EO ingles - CD - um.es · ESEIG Location: VILA DO CONDE ESEIG – Escola Superior de Estudos...

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ESEIG Overview

CONTENTS CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................2


ESEIG Location: VILA DO CONDE ................................................................................................4

ABOUT VILA DO CONDE ...............................................................................................................6

ABOUT PÓVOA DE VARZIM....................................................................................................... 12

INTRODUCTION TO ESEIG ........................................................................................................ 14

ESEIG EXTERNAL VIEW............................................................................................................. 14

ESEIG Courses Portfolio .............................................................................................................. 17

ESEIG ECTS ................................................................................................................................. 20

ESEIG implementation of Bologna Declaration .......................................................................... 21

ESEIG FACILITIES ....................................................................................................................... 23

ESEIG CONTACTS....................................................................................................................... 27

WELLCOME When the Oporto Polytechnic baptized this school ‘ESEIG’, from the very

beginning it was given a multidisciplinary character.

We believe it is precisely the variety of education that we have to offer that

enables us to better serve the surrounding communities, and we have thus

been able to provide graduates from the most varied of backgrounds.

We believe that throughout their academic life every new undergraduate

benefits from this variety, as he/she meets and socializes with students from

different academic backgrounds. This same variety will be present when they

meet again as part of their professional lives.

We also believe that the diversity within ESEIG’s faculty members and student

body is a first step taken within the school’s community towards a fulfilling

integration within the labour force.

In your search for success throughout your academic lives, let your “esprit de

corps” develop and your team work skills flourish..

We welcome you to this school.

The Director,

Nuno Figueiredo

ESEIG Location: VILA DO CONDE ESEIG – Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão (School of

Industrial Studies and Management) is a multidisciplinar higher education

school, integrated in the IPP – Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Polytechnic

Institute of Porto) with twelve years of existence and around 1300 students.

ESEIG is located in VILA DO CONDE, in the North of Portugal, thirty kilometres

north of Porto. VILA DO CONDE is a small and beautiful city, located close to

the sea, with an old fishing and agriculture tradition. Its beaches are also

famous. In the last years, the city’s Mayor tried to attract small and medium

industries to the zone. Some examples of this are SOLIDAL (Electrical Cables),

BAHCO – OBERG [ex-SANDVIK] (Hand tools), CIMAR (Trucks Chasses),

IMPERIAL (Chocolates), LACTOGAL (daily products), AGROS (Yogurt, Butter,

Cheese and Milk), TSUZUKY (Textiles), MACONDE / MACMODA (Clothing),

INFINEON (Semiconductors), QUANTAL (Laser Cutting) and many others.

Figure 1 – Porto region road map

Figure 2 – Vila do Conde road map Figure 3 – Aerial view of Vila do Conde, with AVE river and ATLANTIC Ocean



On the Costa Verde, an old land but a new city, full of tradition and charm that

can trace its history back to roman times and beyond. A remarkable set of

monuments that represent several past ages, specially the 16th century,

makes Vila do Conde a relic of Portuguese architectonic heritage. One river,

the sea, 18 km of peaceful beaches with fine sand. One car circuit. The aquatic

sports. Tennis.

The lively popular celebrations of Saint João Baptista, patron saint of the city.

The prestige of events such as the Short Film International Festival and the

Handicraft National Fair. The fisherman's wool, the blankets and "liteiros"

(linen and woolen fabric, used to make bags) that are still woven in old and,

above all, the delicate and famous bone laces. The conventual confectionary

(i.e confectionary which was originallt made in convents) and the thipical

disches of northern cuisine. Fresh fish and seafood.

Figure 4: View of St. Clara Monastery

Figure 5 –St. Clara monastery and Aqueduct

Figure 6 – St. Clara monastery (Courtesy of Manuel Matos)

Figure 7 – Inner of St. Clara Monastery (Cloister) Here is Vila do Conde, a noble, friendly and beautiful land. Situated on the

Atlantic Coast and at north from the river Ave's mouth, Vila do Conde's

extension is limited at North by Póvoa de

Varzim, at East by Vila Nova de Famalicão,

Santo Tirso and Trofa, and to the South by

Maia and Matosinhos. Vila do Conde is a

municipality whith an extent of 148 km2. It

belongs to metropolitan Oporto and contains

30 civil parisches: Arcos, Árvore, Aveleda,

Azurara, Bagunte, Canidelo, Fajozes, Ferreiró, Fornelo, Gião, Guilhabreu,

Junqueira, Labruge, Macieira da Maia, Malta, Mindelo, Modivas, Mosteiró,

Outeiro Maior, Parada, Retorta, Rio Mau, Tougues, Touguinha, touguinhó,

Vairão, Vila Chã, Vila do Conde, Vilar and Vilar do Pinheiro. According to

census that was done in 2001, the population of municipality is around 74 118

inhabitants, 25 545 of which actually reside in Vila do Conde city.

