserved and collected through the universal search capabilities brought to bear on PBGC document stores like email, document management systems and the Storage Area Network (SAN).

PBGC Intranet – The Corporate Intranet, a web-enabled information source for internal PBGC staff.

Portal – The replacement of the PBGC Plumtree portal. It will be based on the PBGC collaboration platform and will allow the document, team calendar, discussion and other collaboration functionality currently available in the PBGC Portal.

Communications – This target will include email, video conferencing, instant messaging, and other innovative communications tools.

• Reports o BAPD Primavera – Oracle Primavera P6 Project Management is used to schedule

and monitor the processing of terminated pension plan cases. This is not a separate IT system, but a use of the COTS project management tool (P6) for the specific purpose of capturing and reporting performance of terminated plan processing.

o PBGC Enterprise Reporting Tool TBD – This target enterprise-reporting tool will provide a common platform to satisfy PBGC reporting requirements. This future tool will incorporate functionality from CDMS, CPRS, eReports, PART, and OASD Reports.

3.8. Technology Platforms Technology Platforms (such as Enterprise Resource Planning) provide the underlying support for business applications (such as CFS and CRM).

A robust commercial market offers products designed to provide functionality commonly needed in implementation of most business applications. To simplify the adoption of such products in the IT environment of any organization, they are implemented in the form of a service or platform that is documented with formally defined functionality and mechanisms of reuse. In order to fully and effectively implement these common platforms, any enhancements in the form of customization, other than those done within the confines of the product’s inherent configuration, should be carefully managed and kept to a bare minimum. At the end of the day, reuse of these services and platforms allows organizations to gain economies of scale and save on implementation and maintenance costs. Some of the advantages of the common technology are:

• Leverage COTS products to reduce development costs • Provide a consistent user experience to all customers • Simplify infrastructure by reducing the Corporation’s software footprint • Increase business flexibility by configuring common functions instead of coding them

At PBGC, segment architecture analyses highlighted a number of common services and technology platforms needed by the business areas. This functional grouping assures that an enterprise-wide view is utilized during alternatives analyses. The goal is to provision enterprise-wide functionality through consistent, non-duplicative investment in platforms that will be commonly used by independent business units. During the alternatives analysis efforts to plan their investments, all

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functional areas will consider using the common services and platforms as a foundation of their business solutions.

This approach is necessary to enable these products to become the foundation of business solutions. The content of each of the five functional platforms is described below:

• The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Platform (currently eBusiness Suite Platform) includes PBGC customer self-service capabilities and the management of customer interactions. Since many business functions serve outside customers, this area should be analyzed to determine what level of commonality among customer management requirements exists which could lead to sharing of COTS products or common technologies.

• The Web Platform encompasses web outreach and social media capabilities utilized for the PBGC’ external customers. There is a robust market that provides numerous COTS and service provider offerings in this area, which can and should be shared among all business areas.

• The Collaboration Platform includes the technology to support “innovative tools, methods, and systems to cooperate … across all levels of Government and with nonprofit organizations, businesses, and individuals in the private sector.” [OMB Memorandum M-09-12, President’s Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government - Interagency Collaboration].

• The Business Intelligence Platform encompasses the data marts, data warehouses, and reporting solutions that enable direct access to data and building and providing access to data reports, as well as data search capabilities. There is a robust market that provides numerous COTS and service provider offerings in this area, which can and should be shared among all business areas with data access needs outside of primary business applications.

• The SOA Platform covers technology elements that enable the target service architecture, such as workflow, service bus, rules engine, and web service management and orchestration. There is a robust market that provides numerous COTS offerings in this area, including security functions; these COTS products and functions can and should be shared among applications and development teams.

Figure 9 shows the graphical view of Technology Platforms as seen in the functional view of PBGC’s ETA diagram.

Figure 9 Technology Platforms

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3.9. Data Management The Data Management (DM) area of the ETA provides a rationalized target of the business data, including the underlying databases and schemas at PBGC. The Data Management area is identified because business data underlies and is crucial to all application solutions. PBGC has data deployed on COTS, customized solutions, GOTS/LOBs and hybrid data platforms. As a general guide, PBGC has deployed business data on the Oracle platform (though some business data has been deployed on a Microsoft platform) while tools and office automation solutions are deployed on a Microsoft platform. Therefore, most of the Data Management area of the ETA focuses on those databases and schemas deployed (or planned to be deployed) on the Oracle platform. Also, while all known business databases were analyzed in the development of the target DM architecture, the focus of consolidating, modernizing, creating, replacing and retiring databases will be customized databases or the customized portion of COTS databases.

The scope of the analysis for the DM area of ETA is limited by the business systems and applications and the supporting platforms or shared functions analyzed and approved in ETA 1.0. The Appendix D section provides the disposition of the PBGC business databases recommended in target DM architecture.

The target DM architecture is derived from several inputs and factors. The inputs and factors include:

• The current and planned development, enhancement and modernization efforts of solutions • Alignment with PBGC EA data tenets and principles (see below) • Known deficiencies in the current DM as identified in reports and analyses • The overall goals of ETA (e.g. simplification, reduction of duplication and unnecessary

redundancy, etc.)

As referenced above, the target DM architecture considered as an input the PBGC EA data tenets and principles. These are:

• Data is a corporate asset • A gold source of data should be identified that provides the source of record for that data • Data replication should be minimized and used only when necessary • COTS databases should not be customized • Data should be stored and presented to best support the overlying business processes • Data exchange should be provided via data services • Data requirements should be considered from an enterprise perspective • Reporting data operations and transactional data operations should be separated when

possible • Historical data and current data should be separated when possible

While there are several options for categorizing and representing Data Management graphically and as part of the ETA, aligning DM with the functional areas of the ETA model provide line of sight and consistency. Therefore, the grouping (and sub-grouping) of the DM area will mirror as much as possible the functional areas as described in the chapters above.

Figure 10 shows the graphical view of target Data Management as seen in the functional view of PBGC’s ETA diagram.

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Figure 10 Data Management

Participant Management

Proposed changes to the Participant Management area databases are driven by several large activities aimed at:

• Retirement of BFIPROD. Elimination of system dependency on schemas in BFIPROD. • Replacement of the BPB Suite applications by functionality in Spectrum. Consolidation of

useful information owned by the legacy applications in several schemas into fewer Spectrum schemas.

• Replacement of the ACT and ACT Archive application suite by the new generation BCVS system

The result of these major activities is the reduction of the number of databases in Participant Management area, which will include the following databases in target state:

• GENESIS – existing GENESIS database will accept schemas from the BFIPROD with information, which proves to be non-replicated from other authoritative sources. A number of the existing schemas in GENESIS will be merged as applications in BPB Suite are decommissioned.

• RETTIG – Further analysis of the RETTIG database and the supporting components is needed. Such analysis is recommended to be done as part of the BA segment.

• BCVS – BCVS database is being currently developed from scratch to provide functionality currently performed by the ACT and ACT Archive application suite. This database will need to store the information needed during Plan and Participant data acquisition and audit, plan valuation and benefit determination processes through the creation of the actual reports and issuance of the benefit determination letters.

• CRMPROD – no major changes are envisioned in this COTS database - only changes caused by upgrade and planned functionality enhancement activities.

Financial Management

Financial Management area will be transformed primarily by current and future integration and major modernization activities envisioned by the segment architecture efforts followed by the alternative analysis and technical analysis efforts:

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• TAS has replaced PAM, TIS and TIS Transfer systems along with the underlying databases. TAS is based on the externally hosted systems and services.

• CFS Interface projects are currently under way to replace legacy code and associated standalone databases

• PPS will migrate the information from the currently used PAS system and retire it • Upgrade of the existing procurement system or replacement of it with the Oracle solution

integrated with the PBGC financial system CFS under the CFS’ eBusiness suite instance.

These activities result in the simplification of the database environment in the Financial Management area, which will include the following databases in target state:

• CFSPROD – this Oracle eBusiness suite COTS database will house the information and the utility schemas of the PPS and PCTS systems. PPS will replace these legacy systems and will absorb the necessary information from their schemas. COTS product version upgrades are also expected to stay supported by the vendor. Another event which may affect CFSPROD is if the analysis of options for the procurement system will recommend Oracle’s Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solution. In this case, CFS will also receive the CLM modules

• IPVFBPRD – IPVFB data stores will change based on the result of the IPVFB Architectural Analysis effort currently underway.

• Wilshire Compass – no changes are expected in the FOD’s Wilshire Compass portfolio comparison tool, which currently utilizes three MS SQL databases:

o MutualFundExpress o OdysseyExpress o TotalFundExpress

Plan Management

Plan Management area did not have a Business Need Analysis efforts (either segment architecture or architectural analysis) done yet. Such analysis is required to validate information needs, current state of data use and sharing. Plan Management segment work is planned in the FY13.

At the same time, CMS system had a comprehensive database redesign analysis effort done during the last year.

RMEW is relatively new system in PBGC environment. It is based on the customized TeamConnect COTS product. This document does not capture any changes in RMEW database, pending the results of the Plan Management segment architecture.

The following shows the summary of the changes in Plan Management area databases based on the results of the known analysis and planning efforts:

• TMCTPROD – no changes (pending the results of the Plan Management segment architecture)

Corporate Management Functions

Corporate Management is another area which will benefit from the future eBusiness Needs Analysis efforts. Litigation and Legal Matter segment architecture, Economic Modeling Architectural Analysis, EEO System small scope analysis and Facilities Management small scope analysis efforts planned to start in 2012-2013. Such analysis efforts are needed to validate information needs, current state of data use and sharing.

• EFOIA – no changes (pending the results of the Litigation and Legal Matter segment)

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• FASDPROD – will change to accommodate a new Facilities Management Tool, which will replace the FaciPlan.

• LEW/CoolLEW – no changes are captured in this document (pending the results of the Litigation and Legal Matter segment). Though current MS SQL databases are expected to be moved (without changes) to a centralized server.

• PIMS – PIMS data stores will change based on the result of the Economic Modeling architectural analysis. Currently PIMS uses file-based MS Access and Foxpro. It should use controlled, centrally managed database servers in the future.

Shared Business Functions

Most of the systems contained in the Shared Business Functions area of the ETA have been analyzed by architectural analysis efforts or segment architectures. Actionable Data Architectural Analysis, Human Resources, Records and Document Management and Benefits Administration segment architecture efforts influenced the ETA decisions. The following are the major activities that shape the future of the databases in the Shared Business Functions area:

• Centralization of the data warehousing and reporting capabilities in the Business Intelligence (BI) platform. This major activity includes migration of existing reports to the BI platform and retirement of the existing fragmented, disparate or ad-hoc reporting solutions and the underlying database structures and reporting infrastructure under the BI platform.

