Entrepreneurship Development Cell MET's Institute of ... DATA/IOE/edcell/ED Cell … ·...

Post on 12-Aug-2020

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Entrepreneurship Development Cell

MET's Institute of Engineering


1. To make the students understand entrepreneurial challenges and opportunities.

2. To motivate students to opt Entrepreneurship as a career.

3. To conduct guidance sessions of successful engineer entrepreneurs.

4. To inculcate a culture of innovation driven entrepreneurship through student


5. To make the students abreast with Business registration process and Modes of


6. To provide literature on Entrepreneurship.

7. To create awareness about IP rights and patenting procedure.

8. To provide literature on Patents and Copyrights

9. To advice and guide on the importance of IPR, especially Patents.

Events - Academic Year 2017-18

“Orientation Program of E-Cell”

The first meeting Entrepreneurship Development Cell of Institute of Engineering was convened

on July 25, 2017, at IOE Seminar Hall. The brief introduction of E-cell was given by Prof.R.B.Rehpade. The

information about past year activities and execution plan of AY 2017-18 was given by Dr. P.N. Metange.

Ms.Bhagyashri Patil announced new members of the E-cell for the academic year 17-18.

Mr.Harshal Gawale Student of BE Mech. shared his previous year's experience with the students,

and motivated students to participate various activities conducted by the E–CELL, IIT Bombay. New

members of E-Cell from various departments expressed their views regarding the entrepreneurship and

expectations from the E-cell. The new E-cell members also gave the valuable inputs for the activities of

next academic session.

Brief introduction of ED Cell by Prof. Rajesh Rehpade (Coordinator, E-Cell)

Presentation on present and previous activities by Dr. P.N.Metange(Co-coordinator, E-Cell)

Students discussing E-cell future activities

Seminar on “Guidance for Start-up Contest” 23

rd August 2017

A Seminar on “Guidance for Start-up Contest” was conducted by Entrepreneurship Development Cell of Institute of Engineering on Aug 23, 2017, at IOE Seminar Hall. Principal Dr. V. P. Wani guided students about Entrepreneurship and Idea generation. Prof. R.B.Rehpade, Coordinator of the Entrepreneurship Development Cell of Institute of Engineering, introduced DISQ : A CSR initiative from TCS, located at Nashik. The Information of various start-up contests to be held in 2017-18 was given by Ms. Bhagyashri Patil.

Principal Dr. V. P. Wani guiding E- cell students on 'Idea Generation'

Prof. Rajesh Rehpade (Coordinator, E-Cell), briefing students about DISQ

(Digital Impact Square, a CSR initiative from TCS)

Mrs. B. S. Patil (Member, E-cell) briefing about various Start-up Contests by Govt. of India

Mr. Harshal Gawale (Student Member, E-cell) sharing his experiences about E-Summit, IITB, 2017.

Pre-Eureka Workshop 28

th Sept. 2017

Entrepreneurship Development Cell, MET’s Institute of Engineering, organized a Pre-Eureka workshop in collaboration with E-Cell, IIT Bombay, on 28th Sept., 2017.

The workshop was conducted by Mr. Ajeet Khurana, Ex-CEO of IIT Bombay’s business incubator (SINE), an angel investor, mentor, and member of 'Mumbai Angels'. Around sixty participants from various Engineering and Management Institutes from Nashik participated in the workshop. Mr. Khurana explained the various aspects of Entrepreneurship, and the process of ideation to commercialization.

Principal Dr. V. P. Wani congratulated the participants for participating in the workshop. He also stated that this was an opportunity to gain the latest and advanced knowledge on ‘Entrepreneurship'.

Website Inauguration of "E-cell”

Felicitation of Guest Speaker Mr. Ajeet Khurana Ex-CEO, IIT Bombay's Society for Innovation and

Entrepreneurship by Principal, Dr. V. P. Wani,

Guests, Faculties ,and Participants

Participants Interacting with Mr. Ajeet Khurana

Entreprenuership Awareness Camp (DST-NIMAT Project) 3rd- 5th Jan 2018

A Three-day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (from 03-01-2018 to 5-01-2018) was organized by Entrepreneurship Development cell, MET’s Institute of Engineering, BKC, Nashik. The Camp was inaugurated by Mr. S.C. Mandlecha, President MACCIA. He shared his experiences and journey of Entrepreneurship. A session on 'Entrepreneurial Motivation' was conducted by Mr. Hemant Patil, Director, Inspire Training and Consultancy. Around 130 students of different streams of Engineering attended the entrepreneurship awareness camp. On the day two, Mr. Shrikant Bacchav, General Secretary, NIMA delivered guest lecture on,'Who should take Entrepreneurship as a career?' as well as discussed business ideas. Mr. Avinash Sarpate, Manager, SBI ,gave an informative talk on, 'Financial aspects of SSI unit'. On the third and concluding day, Dr. Suresh Malodia, EDI, Ahemadabad, delivered expert lecture on,' Entrepreneurial Career Options'. Mrs.Manisha Dhatrak, MD, Varun Agro Food Processing & Pvt. Ltd. threw light on 'Women Entrepreneurship '. Delegates had interesting and fruitful interaction with participants at the time of Valedictory session. Students gave feedback about EAC. In the second half, an Industrial visit was organized to Paramount Enterprises, Ambad, Nashik. The participants received valuable inputs from the proprietor Mr.Shrikant Patil , a first generation entrepreneur from Engineering background. The main objective of the Camp was to make the students aware about various skill sets and areas of entrepreneurship. Such camps can help the students to get motivated towards Entrepreneurship, and create the job opportunities for others. At the concluding session Dr. V. J. Gond (Program Coordinator, EAC) gave a vote of thanks.

