ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELLvignanlara.org/edcell/edcell.pdf · Entrepreneurship Development...

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Entrepreneurship Development Cell was established in Vignan`s Lara Institute of Technology

&Science(VLITS) in month of January 2013 under the guidelines of AICTE with a view to

foster the entrepreneur skills among the students. Entrepreneurship is a key element in the

industrialization and economic progress of a nation. History is replete with examples of

entrepreneurs who have chased their dreams right from their student days and VLITS strictly

believes that education is never complete without exposing students to this option. The

Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDCell) at VLITS was established with a vision of

fostering innovation and promoting entrepreneurial skills among VLITS students.Hence an

Entrepreneurship Development Cell was constituted in the college with a dedicated team of

actively working faculty who has an industry exposure along with some student

representatives. Aspiring engineer entrepreneurs are groomed with the necessary inputs on

how to be a successful entrepreneur through workshops and seminars by eminent people

from the industry. At VLITS, we encouragethe students to consider self employment as a

career option, providing necessary training in Entrepreneurship skills through

standardizedcourses. The cell also organizes different activities and events from time to time

to train and motivate the students on entrepreneurship.


The Educational institutions play a significant role in the economic development of a country

as they produce the right type of human resources needed by different sectors of the

economy. The technical and non- technical higher learning institutions assume greater

importance in this context as these institutions produce the technical manpower needed for

the industry. In order to make maximum use of facilities, expertise and innovation available in

these institutions for the benefit of the economy, it is necessary that appropriate links are

established between the institution and the industry. Today ED Cell in any educational

institution is one of the platforms to interact and link Industries and educational institutions,

with a view to train the people withincollege throughoutto produce entrepreneurs for this



To Identify the opportunities that will allow the growth and success of every studentthrough

Develop interdisciplinary learning environments that teach students to see new opportunities

out of present ordinary human life patternand students to be given the chance to see new

businessopportunities and to carry them to materialization with Sponsoringthe

monetaryfunds, technological and logistical assistance to the future job providers rather than

job seekers.


To expand the entrepreneurship through education, research and training, thus speed up the

economic growth, by increasing the supply of new entrepreneurs and build up performance

of the existing ones. Initiate entrepreneurial culture within the institutional mechanism and

recognizes their responsibity for providing motivation, guidance, opportunity to women and

weaker section entrepreneurs of the society and other services toprospective and budding

new entrepreneurs.


1. To develop entrepreneurship awareness among the students. 2. To organize

Entrepreneurship Motivation Programs (EMPs)

Skill development programs (SDP)

Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (EAC)

Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDP)

Faculty Development programs (FDP)

Competitions to unleash the entrepreneurial potential among students. 3.To aid them in initiation of industries and Business.

Collaborate with entrepreneurship promotion agencies, and organizations

Leverage good student projects

Product Identification

Field Survey, Methods for marking research

Provide escort service for obtaining loan and other approvals. 4. To Promote Innovation

Foster innovation and create an entrepreneurial culture in the institution.

Provide services, information and guidance to budding entrepreneurs.

Establishment of entrepreneurship Incubation centers

Creation and dissemination of new knowledge 5 To improve the managerial capabilities

Encourage non-corporate and unorganized sectors like education, rural development, small-scale industry etc.

Participate in institution entrepreneur building efforts

Respond effectively to the emerging challenges and opportunities

6. To Stimulate

Factory visits for prospective entrepreneurs in different parts of the country.

Regional information center for maintaining technical base

Testing, quality assurance, tool room maintenance.

AIMS of ED Cell

Creating self-employment opportunities to Unemployed educators,

Increase the supply of competent entrepreneurs through training and motivation

Implant the spirit of 'Entrepreneurship' in youth,

Evolve and Spread out the new knowledge and insights in entrepreneurial theory

and practice through exploration.

Facilitating corporate excellence through creating entrepreneurs.

Improving management personal of medium and small scale industries,

Support tosupply chain management system to facilitate potential and existing

entrepreneurs establish and manage their enterprises.

Infrastructural support:

Communication facilities with access to internet,Telephone, and Fax

Books, Newspapers and magazinesare access at the library

Seminar,Conference andPractical room.