• Implementation of necessary infrastructure for master data management (MDM) capabilities for PBGC reference data, e.g. Plan and Participant core information.

• Implementation of the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 solution as PBGC-wide records and document management system. Even though the future SharePoint system is captured in the Technology Platforms area (below), it allows significant reduction of the databases in the Shared Business Functions.

• Consolidation of the schemas into single database when possible.

The result of these major activities is the reduction of the number of databases used by the Shared Business Functions area, which will include the following databases in target state:

• PMVPRD – it has been confirmed that Primavera PM schemas in databases being currently independently utilized by OIT and BAPD can be merged into a single database without loss in functionality or noticeable degradation of performance. PMVPRD will receive the schemas from the PMVPRD1 database.

• PRSTPROD – no changes are expected (except regular and planned upgrade activities of this COTS)

• IPSDM_Reports - no changes are expected • VMAEDM - no changes are expected (except regular and planned upgrade activities of this

COTS) • BI TBD – new database(s) to accommodate the needs of the BI product selected in the

future and the PBGC data warehousing needs. The product selected will determine the number of the databases, that’s the reason for “TBD” here. BI database(s) will also absorb the useful information from the existing CDMS and CPRS systems and other standalone reporting systems.

• MDM TBD - new database(s) to accommodate the Master Data Management product selected in the future and the store for the PBGC reference data, e.g., core Plan information.

• eDiscovery TBD - new database(s) to store the data of the eDiscovery product in the future. The number and provider of the databases are not known at this time.

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Technology Platforms

This area serves as a foundation for the business solutions represented in the upper portion of the ETA diagram and changes in the Technology Platforms area impact the other areas. The major activity determining changes in databases in this area is the implementation of the corporate-wide records and document management solution - Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 (MOSS 2010).

While the result of the most recent Alternatives Analysis for the MOSS 2010 have not been formally reversed and thus in the final state the MOSS 2010 should be hosted externally, security considerations necessitated implementation of the MOSS 2010 platform internally in PBGC until the externally hosted platform is offered with due security certifications passed. Therefore, the MOSS 2010 platform is expected to be hosted internally for the time horizon of this document and therefore is shown as hosted internally in this document.

The SharePoint server 2007 databases currently being used in OGC will be retired when the information is migrated to the PBGC-wide MOSS 2010 instance. MOSS 2010 will also replace the current portal product (Plumtree portal) and wiki product and will allow retiring the underlying databases.

The following databases are in target state of the Technology Platforms area:

• SOAPROD – no changes are expected (except timely version upgrade of this COTS per vendor’s recommendations). This database is utilized by the enterprise-wide instance of the BPEL Process Manager. Potentially, this database may accept the information from the MSOAPROD, if the root cause of the capacity issues in the BPEL JVM is identified and resolved.

• MSOAPROD – this database is used by the second instance of the BPEL Process Manager. This database is expected to remain in the environment until the root cause of the capacity issues in the BPEL JVM is identified and resolved. The BPEL processes may be migrated to the enterprise-wide BPEL instance and MSOAPROD may be retired.

• OWBPROD – no changes are expected (except timely version upgrade of this COTS per vendor’s recommendations). This database if used by the Oracle Warehouse Builder, which currently is the standard ETL tool.

• OIDPROD - no changes are expected (except timely version upgrade of this COTS per vendor’s recommendations), since OID is expected to be used as part of the future identity management solution.

• BPMPROD - no changes are expected (except timely version upgrade of this COTS per vendor’s recommendations). This database is part of the IBM FileNet COTS.

• SharePoint 2010 TBD – the data stores of the SharePoint Server 2007 will be decommissioned and replaced with the new database(s) required by the MOSS 2010 platform.

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3.10. Technology Infrastructure The Technology Infrastructure function identifies the IT Infrastructure underlying the PBGC functional areas. Specifics will be developed and detailed in future iterations of the ETA.

Note that the functional view of the PBGC’s target architecture diagram will be agnostic to sourcing. The Integration Architecture diagram described in Section 4 below distinguishes amongst hosting models. EAD maintains a Technical Reference Model (TRM), which specifies the target technologies for this area.

Figure 11 shows the graphical view of Technology Infrastructure as seen in the functional view of PBGC’s ETA diagram.

Figure 11 Technology Infrastructure

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3.11. IT Security The Information Security area of the ETA includes the capabilities and functions used as shared services to protect the information of the Corporation and to enable its mission. This area includes enterprise scale services and controls which are integrated into applications via security Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). For instance, all applications may be integrated into service directories for the purposes of authentication and authorization of the user population. This area specifically excludes security tools & processes which are not integrated into applications by developers or infrastructure specialists.

Because these are enterprise-wide security functions, requirements analysis for these elements should be conducted from an enterprise perspective.

Figure 12 shows the graphical view of the Information Security area as seen in the functional view of PBGC’s ETA diagram.

Figure 12 Information Security

Sections within the Information Security area include:

Identity, Credential and Access Management (ICAM)

The Identity, Credential and Access Management (ICAM) section of the Information Security area of the ETA provides technical mechanisms that control, retain, protect and allow appropriate use of identity, role and privilege information for the purpose of providing logical and physical access to resources. This involves the full lifecycle management of credentials and identity information as well as their use by authorization and access control mechanisms to provide access to applications and infrastructure.

The ICAM domain and its components and elements were derived from the Federal ICAM segment architecture which was first defined in 2009 by the Federal CIO Council’s ICAM Subcommittee (ICAMSC). The purpose of the ICAM segment architecture is to provide a comprehensive and standardized management approach to manage identities, credentials, and access in a way that delivers more convenience, appropriate security and privacy protections with less effort and at lower cost. It also provides alignment with governing authorities including federal policies, priorities, and key initiatives. These include: Privacy Act of 1974, GPEA, E-Gov, FISMA, HSPD-12, M-04-04 E-Authentication Guidance, as well as various other statutory authorities and OMB mandates.

The products and COTS applications that support the ICAM components and elements can be a mix of individual best-in-class solutions or a suite of tools from a single provider. These solutions may be hosted on-site, in the cloud, or a combination of these two. It is also common for a single solution or deployed tool to cover multiple functional components or elements in the architecture, and for multiple tools to be required to cover all aspects of a particular architectural component. An example of this is Microsoft’s Active Directory which provides capabilities for Identity Management as well as Access Management and can also be used to support Federation (e.g. Active Directory

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Federation Services). The appropriate mix and blend of tools and suites will be determined at design time, to ensure that requirements are met, and best value is achieved.

• Identity Management o Identity Management System (IDMS) – Identity Management System (IDMS)

provides the mechanisms for brokering authoritative identity and access management information by consolidating identity and role information from authoritative sources, provisioning and maintaining identity information across identity and access management components, and providing mechanisms for identity proofing, vetting and adjudication. Currently, PBGC does not have an IDMS, although tools such as UPT and eLAN currently support user provisioning. These tools should be replaced with an all-encompassing IDMS solution.

• Access Management o Logical Access Control System (LACS) – Logical Access Control System (LACS) is a

centrally managed access control system required to layer attributes and permissions, which maps to an authentication mechanism to make access decisions for all agency applications. PBGC applications currently have a number of authentication and access control mechanisms including Oracle Simplified Sign-On (SSO) (a component of Oracle E-Business Suite), Oracle Internet Directory, and Active Directory. In some cases servers may also host their own individual LACS systems (e.g. Linux) and some applications use database tables for authentication and access control. None of these have been integrated for PIV authentication, and there are no centralized mechanisms or set of standards for developers to leverage. Authentication and access control mechanisms should be centralized where possible and integrate remaining systems for use of PIV authentication.

o Simplified Sign-On (SSO) – SSO is a property of access control that is a perceived benefit and is typically provided by multiple related, but independent software systems. The primary objective of SSO is to allow the user to log in once and gain access to multiple systems in a transparent manner without being prompted to log in again. PBGC presently has an Oracle SSO component that provides SSO among Oracle E-Business suite applications as well as Active Directory which may provide SSO benefits via Kerberos and/or Windows Integrated Authentication for some applications. The SSO implementation should be extended where feasible to streamline authentication.

o Remote Access – Remote access provides a remote channel for PBGC users to access corporate resources via the Internet. PBGC’s current method is by providing a remote desktop experience via Remote Desktop Protocol through Juniper Remote Access Service (RAS) Gateways and integrated with RSA for two-factor authentication via One-Time Password (OTP) tokens. PIV authentication should be explored as a plausible replacement for OTP tokens once it is in place for its LACS systems.

• Credential Management o Issuance and Card Management – PBGC has outsourced Personal Identity

Verification (PIV) card issuance and card management services to GSA’s USAccess service. No change is necessary at this time.

o Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Shared Service Provider (SSP) – PBGC is using the Entrust Shared Service Provider (SSP) to issue Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates which are stored on PIV cards. No change is necessary at this time.

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• Federation o Federated Identity Management System (FIMS) – Federated Identity Management

System (FIMS) supports typical federation protocols (SAML, WS-Federation, etc.) to allow cross-domain/cross-agency federation for cloud readiness and enablement. FIMS is key to enabling PBGC for federal government cloud readiness initiatives and the Digital Strategy. PBGC does not presently have a FIMS system in place, and should evaluate and select a solution.


The Assurance section of the Information Security area of the ETA provides technical mechanisms that control and protect the confidentiality and integrity of information and resources in a layered approach that implements defense-in-depth. This involves the layering of controls and the establishment of the concept of trust zones and channels that help define control requirements as information is created, read, updated, delete, and transmitted across zones in the course of doing business.

The Assurance section is based on the model of defense-in-depth, a layered approach for implementing security controls.

• Data Protection o Full Disk Encryption (FDE) – Full Disk Encryption (FDE) protects information by

converting into unreadable cipher-text that cannot be deciphered easily by unauthorized users. Disk encryption prevents unauthorized access to data in storage, typically on end-user laptops. PBGC uses Check Point Endpoint Security to provide disk encryption. No change is necessary at this time.

o Media Encryption – Media Encryption protects information by converting into unreadable cipher-text that cannot be deciphered easily by unauthorized users. Prevents unauthorized access to data in storage on backup tapes. PBGC’s backup system provides encryption for backup tapes. No change is necessary at this time.

o Communications & User Encryption – These are tools provided for use by end-users to protect communications and payloads from unauthorized interception and access. PBGC presently uses WinZip password encryption and the LeapFILE solution for this purpose. The Check Point endpoint agent is also capable of encrypting thumb drives if used to transfer information. PIV enabled solutions should be evaluated for allowing users to encrypt and sign documents and information when sharing.

o Data Masking – The Data Masking tool enables the process of masking specific data elements within data stores for the purpose of obfuscating Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and other sensitive information in non-production environments. Dataguise has been selected as its data masking tool, and should proceed with its implementation.

