Episcopal Church of St. Matthew St. Matthew’s Online...

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brought her cd player

and a lot of discs!

Mother’s taste ran a

little more traditional

than my own. She had

discs of Mahilia Jack-

son, George Beverly

Shea, and Tennessee

Ernie Ford along with

many others.

In the service at Pacifi-

ca, I use these discs at

the beginning, after

the reflection on the

Scripture reading and

at the conclusion of

service. Why compact (Continued on page 2)

On the last Sat-

urday of each month, I

go to Pacifica Senior

Living, a memory care

residential facility, to

lead a Word and Com-

munion service. I use

the Communion under

Special Circumstances

service which is locat-

ed on page 396 of our

Book of Common Pray-

er. I do make a few

additions. I began this

service at Pacifica fol-

lowing the passing of

one of our parishion-

ers who for awhile was

a resident there. The

activity director asked

me if I could provide a

service. There can be

as few as five and as

many as ten residents


One of the additions I

have made was the

inclusion of music.

The music I use is from

the collection of reli-

gious music compact

discs which my mother

had. When she and

dad came to live with

Chax and me, she

Experiencing the Sacred By Fr. Rick Wilson

Christmas: The Ultimate Time of the Sacred

Episcopal Church of St. Matthew

December 2015

St. Matthew’s Online Newsletter

Inside this issue:

Las Posadas 2015 2

MA Youth Visit 3

Rummage Sale



Shoebox Ministry 5

Contributions Sought 6

Senior Warden 7




Vestry Candidates 9

Vestry Candidates 10

Who We Are 11

The Online Newsletter

is a production of lay

ministers and the cler-

gy. Please email all ar-

ticles or photos to the

editor, Julie Neff-

Encinas at


One need not be a dea-

con, priest or bishop to

experience the sacred.

There are moments in

our daily lives when the

Lord touches us. We

hear a child pray, we

feel the Holy Spirit with

us as we pray, we join

with everyone at church

to hold hands and say

the Lord’s Prayer. May-

be it is as we receive

communion. All of us

can have these mo-

ments with Christ that

renew our connection,

strengthen our faith and

show us how very real

God is in our lives.

May you experience the

sacred this Christmas!

discs? God has blessed me in many

ways but a singing voice, well; let’s

just say that even with voice les-

sons, I do not have a good singing


On November 28, I had the service

again at Pacifica. Although I pride

myself as being a liturgical purist

(some may say elitist), I violated a

liturgical principle that Saturday

morning. It was just right before

the beginning of Advent and in the

service I used Christmas Carols. I

thought that I would not see these

people again until December 26 so

why not use music which already is

inundating the radio, stores, res-

taurants, and almost any public

place with a speaker. I chose one

of mom’s discs of Christmas carols

(Continued from page 1) sung by Nat king Cole. I thought he

might be someone who would resonate

with the residents. I was right.

What I did not expect was what hap-

pened as I played the first carol. It was

O Little Town of Bethlehem. As the leg-

endary vocalist Nat King Cole began to

sing, about four of the ten people be-

gan to sing along with him! I was over-

whelmed! They did not sing quietly.

They lifted their voices. It was beauti-

ful. I could not help but wonder how

many memories and how many Christ-

mases were tied to them as they sang

this Christmas Carol? What lived within

them that gave them such emotion and

energy to their singing? Whatever it

was, it compelled them to lift their voic-

es in song. For me, it was a sacred mo-


(Continued on page 3)

Experiencing the Sacred (cont.)

Page 2 St. Matthew’s Online Newsletter

Posadas with Old Pascua Yaqui Friends

gether in a carpool caravan leaving the

church in plenty of time to arrive to Old

Pascua for the 5:30 starting time. Like-

wise we’ll look for you to be at our

church at 5:30 on Sunday. If you’d like

more information, please contact Rev.

Debbie Royals, Cindy Weiler or Larry

Waggoner for the details.

Once again this year, our parish will share

the celebration of the traditional posadas

with our friends from the Old Pascua Yaqui

community. This year we will have two

dates instead of just one. We will visit our

friends on Saturday, December 19 and then

they will come here on Sunday, December

20. We hope that many of you will join to-

Nat King Cole—entertainer

Massachusetts Youth Visit

Why so? Pacifica caters especially to

people who are living with memory

challenges and yet something about

this carol gave them emotion and en-

ergy. It also occurred with a few oth-

er carols that were sung such as Away

in the Manger and Joy to the World. I

have to admit several of those voices

easily could put mine to shame! For

me, it was sacred because I saw new

life in the people singing. They were

angels! How marvelous to hear them

sing, out of their personal histories of

God knows what their lives had been.