Xerox, laser printer ,Digital library facilities


Instructions from faculty on technology issues

Business meets with successful entrepreneurs

Conversation on business problems


The Under mentioned various activities was carry out by ED Cell for the students which

would help them in transforming their business idea in to practicality and also the necessary

skills to be inculcated for a successful entrepreneur.

Activity NO.01

Faculty Development program on Entrepreneurship Development

Organized on 19-23 December, 2012.

VLITS organized five days Faculty Development programi.e. 19th to 23rd December, 2012, on

Entrepreneurship Development. The program was inaugurated by SriL.Srikrishnadevarayalu,

Vice-chairman, Vignan University,He elaborately discussed about the opportunities in bridging

the skill gaps, international standardization in education sector & industry. Prof. Goverdana

Rao,Vice Chancellor, Vegnan University, explained that Globalization has thrown open new

opportunities and challenges that are transforming lives of the masses. Talented and

enterprising personalities are exploiting such opportunities translating them into business

ventures. Prof A.Leela Mohan Rao, DOE, Vignan University,spoken out the importance of ED

Cell,will help the younger generation in changing their attitude and take up challenging growth

oriented careers instead of waiting for wage employment, there is need to inculcate

Entrepreneurial values during their early days of education. Dr.V.Madusudana Rao, DET,

VignanUniversity, opined that entrepreneurs are not necessarily born; they can be developed

through well conceived and well directed activities. DR.M.S.S.Rukmini, Principal, VLITS shared

her views, as higher education institutions have been grooming their students to aim big, think

new and start business and Youngsters are being business oriented with innovative way , they

can succeed by starting business units in their places itself without searching for jobs

elsewhere. The attended resources persons namely, Dr.Baba Prasad, President &CEO of

Vivekin group,Mr.M.Giopala Krishna, IAS, Mr.Prasanth Meka, CEO of incubation centre at IIIT,

Hyderabad, Mr.Ramesh Venuganti, CEO of Chanakya Consultancy, Mr.T.Srinivasa Raghu,

Sr.Consultant, APITCO, Dr.M.C.Keerti Basavesh,CEO of ATHENA, Mr.S.Tirmal Reddy ,L&D

professional, Mr.Sanjay Kumar, academic associate, ISB-HYD, are delivered their experiences

of being an entrepreneur and actively answered all the queries of delegates and concluded

unanimously that "hard work and sincerity cannot be replaced so one must strive towards

putting in their best. "

A Snap onFaculty Development program on Entrepreneurship Skill Development

Sri L. Srikrishnadevarayalu, Vice-chairman, Vignan`sUniversity, addressing the meeting.


Inauguration of Entrepreneurship Development cell

Inaugurated on 30th January 2013.

The Entrepreneurship Development cell was formulated in VLITS on 30th January

2014.There are many delegates were invited to the inaugural function .The chief guest of the

program was Mr.T.Srinivasa Raghu, Senior Consultant & Team leader in APITCO,formally

inaugurated EDCell in the college and delivered a slogan that the present generation must

come forward to set up their own industry instead of looking for jobs, that is prospective

entrepreneurs in the setting up of their own units, thus enabling them to get self employment.

With the setting up of more and more units by entrepreneurs, both small and large scale,

numerous job opportunities would be created for the others. Mr.Nagi Reddy,Deputy Director

or of DIC exhorted that ED Cell assists the young Entrepreneurs feel like taking advantage

of the various concessions and subsidies offered by the state and Central Government.

Success story of entrepreneurs set right example for others to follow and this accelerates the

pace of industrialization in the backward areas. Setting up of more units leads to more

development of backward areas and balanced regional development. Sri.Nayak, manager

SBI,took a session of 30 minutes in which he gave a briefidea about loan procurement

process.Thiswas followed by a lecture byMr. NagaSundaram, General Manager,DIC on

industrial slumsi.e. ED Cell Programscan help in preventing spread of industrial slums by

providing various incentives, subsidies and infrastructural support to entrepreneurs for setting

up their enterprises in industrially backward areas. Post Lunch session was taken byMr.P.V.

Srinivasa Rao, Regional Officer, APITCO,Vijayawada, conducted a very entertaining and

interactive session with the platform of an entrepreneur acts as a catalytic agent for change

which results in chain reaction. With the setting up of an enterprise the process of

industrialization is set in motion.This was followed by a group activity organized by EDCell for

the participants to test their entrepreneurship skills. At the end of the day it was a fun filled

learning experience for the students.