• End-point o Malware & A/V Protection – Malware & Anti-Virus (A/V) Protection is software that

provides protection from malicious software, and commonly consists of real-time scanning that hooks into the operating system’s kernel, allowing analysis of files as they are accessed in real-time. PBGC uses Symantec Endpoint protection for Antivirus and Anti-Malware protection. No change is necessary at this time.

o Host Based Firewall – Host Based Firewalls are typically components of an operating system, or other piece of software running on a host that can monitor, and restrict

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incoming and outgoing network communications for the host. PBGC is presently using the Windows firewall included in the Windows operating systems to provide this function. No change is necessary at this time.

• Network Security o Firewall – Firewalls are software or hardware based network security systems that

control the incoming and outgoing network traffic by analyzing the data packets and determining whether they should be allowed through or dropped based on a set of rules determined by policy. PBGC currently uses Cisco ASA network firewalls. No change is necessary at this time.

o Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) – Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), sometimes also called Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS/IPS) are software or hardware based network security systems that monitor network and/or system activities for malicious activity for the purposes of detecting, logging, blocking, and reporting the activity. PBGC presently uses IBM ISS (Internet Security Systems) as its IDS system. No change is necessary at this time, although an opportunity exists to evaluate if this can be updated to newer technology and consolidated when reviewing solutions for Threat Management (described below).

o Data Loss Prevention (DLP) – Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is a system that can be implemented in software hosts and on the network that is designed to detect potential data breach/data ex-filtration transmissions and prevent them. PBGC is currently using Blue Coat proxy appliances for DLP. No change is necessary at this time, although an opportunity exists to evaluate if this can be updated to newer technology and consolidated when reviewing solutions for Threat Management (described below).

o Threat Management – Threat detection is a new generation of network monitoring devices that incorporates Firewall, IDS/IPS, DLP and other characteristics, coupled with advanced intelligence from the vendor to allow organizations to understand how they are being targeted by threats and threat actors and prevent attacks from occurring. PBGC does not currently have adequate Threat Management and should evaluate, select and implement a solution. Additionally, there may be opportunity to consolidate other Network Security services (described above) when evaluating possible solutions.


The Monitoring section of the Information Security area of the ETA provides technical mechanisms that support the collection, reporting, alerting, and response to events, incidents, and expected / unexpected activities. Security monitoring provides the operation and exception data vital to management processes and decision-making.

• Auditing & Reporting o Reporting Tools – Reporting tools allow for Security Key Performance Indicators

(KPIs) to be reported from log data which is aggregated, correlated, reviewed and analyzed. PBGC has no centralized reporting function for security information, and should evaluate, select and implement a solution.

• Log Management o Correlation Engine – Sometimes referred to as Security Information and Event

Management (SIEM) systems, Correlation Engines analyze aggregated log information from multiple sources including network hosts as well as network

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devices to detect security incidents and correlate multiple log records as a related event. PBGC has no current log correlation system and should evaluate, select and implement a solution.

3.12. IT Governance IT Governance is the second IT management function necessary for effective provision of the Corporation’s technical solutions. The IT Governance structure includes mutually supportive processes that guide the Corporation’s IT decisions and oversight responsibilities:

• Governance Coordination Board (GCB) – The GCB ensures that all OIT policy, processes, standards and procedures are developed, coordinated and implemented using an integrated approach; are compliant with federal and PBGC policies; are auditable; and are reviewed for continuous improvement.

• Technical Review Board (TRB) – The TRB ensures that implementation efforts are aligned to the ETA and IT standards.

• IT Solutions Life Cycle Management (ITSLCM) – The ITSLCM is a clear, customizable, step-by-step approach for delivering and managing the delivery of IT solutions.

• IT Investment Review Board (ITIRB) – The ITIRB executes the CPIC process from a corporate-wide, business perspective. The ITIRB is responsible for reviewing and recommending IT investments to the Budget Planning Integration Team for approval by the Executive Management Committee (EMC). The Board is also responsible for periodically reviewing the progress of those investments and recommending recovery actions, as necessary.

• Change Advisory Board (CAB) – The CAB facilitates the change management process by reviewing and approving Request for Changes (RFCs) processed for CAB review to help ensure that changes are implemented in a standardized manner and to minimize any negative impact of implemented changes to the delivery, availability, and continuity of the PBGC IT services.

• Security Coordination Board (SCB) – The SCB ensures that PBGC integrates the efforts of all enterprise, departmental, and application-specific security efforts in order to facilitate a consistent implementation of the PBGC Information Security strategy, policy, procedures, and controls. The SCB provides a forum for communication between the Enterprise Information Security Program and its key stakeholders to maximize the benefit enterprise security solutions and services and proactively mitigate identified risks.

Figure 13 shows the graphical view of IT Governance as seen in the functional view of PBGC’s ETA diagram.

Figure 13 IT Governance

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4. PBGC Integration Architecture Integration is essential for efficient operations within PBGC. The ETA diagram in Figure 3 (Section 3.2 above) depicts how applications relate functionally, but not how they integrate with each other when deployed. Figure 14 below depicts graphically the integration concepts described in the following text.

Three types of applications to be integrated are: custom-developed applications, COTS/GOTS products, and solutions from Shared Service Providers (SSPs) such as cloud, Federal Lines of Business (LoB) or outsourced services or solutions. The SSPs also include the PBGC Paying Agent and other entities that maintain data of interest to PBGC, which must be able to connect and interact with the PBGC infrastructure.

Custom-developed applications should follow a layered approach in system design, taking advantage of enterprise data services, shared business functions and technology platforms, integrating with existing security solutions, and exposing data for reporting. COTS or GOTS products that maintain proprietary data structures, security controls, and business logic must provide mechanisms to enable integration with PBGC technologies. Any cloud services, LoB, or other SSP selected must provide data integration services for data sharing with other PBGC applications, as well as integration with PBGC security controls. Information about specific products in place at PBGC can be found in the PBGC TRM.

The PBGC Integration Architecture has these characteristics:

1) Generally, target solution technologies are considered in this preference order: a. First: SSPs, i.e., cloud, outsource, Federal LoB – external hosting b. Second: COTS/GOTS applications (locally hosted “off-the-shelf” commercial,

government or open-source solutions) c. Last: Custom Applications (PBGC-developed and locally hosted)

2) Security Integration a. All solutions (SSP, COTS/GOTS & Custom) must comply with PBGC security standards b. SSP and COTS/GOTS internal security functions integrate with PBGC security

functions (e.g., single sign-on, identity and role management) c. Custom solutions use PBGC common security functions in the PBGC infrastructure

3) Data Integration a. SSP & COTS/GOTS solutions with their own internal data models integrate by

mapping their data models to the Enterprise Data Model (EDM), to define clearly what PBGC business data is hosted on these platforms, and to enable data migration when these systems are replaced in the future

b. Custom solutions create their own Logical Data Model (LDM), starting from and mapping to data entities in the EDM

c. Custom solutions utilize PBGC existing databases, and shared business functions providing data services

4) Services Integration a. All solutions (SSP, COTS/GOTS & Custom) expose and consume services to integrate

functionality and data sharing b. Stand-alone systems (which have little or no data sharing with other systems)

integrate by documentation of their services in the Service Reference Model (SRM), which clearly define what PBGC business functions are accomplished by these systems

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5) Technology Integration a. SSP solutions are not required to integrate with the PBGC-hosted technology stack,

but they must integrate with PBGC security, data, and services as stated above b. COTS/GOTS and Custom applications share the PBGC common standard technology

stack c. COTS applications may in some cases work on a different technology stack, if it is

bundled with the COTS application and maintained by the COTS vendor through its normal version upgrade processes

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Figure 14 PBGC Integration Architecture

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5. APPENDIX A – List of Acronyms

ID Term Definition

1 ACT Actuarial Calculation Toolkit

2 A-I-I Architect-Invest-Implement

3 ARTIS Appeals Reengineering Technical Information Solution

4 ASD Actuarial Service Division

5 AVS Address Validation Service

6 BAPD Benefit Administration and Payment Department

7 BCVS Benefit Calculation and Valuation System

8 BMA Benefit Management Applications

9 BPB Benefit Payment Branch

10 BRM Business Reference Model

11 CAB Change Advisory Board

12 CC Commercial Cloud

13 CDMS Corporate Data Management System

14 CFRD Corporate Finance and Restructuring Department

15 CFS Consolidated Financial System

16 CIO Chief Information Officer

17 CMS Case Management System

18 COOP Continuity of Operations Planning

19 COTS Commercial-Off-the-Shelf

20 CPIC Capital Planning and Investment Control

21 CPRS Corporate Data Management System

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ID Term Definition

22 CRM Customer Relationship Management

23 DEBS Departmental Electronic Budgeting System

24 DMS Document Management System

25 DOL Department of Labor

26 EA Enterprise Architecture

27 eALG Automated Letter Generation

28 EAMMF Enterprise Architecture Management Maturity Framework

29 EDM Enterprise Data Model

30 EEO Equal Employment Opportunities

31 eFOIA E-Freedom of Information Act

32 EMC Executive Management Committee

33 eOPF electronic Official Personnel Folder

34 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

35 ETA Enterprise Target Architecture

36 FASD Facilities & Services Department

37 FBO FedBizOpps

38 FC Federal Cloud

39 FD Financial Disclosure

40 FEA Federal Enterprise Architecture

41 FOD Financial Operations Department

42 FPPS Federal Payroll and Personnel System

43 FY Fiscal Year

44 GAO Government Accountability Office

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ID Term Definition

45 GCB Governance Coordination Board

46 GOTS Government-Off-the-Shelf

47 HR Human Resources

48 HRD Human Resources Division

49 HRMS Human Resources Management System

50 iCAP Individual Corrective Action Plan

51 IPS Image Processing System

52 IPVFB Integrated Present Value of Future Benefits

53 IT Information Technology

54 IT&BMD IT & Business Modernization Department

55 ITIAA IT Infrastructure Alternatives Analysis

56 ITIOD IT Infrastructure Operations Department

57 ITIRB IT Investment Review Board

58 ITS Invoice Tracking System

59 ITSLCM IT Solutions Life Cycle Management

60 LDM Logical Data Model

61 LoB Line of Business

62 MyPAA My Plan Administration Account

63 MyPBA My Pension Benefit Account

64 NFDE Net Benefit Exchange Forms Data Entry

65 NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

66 OASD Operations and Actuarial Systems Division

67 OCC Office of Chief Counsel

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ID Term Definition

68 OGC Office of General Counsel

69 OIT Office of Information Technology

70 OMB Office of Management & Budget

71 OPM Office of Personnel Management

72 PACS Payment Adjustment Calculation System

73 PAM Portfolio Accounting and Management

74 PART Plan Activity Reporting Tool

75 PAS Premium Accounting System

76 PBGC Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

77 PCTS Practitioner Call Tracking System

78 PI Payroll Interface

79 PIM Personnel Investigation Manager

80 PIMS Pension Insurance Modeling and Simulation

81 PPS Premium and Practitioner System

82 RFC Request for Change

83 RM Reference Models

84 RMEW Risk Management and Early Warning

85 ROI Return on Investment

86 SA&A Security Assessment and Authorization

87 SAISO Senior Agency Information Security Officer

88 SAN Storage Area Network

89 SOA Service Oriented Architecture

90 SRM Service Reference Model

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ID Term Definition

91 SSC Shared Services Center

92 SSP Shared Service Provider

93 TAS Trust Accounting System

94 TCO Total Cost of Ownership

95 TIS Trust Interface System

96 TMS Talent Management System

97 TRB Technical Review Board

98 TRM Technical Reference Model

99 UPT User Provisioning Tool

100 USPS United States Postal Service

101 WIC Wireless Incident Controller

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6. APPENDIX B – PBGC ETA – Current View

Figure 15 PBGC ETA – Current View

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7. APPENDIX C – PBGC ETA – Transition View

Figure 16 PBGC ETA – Transition View

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8. APPENDIX D – Current PBGC Business Database Disposition Matrix This appendix section lists all databases current as of January 2012. Since ETA 1.1 focused on the databases of the business systems and applications which serve the PBGC areas analyzed by the ETA 1.0. These areas are: Corporate Management Functions, Plan Management, Participant Management, Financial Management, Shared Business Functions and Technology Platform. In other words, these are the areas represented in the upper portion of the ETA diagram and in the Technology Platforms column.

All other databases were considered out of scope and ETA 1.2 does not offer disposition for them. Since all of the out of scope databases appear to serve the IT infrastructure, they will be considered when the Technology Infrastructure portion of the ETA is developed.

The following two tables show the ETA 1.2 recommendations for Oracle (the first table) and non-Oracle (the second table) databases. More details on the Oracle schemas contained in these Oracle databases can be found in the Appendix E.

# Oracle Database

Disposition Number of Schemas Comments and Details Current Retire New or


1 ADMPROD Retire 15 15 0 The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

2 AST43PRD N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2.

3 BACPRD N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 4 BAVSPROD Retire 7 7 0 Market analysis for moving Bulk AVS to the

cloud (or outsourcing) is underway. Several candidates were identified. This database will be retired once Bulk AVS is moved to the new provider.

5 BFIPROD Retire 34 34 0 The applications are being moved from the BFIPROD - the schemas will be retired or moved to other databases. The database can be retired when the last application is moved from the BFIPROD.

6 BPMPROD No Change 9 0 0 This is part of the FileNet COTS product. The use of the BPM by other applications may change if PBGC selects a standard BPM product.

7 BSMPRD N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2.

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# Oracle Database

Disposition Number of Schemas Comments and Details Current Retire New or


8 CAS Changes 9 4 2 CAS database has been changed according to the results of the CMS 3.0 Database redesign and web services efforts, BA sequencing diagram. New schema has been created based on the results of the CMS 3.0 redesign. Several schemas are not used now, so they will be retired. But at this time there are no concrete plans to retire any schema because dependency of other applications must be addressed first. CAS can be retired after all applications use web service to new database CMS. It won't happen in five years.

9 CCMMERC N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2.

10 CDMS Retire 45 45 0 The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

11 CFSPROD Changes 6 3 2 CFSPROD currently has 3 schemas which are (or should soon be) ready for retirement (applications were or are planned to be retired). Two PAS schemas are expected to be migrated to the CFSPROD during the implementation of PPS. No database changes (other than version upgrades) are currently planned for other CFS schemas. New plans may be made starting in FY13 (alternatives analysis for R12 upgrade) or FY 14 (new segment architecture).

12 COMPROD Retire 4 4 0 Functionality and data from the Comprizon product currently used will be migrated to the new system selected by the future alternatives analysis and product selection process. Schedule unknown but unlikely in FY12 or FY13 (follows product selection process, which is not yet scheduled).

13 CRMPROD No Change 19 0 1 COTS. No database changes (other than version upgrades) are expected.

14 CRNAPROD Retire 2 2 0 The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

15 CRNPROD Retire 2 2 0 The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

16 EFOIA No Change 4 0 0 No database changes (other than moving to centralized servers) are expected.

17 EMPROD N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2.

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# Oracle Database

Disposition Number of Schemas Comments and Details Current Retire New or


18 FASDPROD Changes 4 0 0 FaciPlan will be retired and replaced with the Facilities Management Tool. PI Manager is not expected to change until reasonability to migrate PI Manager to SharePoint will be analyzed in FY14.

19 FTRACK N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 20 GENESIS Changes 39 27 8 MyPBA schema retired/changed

PACS schema is retired (functionality will be in Spectrum and BCVS) eALG schemas will be retired (eALG is re-platformed - EALGSYNC, EALGARCH, EALGOWN) PRISM schema will be absorbed into Spectrum schemas once PRISM apps are retire (Integrator, DRU, etc.). Integrator will retire (Spectrum 4.0 replaces functionality SSCOWN, SSB_AGENT) DRU was retired (DRUOWN can be retired) User schemas (e.g., IOTPA43) must be retired possible new schemas: (1) PAYOWN (spectrum 4.0 replacing BPB applications); (2) New-MyPBA using Web-center; (3) ADMINOWN - schema moved from BFIPROD

21 IPVFBPRD Changes 5 3 0 Changes to accommodate the recommendations the technology stack updates based on the IPVFB AA effort.

22 LTAPROD N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 23 MODELREP Changes 6 4 0 Schemas pertaining to the EAR application and

the underlying ApEx are retired. The Model Manager schemas remain the same.

24 MSOAPROD No Change 2 0 0 Migration of MyPAA to the corporate instance of the BPEL is a target. Note that, per PM Alex Calingo, this is not scheduled and not even on the horizon, because it is thought (by ITIOD) to risk performance problems on the main BPEL instance. EA recommended to move the MyPAA to the enterprise BPEL container. ITIOD reported that the results of their research from engineering standpoint require having more than one container - for MyPAA and future uses of the BPEL. Please see e-mail with Michael Zaky for the current evaluation of this issue.

25 OIDPRD No Change 1 0 0 OID is expected to be used as part of the future Identity management solution.

26 OITSMPRD N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 27 ONTRACK Retire 2 2 0 The app has already been retired.

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# Oracle Database

Disposition Number of Schemas Comments and Details Current Retire New or


28 OWBPROD No Change 4 0 0 Stays the same (OWB is still the ETL tool in TRM and other ETL tools were not selected.

29 PAS Retire 5 5 3 The functionality and data will be migrated to the PPS replacement for PAS. Some early data will not be migrated, and will need to be available, but the design for this is not yet determined. PPS is in development with a projected go-live date at the end of FY13

30 PLUM Retire 8 8 0 The content and most of the functionality will be migrated into the SharePoint records and document management and collaboration platform. Schedule unknown, but SharePoint pilot is being deployed in FY12, so portal migration could start as early as late FY13. The two exceptions are ARTIS and PAAS, for which no migration is currently planned; however, these systems are on notice from ETA 1.0 to migrate, so the PLUM retirement target is good.

31 PMVPRD Changes 3 0 4 It is confirmed with the Primavera support team that it is possible to setup Primavera products for both OIT and BAPD communities using single oracle database (different schemas). Thus schemas (or information) from the PMVPRD1 will be merged into this database.

32 PMVPRD1 Retire 5 5 0 It is confirmed with the Primavera support team that it is possible to setup Primavera PM product for both OIT and BAPD communities using single oracle database (different schemas). Thus relevant schemas from this database will be merged into the PMVPRD.

33 PRMAN10G N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 34 PRSTPROD No Change 2 0 0 No database changes (other than version

upgrades) are expected. 35 RCDBPRD N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 36 RETTIG No Change 8 0 0 Further analysis of the RETTIG database and the

supporting components is needed. Such analysis is recommended to be done as part of the BA segment.

37 SCENPRD N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2.

38 SOAPROD No Change 2 0 0 No database changes (other than version upgrades) are expected for Enterprise instance BPEL.

39 TESTDIR N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 40 TMCTPROD No Change 3 0 0 No database changes (other than version

upgrades) are expected. 41 TWIRE N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 42 UCMDBPRD N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2.

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# Oracle Database

Disposition Number of Schemas Comments and Details Current Retire New or


Totals: 255 170 20

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Below is the table with the recommended disposition for the non-Oracle databases (MS SQL and others):

ID Server Name (MS SQL or other)

Database Disposition Comments and Details

1 ACT Archive File system

Multiple Retire LEO will be retired after BCVS phase two release. ACT will be retired after BCVS phase 5 release. Archive and Runtime will be retired after BCVS phase one release.

2 HQW0IPS1SQL04 IPSDM_Reports (Primary - Mirrored to WIL)

No Change No database changes (other than version upgrades) are expected.

3 HQW0IPS1SQL04 VMAEDM (Primary - Mirrored to WIL)

No Change No database changes (other than version upgrades) are expected.

4 HQW0PRD0WIDS02 RealSecureDB N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 5 HQW0PRD0WSQL01 BMSStore N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 6 HQW0PRD0WSQL01 ViewComposer N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 7 HQW0PRD0WSQL01 ViewEvent_CDI N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the

database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

8 HQW0PRD0WSQL01 ViewEvent_CDT N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

9 hqw0prd1wpim01 Foxpro Change PIMS team has looked at other options, including the Oracle Express database. The disposition may change based on the results of the Economic Modeling Architectural Analysis.

