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Epi News

San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc.

January, 2016 Volume 41 Number 1

‘Capt. Benito O. Nones’ Cross: ’Venetian Affair’ x ‘King of Yellows’

Size: Large

Hybridizer: Jim Nones

Photo by Jim Nones

First Place Winner Single Flower Category

2015 SDES Photography Contest

President's Corner "The Old Year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own

dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock

of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve


- Edward Payson Powell, American author and journalist

Our final event for 2015 was the Holiday Dinner and

installation of officers held at the Butcher Shop Restaurant on

December 9. Thanks to Mildred Mikas for all of her hard work

for organizing the dinner and getting the decorations for the

tables. All guests in attendance were able to choose an

epiphyllum plant in a gallon pot from the Safari Park

collection to take home. Thanks to everyone who helped make

this party a success. Thanks to Will Harvey for being the

Master of Ceremonies.

We have several new board members for 2016.

Patricia Frank joins us at our new 1st Vice President in charge

of Programs. Dennis Hughes is our new Recording Secretary

and Karl Almryde and Van-Anh Le are our new directors.

Cindy Decker has changed her role on the board from

Recording Secretary to Director. A huge thank you to Ron and

Velma Crain for their many years of service on the board and

thanks also to Marie Dempewolf and Victoria Chapman for all

of their hard work. I’m pleased to report that our SDES website,

www.SanDiegoEpi.org, is now live and able to be updated.

Several of the pages are now current and others will be

updated soon. You can now check on the calendar to see

upcoming events. I will provide more information in the

February newsletter.

January, 2016 SDES Epi News Page 2

Society Officers and Directors

President Janice Wakefield

jwakefield@cox.net (619) 464-1086

1st Vice President Patricia Frank

(Programs) p_frank@cox.net (619)589-1987

2nd Vice President Gina Contreras

(Mother’s Day Show) ginaecontreras57@gmail.com

Treasurer Tim Paule

timpaule@cox.net (619)-443-0826

Recording Secretary Dennis Hughes


Corresponding Secretary Beth Jackson

bethjackso@yahoo.com (858) 638-0956

Membership Secretary Humberto Contreras


Director (2016-17) Karl Almryde

karlalmryde@cox.net (619)262-0808

Director (2016-17) Cindy Decker

ddecke@juno.com (619) 972-9664

Director (2016-17) Jerry Moreau

jerrysdca@cox.net (619) 208-7654

Director (2015-16) Van-Ahn Le

enviromom@gmail.com (619)940-6429

Director (2015-16) Mildred Mikas

mvmikas@cox.net (760) 690-1124

Coordinators & Committee Chairperson:

Sales Events Cindy Decker

Librarian Marie Dempewolf

dempemom@aol.com (619) 573-5060

Garden Caravan Mildred Mikas

Installation Banquet Mildred Mikas

Safari Park Jerry Moreau

EpiNews Co-Editor Jerry Moreau

EpiNews Co-Editor Linda Sinkovic linda@cruzware.com

Historian Open

Internet / Web Open

Past President Ron Crain

hikerron@cox.net (619) 421-4785

Need to contact your Society or

keep up with events and


SDES has a website — www.SanDiegoEpi.com

there you will find lots of information about what’s

going on.

OR check out

Facebook — San Diego Epiphyllum Society on

Facebook. Here you can keep up-to date with the

society and members.

OR you can

Call or Email the Officers, Directors, or


Stay up-to date

Stay involved

It is your Society

Calendar of Events


January 2016

6 December Board Meeting

9 Safari Park Work Party

13 General Meeting

16 The Huntington Event

27 Board Meeting

30 Safari Park Work Party


10 General Meeting

13 Safari Park Work Party

24 Board Meeting

27 Safari Park Work Party


23 Cuyamaca Spring Garden Festival


8 Mother’s Day pre-sale

9 Mother’s Day Show and Sale

28 EpiCon VX

Meeting Programs — Patricia Frank

Pre-Meeting Workshop: There was no pre-

meeting workshop in December, Ron is planning

something great for January. Don’t miss out.

December Program: Last month we ended the

year with our annual Holiday, Awards, and Installation

Banquet. We enjoyed an evening of camaraderie and

good food.