A Snap onInauguration of Entrepreneurship Development cell

Left to Right: Mr.T.Srinivasa Raghu, Sr, Consultant & Team leader in APITCO, Dr. R. Srinivasa Rao,

Convener, EDCell, VLITS, Dr. M. S. S. Rukmini, Principal, VLITS, Prof A.Leela Mohan Rao, DOE,

Vignan`s University Dr.V.Madusudana Rao, DET, Vignan`s University,

Activity NO.03

Industrial Visit on Entrepreneurship Development

Organized on 22nd, March, 2013.

ED Cell is very determined about practical revelation to the students. In an initiative to better the relations with various industries around and to fill the gap between theory and practical knowledgethe students were taken out to visit the industries that provide Knowledge about the existing trends in their respective sector. Students get demonstrated answers from the technical expertsintheir Manufacturing and management doubts. Students felt more confident to develop their leadership skills basing on the practices in various industries. As a customary,ED Cell organizes Industrial Visits at regular intervals. Some of the industries visited offered great freedom to students toexplore their theoretical knowledge from their real time exposure.

An Industrial Visit was organized to M/S Bharathi Soap Works, Gorantla Village, Guntur on 22nd March 2013.The faculty and students were involved in this industrial visit, and the students during their visit acquired more information about, company’s profile, production process, growth and expansion, production capacity, manpower planning, quality maintenance, and future planning of company.

Activity NO.04

A Guest Lecture on Entrepreneurial Development Process.

Conducted on 1st September 2013.

A guest Lecture was conducted by VLITS -Entrepreneurship Cell on the 1st September 2013.

The day started with Mr. G.Venkateshwara Rao, ED Cell, Convener, Vignan Universitywas

the Chief Guestwho formally inaugurated the program. He took a session of 2hours in which

he gave a brief idea about Entrepreneurial Development. He explained the entrepreneurial

process useful to break into five phases: idea generation, opportunity evaluation, planning,

company formation/launch and growth. Thus to contribute to the enhancement of knowledge

concerning entrepreneurial process dynamics through an understanding of the values,

characteristics and actions of the entrepreneur over time. By focusing on personal attributes,

we have developed a framework that shows the importance of affective and cognitive

aspects of entrepreneurs and the way that they evolve during the development of their

business. This was followed by a lecture by Dr.R.Srinivasa Rao ED Cell Convener of VLITS,

addressed the gathering and inspired the students to have will-power and desire to achieve

success. Self motivation is best way to reach to newer heights. He further explained the six

entrepreneurial skills that are needed before starting any business. They include self-

motivation, self-confidence, ethics, morals, time management, sales, and finance. After the

tea break the games based on entrepreneurship was conducted by student’s coordinators

and the program got overwhelming response from the students. Around 100 students

participated in the program. Soon after the program, feedback forms were distributed to

students and the feedback was quite positive and most of the students suggested that more

durationbe givenfor this ED Cell programs inthe coming days.

A Snap on Guest Lecture on Entrepreneurial Development Process


R. Srinivasa Rao, Convener, EDCell, Speaking about Entrepreneurial skills,

Activity NO.05

Entrepreneurship Awareness camp, sponsored-EDI, DST, NIMAT.

Conducted on 20th March 2014

VLITS, an Entrepreneurship Awareness camp,was jointly organized by ED Cell of VLITS and

ED Cell of Vignan`s University on 20/3/2014. The Awareness camp was presided over by Mr.

Mr.P.K. Thomas, Co-founder and India Coordinator for international consortium or innovation

and research (ICIER), and Dr.Y. Venugopala Rao, Nodal officer ED Cell Vignan`s

University. The remarkable speeches were delivered by the guests of honor. The lecture

received an overwhelmed response with the participation of almost 150 students.

Mr.P.K.Thomas took a session on Entrepreneurship opportunities, Business idea and, project

management. He said thatEntrepreneurship is an activity that involves the discovery,

evaluation, and exploitation of opportunities to introduce new goods and services,ways of

organizing, markets, process, and raw materials through organizing efforts by the application

of Project Management, of Business Idea planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling

resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals with a scientific and defined

manner. He gave many live examples how the great entrepreneurs emerged from our nation,

irrespective of their poor financial background. Dr.Y. Venugopala Rao explained the skills

needed by successful Entrepreneurship. He added that Entrepreneurs are not risk-focused,

but opportunity-focused. Entrepreneurship skills are required for creating and running new

business ventures or innovative projects in existing firms. They include risk assessment,

strategic thinking, self-confidence, the ability to make the best of personal networks,

motivating others to achieve a common goal, and the ability to deal with other challenges and

requirements. He conducted a psychometric test and various other activities.The Resources

personsnot only shared there experiences as an entrepreneur but also enthusiastically

answered the queries raised by the delegates. On this occasion, Dr.PaneendraKumar,

Principal, VLITS, addressed the awareness camp that Innovative thinking is very much

essential to bring in the best for any business. Dr.R.Srinivasa Rao, Convener, ED Cell,

VLITS, emphasized that students should thrive for global opportunities.

A Snap on Entrepreneurship awareness camp

Left to Right Mr.P.k.Thomas, Coordinator ICIER, Dr.PaneendraKunar, Principal VLITS,and Dr.Y.Venugopala

Rao, Nodal officer ED Cell Vignan`s University, Dr.R.Srinivasa Rao, Convener, ED Cell, VLITS.

Activity NO.06

Industrial Visit at Sangam.

Conducted on 28th August 2014.

The ED Cell Coordinator and Faculty nominee`s conducted a Industrial Visit at Sangam diary. The convener explain the Industrial visit information to the attended members, i.e. The Entrepreneurship Cell of VLITS organized one day Industrial visit to Sangam Diary, Vadlamudi, Guntur District On 28th August 2014 for 4th B.Tech, ED Cell registered Engineering Students. The visit was organized with the prior permission and guidance of Hon. Principal Dr. K.Phaneendhra Kumar. The staff Members, and students of 4th year B.Tech Students especially Sd.Kalesha Vali and Sk. Emaamkagaj have taken hard efforts and initiative under the continuous guidance of Mr.K.kishore, ED Cell faculty nominee from ECE Department which made this visit a grand success. Mr.K.Sri Raman, HOD CSE, Department accompanied with this industrial visit. Total 70 students along with 3 faculty members have joined this industrial visit. The guiding staff on site was very supportive to all students. The Students visited different areas and learned new things in the industry such as Brief history of sangam dairy, Mission of sangam dairy, Organizational Structure of Sangam

dairy, Growth of Sangam dairy, Social responsibility of Sangam dairy, Technical inputs and milk enhancement program, Distribution of mineral mixture on subsidy basis, Future aspirations of Sangam dairy, Return structure from dairy farms, and so on. We are sure that this visit will help us in our future practical life and bring a positive change in our thinking and practical behavior regarding Business Education and specially Engineering. At the end of the visit, the Students of Final Year B.Tech Engineering was Convey the thanks to Dr. K.Phaneendhra Kumar Hon. Principal of VLITS, Dr. R. Srinivasa Rao.,Convener of ED Cell, and to all staff & student coordinators for providing a full-fledged support in all aspects during the entire visit.

A Snap on Industrial Visit at Sangam. Dairy ,Vadlamudi.

Activity NO.07

Entrepreneurship Awareness workshop, sponsored by- NSIC.

Conducted on 22nd November 2014.

The one day Entrepreneurship Orientation Program was conducted by `The National Small

Industries Corporation Limited ` (A Govt. of India Enterprise) NSIC - Technical Services

Centre, Hyderabad as on 22nd November 2014(Saturday) in the premises of VLITS In Pursuit

to nurture and promote Entrepreneurship skill among the students. The Orientation program

was inaugurated by Dr. K.Phaneendhra Kumar, Principal, and VLITS. The chief guest of the

program is Mr. G.Sudarshan Certified Consultant for Central Government Institutions of

MSME, NSIC and NI-MSME. He took the entire session and explained about the NSIC, i.e.

