Envisioning the Future: Lifelong Learning through Technological Evolution in Korea

Post on 18-Mar-2016

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Envisioning the Future: Lifelong Learning through Technological Evolution in Korea. Youngmin Lee, Ph.D. National Center for Lifelong Education, Korean Educational Development Institute, Korea. National Issues and Demands Lifelong Learning Policy and Practices - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Envisioning the Future: Lifelong Learning Envisioning the Future: Lifelong Learning through Technological Evolution in Koreathrough Technological Evolution in Korea

Youngmin Lee, Ph.D.Youngmin Lee, Ph.D.National Center for Lifelong Education, Korean National Center for Lifelong Education, Korean

Educational Development Institute, KoreaEducational Development Institute, Korea

Table of ContentsTable of Contents

National Issues and DemandsNational Issues and Demands

Lifelong Learning Policy and PracticesLifelong Learning Policy and Practices

Intro to National Center for Lifelong EducationIntro to National Center for Lifelong Education

Informatization Plan in LLL (’01-’12)Informatization Plan in LLL (’01-’12)

Final RemarksFinal Remarks

Words of Wisdom 1Words of Wisdom 1

“How you gather, manage, and use of information will determine wheth

er you win or lose”

Bill Gates, Microsoft CEO <Book: “Business@Speed of Thoughts”>

Words of Wisdom 2Words of Wisdom 2

“The Power of the Network to Change the Way We Work, Live, Play, an

d (Lifelong) Learn”

John Chamber, Cisco Systems CEO <Book: “Cisco Unauthorized” >

What I would like to see…What I would like to see…

My Philosophy of LifeMy Philosophy of Life

Fear replaced with intrigueFear replaced with intrigue Fog replaced with clarityFog replaced with clarity Blindness replaced with skepticismBlindness replaced with skepticism Rules replaced with tacit knowledgeRules replaced with tacit knowledge Comfort replaced with risk & fearComfort replaced with risk & fear Timidity replaced with resolute actionTimidity replaced with resolute action Passivity replaced with engagementPassivity replaced with engagement

Youngmin Lee [My dictionary]

IIntroduction to ntroduction to LLifelong ifelong LLearningearning

“For some who practices strongly, even walking, eating, drinking tea, meeting friends, peeling a ripe persimmon, using the toilet, walking through the busy market, feeling the sudden autumn wind on one's face, watching a passing car on the busy city street- all of these moments a

re our practice, or manhaeng (=learning)”

Hyungak, Buddhist priest and author of the book, ‘Manhaeng: The itinerary from Harvard University to Hwakye


Concepts of Concepts of LearningLearning

“ Lifelong learning is all kinds of systematic learning activities EXCEPT FOR formal school educational system” (Korean Lifelong Learning Law # 2)

A narrow meaning

Concepts of Concepts of Lifelong LearningLifelong Learning

“ Lifelong learning is all learning activity undertaken throughout life, with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competence, within a personal, civic, social and/or employment-related perspective ” (EU commission)

“ Lifelong learning is education resulting from integration of formal, non-formal, and informal education so as to create ability for continuous lifelong development of quality of life” (OECD)

A broad meaning

Horizontal Horizontal IntegrationIntegration

Vertical IntegrationVertical Integration

From formal learning toFrom formal learning tonon-formal learning tonon-formal learning to

informal learninginformal learning

From youth to adolescent toFrom youth to adolescent toyoung adult to old adult toyoung adult to old adult to

the elderlythe elderly

A Broad Range of Lifelong LearningA Broad Range of Lifelong Learning

NNational ational IIssues and ssues and DDemands in Koreaemands in Korea

Issue 1:Issue 1: Low birth rate and aging population Low birth rate and aging population


3.43% 3.33%



06~10 11~20 31~4021~30 31~40

Korea 1993

Korea 2006

OECD avg.