January Program: Carole Brown, a clinical

herbalist, herb grower, and teacher will introduce us to

medicinal herbs, growing them, and how to use them in

foods. She will have on hand small plants, books, dried

herbs, tinctures of herbs and limited handouts. Carole

speaks widely at many of the plants societies and is a

fascinating presenter. Please join us for this wonderful


Inside This Issue

President’s Corner 2

Meeting Program 3

Calendar of Events 3

Safari Park Report 4

The Huntington Event 4

Holiday & Awards Banquet 5

ESA Diamond Jubilee 6

Founder’s Award 6

Pictures from Holiday Dinner 7

Pictures from ESA 75th 8

Now Is The Time 9

What’s Blooming 9

Member Benefit/Plant Sale 9

Get Your Facts First 10

Mother’s Day Show 11

EpiCon XV 11

January, 2016 SDES Epi News Page 3

SDES Holiday Dinner

Photo by Don Crain

Another year has gone by and here we are with the anticipation of the new year. The volunteers have done

some pretty amazing work at the Park in 2015 and because of that hard work we will be rewarded with magnificent

blooms this spring. This year we will be doing some reorganizing to the epi display house.

The San Diego Zoo Global had its volunteer appreciation event. Some of the Special recognition goes out to

members who have volunteered at the epi display house. Special note goes to Bob Holzinger volunteered 100 hours,

Jerry Markle and Janice Wakefield 250 hours, Tim Paule 500 hours, Fred Savage, 750 hours, Laurie Lasslo 10 years,

and Ron Crain and Beth Jackson 15 years. Thank you for your continued effort supporting SDES and the Epiphyllum

collection at the Safari Park.

Helping out these past work parties were Sandra Chapin, Ron & Velma Crain, Cindy Decker, Marie,

Dempewolf, Bob Holzinger, Dennis Hughes, Judy Johnson, Mildred & Gerry Mikas, Jerry Moreau, Mary Nash, Tim

Paule, Linda Sinkovic, Paul Vanderploeg, and Janice Wakefield. Your effort is greatly appreciated.

Wish List: Mini blinds to use as plant tags.

The next work party will be

January 9th and 30th.

Safari Park Epi Display House — Jerry Moreau

January, 2016 SDES Epi News Page 4

9:00 – 10:00 Registration – in front of new visitor entry area

Please bring your CSSA or affiliated club badge or membership card for admission

9:00 – 11:00 Desert Garden

Knowledgeable staff and docents will be stationed throughout the Desert Garden and Desert Conservatory

Aloes will be flowering

11:00 – 1:00 Plant Sales

Gate opens by the Teaching Greenhouse at 11:00 for plant sales

please, no early bird shopping — Cash, checks, and credit cards accepted

1:00 – 4:30 Free Time — Attendees are welcome to tour the gardens and galler ies as of 10:30

On your own for lunch. There is the Café in the new visitor center features a var iety of sandwiches and gr illed items or

the tea room at Liu Fang Yuan is a lovely option for fresh Chinese food



1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, California 91108 (626) 405-2100

DESERT FORUM at The Huntington

Saturday, January 16, 2016 SDES is an affiliate member of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America (CSSA)

To the left, Judy Johnson. She came

out to volunteer with us in

December. It was great to have her

back again. To the right, ‘Beautie

Wegener’. Last year it bloomed all

winter at the Park and it is going to

do the same this year. Photos by Jerry Moreau

January, 2016 SDES Epi News Page 5

Holiday, Awards, & Installation

of Offices Banquet

—Mildred Mikas

Our Holiday Dinner was a BIG

success! We had 64 wonderful epi

lovers dressed in their holiday clothes

in attendance. There were many, many

“Door Prizes” & “Wear Your Name

Tag” gifts, including (15) $20.00 gift

certificates to the Butcher Shop

Restaurant. One of our Grand prizes

was a $50.00 certificate to the Butcher

Shop. Mike, the manager at the Butcher Shop Restaurant,

has been very good to us and

we thank him for his

generosity. Another grand

Prize was a 4’’ Pot of

‘Yellow Tang’ with growth.

We had a number of people

partaking in the gift exchange

and it was fun. I’d like to

thank Van-Ah, Victoria, Karl

and my husband Gerry, for all

their help with the prizes &

gift exchange at the Dinner.