During the pre-roman and roman times, strong fortifications were constructed

in and around Vila do Conde.

Around 870, during the reconquest period, the lands suffered an embankment

led by a count, and for unknown reasons that area was named Villa de Comite.

Figure 8 – VILA DO CONDE old fortress

Figure 9 – VILA DO CONDE old church

The most ancient document mentioning the name Villa Comite is from 953. It

is a letter of sale of that same area written by Flâmula daughter of Paio and

Ibéria, and sent to the Monastery of Guimarães. After the national

independence was conquered, D. Sancho I donates Vila do Conde to D. Maria

Pais Ribeiro on a hereditary basis. In fact, during the reign of D. Dinis the

lordship of the Village belonged to one of his great-great-great granddaughter,

D. Teresa Martins, who was then married to the infant D. Afonso Sanches.

But ii is only in the 15th and 16th centuries, during the reigns of. D. João II

and D. Manuel I and therefore the Portugueses Discoveries, that Vila do Conde

meets its palm days. The natural conditions created by the firth of the river

Ave, naval activities suffer a strong development especially the development of

a strong fishing industry and with it overseas trade. This dynamic community

became a village of merchants, sailors and craftsmen.

The 17th and 18th centuries saw a significant enlargement of the urban area.

However, in the 19th century, the River Ave's harbour no longer offered good

sailing conditions, slowing down the rhythm of the naval activity. In 1836

Mouzinho da Silveira organized an administrative division in this area and

hence the council of Vila do Conde was created

Figure 10 – Old architecture in VILA DO CONDE

(Courtesy of Jorge Correia Santos)

Figure 11 – Manueline Art: Principal gate of VILA DO CONDE mother-church

(Courtesy of Jorge Correia Santos)

ABOUT PÓVOA DE VARZIM Once upon a time there was the simply the sea, and at its edge a welcoming

bay well-suited for fishing. It was here that a seashore community first

established itself and in 1308 received its letters-patent from King Denis. But

this moment of prominence was not to last. Soon afterwards the settlement

was placed under the administration of lhe monastery of Santa Clara of Vila do


The Town, it seems, was treated as something of a despised stepdaughter by

the church, until it finally achieved its independence once again in 1514, by

order of King Manuel. From that moment on, there was no looking back for

Póvoa de Varzim.

Figure 12: View of Póvoa de Varzim by nigth

And from that moment onward began a process

of constant improvement that has left a fine

architectural heritage in terms of buildings, the

materials used to build them, and the varied

types of construction in the town. Noble granite

lends presence, structure and robustness to

churches, palaces and aqueducts. And yet the

grace and charm of true works of art also derive

from the detailed use of varying materials:

stucco, wrought iron, painted ceramic files, or

gold leaf. All these can be found in profusion.

The city lies open to the Atlantic Ocean, whose presence ensures a gentle

climate year round, for season follows season without abrupt changes of

temperature. And the sea plays a central role in the

life of the town, for the people of Póvoa draw from

its depths their livelihood, their relaxation, their

entertainment, and their inner peace. The whole

town is built as though it were embracing the ocean,

and the main tourist attractions are, quite naturally,

located along the coastal strip. There are a great number of restaurants and

outdoor sports facilities. Here, too, are lo be found the leading hotels of the

four, three and two star categories,

with a total of t.300 beds to welcome

visitors. The beach, whose sand has a

distinctive and highly attractive quality

is broad and convenient, but also has

plenty of personality, thanks to the

rocks that jut from it in several places.

And at low tide, the rock pools are especially attractive 10 beachcombers,

because of their concentration of marine life.