1.08 1.6








20262000 2018By year




Potential economical growth Potential economical growth with the increase of with the increase of

old aging peopleold aging people

The decrease ofThe decrease ofaverage birth rateaverage birth rate

The percentage ofThe percentage ofold aging people old aging people in the populationin the population

Issue 2:Issue 2: Social and educational polarization Social and educational polarization

2004 2005 2006


Korean Won

By year

Post-secondary ed. level

secondary ed. level

primary ed. level

Average income rate of employees Average income rate of employees in urban area by their academic degreein urban area by their academic degree

52.3 Man won (=$ 600)

7.8 Man won (= $85)1st social stratum

10th socialstratum

Average monthly expenses for education by income stratumAverage monthly expenses for education by income stratum

Issue 3:Issue 3: The lower economical growth The lower economical growth

2000 2001 20032002 2004 By year



National economical growth National economical growth by the yearsby the years

2005 2006



Avg. rate in 2006

Young adults(19~29 yr. olds)



Unemployment rate in 2006Unemployment rate in 2006

Issue 4:Issue 4: Lack of social interests on LLL Lack of social interests on LLL




New Zealand


OECD avg.52%(’02)UK


Denmark 80%

Australia 89%

University registration of over 35-year old adulthoodUniversity registration of over 35-year old adulthood


Participation rate of lifelong learning with the ages of 25-64Participation rate of lifelong learning with the ages of 25-64

LLifelong ifelong LLearning earning PPolicy and olicy and PPractices of Korearactices of Korea

- “Never too soon or too late for learning”-- “Never too soon or too late for learning”-

Vision & MissionVision & Mission

Learning Korea




• Amendment of National LL law• Foundation of a new LLL organization• Designation of new LLL cities

Empowerment of LLL infrastructure

• Opportunities for the marginalized• New starts for illiterate programs• Expansion of LLL institutions

Approach to social integration

• Work to School, School to Work• Empowering women & the elderly• Support for vocational colleges

Continuous vocational ed.

• Flexible academic degree system• Ubiquitous LLL environment• Credit bank system for mil. servicemen

Expansion of LLL opportunities

• Nationwide & Local LLL festival• Nationwide LLL award ceremony• International Partnerships for LLL

Promotion of LLL culture

Mission 1:Mission 1: Empowerment of LLL infrastructure Empowerment of LLL infrastructure

Amendment of National LLL lawAmendment of National LLL law

Foundation of new LLL organizationFoundation of new LLL organization

Designation of New LLL citiesDesignation of New LLL cities

Mission 2:Mission 2: Approach to social integration Approach to social integration

Opportunities for the marginalizedOpportunities for the marginalized

Expansion of LL institutionsExpansion of LL institutions

New starts for illiterate programsNew starts for illiterate programs

Mission 3:Mission 3: Continuous vocational ed. system Continuous vocational ed. system

Work to School, School to WorkWork to School, School to Work

Support for vocational collegesSupport for vocational colleges

Empowering women & the elderlyEmpowering women & the elderly

Mission 4:Mission 4: Expansion of LLL opportunities Expansion of LLL opportunities

Flexible academic degree systemFlexible academic degree system

Credit bank system for mil. menCredit bank system for mil. men

Ubiquitous LLL environmentUbiquitous LLL environment

Mission 5:Mission 5: Promotion of LLL culture Promotion of LLL culture

Nationwide & Local LLL festivalNationwide & Local LLL festival

International Partnerships for LLLInternational Partnerships for LLL

Nationwide LLL award ceremonyNationwide LLL award ceremony

IIntroduction to ntroduction to NNational ational CCenter for enter for LLifelong ifelong EEducation (NCLE)ducation (NCLE)

Governance of NCLEGovernance of NCLE

Ministry of MOE & HRDMinistry of MOE & HRD


16 central LLL centers16 central LLL centers

380 LLL centers380 LLL centers

57 LLL cities57 LLL cities

International & national institutions International & national institutions

Other ministries of KoreaOther ministries of KoreaCooperation and Coalition Cooperation and Coalition

Partnerships & Collaboration Partnerships & Collaboration

16 metropolitan educational 16 metropolitan educational agenciesagencies

233 municipal governments 233 municipal governments

Partnerships & Collaboration Partnerships & Collaboration

Mission Statements of NCLEMission Statements of NCLE

“The National Center for Lifelong Education is endeavoring to transfo

rm the current education system into an open lifelong education syste

m through innovation of the school education and adult education sys

tem, thereby creating a society based on lifelong learning. In order to

achieve a society of lifelong education, the Center will strive to impro

ve the quality of life for each individual and enhance his or her capabi

lity for employment.”