A Special thank you to Will

Harvey for keeping us entertained at Dinner. By the

way, Will celebrated his 90th Birthday in December

and it was wonderful his 3 children were able to

attend the dinner with him. Janice, President,

introduced the old and new SDES former board

members. She thanked the members for their

dedication to the Society. Janice also presented the

Roger Chapin Award and Honorary Life Membership.

SDES 2016 Board of Directors above, far left Will

Harvey, and left Allen Pellymounter and Judy Johnson

All photos by Don Crain

Jill Rowney Volunteer of the Year

The Roger Chapin Award, AKA ‘Volunteer of the Year’ was presented

to Jill Rowney, who wasn’t able to be present at the dinner. Jill joined

SDES in July 1996 and has held many offices – treasurer 2001, 1st vice

president 2005, 2nd vice president 2003-2004, recording secretary

2009. She also has been cutting chair woman, sales event coordinator,

has hosted cutting parties and the garden caravan and was a Mother’s

Day participant every year. She was also the newsletter editor for ten

years. Jill was awarded Honorary Life Membership in 2005. Thank

you Jill for all you have contributed to SDES over the years.

Beth Jackson Honorary Life Member

An Honorary Life Membership was awarded to Beth Jackson, who also was not able to be

present at the dinner. Honorary Life Membership is awarded to a person who goes above

and beyond in their dedication to the SDES and supports the SDES mission statement.

Beth joined SDES in July 1998 and has contributed to SDES in many roles in spite of

spending a great deal of her time traveling for her work. She has been a director,

membership secretary, and corresponding secretary as well as Mother’s Day judges clerk

from 2006 to the present. She volunteers at Safari Park whenever she is able and takes

home the used plastic pots to wash. Beth has been honored in 2011 as the ‘Volunteer of

the Year’ and awarded The Roger Chapin Award. Thank you Beth for all you do for the


January, 2016 SDES Epi News Page 6

Don Patterson Awarded Founder’s Award by the ESA —Jerry Moreau

In 2005 the ESA decided to honor people for “Lifetime

Achievement” in the promotion, culture, science, spread,

promotion, support, ect of epiphyllum. This award may be given

to an organization or an individual. At that time San Diego

members have been honored with this award; they were Dick

Chadwick, George French, Phyllis Flechsig, Gray/Davis Nursery,

Rainbow Gardens Nursery. In 2008 SDES was award the

Founder’s Award. In 2015 at the ESA’s 75 Anniversary Dinner

Don Patterson was awarded.

Don Patterson started collecting epis in the late 1960’s early

1970 when a friend give him his first epis, one of them was

‘Tassel’. He was right on time to begin just as the San Diego Epiphyllum Society

began. When George French was president (1972-74), Don was the Society’s

Historian and continues today by keeping alive the history of the past 45 years of

SDES, its people, nurseries, and flowers. Don has a way of writing and telling stories

of the plants, flowers, and people of the epi world which has enthralled the Society

and friends. Over the years he has gotten to know and maintained friendships with people such as the George and

Madeline French, Bill Nelson (SDES’s 1st president), Dr. and Mrs. Troxell, Betty Cox (Cox Nursery), Gerry

Williams & Chuck Everson (Rainbow Gardens), Tina & Dean Hawks (Hawks Nursery), Galen Pittman, Wressey

Cocke, Beahm Gardens, and many others.

In the 1980’s Don became interested in hybridizing, his curiosity of “what would happen if I crossed this

flower with that” stirred. Don, being an artist and art teacher, let his imagination ran away with the possibilities

of color combination, form, texture, and size. His curiosity, fortunately for us, produced many beautiful hybrids.

His first and notable registrations were ‘Lily Dache’ in 1992, ‘Ninja’ and ‘Smarty Pants’ in 1993. And more

recent introductions of ‘C’est Magnifique’, ‘Alakazam’, ‘Mr. P’, ‘Lothario’, ‘Heather’, ‘Crystal Claret’, ‘Imperial

Tiger’, ‘Hopelessly Devoted’ just to name a few. Don has registered 74 hybrids to date, with more on the way.

Don has competed in many flowers shows of SDES, SBES, and ESA and has won many blue ribbons.