How utterly beautiful the experience

was! How utterly beautiful they were

as they sang and as they remain to be!

There is so much ugliness and discom-

fort in the world. And it seems such a

contradiction because the world is

truly a beautiful place. But what we

manage to do to ourselves and one

another can be so destructive. So

whenever we have an experience

that reminds us that God has gifted

us with so much, it is time to say

thank you!

As we move towards the celebration

of Jesus’ birth, we are given an op-

portunity to truly experience the sa-

cred. How so amidst all the consum-

erism and busyness? We do so be-

cause we celebrate the birth of the

person of light who shows us how to

live as a people of hope, faith, and

love. In the incredible beauty of a

new born infant, we see God’s com-

mitment to us. The infant grows to

be an adult and as an adult he opens

our eyes to the beauty of who we are

as children of God. And from there,

he encourages us to see each other’s

beauty and treat one another accord-(Continued on page 6)

Experiencing the Sacred (cont.)

Page 3 St. Matthew’s Online Newsletter

On Sunday, December 27, our parish will wel-

come a group of about a dozen youth from the

Diocesan Youth Leadership Academy in Massa-

chusetts. The group is visiting Southern Arizo-

na towns to learn more about the issues relat-

ed to the border and immigration. Part of their

visit will include time with Rev. Debbie to learn

of how the Yaqui people were impacted by the

establishment of the US—Mexico border in the

late 1840s and how it has continued to impact them

ever since.

The group will attend the 10:30 service and coffee hour

afterwards. We’ll have special Mexican pastries and

other treats for them to take with them on their travels

to the Douglas area. Please help them feel very wel-

come by chatting with them while they are here.

Page 4 St. Matthew’s Online Newsletter

Rummage Sale is a GREAT SUCCESS!

The 2015 rummage sale was a resounding success in every way! Parishioners really turned out with mass quantities of excellent salable items. Hard-working volunteers labored all week organ-izing and pricing all the items that were donated. Then, customers were lined up by 6:40 am Friday morning just waiting to come in! The first person in the door spent over $100 within 10 minutes! It continued that way for much of the day. Thanks mostly to the crazy, busy day on Friday, we raised over $3800 during the two-day sale. We also had a lot of fun during the sale, thanks to EVERYONE who helped out. We had a great group of volunteers who came to help customers, keep an eye out that nothing walked out un-paid and just keep each other company. Many parishioners also came to buy lots of items! Sale chairperson Tricia Galvin thanks everyone who participated for their time, energy and good humor! We are pleased to announce that Jessie Bauer and Caroline Wolstenholme were our raffle winners. Jessie won the beautiful quilt that was donated and shown in the narthex for the last cou-ple of weeks. Caroline won an additional prize that was added; a beautiful necklace and earrings made and donated by Nadine Cole. It’s really wonderful to see everyone help out in so many different ways and achieve such a meaningful outcome for the parish overall. Thank you especially to Tricia and Ruth Galvin who spearheaded the entire event, and the committee who helped including Cheryl Burke, Lisa Butler, Rhonda Rugg, and Caroline Wolstenholme.

Shoebox Ministry Culminates with Busy Saturday

Page 5 St. Matthew’s Online Newsletter

Beginning with initial plans in February, the St. Matthew Knit and Crochet Group has been steadily

creating hats, scarves, purses, washcloths and stuffed toys to fill shoeboxes for the most needy chil-

dren of Nogales, Sonora as part of the Rotary Club’s multi-agency cooperative activity. The wood-

workers of the parish made small cars, planes and other wooden toys to contribute also. Others

gathered school supplies, hygiene items, and socks along with candies to round out the surprises for

the children. Approximately 25 parishioners came together on Saturday, November 14 to carefully

wrap the shoeboxes with festive paper and then fill all 122 boxes and pack them into Anibal

Sanchez’s truck. The boxes will be distributed to the pre-qualified children in early January in keep-

ing with the tradition of Three King’s Day. Thank you to everyone who contributed in great and

small ways to another year of wonderful outreach to the marginalized and vulnerable in our society.

More photos on page 10.

Experiencing the Sacred (cont.)

Page 6 St. Matthew’s Online Newsletter


Jesus awakens us to a universe which is so complex and dynamic, and a world with an incredible

amount of diverse life forms in all shapes, sizes, and colors. A world of challenges-absolutely! But with a

reminder, we need not face any challenge alone. Immanuel, God is with us. To assist us from time to

time, we have experiences of the sacred. I define an experience of the sacred as a moment in time

when I know there is so much more to what is seen and God is inviting me to taste and see the beauty

before me.

