EPWP Progress Reports to Portfolio Committee Presented by: Stanley Henderson DDG: EPWP 01 March 2011...

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The Pothole programme:Stipend determination matrix for the pothole rehab programme The commitment of appointment of 400 beneficiaries per metro yields the following scenario. The case study that informs the allocation of beneficiaries is 1 kilometer ( km) of road translates to 2 work opportunities (1km = 2 Job opportunities) A proposal to peg the stipend at R90.00 for the 6months at three days per week: R90 x 12 working days x 6months =R6, income per beneficiary Monthly income of R1,080.00


EPWP Progress Reports to Portfolio Committee

Presented by: StanleyHenderson

DDG: EPWP 01 2011March


Table of Contents• The pothole programme for DPW• EPWP Progress Report• Deployment of data capturers• Technical support• National Youth Service and National Rural Youth

Services Corps• Average duration of work opportunities• Provincial incentive grants• EPWP Reporting System• National EPWP II projects• Building of new schools and replacement of

unsafe structures


The Pothole programme:Stipend determination matrix for the pothole rehab programme

•The commitment of appointment of 400 beneficiaries per metro yields the following scenario.

•The case study that informs the allocation of beneficiaries is 1 kilometer ( km) of road translates to 2 work opportunities (1km = 2 Job opportunities)

•A proposal to peg the stipend at R90.00 for the 6months at three days per week:

•R90 x 12 working days x 6months=R6,480.00 income per beneficiaryMonthly income of R1,080.00

Stipend determination matrix for the pothole rehab programme

•Costing of the 2400 work opportunities for 6 metros

=R6,480.00 income per beneficiary x 400 beneficiaries=R2,592,000.00 x 6 metros =R15,552,000.00 remuneration

•From these total costing it may be deduced that budget may allow the programme to extend beyond the 400 job opportunities proposed.•The identification of further roads may be considered to extend the job opportunity period beyond the six months•The identification of the roads and immediate engagements with all municipalities must be finalized for informed commitments

EPWP Progress: Work Opportunities created


Sector Targeted work opportunities [WO]

Work opportunities [WO]*Apr - 30 Sept ‘10 (Q2)

Apr - 31 Dec ‘10 (Q3) % increase from Q2 to Q3No % of

targeted WO

No % of targeted WO

Infrastructure 342,000 175,590 51 210,437 62 20Environment 156,000 60,218 39 82,647 53 37Social 96,000 78,615 82 108,715 113 38Non-State:Non-Profit Organisations

19,200 20,485 107 25,076 131 22

Non-State:Community Works

28,800 53,054 184 66,355 230 25

Total *** 642,000 387,962 60 493,230 77 27Source: Targets: Business Plan (dated January 2009)* Work Opportunities : overall number of work opportunities reported by reporting bodies

Q2 and Q3: Work opportunities: Overall EPWP Progress against 2010-2011 targets and% increase











k op




Annual target: w ork opp Reported Work opp

Annual target: work opp 342,000 156,000 96,000 19,200 28,800 642,000

Reported Work opp 210,437 82,647 108,715 25,076 66,355 493,230

Infrastructure Environment Social NPO Com works TOTAL

Work opportunities per sector against annual target for 2010-11 (Overall) (1 Apr 2010 – 31 Dec 2010)

NationalEPWP 2 Pr oj ect sThe National departments contribute to 186 309 work opportunities out of the 493 230 work opportunities achieved in Quarter 3Infrastructure sector - There are 246 projects that contributed 5 272 work opportunities-The contributing departments Correctional Services, Justice and constitutional Development, Department of Agriculture, Public Works and Department of Police.

Environment and Culture -The departments in the sector has contributed 45 983 work opportunities from 654 projects -The contributing departments are Environmental Affairs, Tourism, Public Works and Water affairs and forestry

Non State Sector

-The Community works programme and Non profit Organisation which constitute the Non State sector has contributed 91 430 work opportunities


Deployment of Data Capturers


Deployment of data capturers contd


 IDT 60 data capturers

Infrastructure = 26Data Bureau: 10 ( Supporting all provinces)City of Tshwane =5City of JHB= 4 DPW = 5 (supporting 5 provinces)Mpumalanga = 2

Environment = 14Data Centre: 7DPW = 1DWAF = 2Tourism = 4

Social : 13Data centre: 10City of Tshwane :1City of Johannesburg: 1Westrand: 1Non state (4) all in the data centre 5. Vacant (3)

Technical Support to Municipalities• 174 Municipalities are currently being

provided with Technical support in terms of implementation of EPWP.

• The EPWP plans to support additional municipal in the 11/12 financial year. Additional 6 Deputy Directors based in Provinces have been employed in this regard.


Technical Support to Municipalities. Cont

Province Total number of Municipalities (DMs and LMs)

Municipalities currently being provided with Technical support

EC 45 37FS 25 21GP 15 9KZN 61 19LP 30 27MP 21 14NC 32 12NW 24 11WC 30 24Total 283 174


National Youth Service Programme• The programme’s focus is on training of youth in artisan

trades in the built environment. • The DPW NYS programme consists of one year of

training which consists of 6 months of theoretical training and 6 months of practical training.