10 HQW0PROD1SQL01 Altiris N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 11 HQW0PROD1SQL01 Altiris_Incidents N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 12 HQW0PROD1SQL01 CG4-ATS-BES_V_4_3_0 N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 13 HQW0PROD1SQL01 CustomDataExpress N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the

database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

14 HQW0PROD1SQL01 Disknet N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

15 HQW0PROD1SQL01 ExchangeReports N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 16 HQW0PROD1SQL01 eXpress N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the

database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

17 HQW0PROD1SQL01 Insight_v50_0_114517508 N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 18 HQW0PROD1SQL01 mell N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the

database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

19 HQW0PROD1SQL01 MutualFundExpress No Change The new investment management system in target architecture will not replace the Wilshire Compass portfolio comparison tool.

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ID Server Name (MS SQL or other)

Database Disposition Comments and Details

20 HQW0PROD1SQL01 OdysseyExpress No Change The new investment management system in target architecture will not replace the Wilshire Compass portfolio comparison tool.

21 HQW0PROD1SQL01 part Retire PART can be retired. Data has been remove to Primavera (BAPB). Business still uses it for verifying data. Need to contact application user Bailey Wakene to schedule application retirement date.

22 HQW0PROD1SQL01 ProdLibrary N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

23 HQW0PROD1SQL01 RealSecureDB N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 24 HQW0PROD1SQL01 TotalFundExpress No Change The new investment management system in

target architecture will not replace the Wilshire Compass portfolio comparison tool.

25 HQW0PROD1SQL01 WindowsMonitoring N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

26 HQW0PROD1SQL01 WMSnapshots N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

27 HQW0PROD1SQL02 AccountMonitoring N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 28 HQW0PROD1SQL02 AD_2_OneBook N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the

database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

29 HQW0PROD1SQL02 ADMonitoring N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 30 HQW0PROD1SQL02 BESReporting N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 31 HQW0PROD1SQL02 BFEnterprise N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 32 HQW0PROD1SQL02 cbt_pbgc N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the

database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

33 HQW0PROD1SQL02 DBAResource N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

34 HQW0PROD1SQL02 DormantReporting N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

35 HQW0PROD1SQL02 DotWIKI Retire SharePoint 2010 has wiki capabilities. The users of this database will migrate to the SharePoint. Peter did not receive response to his request for information on DotWiki database. Current use of this database is not known (email from Fri 04/20/2012 12:47 PM).

36 HQW0PROD1SQL02 EoSLTracking N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2.

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ID Server Name (MS SQL or other)

Database Disposition Comments and Details

37 HQW0PROD1SQL02 eXpressplatformsDS N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

38 HQW0PROD1SQL02 mchk N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 39 HQW0PROD1SQL02 OperationsManagerDB N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 40 HQW0PROD1SQL02 RealSecureDB N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 41 HQW0PROD1SQL02 SUSDB N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 42 HQW0PROD1SQL02 VCDB N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 43 HQW0PROD1SQL02 VCUDB N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the

database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

44 HQW0PROD1SQL02 WICMASTER N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

45 HQW0PROD1SQL03 ARServer67 N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. 46 HQW0PROD1SQL03 ARServerPBGCLookupDB

(Primary - Mirrored to WIL)

N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2.

47 HQW0PROD1SQL03 BESMgmt (Primary - Mirrored to WIL)

N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2.

48 HQW0PROD1SQL03 MACDB (Primary - Mirrored to WIL)

N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

49 HQW0PROD1SQL03 RecoveryManager-Reporting-HQW0PRD0WARS01

N/A Out of Scope for ETA 1.2. Use of the database by the business applications is unknown or unconfirmed.

50 HQWINTRANWEB01 CE10 (SQL2000) Retire All reporting will eventually be replaced by BI Platform. Note this is significant effort to re-do these Crystal reports.


No Change There’s an effort to move OGC’s LMS database to the central SQL Server, but the database will be migrated to the central server without changes.

52 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 DAVCatalog No Change There’s an effort to move OGC’s LMS database to the central SQL Server, but the database will be migrated to the central server without changes.

53 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 ISYSearchtrends No Change There’s an effort to move OGC’s LMS database to the central SQL Server, but the database will be migrated to the central server without changes.

54 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 KEWB ( Mirrored to WIL) No Change There’s an effort to move OGC’s LMS database to the central SQL Server, but the database will be migrated to the central server without changes.

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ID Server Name (MS SQL or other)

Database Disposition Comments and Details

55 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 lew_pub ( Mirrored to WIL)

No Change There’s an effort to move OGC’s LMS database to the central SQL Server, but the database will be migrated to the central server without changes.

56 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 LEW4OCC No Change There’s an effort to move OGC’s LMS database to the central SQL Server, but the database will be migrated to the central server without changes.

57 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 ReportServer ( Mirrored to WIL)

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

58 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 sessionmgr ( Mirrored to WIL)

No Change There’s an effort to move OGC’s LMS database to the central SQL Server, but the database will be migrated to the central server without changes.

59 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 SharedServices_Search_DB

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

60 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 SharedServices1_DB ( Mirrored to WIL)

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

61 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 SharePoint_AdminContent_1ee16e12-41b3-4de2-a261-d27141649fe7 ( Mirrored to WIL)

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

62 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 SharePoint_Config ( Mirrored to WIL)

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

63 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 WSS_Content Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

64 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 WSS_Content_LMS ( Mirrored to WIL)

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

65 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 WSS_Content_LMS2 ( Mirrored to WIL)

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

66 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 WSS_Content_MYSITES ( Mirrored to WIL)

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

67 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 WSS_Content_Records ( Mirrored to WIL)

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

68 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 WSS_Content_SSP ( Mirrored to WIL)

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

69 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 WSS_Content_TECH ( Mirrored to WIL)

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

70 HQWSQLLEWDBS03 WSS_Content_TRYIT ( Mirrored to WIL)

Retire OGC SharePoint will migrate to new SharePoint 2010

71 Retire NFDE's functionality will be absorbed by future Spectrum. Any data storage behind the current implementation (NFDE) will have to be migrated and retired.

72 Retire Trust Accounting System (TAS) is an externally-hosted system, which will replace the FY File along with the dBase database it uses.

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ID Server Name (MS SQL or other)

Database Disposition Comments and Details

73 Retire ITS should have been retired by this time. Need to validate that the underlying MS Access database had been retired.

74 Retire Trust Accounting System (TAS) is an externally-hosted system, which will replace the PAM, TIS and TIS Transfer along with the PAM's backend (Pervasive database).

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9. APPENDIX E – Disposition Matrix of PBGC Oracle Schemas in Current Business Databases The table below shows the recommended disposition for the schemas in business databases running under Oracle:

ID Database Schema Name

To B

e Re


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1 GENESIS GENOWN x SPECOWN and future PAYOWN will absorb information in PRISM schemas after all PRISM applications are retired. Genown will be retired after reengineering customer database/schema, consolidate all customer data to new "gold source" and consolidate consuming applications. But GENOWN retirement is not planned within 5 years. CRM Partially removed the BFIPROD dependency by directly referring the object in GENOWN schema of GENESIS database using DB links. It can't be retire before this is addressed. - MyPBA needs to change existing queries to point the new location of the database objects too. Current consuming applications: CRM, MyPBA, BPB Apps, eALG, IPSDM, Image Viewer, IPVFB,S2G Backfill, Approvals, Spectrum, ARTIS, CPRS, eReport, OASD AggMax, OASD Batch Patch Prep Tool, OASD PDV, OASD Plan Closing, Report, OASD Plan download, OASD Valpatch Tool, PACS and BCVS. eALG is highly dependent on this schema. Future consuming applications: at end of FY 14 CRM (based on current BA and BCVS plans), New MyPBA, Spectrum, CCA (new eALG) and IPVFB BCVS will the consumers from PSD managed applications; .Net MyPBA, .Net eALG, BPB suite will be decommissioned. Conditions of retirement of Genown: All consuming application use web service, new customer database reengineered and deployed, all benefit payment related data been migrated to SPECOWN.

2 GENESIS EALGARCH x eALG is replaced with CCS Current consuming application: eALG Future Consuming Application: none after eALG decommissioned; In BA sequencing eALG will be decommissioned in FY13 Conditions of retirement: eALG decommission

3 GENESIS EALGOWN x eALG is replaced with CCS Current consuming application: eALG Future Consuming Application: none after eALG decommissioned; In BA sequencing eALG will be decommissioned in FY13 Conditions of retirement: eALG decommission

4 GENESIS SPECOWN This is Spectrum's main schema. Current consuming application: Spectrum, MyPBA ,IPVFB and BPB Future Consuming Application: New MyPBA, Spectrum, CCS and IPVFB

5 GENESIS GENARCH x As Spectrum absorbed Datahub suite. Datahub suite has been retired since spectrum 2.0 release. Spectrum does not use this schema. BMA team's analysis of the Genesis DB schemas in June 2011 indicates that the use of this schema is currently unknown.

6 GENESIS IPVFB x Changes to accommodate the changes in the technology stack based on the IPVFB AA effort.

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7 GENESIS PERFSTAT x This schema is most likely not used - there was no answer on this schema from the development teams and the use of the schema is unknown. Schemas with this name exist in CRMPROD and CDMS, which suggests that there might have been one-time use for the schema across several databases.

8 GENESIS GENPERF x Current consuming application: Monthly BDL/IDL performance metrics Future Consuming Application: Monthly BDL/IDL performance metrics Conditions of retirement: Analysis needed to find out consuming application. If it is needed to keep, we need to re-architect it. May be retired after BCVS takes over the BDL generation and eReports modernization.

