Enzyme i Learn 24 April 2014

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  • 24th April 2014


  • Introduction

    Highly selective protein catalyst greatly accelerating both the rate and specificity of metabolic reactions

    Increase the velocity of chemical reaction w/out being changed

    Abbreviations: E = enzyme; S = substrate; P = product; I = inhibitor

    The below topics will be covered in this lecture:

    1. E- nomenclature

    2. Properties of Es

    3. How Es work

    4. Factors affecting reaction velocity

    5. Michaelis Menten equation

    6. Inhibition of E activity

    7. Regulation of E activity

  • Category: Es by function

    Enzyme Commission number (EC number), a numerical

    classification scheme for Es, based on the chemical reactions

    they catalyze;

    1. EC 1 Oxidoreductases: oxidation/reduction reactions

    2. EC 2 Transferases: transfer a C-, N- or P- containing functional gp

    3. EC 3 Hydrolases: hydrolysis of various bonds; addition of H2O

    4. EC 4 Lyases: cleave C-C, C-S and certain C-N bonds by means other than

    hydrolysis and oxidation

    5. EC 5 Isomerases: isomerization changes within a single molecule

    6. EC 6 Ligases: join two molecules with covalent bonds; catalyze formation

    of bonds between carbon and O,S, N coupled to hydrolysis of high energy


  • Hydrolase

    Hydrolases (EC 3) can be further classified into several subclasses,

    based upon the bonds they act upon:

    EC 3.1: ester bonds (esterases: nucleases, phosphodiesterases,

    lipase, phosphatase) eg: alkaline phosphatase Practical 4

    EC 3.2 : sugars (DNA glycosylases, glycoside hydrolase)

    EC 3.3 : ether bonds

    EC 3.4: peptide bonds (Proteases/peptidases)

    EC 3.5 : carbon-nitrogen bonds, other than peptide bonds



  • Format of number

    Every E code consists of the letters "EC" followed by four numbers separated by periods. Those numbers represent a progressively finer

    classification of the enzyme.

    Eg: tripeptide aminopeptidases; EC

    Reaction catalysed: release of the N-terminal residue from a tripeptide;

    Require cofactors Zinc

    EC 3 - Es are hydrolases use H2O to break up some other molecule

    EC 3.4 - are those hydrolases that act on peptide bonds

    EC 3.4.11 - cleave off the amino-terminal AA from a polypeptide

    EC - cleave off the amino-terminal end from a tripepeptide


    http://www.brenda-enzymes.org/php/result_flat.php4?ecno= - BRENDA Enzyme Database

  • Properties of enzymes active site

    1. Active site is the small portion of E where S molecules bind

    and undergo a chemical reaction

  • Properties of enzymes specificity

    2. Specificity due to:

    Complementary shape, charge & hydrophilic/hydrophobic

    characteristics of Es and Ss

  • Properties of enzyme catalytic efficiency

    Energy changes during the chemical reactions with and without E


    Reaction coordinates are often plotted against free energy to demonstrate in

    some schematic form the potential energy profile associated to the reaction.

    Energy barrier separating the reactants and the products


  • Properties of enzymes catalytic efficiency

    Ss need a lot of potential energy to reach a transition state (highest potential energy along this reaction coordinate) which then decays into Ps.

    The E stabilizes the transition state, reducing the energy needed to form Ps.

    Like all catalysts, Es work by lowering the activation energy for a reaction

    Thus, dramatically increasing the rate of the reaction; Ps are formed faster and reactions reach their equilibrium state more rapidly.

  • Transition state

    The transition state of a chemical reaction is a particular

    configuration along the reaction coordinate.

    It is defined as the state corresponding to the highest potential

    energy along this reaction coordinate.

    At this point, assuming a perfectly irreversible reaction, colliding

    reactant molecules will always go on to form products.

    It is often marked with the double dagger symbol.

    Eg: the transition state occurs during the SN2 reaction of

    bromoethane with a hydroxyl anion.

  • Properties of enzymes holoenzymes

    3. Some Es require non-protein molecules (helper) for enzymatic activity

    Non-protein components:

    1. Cofactor inorganic-metal ion; Zn2+, Mg2+, Fe2+

    2. Coenzyme organic molecules

    a) Cosubstrates dissociate from E in an altered state (eg: NADH, NADPH, ATP)

    b) prosthetic group permanently associated with the E and returned to its original form; FADH)

    Holoenzyme active E with its non-protein components

    Apoenzyme inactive E without its non-protein components

  • Properties of enzymes location within cell

    4. Location within cell

    - Compartmentalization serves to organizes the thousands of Es present in the cell into purposeful pathways

    - isolate the reaction, S or P from other competing reactions

    - favorable environment for the reaction;