NSIC Technical services centre shall provide the Technical as well as Commercial Services

to all the budding engineers who would like to start their own enterprise. National Small

Industries Corporation (NSIC) is working to fulfil its mission of promoting aiding and fostering

the growth of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the country. One of the

programmes being implemented by NSIC is to create self-employment opportunities by

imparting training in entrepreneurship building to the unemployed people who want to set up

new small business enterprises in any of the manufacturing / services sectors or seek

employment opportunities. For this purpose, NSIC has started a new initiative by entering

into franchisee arrangements with private partners interested for setting up of Training-cum-

Incubation Centres (NSIC-TIC) at various locations across the country under Public-Private

Partnership (PPP) mode. NSIC has already set up more than 90 NSIC-TICs under Public-

Private Partnership (PPP) mode in the country. SIC Training-cum-Incubation Centres provide

an opportunity to first generation entrepreneurs to acquire skill for enterprise building and

also incubating them to become successful small business owners. At these centres,

exposure in all areas of business operations are being provided such as business skills

development, identification of appropriate technology, hands on experience on working

projects, project / product selection, opportunity guidance including commercial aspects of

business. He also explained about the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small

Enterprises (CGMSE) was launched by the Government of India to make available collateral-

free credit to the micro and small enterprise sector. Both the existing and the new enterprises

are eligible to be covered under the scheme. The Resources person not only shared there

experiences as an entrepreneur but also enthusiastically answered the queries raised by the

students On this occasion, Dr PaneendraKunar, Principal,VLITS addressed the orientation

program that entrepreneurs must be leaders and set examples to lead an organization in an

ethical and simple manner for success. Young people, who want to set their own enterprises

must.. Dr R.Srinivasa Rao ED Cell, Convener, spoke that. Key to being a good entrepreneur

is the ability to be able to adapt and change with time as well as according to the situation.

Around 150 students participated in the workshop. After the program feedback form were

given to students and the feedback was quite positive and most of the students were of the

opinion that the Program is very much useful to their carrier

A Snap on Entrepreneurship Awareness workshop

Left to Right Mr.G. Sudarshan ,Consultant NSIC, Dr.PaneendraKunar, Principal VLITS, and, Dr.R.Srinivasa

Rao, Convener, ED Cell, VLITS.

Achievements of ED Cell

Achievement NO.01

Business Ida carnival contest

Conducted on 20th, November, 2013.

VLITS- Entrepreneurship development cell organized a one day Business Idea Carnival contest for III&IV year B. Tech students on 20th November 2013,in association with a Entrepreneurship Development association named as `Entrepreneurs Mingle, Vijayawada, under the banner of `Unleashing Entrepreneurs`, to empower the Entrepreneurial spirit among the students.The chief guest of the contest was Mr.M.Naveen Krishna, CEO, INK.42, emphasisthe great contributions that entrepreneurs have made to the wellbeing of our people and the wealth of our economy. Where would we be without the persistence and creativity of such notable entrepreneurs as Henry Ford, Bill Gates, and Joe Dudley? Later contest session was started by Mr.M.Naveen Krishna along with team formed the subject experts judging the contest. The contest included two stages. Stage one preliminary contest, which was conducted within the home college students. At this stage there were fifty teams in the contest with their marvelous business Ideas. Threemeritorious teams were selected by the team of judges for the final contest. Stage two final contestwhich was held on 23-11-2013, at V.R.Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada.Three engineering colleges namely,

V.R.Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada; Vignan`s Lara Engineering college, Vadlamudi;Nimra Engineering College, Vijayawada, participated in the final contest with their business Ideas.VLITS bagged a third prize in the contest byfourth year B.tech CSE Branch team,for their business Idea of “Gravity Light”. The names of the PrizewinnersMr.T.Sumansaikrishnsa(10FE1A05A3),Teamleader;Mr.P.Srikanth(10FE1Ao598)-TeamMembers; Mr.J.SanthoshKumar(10FE1Ao585),Team Member. Dr.L. Rathaiah, Chairman, Vignan Group; Sri. L. Sri Krishna Devarayulu, Vice Chairman, Vignan Group; Dr. M. S. S. Rukmini, Principal, VLITS,; Dr. R. Srinivasa Rao, Convener,EDCell, congratulated the Winners for their Entrepreneurship Ideas, while exhorting that other students should take inspiration from these students to excel in their thinking abilities.

A snap on BusinessIda carnival contest inauguration

Left to Right Mr.M.Nveen Krishna, CEO, INK.42,Dr. M. S. S. Rukmini, Principal, VLITS,Dr. R. Srinivasa Rao,

Convener, EDCell, VLITS

Achievement NO.02

Grow your Idea contest –JNTUK, Kakinada

Conducted on 18-19, July, 2014.