for LifelongEducation



Learning Centers


Information &Supporting Team




& TrainingTeam

Promoting nationwide informatization

and LL information exchange through the use of Internet

Providing funds for the illiterate and award the academic degree (elementary level)

Supporting and financing municipal government by designating “lifelong learning city”

Fostering nationwide LL culture with enlisting LL learners and awarding LL institutions & opening festival


Informatization Project

The illiterate Project

Learning city project

Org. Structure and Tasks of NCLEOrg. Structure and Tasks of NCLE

IInformatization nformatization PPlan in LLL (’01-’12)lan in LLL (’01-’12)

1. Make all media available to anyone who would like to enjoy LLL

2. No “Super Technology”, balance with the needs of LLL learners

3. As much control of the pace of learning as possible

4. Draw the attention to LLL learners’ needs and concerns

5. LLL contents should be active, useful, and interesting

6. Well-designed LLL system facilitates LLL learners’ interaction

7. LLL system should provide clear guidance for LLL learners

8. Meet the higher expectancy and motivation of LLL learners

9. LLL contents & information should be updated frequently

10. What we see and hear is critical, but what we feel is essential !

Principles of Informatization in LLLPrinciples of Informatization in LLL

Vision & Mission of Informatization PlanVision & Mission of Informatization Plan

We Build Human, Knowledge, & Learning Community Through Informatization Plan of LLL

meta information system meta information system

Inter & Intra-connected system Inter & Intra-connected system

Artificial Intelligence-basedArtificial Intelligence-basedInformation system Information system




1st Plan: 1st Plan: Informatization in LLL (’01-’04)Informatization in LLL (’01-’04)

System Architecture


L4 Switch

Web server #1Web server #2

B/B SwitchVOD #1 VOD #2

DB LMS Backup server

Storage SAN Switch Backup system

Gigabit Ethernet

Gigabit Ethernet

LCMS community Consulting

Gigabit Ethernet


Local centers




Internet Lines1000M EthernetFiber Channel


Informatization Process by year ’01- ’04Informatization Process by year ’01- ’04




- LLL system- LLL system

- LLL teacher DB- LLL teacher DB

- LLL course DB- LLL course DB

- Local center systems- Local center systems

- LLL contents- LLL contents

- Search Robot system- Search Robot system

Final Direction of 1st informatizationFinal Direction of 1st informatization→ → Toward meta information systemToward meta information system

- LLL contents- LLL contents

- e-learning system- e-learning system

- CMS-typed system- CMS-typed system

- DB mining system- DB mining system

- LLL contents- LLL contents

- System update- System update

Training for local center administrator, Training for local center administrator, webmaster, & LLL coordinators webmaster, & LLL coordinators

Training for local center administrator, Training for local center administrator, webmaster, & LLL coordinators webmaster, & LLL coordinators

Webpage, Web Solution, Search Robot, e-learning contents, LMS, LCMSWebpage, Web Solution, Search Robot, e-learning contents, LMS, LCMS

2nd Plan:2nd Plan: Informatization in LLL (’05-’08) Informatization in LLL (’05-’08)

Local Institutes



LLL system services

LLLinfo Learning



System admin.

1:1 service community

System support

Local residents

… …… …




Networks Networks

HRD-net & Job netHRD-net & Job net[Ministry of Labor] [Ministry of Labor]

IT Study netIT Study net[Ministry of Informat[Ministry of Information & Communicatiion & Communicati

on] on]

Women-netWomen-net[Ministry of Woman [Ministry of Woman

welfare] welfare]



Informatization Process by year ’05- ’08Informatization Process by year ’05- ’08




- LLL ISP plan- LLL ISP plan

- LLL course DB- LLL course DB

- LLL system upgrade- LLL system upgrade

- API Search system- API Search system

- LLL contents- LLL contents

- LLL DB sharing- LLL DB sharing

Final Direction of 2nd informatizationFinal Direction of 2nd informatization→ → Toward inter & Intra-connectedToward inter & Intra-connected information systeminformation system

with system standardizationwith system standardization (OOP & XML) (OOP & XML)

