ePortfolios in schools

Post on 30-Jan-2016

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ePortfolios in schools. Mag. Andreas Riepl. … some thoughts are new ……. historical development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

Mag. Andreas Riepl

ePortfolios ePortfolios in schoolsin schools

Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

… … some thoughts are new……some thoughts are new……

Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

Portfolio-work & ePortfoliosPortfolio-work & ePortfolios

historical development

The pedagogical ideas related to portfolios are based upon the principles of

John Dewey (hands-on learning http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dewey),

Maria Montessori (learning journals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Montessori) & Celestin Freinet (democratic structures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celestin_Freinet)

The portfolio-discussion started in the 70s, the first electronical portfolios were published by students 1988 in the US. Due to the development of eLearning-didactics it has become increasingly popular in Europe in the past years

representative of ePortfolio-work nowadays (Helen Barrett)

Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

portfolio-work portfolio-work means movement …means movement …

from assessments towards presentation

from deficit-orientation towards competence-orientation

Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

definition of portfoliosdefinition of portfolios

a portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas. The collection must include student participation in selecting contents, the criteria for selection, the criteria for judging merit, and evidence of student self-reflection.


(Paulson et al.1991, S. 60).

Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

Types of portfoliosTypes of portfolios

Developmental Portfolios: demonstrate the advancement and development of student skills over a period of time. Assessment Portfolios: demonstrate student competence and skill for well-defined areas.Showcase Portfolios: demonstrate exemplary work and student skills.Hybrids: Most portfolios are hybrids of the three types of portfolios listed above.

Self-reflection is an important component of electronic portfolio development.

Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

How is portfolio-work done?How is portfolio-work done?

Students collect materials and learning products thereby documenting their learning-process.

Goals as well as feedback given by peers are part of portfolio-work.

A collection is established – students present a selection of their portfolio-work when and to whom they want thereby proving their competences.

Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

portfolio-work undergoes the portfolio-work undergoes the following process:following process:

1. context definition (definition of subject)2. collection (materials and results)3. selection (learning-products, insights)4. reflection (learning process, adjustment of goals)5. projection (projection of perception)6. presentation (best of)


What are eportfolios?What are eportfolios?

ePortfolios ePortfolios

…are structured digital collections of information that document the complete learning process and development of a learner.

Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

advantages of ePortfolio-workadvantages of ePortfolio-work

eportfolios are multimedial portfolios. This e-factor automatically leads to an added value:

development of media-competencesmultimedial forms of presentation linking within portfolios and to external resourceseasy commentingquick and flexible presentationmore reflection-possibilities (self- and peer)

Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

… … there are different there are different eportfolio-systemseportfolio-systems

exabis ePortfolio-block exabis ePortfolio-block for MOODLE – for MOODLE – internationally certifiedinternationally certified

Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

exabis ePortfolio-Block - factsexabis ePortfolio-Block - facts

• internationally certified• freely usable - OpenSource• integrateable into MOODLE installations• used in Austria with edumoodle and downloadable

via moodlekurse.org• easy start into eportfolio-work• data can be exported into SCORM-format!

Mag. Andreas Riepl, Center for COoperative Open Learning, ´10

Thank you!Thank you!

Let‘s get started:Let‘s get started:
