Epinephrine 03

Post on 03-Jun-2015

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Epinephrine Born to the Parents/Life Partners of

Steven Welhaf & Brian Needles


• Our baby is mostly made up of Hydrogen and Carbon including some Oxygen and Nitrogen.


• No, our baby is one perfect little baby made up of love and cuteness.

Functional Groups

• 3 separate Hydroxyl groups

The Catecholamine Family

• Our baby was born to the Catecholamine family

• All born from Father Tyrosine (an amino acid)

• Most can act as neurotransmitters


• Our family aids the nervous system in stressful and pleasurable times, as well as increasing heart rate and blood flow

Family (cont.)

• For example, epinephrine is a response to stress, and dopamine is a response to pleasure

Family Activities

• Are located in the kidneys, in high-stress or physically exhilarating situations it Stimulates heart rate, and dilates blood vessels and air passages in dangerous situations

Family Activities (cont.)• He’s a very efficient little

bugger: he closes off tiny unimportant and expands the larger more important blood vessels to create better overall blood flow. – This also allows the

muscles to perform at their maximum ability for longer

• Collapses glycogen to glucose, raising sugar level of blood, giving a “burst” of energy, or a “rush”, (also free floating fatty acids)

Family Activities (cont.)

• Mobilizes body’s defense system• When he swims in ‘blood’

streams he grabs onto the liver and muscles

• We send him to cAMP daily, where he pisses off glucose, that which makes him react very angrily “The Adrenaline Rush”

• When he’s at work, our increases heart rate cause were nervous for him.

• Adrenaline and his family like to hang in the ‘rad’ amygdale which triggers emotional reactions

Good Parenting

• We are very nervous as new parents and our son helps us react the many crazy things he does

• Our baby is very small and cute, just like our family, were perfect for each other.

• All three of us go out in the real world and our new baby helps us stay safer from dangers. “Flight-or-Fight”

Works Cited

• Wisegeek.com• Caryacademy.org• Healthcentral.com• Chemistryexplained.com• Wikipedia.com• Google Images