- Multi-LMS system- Multi-LMS system

- LMS upgrade- LMS upgrade

- CMS upgrade- CMS upgrade

- Digital Archiving- Digital Archiving

- LCMS upgrade- LCMS upgrade

- Mobile service- Mobile service

Training for local center administrator, Training for local center administrator, webmaster, LLL coordinators, teachers,webmaster, LLL coordinators, teachers,public officers, and governors public officers, and governors

Training for local center administrator, Training for local center administrator, webmaster, LLL coordinators, teachers,webmaster, LLL coordinators, teachers,public officers, and governorspublic officers, and governors

Blog, Community of Practice, Blended learning, Mobile learning serviceBlog, Community of Practice, Blended learning, Mobile learning service

3rd Plan:3rd Plan: Informatization in LLL (’09-’12) Informatization in LLL (’09-’12)



Timeness AccessibilityMobility






Ubiquitous Learning in LLL settings Ubiquitous Learning in LLL settings

FlexibilityMobility Urgency

AuthenticityConvergence Pervasiveness





Formal Learning (Traditional School Block)Formal Learning (Traditional School Block) Non-formal Learning (Beyond School Boundary)Non-formal Learning (Beyond School Boundary) Informal Learning (Daily Life and Practice)Informal Learning (Daily Life and Practice)

Ubiquitous Learning & LLL Ubiquitous Learning & LLL

Definition of U-learningDefinition of U-learningA newly emerging learning environment surrounded by ubiquitous A newly emerging learning environment surrounded by ubiquitous technology, which enhance human daily life learning activities in school technology, which enhance human daily life learning activities in school settings, workplaces, regional communities, and global societysettings, workplaces, regional communities, and global society

Defined by Youngmin Lee (2005)

Definition of Lifelong LearningDefinition of Lifelong LearningLifelong learning is all learning activity undertaken throughout life, withLifelong learning is all learning activity undertaken throughout life, withthe aim of improving knowledge, skills and competence, within a personal, the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competence, within a personal, civic, social and/or employment-related perspective civic, social and/or employment-related perspective

EU commission

→→ Ubiquitous learning is a type of lifelong learning, which is enhanced by ubiquitousUbiquitous learning is a type of lifelong learning, which is enhanced by ubiquitous learning technology and systemslearning technology and systems


Informatization Process by year ’09- ’12Informatization Process by year ’09- ’12




- Career Mgt. system- Career Mgt. system

- Learn. Account sys.- Learn. Account sys.

- Coaching system- Coaching system

- e-portfolio system- e-portfolio system

- e-repository system- e-repository system

- Authoring tools- Authoring tools

Final Direction of 3rd informatizationFinal Direction of 3rd informatization→ → Toward artificial intelligence-based Toward artificial intelligence-based information systeminformation system with Ubiquitous technologywith Ubiquitous technology

- Ubiquitous support - Ubiquitous support

- Monitoring system- Monitoring system

- Web-guidance- Web-guidance

- CRM building- CRM building

- agent-based system- agent-based system

- System update- System update

Training for local center administrator, Training for local center administrator, webmaster, & LLL coordinators webmaster, & LLL coordinators

Training for local center administrator, Training for local center administrator, webmaster, & LLL coordinators webmaster, & LLL coordinators

Ed. simulation and games, mobile & ubiquitous learning, virtual realityEd. simulation and games, mobile & ubiquitous learning, virtual reality

Final RemarksFinal Remarks

“When Alexander the Great called on Diogenes, he found the famous Greek philosopher impoverished and sitting in the sunlight. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

Alexander asked. “Yes,” replied Diogenes, “you can stand out of my sun.”

What is most important might not be far from us, but close to us.

→→ LLet’s et’s MMake the ake the WWorld orld BBetter etter bby y LLifelong ifelong LLearning !earning !

For More InformationFor More Information


Youngmin Lee, Ph. D.Youngmin Lee, Ph. D.National Center for Lifelong Education.National Center for Lifelong Education.Korean Educational Development InstituteKorean Educational Development Institute+10-4343-7074 +10-4343-7074 ylee@kedi.re.kr & edutek@dreamwiz.comylee@kedi.re.kr & edutek@dreamwiz.com