Don shared that these plants became my “Garden of Eden”. The many epi people, epi plants, societies, and

hybridizing efforts, has contributed to my life being enriched by their presence and beauty.

Epiphyllum Society of America Diamond Jubilee — Jerry Moreau

On Saturday December 6, 2015 members of SDES traveled to Monrovia, CA to

celebrate the ESA’s 75th Anniversary. There was an exhibition of the best of our

epiphyllum memorabilia collection from the ESA and members’ private epi

collections put together by Jim Nones. The ESA paid tribute to Chuck Everson &

Jerry Williams of Rainbow Gardens after 36 years in the business, they plan to

retire from their epi business. The program featured special awards, including the

Founder’s Award to out very own Don Patterson (see below), a silent auction of

rare epi cuttings, and door prizes. A special trophy of created to honor ESA past

president Galen Pittman, Best in Show—The Galen Pittman Award at the ESA

flower show. Entertainment was provided by singer/pianist Tommy Dodson. It was a

wonderful time to get reacquainted with old

friends and reminisce with other members who

made a difference in our 75 year history. SDES/

ESA members attending were Sandra Chapin,

Velma & Ron Crain, Gina & Humberto Contreras,

Michael & Jim Davis, Chuck Everson & Jerry

Williams, Beth Jackson, Mildred & Gerry Mikas,

Jerry Moreau, Don Patterson, Linda Sinkovic &

Peter Thompson, and President Janice Wakefield. Kathy Brown & Doris Pittman Don Patterson & Gina Contreras

Beth Jackson, Janice Wakefield &

Ron & Velma Crain

January, 2016 SDES Epi News Page 7

Pictures from the Holiday, Awards, and Installation Banquet Photos by Don Crain, Jerry Moreau, & Janice Wakefield

Ron & Velma Crain

right—Bill Greene &

June Singer

Velma Crain, Jim Nones, Sandra Chapin

Allen Pellymounter & Laura Johnson

Mildred Mikas &

Janice Wakefield

Alex and Alexandra Buck

Marj Myers & Marie Dempewolf

January, 2016 SDES Epi News Page 8

Pictures from the ESA 75th Anniversary Dinner Photos by Jerry Moreau

Beth Jackson

& Linda Sinkovic

Gerry & Mildred Mikas

Dick Kohlschreiber,

Dr. Rudi Dorsch,

& Myron Kimnach

Chuck Everson

& Michele Davis

Jerry Williams &

Chuck Everson Jerry Moreau & Don Patterson

Rose West

Jerry Moreau

Velma & Ron Crain

Rose West

Don Patterson

Daughter of Rose (Eileen)

Now is the Time

Blooming in December Don Burnett: D. macranthus, E. anguliger

Sandra Chapin: ‘Jalisco disco’, ‘Jalisco flir t’, ‘Jalisco

Grace’, ‘Jalisco Passion’

Cindy Decker: ‘Fluid Orange’, ‘Gold Charm’, ‘Harald

Knebel’, ‘Herbert S. Irwin’

Dick Kohlschreiber: ‘Christmas Elf’, Jalisco Grace’,

Jalisco Joy’

Mildred Mikas: ‘Beautie Wegner’,

‘Kami‘, ‘Light & Bright’, ‘Red


Jerry Moreau: ‘Marmalade ‘N’


Don Patterson: ‘Herber t S. Irwin’,

‘Jalisco Star Flight’,

E. anguliger

Allen Pellymounter: ‘George's

Favorite’, ‘Herbert S. Irwin’,

‘Something Special’

Mark Piette: ’Ruby Tuesday’,


Safari Park: ‘Beautie Wegener ,

‘Cattelya’, ‘George’s

Favorite’,‘Knebel’s Gluck’, ‘L.K.

Williams’, ‘Margarita’, ‘Rose

Tornado’, ‘Wedding’s Bells’

Janice Wakefield: ‘Janice’

January, 2016 SDES Epi News Page 9

Begin to feed with low or no nitrogen fertilizer such as “Hi

Bloom” or “Bloom”. Low/no nitrogen fertilizers will have

label ratings around 0-10-10 or 2-10-10. Either liquid or

time-release granules can be used. If liquid is used, another

application may be needed in a month. Plants that are not

large enough to support blooms can be fertilized with a

higher nitrogen content, such as 5-10-10.