    - Enzymes in urea cycle

    cytosol (arginase exclusive in liver cell) and

    mitochondria (ornithine carbamoylase)

  • Properties of enzymes regulation

    5. Regulation

    - Es activity can be regulated (slide 35)

    1. Induction and repression of E synthesis

    2. Regulation of Es by covalent modification

    3. Regulation of allosteric Es

  • Factors affecting reaction velocity - definition

    1. Reaction velocity (v)

    the number of S molecules converted to P per unit time; usually expressed

    as mol of P formed per minutes


    2. Enzyme activity

    amount of P produced per unit time (minutes) per mg of enzyme

    (molmin-1 mg-1)

  • Factors affecting reaction velocity

    1. Temperature

    2. pH

    3. [S]

    4. Salt concentration

    a) Activation energy of S

    b) Denaturation of E

    c) Chemical interaction between AA residue at

    the active site of E and chemical gp of S

  • Effects of Temperature

    Generally temp. V0

    Number of molecules having sufficient energy to pass over the energy barrier and form the Ps of the reaction

    Further temp. lead to a sharp decrease in reaction velocity as a result of temp-induced denaturation of the E active site.

    The "optimum" temp for human Es is between 35 and 40C; average temp. is 37C; Es start to denature at 40C.

    Es from thermophilic archae found in the hot springs are stable up to 100C.

  • Effects of pH

    Most Es are sensitive to pH and have specific ranges of activity; all E have an optimum pH

    pH effect on the ionization of the active site; E and S have specific chemical groups in either an ionized or un-ionized state in order to interact.

    pH can lead to denaturation on E, altering the three dimensional shape of the E by breaking ionic, and hydrogen bonds

    The pH at which maximal E activity is achieved is different for different Es and often reflect the [H+] at which the E functions in the body.

    Eg: pepsin, a digestive E in the stomach is maximally active at pH 2

  • Effect of [S]

    Increasing the [S], increases the rate of reaction velocity

    However, E saturation seen after reaching Vmax

    The leveling off of the reaction rate at high [S] reflects the saturation with S of all available binding sites on the E molecules present

    The graph of the reaction rate will plateau

  • Effect of salt concentration

    Most Es cannot tolerate extremely high salt concentrations.

    The ions interfere with the weak ionic bonds of proteins.

    Typical Es are active in salt concentrations of 1-500 mM;

    exceptions for the halophilic algae and bacteria.

  • MichaelisMenten kinetics

    Es kinetics is the investigation of how Es bind Ss and turn them into Ps

    MichaelisMenten kinetics is one of the simplest and best-known

    models of E kinetics

    Es reactions occur in two stages;

    1. S binds reversibly to the E, forming the ES complex.

    2. The E then catalyzes the chemical step in the reaction and releases

    the P, regenerating free E

  • Michaelis-Menten equation

    The model takes the form of an

    equation describing the rate

    of enzymatic reactions, by relating

    reaction velocity (v) to the [S].

    Reaction velocity

    The number of S molecules converted

    to P per unit time



  • Michaelis-Menten equation

    The model takes the form of an

    equation describing the rate

    of enzymatic reactions, by relating

    reaction velocity (v) to the [S].

    Vmax = maximum rate achieved by the

    system, at maximum (saturating) [S]

    Km is the [S] at which the reaction rate

    is half of Vmax

  • Michaelis-Menten equation

    With respect to [S], the rate of reaction

    (within the specified [E]) is said to be:

    - First order - when the reaction

    velocity is approximately proportional

    to the [S]; occur when [S] >Km

  • Michaelis-Menten equation

    Km is an inverse measure of the

    substrate's affinity for the E;

    -Small Km indicates high affinity

    of the E for the S, because a low [S]

    is needed to half saturate the E, that

    is, to reach a velocity that is Vmax

    Km value does not vary with the


  • Practical 4 - Enzyme

    Alkaline phosphatase (ALP, ALKP) (EC is a hydrolase E responsible for removing phosphate groups (p-nitrophenylphosphate) from many types of molecules, including nucleotides, proteins and alkaloids.

    The process of removing the phosphate group is called dephosphorylation.

