Environmental Health: Radiation

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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Environmental Health Chapter 21

Generally, 2 kinds of radiation

1. Electromagnetic Waves

2. Accelerated Subatomic Particles

Generally, 2 other kinds of radiation

A. Non-ionizing

B. Ionizing

Sources of Ionizing Radiation


Cosmic Rays Radioactive Minerals Other Naturally Occurring Radionuclides


Medical Technology (X-rays, CAT scans) Nuclear Weapons Fallout Nuclear Power Plants

Health Effects: High-Level Exposure

Nausea Vomiting Hair Loss Diarrhea Seizures Death

Health Effects: Low-Level Exposure

Mutations Congenital Abnormalities Cancer

Non-Ionizing Radiation

Ultraviolet Light Visible Light Infrared Light Microwaves Extremely Low Frequency EMFs (Ultrasound)