9 GENESIS GENAUDIT Current consuming application: run yearly audit request jobs Future Consuming Application: run yearly audit request jobs Conditions of retirement:

10 GENESIS INTEROWN x PBGCOWN and INTEROWN may have been created for the same reason - sharing the common objects among applications (User Access Controls, Holidays, etc.); They will be merged in to a single schema. Thus one of these two schemas shown as "Retire", while another is "To be Changed". All Continuous Eligibility (CE) related objects are in INTEROWN schema of GENESIS database. Current consuming application: CE (Continuous Eligibility) ,Interfacing apps use INTEROWn schema Future Consuming Application: CE (Continuous Eligibility) ,Interfacing apps use INTEROWn schema; Either keep it as is or re-engineering to combine all applications interaction used to be in BFIPRO to this schema. Need to discuss it Conditions of retirement:

11 GENESIS SPECHUB No changes are expected Current consuming application: Spectrum data load manager Future Consuming Application: Spectrum data load manager Conditions of retirement:

12 GENESIS PRISM x Spectrum will absorb information in PRISM schemas after all PRISM applications are retired. BMA team's analysis of the Genesis DB schemas in June 2011 indicates that this schema is "old data format prior to conversion (Dormant)". Current consuming application: BPB Future Consuming Application: NONE after spectrum 4.0 release Conditions of retirement:

13 GENESIS IOBPB27 x Personal schemas must be deleted. 14 GENESIS AUDADM No changes are expected. This schema is owned by security team for

collecting PBGC production database auditing information. 15 GENESIS PACSOWN x PACS application's functionality is being divided among Spectrum and

BCVS. PACS will be retired. Current consuming application: PACS, Spectrum

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Future Consuming Application: None after BCVS and Spectrum releases Conditions of retirement: need to get schedule from develop team

16 GENESIS STAROWN x Current consuming application: DMS team confirmed that there is an indirect use of the schema in image viewer GENOWN.PART_IMAGE, but this schema should also be retired. Future Consuming Application: none Conditions of retirement: consult with DMS team

17 GENESIS SSCOWN x Integrator will be retired (Spectrum 4.0 replaces the paying agent interface functionality). Spectrum will create and use a new schema PAYOWN for payment processing information. Current consuming application: BPB Future Consuming Application: possibly none, BMA team needs to assess whether this SSCOWN be retired Conditions of retirement: BMA team confirmed it can be retired

18 GENESIS GENCON x Current consuming application: BMA team's analysis of the Genesis DB schemas in June 2011 indicates that the use of this schema is currently unknown. Future Consuming Application: None after BPB application decommissioned Conditions of retirement: BMA confirmed it can be retired

19 GENESIS GENIDL x Current consuming application: Monthly BDL/IDL performance metrics Future Consuming Application: Monthly BDL/IDL performance metrics Conditions of retirement: Analysis needed to find out consuming application. If it is needed to keep, we need to re-architect it. May be retired after BCVS takes over the BDL generation and eReports modernization.

20 GENESIS GENPROJ x Current consuming application: This schema may be deleted as it was used for conversion from PRISM to GENESIS Future Consuming Application: None after BPB application decommissioned Conditions of retirement: BMA confirmed it can be retired

21 GENESIS IOTSG57 x Personal schemas must be deleted. 22 GENESIS PEAD No significant changes are expected in ARTIS 23 GENESIS IOCSV37 x Personal schemas must be deleted. 24 GENESIS SSB_AGENT x After Spectrum 4.0 release, there is new schema payown to replace

this Current consuming application: Integrator Future Consuming Application: None Conditions of retirement: BMA confirmed this can be retired

25 GENESIS DRUOWN x Spectrum 2.1 absorbed the function of DRU. The schema can be retired. Current consuming application: None Future Consuming Application: Conditions of retirement: BMA confirmed this can be retired.

26 GENESIS NOCOWN Current consuming application: process NOC data Future Consuming Application: May be absorbed by spectrum future

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release Conditions of retirement: depending on spectrum scope to determine change or retire

27 GENESIS RLSOWN This is related to the Row Level Security. No indication about the changes in the RLSS. Re-engineering will be needed to retire or significantly change the schema. Current consuming application: Row Level security, CMS Future Consuming Application:

28 GENESIS PACSCHECK x PACS application's functionality is being divided among Spectrum and BCVS. PACS will be retired. Current consuming application: Spectrum, PACS Future Consuming Application: Conditions of retirement: PACS will be decommissioned in FY14 indicated in BCVS sequencing diagram

29 GENESIS LGCYDAO x Spectrum interface with legacy conversion 30 GENESIS AUDITREP x This schema is most likely not used - there was no answer on this

schema from the development teams and the use of the schema is unknown.

31 GENESIS EALGUSR x Current consuming application: eALG Future Consuming Application: None - eALG is replaced with DMS; Conditions of retirement: In BA sequencing eALG will be decommissioned in FY13 (may be FY14); after CCS deployed and decommissioned in FY 14

32 GENESIS IOTPA43 x Personal schemas must be deleted. 33 GENESIS PCSADMIN x Current consuming application: PCS Application

Future Consuming Application: None after BPB application decommissioned Conditions of retirement: after BPB decommissioned; BMA confirmed

34 GENESIS GENDAO x Current consuming application: spectrum Future Consuming Application: BMA needs to verify retirement and future applications; Conditions of retirement: If it cannot be retired, it is needed to be re-architected.

35 GENESIS SYNCOWN x This schema is most likely not used - there was no answer on this schema from the development teams and the use of the schema is unknown.

36 GENESIS IOXXE88 x Personal schemas must be deleted. 37 GENESIS PBGCOWN x PBGCOWN and INTEROWN may have been created for the same reason

- sharing the common object (User Access Controls, Holidays etc.). They will be merged in to a single schema.

38 GENESIS EALGSYNC x Integrator retired (Spectrum 4.0 replaces the paying agent interface functionality) Current consuming application: eALG, Spectrum

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Future Consuming Application: none after eALG redesign and spectrum modification due eALG redesign Conditions of retirement: New eALG (CCS) deployed and spectrum task for CCS release deployed

39 GENESIS IPSADMIN Used for PICS. No changes are expected. 40 CAS DEVELOP x Current consuming application: eALG and IPSDM use this through a

materialized view in GENOWN. Image Viewer uses WSAz service. ,CMS, UPT, ADSync, WSAz and other subscribers. Other subscribers are PACS, PAS, Spectrum, ARTIS, AS, AWA. Please refer to CAS Data Interface Diagram on CMS portal for a complete list Future Consuming Application: none after all applications use web service and new schema CMS_OWNER Conditions of retirement: The DEVELOP schema will be left in read-only mode for legacy applications and eventually retired. It will be refreshed from the new schema CMS_OWNER. The decision about the schemas is made by the CMS 3.0 Database redesign effort. Since there are about 25 applications subscribing to the DEVELOP schema, it is not expected to be retired in 5 years. But It is indicated on the BA sequencing diagram, CAS DB will be decommissioned on FY16. It can be retired after all consuming applications use CMS web services.

41 CAS HISTORY x Not being used by either the CMS app or subscribers, so it is recommended to retire this schema. It can be retired when CAS DB retired.

42 CAS AUDADM No changes are expected. This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information. It will be retired when CAS DB retired.

43 CAS RLSOWN - CRM uses the RSL(Row Level Security) from RLSOWN schema of CAS database. It can't be retired - No changes

44 CAS IODSS x Current consuming application: - CRM employee inbound refer JOB_CAT and EMPL_JOB_CAT objects from this schema IODSS of CAS database Future Consuming Application: - None after CRM change Conditions of retirement: This schema will be retired when UPT is modernized using future selected Identity Management solution

45 CAS CMSQOWN - No changes are expected. This schema was developed as part of the CMS 2.2 release to provide an event notification mechanism the TAS system (replacement of PAM & TIS). Current consuming application: CMS

46 CAS MPP_ARCH x Not being used by either the CMS app or subscribers, so it is recommended to retire this schema. It can be retired when CAS DB retired.

47 CAS CASDAO No changes are expected. The CASDAO user is created by an Oracle java middle tier and is used to serialize objects to tables.

48 CAS PCSADMIN x Not being used by either the CMS app or subscribers, so it is recommended to retire this schema. It can be retired when CAS DB

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retired. 49 BFIPROD PBAOWN x MyPBA will merge their schemas during the replatforming and migrate

the resultant schema to another database. Current consuming application: MyPBA Future Consuming Application: None, after .Net MyPBA retired Conditions of retirement: .NET MyPBA retire or MyPBA will merge their schemas during the replatforming and migrate the resultant schema to another database.

50 BFIPROD EGOVOWN x Current consuming applications: PBGC.gov, myPAA, myPBA Future Consuming Application: None after the data is migrated. Conditions of retirement: The schema will be migrated to another database (most likely to WebCenter).

51 BFIPROD ADMINOWN x Approval Services applications are planned to migrate their schemas to GENESIS. - MyPBA Release 4.7.1 will support the decommissioning of this schema. A new ADMINOWN schema will be created in GENESIS database for this. We use the following two tables 1.APRVL_TRKG 2.BFT_ADMIN_APRVL_TASK - No changes are expected. Used by ORACLE SNMP agent for capturing trap data, and will remain in the CAS database. No plans to retire. Current consuming application: Spectrum ,MyPBA , ACS Future Consuming Application: Conditions of retirement: after Spectrum 2.4; .NET MyPBA and ACS deployed

52 BFIPROD PAAOWN x Target to eliminate PAAOWN schema when MyPAA application is redesigned (either to WebCenter platform or to a function-specific COTS platform); schedule is distant - after Alternatives Analysis scheduled for FY14

53 BFIPROD QUEOWN x Current consuming application: MyPBA use IMAGE_STATUS table for our BDL status. So, MyPBA needs to point to the new location of this table Future Consuming Application: none after eALG and .NET MyPBA redesign Conditions of retirement: This schema will be deleted when new DMS system replaces eALG and/ or decommission .NET MyPBA

54 BFIPROD EALGOWN x Current consuming application: MyPBA use PRISM_LETTER_HISTORY table for our BDL status. So, MyPBA needs to point to the new location of this table Future Consuming Application: none after eALG and .NET MypBA redesign Conditions of retirement: This schema will be deleted when new DMS system replaces eALG.

55 BFIPROD IICSOWN x Current consuming application: IICS Future Consuming Application: None after IICS is planned for replacement by new IPS Common Services Conditions of retirement: after IICS is planned for replacement by new

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IPS Common Services 56 BFIPROD RXOWN x

Current consuming application: CMS Future Consuming Application: Conditions of retirement: This schema is migrated to the new CMS database, or retired altogether if pbgc.gov can use other CMS interfaces to receive the same data.

57 BFIPROD IPSDMOWN x IPS plans to move its schemas from BFIPROD. Current consuming application: IPSDM, Image Viewer Future Consuming Application: Conditions of retirement: after IPS remove its schemas from BFIPROD.

58 BFIPROD EALGSYNC x eALG is replaced with DMS Current consuming application: eALG Future Consuming Application: Conditions of retirement: after new eALG redesigned and deployed

59 BFIPROD AUDADM x Will be deleted. This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information. NO need in this schema if all other schemas are migrated/deleted. Current consuming application: owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information Future Consuming Application: Conditions of retirement: all other schemas are migrated/deleted.

60 BFIPROD IPSOWN x Current consuming application: DMS Common Services Future Consuming Application: none after IPS move its schemas out from BFIPROD. Conditions of retirement: after IPS moves its schemas off of BFIPROD.