The Centre for entrepreneurship Development JNTUK, Kakinada conducted a two day workshop on18th & 19th July, on the topic `Exploring Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Andhrapredesh`,at Venkateswara Vignana Mandir ,Guntur. As a part of the workshop, a competition titled `Grow your Idea’ was conducted. As many as 30 JNTUK colleges

participated in the competition with their respective student volunteers of Entrepreneurship Development Cell from their colleges. VLITS also participated in competition with more than 25 immense Business Ideas. Vignan’s Lara bagged 4 meritorious prizes along with a special prize for their Ideas to help the society. Four of the students from Vignan’s Lara namely T.Sai Vamsi Krishna of final year EEE for his idea titled E-Varadhi, an online portal to support the skilled craftsman of the city to find jobs to extend their services to individuals on demand through the E-varadhi portal, Ch.Viswanadh of final year Mechanical for his idea of Nano-Spray which on spraying on any device becomes water and dust resistant while also supporting clinically by reducing the pimples,acme etc. another girl student, K.Anupama of final year ECE also bagged a merit prize for her idea of self-charging laptop that charges itself with the heat generated from the laptop through a thermo couple installed on the mother board and also , V.AdityaSrinivas of final year mechanical engineering also won merit prize for his idea Husker, the ultimate husk remover that removes the coir on a raw coconut when it is put into the husk remover. Vice-Chancellor Prof. G. Tulasi Ram Das, JNTUK Kakinada handed over the trophies to the winners. ED Cell, Convener, Dr.R.Srinivasa Rao along with the principal Dr.K.Phaneendra Kumar congratulated the students wile exhorting that other students should take inspiration from these students to develop their entrepreneurial skills.

A Snap on Grow your Idea contest winners

Left to right-Ch.Viswanadh,4th Mec, V.Aditya srinivas ,4

th Mec, Dr.PaneendraKunar, Principal

VLITS,G.UmamaheswaraRao,General Manager,Vignan`s Group of Institutions, Dr.R.Srinivasa Rao, Convener,

ED Cell, VLITS. T.Sai Vamsi Krishna 4th EEE Branch, K.Anupama 4

th ECE Branch,

Governing Body:

1. Sri.L. Sri Krishna Devarayulu, Vice Chairman, Vignan Group 2. Dr.K.Phaneendhra Kumar, Principal, VLITS 3. Mr. G. Venkateswara Rao, Chief Coordinator Vignan Group of Institutions 4. Dr. R. Srinivasa Rao, Coordinator, Department of BS&H, VLITS

5. Mr.Y. NagaSundaram, General Manager, DIC

6. Mr.P.V. Srinivasa Rao, Regional Officer, APITCO, Vijayawada

Advisory Body

1. Dr.N .Srinivasa Babu.HOD,Department of ME 2. Dr. N.Seshagiri Rao, HOD, Department of BS&H 3. Mr.A.N.Venkateswarlu, HOD, Department of EEE

4. Mr.U. Srinivasa Rao, HOD, Department of ECE 5...Mr.V.Sesidhar, HOD, Department of CSE 6. Mr.N. Ratnakanth, HOD, Department of IT

Faculty Nominees

1. Mr. P.Bhaskara Rao, Department of ME 2. Mr. M.RaviSankar, Department of IT 3. Mr. K. Sri Raman, Department of CSE 4. Mr. M.,Sudharshan Department of EEE 5. Mr. K. Kishore, Department of ECE

Resource Persons

Dr.K.V.Ramana, Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, JNTUK, Kakinada.

Dr.M.C.Keerti Basavesh.CEO,ATHENA

Dr. Ramesh Venuganti, CEO, Chanakya consultancy

Dr.K.S.Anandram, Director, ISBR, Bangalore

Dr.N.Manoharan, Trainer and motivator, Soft skills, HYD.

Prof.PK Thomas, Co-Founder for International consortium for Entrepreneurship Development Centre, India, Bangalore

Prof.Baba Prasad, Sloan fellow-The Wharton business School, University of Pennsylvania-USA.

Mr.Srinivas Raghu, Senior consultant, APITCO.

Mr.Sanjay Kumar, academic, ISB-Hyd.

Mr.S.Tirmal Reddy, L&D professional.

Mr.Ravindra Varma, CEO, Formula H.R. consulting Pvt Ltd.

Mr.P.V. Srinivasa Rao, Regional Officer, APITCO
