Equip Himsel Mated That About Thirty Students Adequately

Post on 31-May-2018

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  • 8/14/2019 Equip Himsel Mated That About Thirty Students Adequately


    *THE LEGACY,. OF iPRE.JUDlCE AN.D. VIOLENCEOle MissAnother ViewFol lowing is an edi torial f rom theDally Tar Heel, University of NorthCarol ina. I t is the best of the lot onthe recent prob lems in vsissippi.OXFO RD, Miss.- In the eyes ofthe wor ld Mississippi is Amer ica.The Mississippi of Gen. Walker ,of Ro ss Barnett, and of Confed-erate flags which fly everyw herein th is l i t tle town, is what Amer-ica means . . . because a greatnation cannot be allowed tolapse into cruelty and v iolence,evn with in the smal lest par t ofone of i ts sm al lest states. .At th is moment, Amer ica isthe Army general who led a mobof teenagers, armed with riflesand rocks, against U. S. Mar-shal ls.Amer ica* is the Mississippi statetrooper who urged a .group ofstudents to go get Meredith.Amer ica is the Ole Miss stu-dent, who crushed to p ieces anewsmans camera and wascheered by his fellow students.Amer ica is a state trooper whoscream ed at reporters for notshowing proper southern cour-tesy to a woman - and thenstood idly by while a reporterwas beaten by f ive students;America is the unbelievablyvi le names students called th eFederal Marshails.Amer ica is the person whcshot and killed the French re-porter and an Oxford man .

    Perhaps thesaddes t of all whalAmer ica is today is the Univer-sity administrator who used aloudspeaker to urge students tcreturn to their dorms after theriot Sunday saying You havedone nothing to be ashamed oireturn to your dorms . . . youhave nothing to be ashamed of.Look closely at th is . . . lookclosely and see what your Amer.ican nation has become. .

    Dedicate ChapelTo St. BedeThe Renison College Chape:will be dedicated in the name ojSt. Bede by the Right ReverentG. N. Luxton, Lord Bishop ojHuron, th is Sunday. ,College Chaplain,, ReverendM. E. ,Pinkney, expla ined thaltwo reas ons influenced the de.cision to use St. Bedes name Since the College is named a ftera 20th ce ntury Canadian, t htlate R. J. Renison, we wanted tcbalance this modern name witlsom e older English saint whctakes us back to the ear ly day!of the Angl icans.St. Bede was a renownechistorical scholar, Rev.continued, Pinkne!who has provide

  • 8/14/2019 Equip Himsel Mated That About Thirty Students Adequately


    i /,. /

    I : .iraget , . Tbq CORYPHAEUS, FR IDA;Y, OCTOMER W,\ 1%s i

  • 8/14/2019 Equip Himsel Mated That About Thirty Students Adequately


    The CORYPH AEUS, FRIDAY , O CTOBER 19r 1964 Page 3

    n n w HOMECOMING 1962...

    THERE WERE MEMORIES fi m AND THERE WAS A MONSTER m m m .(Engineering 63) (Science II, Ill, and IV



    -WANTED-103 Dearborn St. W.Smokers Supplies

    TENORS AND BASSESfor University Male ChorusWednesday 6:30 Room 246Arts Building

    SALEThe Engineering Society Store is having a Going-Out-of-Business Sale on Fr iday, October 19th, f rom ZOO to 5:OOp.m. The Complete stock wil l be sold at co st pr ice. The fol low-ing is a list of items available in the S tore.

    Sweaters:Plain . .I....... ..........-.--.-.-......r.,,,,,,.*..*.......,.........2.00Zipper neck . $2.50Hooded ,....,,,.,.....,,....,.....,...,......,.................................,.,I...........3.00

    T-Shirts . .II.......I.. .........I.... .............. .............. ..0.50Post Cards . , , , , , , . . , . . , , ., . , . . , , . . . , . . . , . ., . , . , . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . I . , . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . , , , . ,. . , . . . . . . .0.01E-Crests . . *. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. .2.89Tennis Bal ls . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ./ $1.00Golf Balls . .I.0.75Hockey St icksHockey Pucks 1 Complete package for . 1.50Hockey TapeLab Coats . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .5.00

    Would anyone having used books for sale in the EngineeringSociety Store kindly pick them up on Friday, October 19th.