INTRODUCTION TO ESEIG ESEIG – Escola Superior de Estudos

Industriais e de Gestão (School of

Industrial Studies and Management) is

a multidisciplinary higher education

Institution, integrated in the IPP –

Instituto Politécnico do Porto

(Polytechnic Institute of Porto) – has

its origin in the enactment n.º9/90 of

4 of January - although its historical roots can be traced well before that date.

In fact, it was in 1886 that the Porto Industrial and Commercial Institute was

established (enactment of December 30, 1886) by Minister Emídio Navarro

who launched the basis of the industrial and commercial teaching in the

country. This institution, which holds memories for generations staff, students

and lectures, keeps itself up to date by maintaining relationships that may only

reveal their true worth at some point in the future. carefully and with patience,

will reveal. This qualitative distinguishing, in teaching, is visible in the

curricular structure of the courses here taught.

ESEIG EXTERNAL VIEW In the early years, the school worked in two old buildings, located in Vila do

Conde and Póvoa de Varzim. When the number of courses increased, it was

necessary to change the location and available area. ESEIG actual building has

been constructed five years ago. This building is located close to the N206 road

and the RIO AVE Stadium, behind the Aqueduct Arches, as seen in the next


Figure 13 – Lateral view of ESEIG: External amphitheatre and lake

Figure 14 – Lateral view of ESEIG: the social build (right) and the laboratories

and scholar builds (left)

Figure 15 – Inner space between administrative build and scholar build

Figure 16 – Laboratories build (left) and external gardens

Figure 17 – The clock tower view from the pond bridge

ESEIG Courses Portfolio ESEIG was founded at 1994 with only one

course: Accounting and Management. The

second course of the school was Human

Resources Management. All the remaining

courses are only four to six years old.

The school seeks to train quality technicians in

the areas of management and technology. The

school also aims to establish solid long lasting

relationships with the local Small and Medium

Enterprises (SME) and to promote the

development of the surrounding region – a vocation that has long defined the

polytechnic education.

ESEIG invests in the permanent updating of its curricula. A council composed

by students, state members and the local entrepreneurial society is regularly

summoned and heard. When attending the ESEIG, students may contribute to

the development of different cultural promotion activities. In parallel with the

development of a local intervention policy, the ESEIG is also devoted to the

promotion of its internationalisation policy through a varied network of

international partners and regular mobility activities involving students and


ESEIG has nine different scientific areas of interest in its portfolio, as following:

• Accounting and Administration

• Human Resources

• Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences

• Production Engineering

• Mechanical Engineering • Design

• Audiovisual Communication Technology

• Library and Information Sciences Technologies

• Hotels Management

• Biomedical Engineering

Figure 18 – External amphitheatre and artificial pond Figure 19 – External

amphitheatre and artificial pond

Figure 20 – The new Auditorium

Figure 21 – Internal pond bridge by night

Each previous scientific area confers a degree of Bachelor, with study plans

witch vary between four to five years. Students may leave studies after three

years (with success) of studies. In this case, students have a different degree

and the necessary professional competences to ensure a good working


Each degree course has a restricted number of vacancies for new students (30

to 55/year), which ensures a better quality of teaching. The focus is located in

the students, particularly in the engineering degrees courses, which invite

them to participate in the laboratories management, to organize Seminars, to

accomplish projects connected to industry, and so on.

Although the school’s small lifetime all the courses are strongly attempted by

the young people.

All courses contribute to a high school dynamics: events are common, projects

in copartnership with the industry and many links with the local companies are

constantly established, in order to increase the professional performance of our

students at the end of the course and to promote the name of the school.

The average age of the professors is low, although the majority has the MsC or

PhD degree. The atmosphere between professors and students, and professors

and employees is exceptional. The cooperation between courses is effective, in

order to solve school problems. First steps were already taken in order to

coordinate efforts to solve multidisciplinar problems of the companies with

which we have cooperation.


The ESEIG uses the European Credit Transfer System – ECTS

The European Credit Transfer System – ECTS – is a system of academic

credits, that seeks to assist and facilitate the process of academic recognition

between European partner institutions through the achievement of common

applicable mechanisms. ECTS provides a code of good practice for organising

academic recognition by enhancing the transparency of study programmes and

student achievement.