Watch for pests. Keep plants free of debris where pests can

breed and hide. Wet weather is snail and slug weather..

Bait or hand pick them. Spray with insecticides only when

necessary and follow directions carefully.

Protect epis from freezing temperatures. New tender

growth is especially susceptible to cold temperatures and

winter winds.

Prune out unproductive and unsightly growth to allow more

energy to be used by newer and healthier branches. How-

ever, if you live in an area where your epis will be exposed

to more freezing nights, this unproductive or damaged

growth will help protect the healthier growth from the ele-

ments. You may want to forego pruning a bit longer.

Let epis enjoy the winter rains. As long as your epis are in

loose, draining soil, the rains won’t hurt them and will help

wash out the fertilizer salts that can build up in potted

plants. If you have epis sitting on shelves or tables, make

sure they are not sitting in puddles of water after heavy

rains. If you collect rain water for future use, store in cov-

ered, opaque containers to prevent algae build-up and mos-

quito larvae infestation.

Pick ripe apples (seed pods). After removing the seeds

from the pod, they can be planted immediately without hav-

ing to be dried out. However, artificial light and heat may

be needed to encourage germination.

Do not repot plants that you want to bloom this spring.

Some buds are already starting their earliest formative stag-

es. Once buds set, don’t rearrange your plants. Moving

plants can cause forming buds to drop. If you want to rear-

range them, do it now.

Start planning you display for the Mother’s Day Show.

You can enter a full, half, or mini table display or flower

arrangement based on the theme, “California Dreaming”.

Member Benefit

Plants For Sale

SDES is offering plants for sale as a member

benefit. Most are 1 gal established plants

some are larger. The price for each plant is

starting @ $15.00. We are taking requests by

hybrid name. We currently do not have a list

of the plants. If we do have it, we will

confirm by e-mail with a picture, plant cost, &

estimated shipping cost and reserve it for you

for ten days. By the tenth day payment is

expected before shipping. This payment can

be done by return mail, on our web site, or at a

meeting in cash. Shipping will be from

Escondido, CA most likely USPS.

If interested, requests should be sent to:

Gerry Mikas at Mikas@cox.net or

phone 858 381 7535

‘Gold Charm’

Photo by Jerry Moreau

Get Your Facts First — Linda Sinkovic

January, 2016 SDES Epi News Page 10

(Article reprinted from Epi News vol

38 no. 1 and updated.)

If you belong to this

club, there's a good

chance you like

epiphytic cactus. You

might only be

interested in epi

hybrids or maybe you

are interested in the

whole range of

epiphytic cactus

species. In either case,

a useful item to have

in your library is the

ESA Registry.

The official name is

Registry of Hybrids

and Species published

by the ESA. The latest

edition is the 6th

edition. There are

currently five

addenda, the latest

being number 37. The

addenda contain

information such as

new hybrid

registrations. As each

new edition is

published, existing addenda are


If you've seen the copies of the ESA

Registry we have in the library, you

might wonder what's the big deal?

After all there are no photos so how

can it be useful identifying a

mystery plant?

Well, there are descriptions of each

flower, and often the plant shape is

mentioned as well. Though it can be

somewhat maddening trying to

figure out exactly what color is

"carmine" *1 or "cyclamen purple"

*2, the Registry can be useful. For

example, the Registry can help you

determine the size and shape of a

flower, or the pattern of colors on a

petal.*3 And that can help you

narrow down the list of candidates

for the identity of a mystery plant.

The Registry also has some short

descriptions of epiphytic cactus

species, including Schlumbergera

and Hatiora species.*4 For fuller

descriptions and photos of epiphytic

cactus species you can consult the

Cactus Lexicon *5 but the

descriptions in the Registry are

enough to get you started.

Everyone who is interested in

epiphytic cactus should have a copy

of this in their library.

Unfortunately the copies

in the SDES library are

for reference only and

cannot be checked out, so

if you want to consult the

Registry at home you'll

need your own copy. You

can get a copy of the

latest edition plus all the

addendum from the

Epiphyllum Society of


Enjoy your offseason


*1 Carmine is a deep red

*2 Cyclamen purple is a

reddish purple

*3 See page 26, 5th


*4 Unfortunately

Schlumbergera and Hatiora hybrids

are not covered in the Registry.