As a priest, one of those experiences that are almost automatic is when I baptize a child. One may be

tempted to think that this is just a ritual that people expect their children to undergo. But it is much

more. By virtue of our being created by God, we are already in a relationship with God. God is our cre-

ator. When parents come to have their child baptized, they are acknowledging that God has gifted

them with this precious life. Furthermore, they are making a commitment to raise this child as a fol-

lower of Jesus. And not only them, but the rest of us who are present are committing ourselves to live

more fully as a follower of Christ for our sakes and for the sake of this new life within our community.

This is a sacred moment.

God invites us to other sacred moments. We need only be open to what God is willing to show us. This

season may provide one or more such moments for you! As I began the Word and Communion service

at Pacifica, I did not expect to experience such a holy moment. But I did. So as you continue through

this season of busyness and consumerism, allow yourself to be open to those moments of depth that

encourage you to experience God being with us! Enjoy the beauty! God’s Peace!

(Continued from page 3)

Last year our parishioners , led by Matty’s Angels, adopted a multi-generational family from the Old Pascua com-

munity and provided them with many blessings to replace some of what was lost in the fire that destroyed their


This year we are seeking donations to bless a single elderly lady, Frances Zaragoza, whose roof is collapsing on

her home. Frances is partly disabled and struggles with mobility. Please consider how much you can contribute

to the fund we have begun in her name. Write your check to St. Matthew and note in the memo line the

Frances Zaragoza fund. We look forward to presenting her with a check on Sunday, December 20 during the

Posadas. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Seeking Donations for Fund

Page 7 St. Matthew’s Online Newsletter

Word has it that a baby will soon be born. What do we do when we are

waiting and watching for that birth? We prepare and with excitement try

to be ready when the time comes. We purchase or make gifts, decorate,

bake and party. During that time we also attend church and pray that we

will be prepared in our hearts and minds for the coming of the baby; in

this case, baby Jesus. Thus is the season of Advent.

This is an exciting time and one of hope. However, not everyone is excited

at this time of year. The hustle, bustle may be too much for some of us.

Our joy may turn into sadness if we are grieving the loss of a loved one,

loss of a pet, loss of a job, or are very sick. If you see someone who looks

depressed or “down”, talk to them or give them a hug. Smiles go a long way, too. For those feeling

depressed, try to get enough rest, eat properly, exercise, and talk to a pastoral care member or to the

clergy. Only take on the activities you have the energy for and don’t feel guilty if you decline an invita-

tion to a party or other event. Attend church on a regular basis. Prayer, singing or listening to the choir

will help to prepare our hearts and minds.

On December 24th, the eve of Christmas, Advent ends. On Christmas Day, December 25th, the birth has

finally happened. The waiting is over. We revel in the joy of the Incarnation of God in Christ. The

twelve days of Christmas begins.


May the God of hope fill us all with joy and peace in believing through the power of the Holy Spirit.




Senior Warden Ramblings by Carol Walker

Page 8 St. Matthew’s Online Newsletter

Celebrating Christmas at St. Matthew

Christmas Liturgies

We will celebrate Jesus' birth as follows:

Christmas Eve Liturgy of the Shepherds

6:00 pm

Christmas Eve Midnight Mass of the Angels

11:00 pm (ends at midnight and there will be incense, lots of incense)

Christmas Day Liturgy of the Divine Word

10:30 am (a very meditative service)

Christmas Day Luncheon

Continuing the tradition begun by parishioner Judy Howarth, Deacon Brigid and her family will be coordinating the luncheon this year, which will follow the 10:30 am liturgy. They will provide the turkey and ham. Other people attending are asked to sign up to bring one or more side dishes, desserts or beverages. You may bring as much as you like because it is our joint participation that truly makes this a joyful feast!

A sign-up sheet is located on the narthex table. Please let us know who will join us! You are welcome and encouraged to bring other family or friends with you.