• For the 10/11 financial year, 3 ,235 youth have been recruited on the programme so far.

• 100 youth who exited the NYS programme in the Northern Cape have been placed on an artisan training programme with the Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa( NECSA).

• The Department plans to place some of the youth who have exited the programme on the Pothole Repair Programme and cooperatives cleaning the land ports of entry.


Average duration of a work opportunity

• 1Table shows that an increased average duration of 100 days in 6 provinces in the social sector www wwwwwwww wwwwwww www wwwww ww(2010/11) 2009/10 50

• Average duration of ww wwww www 70 reported ww www wwwwwwwwwwwwww www Non State (Non Profit Organisation) and the Environment and culture Sector.

• The community works programme rewwwwww an average duration ofless than 50 days and wwww lowerw www wwwwwww average duration of projewww

• www wwwwww wwwww13


Average Duration: Sectors per Province (Overall)(in person days) (1 April – 31 Dec 2010)

Formula: Average duration = (person days of training + person days of work) / number of work opp










SocialNon-State:Non Profit



Environment & Culture





Progress of the Infrastructure sector incentive in the 10/11 financial year

• Provincial Departments in 7 out of the 9 Provinces have been able to access the EPWP infrastructure sector incentive.

• R185.9 million will be paid out of the R330 million available for the 10/11 financial year considering 3rd quarter reporting. This represents 56% of the Provincial allocation.

• Only the Northern Cape and North West Provinces have not accessed their incentive allocation for the 10/11 financial year.

• For Municipalities, R 273.306 million of the R 622.996 million will be paid considering 1st quarter reporting.

• This represents 44% of the Municipal allocation for the 10/11 financial year.

• Considering the overall infrastructure incentive allocation, R 459 Million of the R 954 Million or 48% has been accessed.


Performance on the EPWP infrastructure incentive by Provinces after the 3rd quarter of the 10/11 financial year reporting ( Paid in 4th quarter )

Province Infrastructure Incentive allocation for the 10/11 National financial year (R’000)

3rd Quarter incentive payment for the 10-11 financial year(R’000)

Total incentive disbursedIn the 10/11 financial year (R’000)

Percentage of the 10/11 incentive disbursed(%)

Eastern Cape 60,354 4,591 28,636 47

Free State 13,767 115 2,380 17

Gauteng 39,154 0 2,498 6

Kwa-Zulu Natal 169,470 36,352 135,613 80

Limpopo 2,903 1,348 6,790 234

Mpumalanga 18,074 5,432 8,293 46

Northern Cape 1,167 0 0 0

North West 2,897 0 0 0

Western Cape 23,218 0 1,700 7

Total 330,004 47,838 185,910 5616

1.2 Performance on the EPWP infrastructure incentive by Municipalities after 3rd quarter 10-11 reporting

Province Infrastructure Incentive allocation for the 10/11 National financial year (R’000)

3rd Quarter incentive payment for the 10-11 financial year(R’000)

Total incentive disbursedIn the 10/11 financial year (R’000)

Percentage of the 10/11 incentive disbursed(%)

Eastern Cape 97,806 6,844 16,182 17

Free State 34,400 1,402 1,539 4

Gauteng 165,048 69,984 110,476 67

Kwa-Zulu Natal 123,613 18,056 42,526 34

Limpopo 55,355 4,955 16,195 29

Mpumalanga 37,288 568 602 2

Northern Cape 50,399 1,889 1,931 4

North West 36,049 1,887 9,400 26

Western Cape 26,038 823 1,408 5

Total 622,996 106,119 200,259 32


Measures put in place to improve performance on EPWP incentive draw down

• Public bodies ( Provincial Departments and Municipalities) are being provided with support to report on EPWP. The 90 data capturers employed are helping in this regard.

• A partnership with DBSA through the Siyenza Manje programme has been put in place to support municipalities jointly.

• Training of officials in Municipalities in Labour-intensive methods of construction with LG-SETA is currently being rolled out.

• Training on reporting is also being done to Public body officials to enable them to report better on EPWP.

• Technical support being provided to Public bodies to implement their projects more labour-intensively so as to create more work opportunities and Full Time Equivalents that will increase the incentive drawn down.


Report on the EPWP reporting system

• EPWP Monitoring and Evaluation has two systems: the MIS and the Web-Based System. The use of two systems has created confusion to EPWP part

• The two systems will be intergrated to produce a single EPWP system that can be interfaced with other systems.

• Process development was completed on 5 January 2011.The process include the consultation of internal and external stakeholders to determine the system requirement and reporting requirements


System requirements and reporting requirements were determined during the Joint Application and Development

sessions (JADs).   The timeframes for development are: Integrating the MIS and Web-based system(March to June 2011) Interfacing the system with the GIS and SAS (July to September 2011)Piloting the system and training users (June to December 2011 and ongoing)

Report on the EPWP reporting system contd