61 BFIPROD CRMOWN x Current consuming application: APIs for CRM-Genesis outbound/inbound interface. The APIs will be migrated to a schema in another database. Future Consuming Application: None after APIs migrated to a schema in another database. Conditions of retirement: after APIs migrated to a schema in another database.

62 BFIPROD E4010OWN x Conditions of retirement: after e4010 will migrate the schema to another database.

63 BFIPROD ADMINDAO x Current consuming application: ACS application; Approval Services applications are planned to migrate their schemas to GENESIS. Future Consuming Application: none after ACS removed out form this schema Conditions of retirement: after ACS removed out form this schema

64 BFIPROD TASKORDER x This schema is most likely not used - there was no answer on this schema from the development teams and the use of the schema is unknown.

65 BFIPROD EALGUSR x Current consuming application: eALG Future Consuming Application: none after eALG is replaced with new

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DMS application Conditions of retirement: after eALG is replaced with new DMS application

66 BFIPROD IPSDM_WEB x IPS plans to move its schemas from BFIPROD. Current consuming application: IPSDM, Image Viewer; IPS plans to move its schemas from BFIPROD. Future Consuming Application: none after IPS moved its schemas out from BFIPROD. Conditions of retirement: after IPS moved its schemas out from BFIPROD.

67 BFIPROD PORTFOLIO x This schema is most likely not used - there was no answer on this schema from the development teams and the use of the schema is unknown.

68 BFIPROD XDKOWN x This is not a business application schema, but rather a schema created by an Oracle technology

69 BFIPROD DRUOWN x Spectrum will absorb functionality and information of the DRU. Current consuming application: None Future Consuming Application: None Conditions of retirement: can be decommissioned - verified with BMA

70 BFIPROD MAILOWN x This schema is most likely not used - there was no answer on this schema from the development teams and the use of the schema is unknown.


x This schema is most likely not used - there was no answer on this schema from the development teams and the use of the schema is unknown.

72 BFIPROD PBA_WEB x MyPBA will merge their schemas during the replatforming and migrate the resultant schema to another database. Current consuming application: MyPBA Future Consuming Application: None, after .Net MyPBA retired Conditions of retirement: .NET MyPBA retire

73 BFIPROD PASOWN x This schema will be migrated or merged into another one in PPS/PAS. 74 BFIPROD PEADOWN x The information currently available in this schema will be available via

BI Platform. 75 BFIPROD CASOWN x Current consuming application: PBGC.gov (specifically, the plan pages

on our public site) Future new consuming application expected: None The condition of decommission of this schema: No current plans to decommission this schema, though we would be open to considering CMS as a future source for the data - provided by PBGC.gov team. EA recommendation is to retire this schema when CMS/ PBGC.gov interface is ready.

76 BFIPROD PRISMOWN x Current consuming application: To store/access PRISM objects Future Consuming Application: should be none after spectrum 4 release Conditions of retirement: after spectrum 4 release - verified with BMA

77 BFIPROD ALGOWN x eALG is replaced with DMS 78 BFIPROD IRXXB74 x Personal schemas must be deleted.

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79 BFIPROD CCNOWN x This schema is most likely not used - according to the responses received from the development teams, this schema is not being used (CRM and CMS responded). Similar CCNOWN in GENESIS has been decommissioned. Conditions of retirement: BMA verifies that it can be retired.

80 BFIPROD GENOWN x The information currently available in this schema should be made available via BI Platform. Current consuming application: used to store/access GENOWN objects Future Consuming Application: Conditions of retirement: after spectrum 4.0 - verified with BMA

81 BFIPROD IPSUSR x Current consuming application: used for DMS common services Future Consuming Application: will be removed after CCSM and application migration from IICS to CCSM Conditions of retirement: After DMS release for moving all IPS schemas out from BFI in FY14

82 BFIPROD IICS_WEB x Current consuming application: DMS/IICS Future Consuming Application: will be removed after CCSM and application migration from IICS to CCSM Conditions of retirement: After CCSM release

83 SOAPROD ORAWSM No changes. This is Oracle BPEL database. 84 SOAPROD AUDADM No changes are expected. This schema is owned by security team for

collecting PBGC production database auditing information. 85 OIDPRD AUDADM No changes are expected. This schema is owned by security team for

collecting PBGC production database auditing information. 86 OWBPROD OWBOWND Stays the same. Unless PBGC has a new ETL tool product. This is Design

Repository schema. 87 OWBPROD OWBUSR Stays the same. Unless PBGC has a new ETL tool product. This is Design

Repository Owner user. 88 OWBPROD AUDADM No changes are expected. This schema is owned by security team for

collecting PBGC production database auditing information. 89 OWBPROD OWBRT_SYS Stays the same, unless PBGC has a new ETL tool product. This is

proprietary OWB schema. 90 MSOAPROD ORAWSM EA recommended to move the MyPAA to the enterprise BPEL container

from the MSOAPROD. ITIOD reported that the results of their research from engineering standpoint require having more than one container - for MyPAA and future uses of the BPEL. Please see e-mail with Michael Zaky for the current evaluation of this issue. Until these issues are resolved, schemas in this database stay the same.

91 MSOAPROD AUDADM EA recommended to move the MyPAA to the enterprise BPEL container from the MSOAPROD. ITIOD reported that the results of their research from engineering standpoint require having more than one container - for MyPAA and future uses of the BPEL. Please see e-mail with Michael Zaky for the current evaluation of this issue. Until these issues are resolved, schemas in this database stay the same.

92 IPVFBPRD IPVFB_PRIOR x Changes to accommodate the changes in the technology stack based on the IPVFB AA effort. Will be decommissioned with IPVFB re-

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engineering: Will need re-write of Edit and Extract scripts. 93 IPVFBPRD IPVFB_WKLY x Changes to accommodate the changes in the technology stack based

on the IPVFB AA effort. Will be decommissioned with IPVFB re-engineering: Will need re-write of Edit and Extract scripts.

94 IPVFBPRD IPVFB_QRTR x Changes to accommodate the changes in the technology stack based on the IPVFB AA effort. Will be decommissioned with IPVFB re-engineering: Will need re-write of Edit and Extract scripts.

95 IPVFBPRD AUDADM No changes are expected. This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information.

96 IPVFBPRD IPVFB x Changes to accommodate the changes in the technology stack based on the IPVFB AA effort and the results of the re-write of Edit and Extract scripts.

97 RETTIG SIGDBA Further analysis of the RETTIG database and the supporting components is needed. Such analysis is recommended to be done as part of the BA segment. From business: I don’t think we can retire it. We still periodically use it not for payments but to advise participants they were not affected and the reason why. The non-affected letters did not get imaged. All the participants have not been paid and the legal case has never been closed. The liability is low enough that we no longer do quarterly reports which is great. From EA: The information can be captured by Spectrum.


101 RETTIG AUDADM No changes are expected. This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information.

102 RETTIG S8SS Further analysis of the RETTIG database and the supporting components is needed. Such analysis is recommended to be done as part of the BA segment. From business: I don’t think we can retire it. We still periodically use it not for payments but to advise participants they were not affected and the reason why. The non-affected letters did not get imaged. All the participants have not been paid and the legal case has never been closed. The liability is low enough that we no longer do quarterly reports which is great. From EA: The information can be captured by Spectrum.


105 BAVSPROD OWNAVS x Market analysis for moving Bulk AVS to the cloud (or outsourcing) is underway. Several candidates were identified. This database will be retired once Bulk AVS is moved to the cloud.

106 BAVSPROD AVSOWN x Market analysis for moving Bulk AVS to the cloud (or outsourcing) is underway. Several candidates were identified. This database will be retired once Bulk AVS is moved to the cloud. From Project team: Only if the Bulk AVS can’t be done through a web service or another stateless mechanism we may still need BAVSPROD.





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111 BAVSPROD OWBRT_SYS x 112 TMCTPROD TCOWN No changes are expected. TeamConnect is the foundation of the RMEW

system, which does not change according to the applications portion of the ETA diagram.

113 TMCTPROD DMSOWN No changes are expected. TeamConnect is the foundation of the RMEW system, which does not change according to the applications portion of the ETA diagram.

114 TMCTPROD AUDADM No changes are expected. This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information.

115 MODELREP MODADMIN No changes are expected. This schema is the backend of the CA Model Manager.


x EAR application will be decommissioned. This schema is an internal schema in the Oracle ApEx. It can be removed.

117 MODELREP EA x EAR application will be decommissioned. The information in this schema will be archived and schema removed.

118 MODELREP AUDADM No changes are expected. This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information.


x EAR application will be decommissioned. This schema is an internal schema in the Oracle ApEx. It can be removed.

120 MODELREP APEX_SSO x EAR application will be decommissioned. This schema is an internal schema in the Oracle ApEx. It can be removed.

121 COMPROD COMP_BUY x Functionality and data from the Comprizon product currently used will be migrated to the system selected by Procurement System evaluation effort. Schedule unknown but unlikely in FY12 or FY13 (follows product selection process, which is not yet scheduled).

122 COMPROD AUDADM x Deleted when all other schemas are deleted in the database. This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information.

123 COMPROD EIMS x Functionality and data from the Comprizon product currently used will be migrated to the system selected by Procurement System evaluation effort. Schedule unknown but unlikely in FY12 or FY13 (follows product selection process, which is not yet scheduled).

124 COMPROD VPP_PROD x Functionality and data from the Comprizon product currently used will be migrated to the system selected by Procurement System evaluation effort. Schedule unknown but unlikely in FY12 or FY13 (follows product selection process, which is not yet scheduled)

125 EFOIA DOCSADM No database changes (other than moving to centralized servers) are expected.

126 EFOIA EPMFOIA No database changes (other than moving to centralized servers) are expected.

127 EFOIA EFOIAUSER No database changes (other than moving to centralized servers) are expected.

128 EFOIA AUDADM This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information.

129 PLUM ANALYTIC x The content and most of the functionality will be migrated into the SharePoint records and document management and collaboration platform. Schedule unknown, but SharePoint pilot is being deployed in

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FY12, so portal migration could start as early as late FY13. The two exceptions are ARTIS and PAAS, for which no migration is currently planned; however, these systems are on notice from ETA 1.0 to migrate, so the PLUM retirement target is good.

130 PLUM PLUMTREE x The content and most of the functionality will be migrated into the SharePoint records and document management and collaboration platform. Schedule unknown, but SharePoint pilot is being deployed in FY12, so portal migration could start as early as late FY13. The two exceptions are ARTIS and PAAS, for which no migration is currently planned; however, these systems are on notice from ETA 1.0 to migrate, so the PLUM retirement target is good.