Page 9 St. Matthew’s Online Newsletter

Vestry Candidates 2016

Carl Genthner’s career included 20 years in the US Air Force, during which he obtained a master’s degree in Human Resources. He followed this with 21 years as a defense contractor where he earned a reputation as one who took on any challenge, and through team work, imagination, leadership and persis-tence brought the project to a successful conclusion. Carl applied this work ethic in dedication to his local community, forming the community-based organization The Gainesville Group, that spearheaded food drives, collections of school supplies and a road adoption to improve the cleanli-ness of the west end of Prince William County, Virginia. While living in Virginia he was also a member of the local Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club and American Le-gion Post. Raised Lutheran, Carl and his wife June have been active in church life both here and in Virginia. Carl was a lay reader at Trinity Episcopal in Virginia, and a lay reader and now usher here at St. Matthew ’s while his wife June has been a member of the choir in both churches. Carl and June have been married 12 years and between them have seven children, ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Larry Waggoner grew up in Tucson. After five years in the Marine Corps, he attended the University of Arizona earning a bachelor’s degree in Political Sci-ence. He then reentered the Marine Corps and was designated a Naval Flight Officer. He earned a master’s degree in Business and then represented the Unit-ed States and the United States Marine Corps in Rome, Italy. Following his re-tirement, Larry worked at the Joint Force Command Naples in the Southern Re-gion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for 12 years. While in Naples, Italy, Larry was a parishioner at Christ Church Naples, a small English speaking Anglican church. He served on the Church Council 2005 to 2011 and as a Church Warden from 2009 to 2011. Larry left his job in Naples

and returned to Tucson in late 2011 to monitor the care of his mother. Larry joined St. Matthew in March 2012 and has served as a replacement member of the Vestry since July 2014 including acting as chair of the Service Commission. His focus in the last year has been to learn about the wonderful outreach currently being conducted here at St. Matthew. Recently, he has begun to look for opportunities for social justice advocacy consistent with the appetite of the parish. In that regard he has collaborated with the Education Commission in beginning a Quarterly Speaker Series to bring in outside speakers to address social justice issues. Larry has been married 45 years to his wife Ann and they have two sons and three grandchildren.

Page 10 St. Matthew’s Online Newsletter

I am Caroline Wolstenholme and I was born in a suburb of Philadelphia and raised attending an Episcopal church. I was baptized, confirmed, and mar-ried in this small, friendly parish, and many of my most treasured childhood memories are of attendance at services and parish events.

My husband and I raised our large family in Tucson, and we are both UA graduates. For many years we attended a non-denominational church and were very involved in its activities, forming many close friendships. Over the years, among other things, we served on the elder board, led a small group, taught various classes, went on a few mission trips, and I was very involved in the music department. My life was mostly taken up by church activities and homeschooling my children.

A number of years ago, this church closed its doors and I was rather adrift for awhile. About two and a half years ago, after exploring some options, I returned to the Episcopal Church. My first Sunday at St. Matthew’s felt like returning to my roots, like coming home. Currently I’m in my third year of the EfM program, serve on altar guild, and have recently assumed co-leadership of Matty’s Angels. I’m so glad to be a part of such a welcoming and affirming parish community as St. Matthew’s, where there is much opportunity for spiritual growth.

Vestry Candidates 2016 (cont.)

Shoebox Ministry Photos

We seek to be an assembly of

people who are fully devoted to

serving God; a people who are

grounded, loving, welcoming,

respectful and affirming; forever

seeking to grow in the ways of

Jesus in everything we do.

We are with God’s help, an inclusive people of God, rev-

erent in our worship, radical in our hospitality, and de-

voted to growing in the Spirit of Jesus, to boldly yet hum-

bly love and serve our neighbors.

Everybody Needs a Home! Episcopal Church of

St. Matthew

9071 E Old Spanish Trail

Tucson, Arizona 85710

Phone: 520-298-9782



We’re on the Web!


Page 11

Who We Are

Opportunities for Involvement

Worship Fellowship Growth

Sundays 8:00 am Meditative Eucharist 10:30 am Choral Eucharist Second Sundays 5:00 pm Praise Now! Wednesdays 6:00 pm Evening Prayer in Spanish Thursdays 10:00 am Healing Eucharist Saturdays 5:30 pm Celtic Liturgy

Sundays After each liturgy Coffee Hour 1st/3rd Mondays 10:00 am Sewing/Quilting Guild Tuesdays 2:15 pm Yoga 2nd/4th Wednesdays 10:00 am (on hiatus) Knit/Crochet Group 1st Saturday 9:30 am Matty’s Angels 3rd Saturday 8:00 Matty’s Men Breakfast 8:30 am Matty’s Men Meeting

Sundays 9:15 am Adult Education 10:30 am Sunday School Wednesdays 7:00 pm Cursillo Reunion Group Thursdays 7:00 pm Choir Practice 2nd/4th Saturdays 10:00 am Dream Analysis Class