Inauguration of Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC) by Mr. S.C. Mandlecha, (President MACCIA )

Dr. M. U. Kharat felicitating Mr. S. C. Mandlecha

Mr. S. C. Mandlecha sharing his experiences and journey of Entrepreneurship

Motivational Speech by Mr. Hemant Patil, Director, Inspire Training and Consultancy

Mr. Shrikant Bacchav, General Secretary, NIMA delivering guest lecture on

'Who should take Entrepreneurship as a career?'

Discussion with participants about business ideas

Mr. Avinash Sarpate, Manager, SBI delivering informative talk on, 'Financial aspects of SSI unit'

Dr. Suresh Malodia ,EDI, Ahemadabad,delivering expert lecture on,' Entrepreneurial Career Options'

Prof. Rajesh Rehpade introducing, Mrs. Manisha Dhatrak, MD, Varun Agro Food Processing & Pvt. Ltd.

Mrs. Manisha Dhatrak, MD, Varun Agro Food Processing & Pvt. Ltd. throwing light on

'Women Entrepreneurship '.

Delegates interacting with the students

Students giving feedback on the EAC

Valedictory Session

Vote of thanks proposed by Dr. V. J. Gond, HOD, E&TC.

Visit to Paramount Enterprises, Ambad, Nashik

Mr. Shrikant Patil, MD of Paramount Enterprises, interacting with students

E- Summit 2018 (MET’s IOE) 18


th Jan 2018

E-cell, MET’s IOE organized two days 'E-Summit 2018' on 18th & 19th of Jan 2018. It was inaugurated by Mr. Nilesh Rohankar, Manager, MSEB, Mr. Ponkshe, Director, Oyster Industries, and presided by Dr. V. P. Wani, Principal, MET’s IOE. Various competitions like business plan , business quiz and IPL auction were held. On the second day, internship drive was organized. Companies like Indiable energy, Pooja industries, actively participated in the drive. Mr. Vishwas Thakur, Chairmain, Vishwas Co-op Bank ltd. Nashik , shared his career journey with students in the valedictory session. The E-summit concluded with the prize distribution ceremony, prizes were given to the winners of various competitions at the hands of chief guest, Mr. Vishwas Thakur.

Inauguration of E- Summit 2018

Principal Dr. V. P. Wani felicitating Mr. Ponkshe, Director, Oyster Industries

Book Launch of Akshay Kedia , Alumni, MET’s IOE, BKC

Mr. Rohankar, Manager, MSEB delivering talk on 'Renewable Energy Source'

Dignitaries Interacting with Students

Discussion Session

E-Summit 2018 Team

Delegates from different industries at Internship Drive

Mr. Vishwas Thakur, Chairmain, Vishwas Co-op Bank ltd. Nashik,

sharing his career journey with students

Prize distribution of E-Summit 2018

E-Summit 2018 (IIT-Bombay)

E-Cell, IIT Bombay , through its activities and competitions, has served as the guiding torch to many individuals to start their own ventures. E-Summit is an annual event of E-Cell for promoting and encouraging the spirit of entrepreneurship. Our MET's IOE e-cell student members had participated in National Entrepreneurship challenge (NEC) competition held at E-Summit 2018, IIT Bombay. They secured 10th position at the National Level.

MET’s IOE E-Cell members at E-Summit, IIT-Bombay.

E-Cell student members at NEC competition

E-cell members interacting with Mr. Ajeet Khurana Ex-CEO, IIT Bombay's Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Panel discussion at E-summit’18

Past Events .. Inauguration of ED Cell

President MACCIA Mr. Shantanu Bhadkamkar alongwith other dignitaries

Audience at Inaugural Function

Seminar: How to become Entrepreneur

Faculty members and student participants

Guest Lecture: Patents & IPR

Mr. S. S. Pund, R&D Manager, Mahindra, Nashik creating awareness about Patents & IPR

Principal Dr. V.P. Wani felicitating Mr. S.S.Pund

Expert Talk: Basics of Intellectual Property Rights Speaker : Dr. Mrudula Bele, GNA’s Patent Gurukul.

Events - Academic Year 2016-17 Pre-Eureka Workshop in association with e-cell

Session by Mr. Pranav Khanna, ED Cell, IIT Bombay

Industrial Visits (Varun Agro Foods Processing Ltd. Dindori, Nashik)

Students of ED Cell interacting with

Mrs. Manisha Dhatrak, MD, Varun Agro Foods Processing Ltd.

ED Cell Students, faculty members along with Managing Directors of Varun Agro Ltd.

ED cell student member delivering lecture on Entrepreneurship


Guest Lectures

Lessons from grass-root Entrepreneur : Mrs. Sitabai Mohite

Student Attendees

Glimpses of E-Summit 2017, IIT Bombay (Our ED cell students participated in the event )

Faculty Member of ED cell interacting with Mr. Sandip Aggrawal , CEO Shopclues

ED cell students secured 5th rank in NEC organized by E-cell IIT Bombay

Team participated in NEC: Husna Shaikh, Shubham Waghmare, Harshal Gawale,

Sanket Agrawal, Divya Bhandakkar, Karan Orha, Sumit Telgote