ECTS credits are a value allocated to course units that describes the students’

workload required to complete them. They reflect the quantity of work each

course requires in relation to the total quantity of work required to complete a

full year of academic study at the host institution (lectures, practical work,

seminars, private work - in library or at home - and examinations or other

activities). ECTS credits express a relative value.

The ECTS, 60 credits represent the work load corresponding to a full year of

study. Normally, 30 credits are given for a semester and 20 credits for a term.

Credits are awarded only when the course has been completed and all required

examinations have been successfully taken.

Examination and assessment results are expressed in many different grading

systems in Europe. To help institutions interpret the grades awarded to

mobility students, the ECTS grading scale has been developed by institutions

participating in the pilot scheme.

The ECTS grading scale provides more information regarding the students’

achievements than the institutional grade but does not replace the local grade.

ECTS grading scale % of


A Excellent 10%

B Very Good 25%

C Good 25%

D Fair 25%

E Passed 10%

FX e F Fail

ESEIG implementation of Bologna Declaration

Now, ESEIG - IPP is working in order to produce some adaptations in the study

plans, according to the Bologna Declaration. The new study plan is already

prepared in order to start at the school year of 2006/2007.

In the new engineering study plans, after four years of studies and one year of

industrial practice or research work, the students have the corresponding

Master degree.

In other courses study plans, tree years of studies confers a degree of

Licenciatura, with two more years of practice or research work the students

have corresponding Master degree

We are looking for Higher Education Institutions partners, in order to develop

cooperation relationship, students and professors exchange in the scope of the

European mobility programs (ERASMUS, etc.).


The ESEIG’s campus follows a

contemporaneous architecture. The

campus is constituted by four distinct

areas: the social building, with self-

service restaurant, bar and

reprography, the administrative

building, w ith academic, information

and vocational orientation services,

the Administration and the Library, the

lecturers and professors (scholar) building, with three amphitheatres, thirty six

lecturer rooms, a principal auditorium (two hundred and sixty seats) and many

teaching staff offices, and the laboratories building, with fourteen laboratories,

and an application kitchen, restaurant and bar are currently being built to

accommodate the needs of the recently created Hotel Management Program.

Figure 22 – Principal auditorium aspect (seats)

Figure 23 – Principal auditorium aspect (stage)

ESEIG – Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão - 2006


Figure 24 – Materials laboratory (middle and right side)

Figure 25 – Metrology laboratory (middle and left side)

Figure 26 – Thermodynamics laboratory (left side)

ESEIG – Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão - 2006


Figure 27 – Automotive laboratory

Figure 28 – Electric machines laboratory

ESEIG – Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão - 2006


ESEIG CONTACTS ESEIG Address: ESEIG – Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão

Rua D. Sancho I, 981 4480 – 876 VILA DO CONDE PORTUGAL http://www.eseig.ipp.pt Direction Secretarial Staff: Paula Lima paulalima@eseig.ipp.pt Phone: (+351) 252 291 700 (Ext.: 3004) International Relations Office responsible: Milena Carvalho milenacarvalho@eseig.ipp.pt Phone: (+351) 252 291 700 Accounting and Administration course coordinator:

António da Silva Rocha antoniorocha@eseig.ipp.pt

Phone: (+351) 252 291 700 Human Resources course coordinator:

Viviana Meirinhos vivianameirinhos@eseig.ipp.pt Phone: (+351) 252 291 700 Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences:

Ana Luísa Soares anasoares@eseig.ipp.pt Phone: (+351) 914 292 581

ESEIG – Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão - 2006


Mechanical Engineering course coordinator:

Nuno Figueiredo NunoFigueiredo@eseig.ipp.pt Phone: (+351) 252 291 700

Design course coordinator:

Steven Sarson stevensarson@eseig.ipp.pt

Phone: (+351) 252 291 700 Audiovisual Communication Technology course coordinator: Olívia Santos sdasilva@sc.ipp.pt Phone: (+351) 252 291 700 Library and Information Sciences Technologies course coordinator:

Inês Braga inesbraga@eseig.ipp.pt Phone: (+351) 252 291 700 Hotel Management course coordinator:

Gisela Soares giselasoares@eseig.ipp.pt Phone: (+351) 252 291 700 Biomedical Engineering

Rui Barral RuiBarral@eseig.ipp.pt Phone: (+351) 252 291 700