    AP are most effective in an alkaline environment

    Practical 4-Enzyme-hyperlink.doc

  • Practical 4 - Enzyme

    Effect of pH

    Effect of temperature

    Calculate the enzyme activity (molmin-1 mg-1)

  • Practical 4 - Enzyme - Questions

    1. Draw a calibration graph for absorbance versus p-nitrophenol produced by the enzymatic reaction.

    2. Use the graph to determine the amount of p-nitrophenol produced by the enzymatic reaction.

    3. Calculate the enzyme activity (molmin-1 mg-1).

    4. Draw a graph of enzyme activity versus pH.

    5. Draw a graph of enzyme activity (V) versus temperature.

    6. Discuss the results obtained.

    7. What happens to the enzyme activity during fever?

    8. Give 2 examples of active enzymes in the gut and duodenum. Explain factors that influence the enzyme activity.

  • Calibration graph for absorbance versus p-nitrophenol

    Calculate the enzyme activity (mol min-1 mg-1)

    (Absorbance reading for each reaction is converted to mol unit- from graph


  • Effect of pH Calculate the enzyme activity (mol min-1 mg-1)

  • Effect of pH

    Do the same for temperature parameter

  • Effect of temperature

    Calculate the enzyme activity (mol min-1 mg-1)

  • Inhibition of E activity

    E inhibitor is a molecule which binds to Es and decreases their activity

    Inhibitor binding is either reversible or irreversible

    Irreversible inhibitors usually react with the E and change it chemically (e.g. via covalent bond formation); modify key AA residues needed for enzymatic activity

    Reversible inhibitors bind non-covalently to the E, E-S complex, or both. Comprise of competitive inhibition and noncompetitive inhibition

    Effect on the value of Vm and Km ?


  • Competitive inhibition

    S and I compete for access to the E's active site

    S and I cannot bind to the E at the same time

    Inhibition can be overcome by sufficiently high [S]

    Vmax remain constant

    Apparent Km increase as it takes a higher [S] to reach the Km point, or


  • Noncompetitive inhibition

    I and S bind at different sites on the E

    I bind either free E or ES complex

    Binding of the I to the E reduces its activity but does not affect the

    binding of S.

    Vmax decrease due to the inability for the reaction to proceed as efficiently

    Km remain constant as the I do not interfere with the binding of S to E.

  • Regulation of E activity

    1. Induction and repression of E synthesis

    2. Regulation of Es by covalent modification

    3. Regulation of allosteric Es

  • Regulation of E activity

    1. Cells can regulate the amount of E present by altering

    the rate of :

    E synthesis: induction and repression of E synthesis; often those that are needed at only one stage of development or under selected physiologic

    condition (eg: high blood glucose level elevated level of insulin increase in the synthesis of key E involved in glucose metabolism)

    E degradation: refer lecture notes: AAs and Protein 2 dated 3rd April

    2014; protein turnover rates; major E systems for regulating the

    concentration of particular proteins; chemical signals for protein


    * Leads to alteration in the total population of active sites

  • Regulation of E activity

    2. Covalent modification

    Most frequent one of the primary ways in which cellular processes is regulated is protein (E) phosphorylation

    Involved the addition or removal of phosphate gps from specific AA residues of the E: serine, threonine or tyrosine residues

    Phosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase (degrades glycogen) increases activity

    Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase (synthesizes glycogen) decreases activity

  • Regulation of E activity

    3. Allosteric regulation (activation or inhibition)

    -Refer to the regulation of an E or other protein by noncovalent binding of an effector molecules at the protein's allosteric site (that is, a site other than the protein's active site).

    -Effectors that enhance the protein's activity are referred to as allosteric activators, whereas those that decrease the protein's activity are called allosteric inhibitors.



  • Regulation of E activity

    Homotropic effectors when the S itself serves as an effector

    Presence of a S molecule at one site on the E increases/decreases the catalytic properties of the other S binding sites; their binding sites exhibit positive/negative cooperativity

    A macromolecule exhibit cooperative binding if its affinity for its ligand changes with the amount of ligand already bound

    Km?, Vmax ?

  • Regulation of E activity

    Cooperative binding requires that the

    macromolecule have multiple binding

    sites for substrate and regulatory

    molecules, since cooperativity results

    from the interactions between binding


    Exhibit sigmoidal curve when V0 is

    plotted against [S]

  • Regulation of E activity

    Presence of an allosteric effector can

    alter Km (affinity of the E for its S) and

    Vmax (maximal catalytic activity of the E)

    or both

    Fig: Effects of negative or positive +

    effectors on an allosteric enzyme.

    A. Vmax is altered.

    B. The substrate concentration that gives half-maximal velocity (K0.5) is altered.

  • Regulation of E activity

    Heterotrophic effectors when

    the non S serves as an effector

    Fig: Feedback inhibition of a metabolic pathway

    The E that convert DE has an allosteric site that bind G (the end product)

    Allosteric enzymes frequently

    catalyze the committed

    early step in a pathway

  • Sum



  • End of lecture

    Thank you

    Habit 1: Be Proactive Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

    Habit 3: Put First Things First

    Habit 4: Think Win/Win

    Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

    Habit 6: Synergize

    Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

    Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People