There are other resources though.

*5 The New Cactus Lexicon, David

Hunt, Nigel Taylor and Graham

Charles; www.newcactuslexicon.org

*6 www.epiphyllumsociety.org

“Get your facts first, then

you can distort them as

much as you please…”

-Mark Twain

January, 2016 SDES Epi News Page 11

It is never too soon to start thinking and

planning what you want to do for the

show. There are many ways to be part of

the show. You can create a display, themed or non-

themed, large to small, a flower display, flowers to be

judged individually, or an educational display. You can

also volunteer. Help is always needed in the pre show/

sales planning,

making cuttings,

sales area, show

set up, potluck

lunch, and more.

Gina Contreras,

Mother’s Day

Show Chair is on

hand to help and

will bring us an

amazing show this


Many people venture to the Casa del Prado on

Mother’s Day explicitly to purchase epi cuttings

and plants. But many others come to revel in the

array of magnificent color with hundreds of epies

from all members’ collections making their way to

room 101. The theme only adds to the fun.

Figuring out a way to display the blooms in a

thematic setting can really stretch your creativity

and imagination.

‘California Dreaming’ Is this year’s Mother’s Day Show theme

May 8, 2016

EpiCon XV Hosted by South Bay Epiphyllum Society

at the South Coast Botanic Garden on Saturday, May 28th, 2016.

Every two years one of the three Epiphyllum Societies of Southern California hosts Epi Con. This is an event where

epicactus enthusiasts from all over the world gather to compare notes on all things epi-related. This all started back in

the fall of 1987 where representatives of the ESA, SDES, and SBES met at the San Diego Botanical Gardens and de-

cided that there should be a meeting open to the general memberships of the combined Societies. Thus, Epi Confer-

ence One, EpiCon I, was created. This is an event that should not be missed.

‘EpiCon X’

‘EpiCon VII’

‘EpiCon IX’


New memberships as well Renewals can be

processed at our secure web site:

Click here

Those who wish to receive Epi News via e-mail:

Single Membership $15.00 per year

Dual Membership$20.00 per year

International Membership $15.00 per year

Those who wish to receive a printed copy of Epi News:

Single Membership $20.00 per year

Dual Membership $25.00 per year

International Membership $30.00 per year

Have You Moved? If you have moved or recently changed your physical

OR e-mail address, please let us know your new

address so that you can continue to receive your

newsletter without interruption.

Send it to SDES Membership – at:

PO Box 126127, San Diego, CA 92112-6127

OR sdes_roster@hotmail.com

San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc (SDES)

P.O. Box 126127

San Diego, CA 92112-6127

Epi News is published monthly by

San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc.

Editor– Jerry Moreau & Linda Sinkovic:

(619) 208-7654

jerrysdca@cox.net or linda@cruzware.com

SDES Web Site: www.SanDiegoEpi.org

Membership queries: sdes_roster@hotmail.com


January 13, 2016

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month

7:30 p.m. in Room 101, pre-meeting workshop 7:00 p.m.

Casa del Prado, Balboa Park

Next Board meeting:

January 27, 2015

7:00 p.m. in Room 104,

Casa del Prado, Balboa Park.

Details of How To Become A Volunteer at the Safari Park

can be found on our website. Click on SanDiegoEpi.org

January, 2016 SDES Epi News Page 12

‘Aida’ - NIC c.1925 Rose inner

petals with a purple throat.

Deeper rose outer petals. {L}

‘Degas Dancer’ - RJC(SAGE) 2001

Pale fuchsia with a coral mid-

stripe and a green throat.

Overlapping funnel form with

reflexed outer petals. Flat and 3-

angled thick basket growth. {L}

‘Gene Lund’ × ‘Ruby

Snowflake’. Reg. #12705

‘Vanilla Sunset’ - MIY 2005 Inner pet-

als pink with a white center. Outer

petals golden orange with a gold

center. Overlapping, cup and saucer

form. Flat branched growth. {XL}

‘Lily Dache’ Ex Nat. Reg. #12943