131 PLUM COLLAB x The content and most of the functionality will be migrated into the SharePoint records and document management and collaboration platform. Schedule unknown, but SharePoint pilot is being deployed in FY12, so portal migration could start as early as late FY13. The two exceptions are ARTIS and PAAS, for which no migration is currently planned; however, these systems are on notice from ETA 1.0 to migrate, so the PLUM retirement target is good.

132 PLUM CONTENT x The content and most of the functionality will be migrated into the SharePoint records and document management and collaboration platform. Schedule unknown, but SharePoint pilot is being deployed in FY12, so portal migration could start as early as late FY13. The two exceptions are ARTIS and PAAS, for which no migration is currently planned; however, these systems are on notice from ETA 1.0 to migrate, so the PLUM retirement target is good.


x The content and most of the functionality will be migrated into the SharePoint records and document management and collaboration platform. Schedule unknown, but SharePoint pilot is being deployed in FY12, so portal migration could start as early as late FY13. The two exceptions are ARTIS and PAAS, for which no migration is currently planned; however, these systems are on notice from ETA 1.0 to migrate, so the PLUM retirement target is good.

134 PLUM WORKFLOW x The content and most of the functionality will be migrated into the SharePoint records and document management and collaboration platform. Schedule unknown, but SharePoint pilot is being deployed in FY12, so portal migration could start as early as late FY13. The two exceptions are ARTIS and PAAS, for which no migration is currently planned; however, these systems are on notice from ETA 1.0 to migrate, so the PLUM retirement target is good.

135 PLUM AUDADM x Will be deleted. This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information. NO need in this schema if all other schemas are migrated/deleted. Current consuming application: owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information Future Consuming Application: Conditions of retirement: all other schemas are migrated/deleted.

136 PLUM PORTALAPPS x The content and most of the functionality will be migrated into the SharePoint records and document management and collaboration

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platform. Schedule unknown, but SharePoint pilot is being deployed in FY12, so portal migration could start as early as late FY13. The two exceptions are ARTIS and PAAS, for which no migration is currently planned; however, these systems are on notice from ETA 1.0 to migrate, so the PLUM retirement target is good.

137 ADMPROD ADMOWN x CPRS. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

138 ADMPROD ADM_CO x CPRS. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

139 ADMPROD CFSEXD x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later). CFS (No Longer using).

140 ADMPROD STGOWN x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).This schema is used as a Staging Area.

141 ADMPROD HRDSTG x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later). HRD (No Longer using).

142 ADMPROD HRDOWN x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later). HRD (No Longer using)

143 ADMPROD CRNOWN x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later). Cognos Schema for CPRS application

144 ADMPROD CMMOWN x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later). Cognos Schema for CPRS application

145 ADMPROD OWBOWNR x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later). One of the Oracle Warehouse Builder schemas.

146 ADMPROD BPD_BO x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later). Schema for BAPD information.

147 ADMPROD FOD_PO x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later). FOD portion of information.

148 ADMPROD OWBRUNR x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform.

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Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later). One of the Oracle Warehouse Builder schemas.

149 ADMPROD AUDADM x This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information. This schema can be retired once all other schemas in this database are retired.

150 ADMPROD OWBACCR x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later). One of the Oracle Warehouse Builder schemas.

151 ADMPROD OWBRT_SYS x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later). One of the Oracle Warehouse Builder schemas.

152 CDMS GENESIS x Genesis snapshot. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

153 CDMS CDMS x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

154 CDMS CAS x CAS snapshot. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

155 CDMS RPTOWN x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

156 CDMS PERFSTAT x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).


x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

158 CDMS PAS x PAS snapshot. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

159 CDMS OLDFRS_GL x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

160 CDMS EASIOWN x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

161 CDMS OLDFRS_HR x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

162 CDMS OLDFRS_AR x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

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163 CDMS OLDFRS_PA x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

164 CDMS RCI_TIME x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).


x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

166 CDMS OLDFRS_EC x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

167 CDMS OLDFRS_RG x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

168 CDMS OLDFRS_FA x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

169 CDMS OLDFRS_INV x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

170 CDMS OLDFRS_OE x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

171 CDMS OLDFRS_PO x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).


x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).


x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

174 CDMS OLDFRS_AP x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

175 CDMS OLDFRS_CS x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

176 CDMS OLDFRS_AX x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

177 CDMS OLDFRS_CN x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

178 CDMS ITCWRS x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations

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to be scheduled FY13 and later). 179 CDMS OLDFRS_MR

P x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI

Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

180 CDMS OED x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

181 CDMS OLDFRS_AK x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).


x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

183 CDMS OLDFRS_WIP x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

184 CDMS OLDFRS_QA x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

185 CDMS OLDFRS_CE x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).


x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

187 CDMS OLDFRS_ICX x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

188 CDMS CS10K_WEB x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

189 CDMS OLDFRS_CRP x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

190 CDMS OLDFRS_RLA x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

191 CDMS OLDFRS_SSP x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

192 CDMS OLDFRS_VEH x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

193 CDMS AUDADM x This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information. This schema can be retired once all other schemas in this database are retired.

194 CDMS CDD x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform.

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Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).


x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).


x Legacy. The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection schedule for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

197 CRNAPROD CRNAUDIT x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

198 CRNAPROD AUDADM x This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information. This schema can be retired once all other schemas in this database are retired.

199 PMVPRD1 ADMUSER x The content of the schema or the Primavera PM information from this schema will be migrated to the PMVPRD. This schema can be retired then.

200 PMVPRD1 ADMUSER1 x The content of the schema or the Primavera PM information from this schema will be migrated to the PMVPRD. This schema can be retired then.

201 PMVPRD1 AUDADM x This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information. This schema can be retired once all other schemas in this database are retired.

202 PMVPRD1 PRIVUSER x The content of the schema or the Primavera PM information from this schema will be migrated to the PMVPRD. This schema can be retired then.

203 PMVPRD1 PRIVUSER1 x The content of the schema or the Primavera PM information from this schema will be migrated to the PMVPRD. This schema can be retired then.

204 ONTRACK HRDADMIN x OnTrack Application has been retired. All schemas in this database should be retired also.

205 ONTRACK AUDADM x This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information. All schemas in this database may be retired, since the application has been already retired.

206 CRNPROD CMMOWN x The functionality and data will be migrated to the new BI Platform. Schedule unknown (BI product selection scheduled for FY12, migrations to be scheduled FY13 and later).

207 CRNPROD AUDADM x This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information. This schema can be retired once all other schemas in this database are retired.


PI Manager is not expected to change until reasonability to migrate PI Manager to SharePoint will be analyzed in FY14. This schema is part of the Oracle Application Express.

209 FASDPROD AUDADM This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information.

210 FASDPROD FASDOWN x FaciPlan will be retired and replaced with the Facilities Management Tool.

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PI Manager is not expected to change until reasonability to migrate PI Manager to SharePoint will be analyzed in FY14.


PI Manager is not expected to change until reasonability to migrate PI Manager to SharePoint will be analyzed in FY14. This schema is part of the Oracle Application Express.

212 PRSTPROD PRSHGT No changes are expected. This schema is owned by Prosight application.

213 PRSTPROD AUDADM This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information.

214 PMVPRD ADMUSER This schema is owned BAPD 215 PMVPRD AUDADM This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production

database auditing information. 216 PMVPRD PRIVUSER No changes are expected. This schema is owned by Primavera

application (the instance used by BAPD). 217 BPMPROD IPSBPMOS No changes are expected. Used by the IPS. 218 BPMPROD IPSDMBPMO

S No changes are expected. IPSDM/File NET

219 BPMPROD F_SW No changes are expected. 220 BPMPROD DMSBPMOS No changes are expected. Used by DMS. 221 BPMPROD EIMOWN No changes are expected. Used by the EIM. 222 BPMPROD AUDADM This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production

database auditing information. 223 BPMPROD F_MAINT No changes are expected. 224 BPMPROD FN_GCD No changes are expected. 225 BPMPROD CMSBPMOS No changes are expected. Used by CMS. 226 PAS PAS_DBA x The functionality and data will be migrated to the PPS replacement for

PAS. The schema can be retired then. 227 PAS PAAM_ADM x The functionality and data will be migrated to the PPS replacement for

PAS. The schema can be retired then. 228 PAS IPS_QUERY x The functionality and data will be migrated to the PPS replacement for

PAS. The schema can be retired then. 229 PAS AUDADM x This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production

database auditing information. This schema can be retired once all other schemas in this database are retired.


x The functionality and data of the PCTS will be migrated to the PPS replacement for PAS. The schema can be retired then.

231 CRMPROD XPBGC No changes (other than regular, planned updates to the functionality) are expected to this schemas holding the all PBGC custom objects.

232 CRMPROD PERFSTAT No changes are expected. Schema is used for Monitoring Performance for CRM.

233 CRMPROD AUDADM This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information.

234 CRMPROD DDR No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected to the COTS schemas.

235 CRMPROD MTH No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

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to the COTS schemas. 236 CRMPROD RLSOWN No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 237 CRMPROD QPR No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 238 CRMPROD CCT No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 239 CRMPROD GMO No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 240 CRMPROD RRS No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 241 CRMPROD FTP No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 242 CRMPROD INL No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 243 CRMPROD DPP No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 244 CRMPROD ITA No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 245 CRMPROD IBW No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 246 CRMPROD JMF No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 247 CRMPROD PFT No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 248 CRMPROD CRM_MON No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 249 CRMPROD MGDSYS No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected

to the COTS schemas. 250 CFSPROD XXPBGC No database changes (other than regular, planned functionality

updates) are currently planned for this custom PBGC schema in CFS. New plans may be made starting in FY13 (alternatives analysis for R12 upgrade) or FY 14 (new segment architecture).

251 CFSPROD PI_FPPS x The information from the schema should have been migrated to the XXPBGC during the PI-CFS Reintegration project. This schema can be retired.

252 CFSPROD TIS x TAS will absorb the functionality and information from the TIS and TIS Transfer applications. This schema can be retired after that.

253 CFSPROD AUDADM This schema is owned by security team for collecting PBGC production database auditing information.

254 CFSPROD TPL x TPL system has been decommissioned several years ago. The schema is still used by the TAPS process, which will be retired when the new TAS is implemented. It is recommended to archive and retire this schema then.

255 CFSPROD CCT No changes (other than related to the version upgrades) are expected to the COTS schemas.

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