  • 8/14/2019 Equip Himsel Mated That About Thirty Students Adequately


    Page 4 The CORYPH AEUS, FRIDA Y, OCT OBER 19, $961

    OTTAWA TRAMPLES \SVARR~oRs 28-6by John St irrat and Dave Nimmo

    Moving the ball at will along the ground, the Unive rsity oOttawa Gee-Gees defeated the Waterloo Warriors last Saturda:at Seagram Stadium. The Warriors played half a ball ga me, trailin;only 7-6 at half t ime but dropping out of the picture in the seconchalf , much to the disappointment of 1,076 Homecoming Weekenfans. The first scoring chance in the game came when the Warr iorwere on the Ottawa 22-yard line. Mike Nihill attempted a field goawhich w as short and Ottawa took over possession of the bal l. ThlWarr iors forced the Ottawans to k ick but Jock Timdale blocked thepunt and Eric Czarne cki recovered for Waterloo on the Ottawa 1~yard line. Two o f Nihills passes were incomplete and a ground pla:was held to no gain. Ot tawa showed they meant business on thenext series of play. The Gee-Gees marched on the ground frontheir ow n 14 yard line to the Warriors end zone in 12 plays wit1Robinson scoring from the two yard line on a fake drive arouncr ight end. OConnors converted a t tempt was wide and Ottaw;led 6-O.The Warriors came right back to score on a 4 yard pass fronNihill to Brad Kuhn but Fred Grossmans hurried convert attempbecause of a low snap, was low. This U. of W . ser ies of playfeatured the pass-catching of Tindale, Doug Pe acock and KuhnOttawa scored what proved to be the winner when Dennis Atwoolwas rouged on OConnors punt from the Waterloo 39 yard line tcmake the score Ottawa 7-6.Late i n the second quarter, the U. of W. team missed anotheopportunity to score. Moving along from their own 49 yard line OIpasses of 21 and 18 yards to J im Hahn, t ime ran out on the Warriors with the ball in their possess ion on the Ottawa 3 yard lineHalf t ime score-Ottawa - 7, U. of W . - 6.In the third quarter the Gee-Gees ground attack starte d to gatimom entum . Fro m their own 31 yard line they scored in 5 playwith Glen Robinson going over for the touchdow n to bring thlscore to 13-6 in favour of the Gee-Gee s. Jock Tindale blocked thconvert try . Nihills punt from his own 10 yard line was blockerand Bill Rock recovered and ran over for the Ottawans thirctouchdow n. Q. B, Blackadder passed to Jonston for the extra painand a 20-6 score.In the final quarter OConnor kicked another single from thWarriors 34 yard line. With the win secu re for the Gee-Ge es, Q. BBlackadder took to the air and completed two pa sses to Lisk, onfor 22 yards and another for 10 yards for a touchdown on the lasplay of the game . OConnors convert w as good and the final scarwas Ottawa 28, Water loo 6.Pressbox Chat terQ.B. Nihill has completed 35 of 72 passes for a 48.6% cornpletion score, but he has had 8 passe s intercepted, usually frorthrowing in desperation situations instead of eating the ball. ThWarriors no doubt could have scored further p oints were it nofor these unecessary interceptions.Tindale, Hann and Kuhn were Nihills mo st productive receivers. Tindale caught 2 of 2 for 46 ya rds . . . Harm , 2 of 2 for 34. . . Kuhn 4 of 5 for 4 2.If the Warriors had 12 men like Jock Tindale they would w itthe t i t le easi ly. Jock recovered a fumble, blocked two kicks, mada gain of 13 yards with two O ttawa tacklers hanging on , and wathe Warriors top ground gainer. Need we say more?One of the Warriors with the mos t drive and desire is centrGeorge Hunsberger who had to leave the game with torn kneligaments and may be out for the rest of the seas on. If he is finishelfor this year, the Warriors will f ind it tough to replace Geo rge, whcat 18, is in his second year of college ball.The power-packed Ottawa backf ield, directed by Q.B. Blackadder features the bruising running of Glen Robinson (114 yds .:Paul Benoit (155 yds.) and Brian OConnor (104 yds.) Incidentallythe Warriors picked up a total of 65 yards on the ground.The Wa rriors missed the services of guard and defensive enWally Nowak who m ay be done for the season because of a shoulder separation.

    Despite the showing of the Warr iors the fans seemed verhappy. Maybe i t was the spir i t of the crowd.Guard Er ic Czarnecki was chosen most valuable player ithe O.A.C. game.Last year the Gee-Gees beat U. of W. 26-7.The Warriors travel to Ottawa to play the Carleton Raventhis Saturday, Oct. 20th.

    Oh fudge!



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    td 1I- i.Y In 1.

    The Frontier Collegerequires

    LabourermteachersEach year The ErontierCollege places seventy sum-mer sta ff and thirty w interstaf f inst ructors in as manyisolated mining, construc-tion, railway and loggingcamps to work as labourers.During leisure hours incamp each Labourer-teach-er will organize instruction,discussion and recreationgroups among his co-workers.Interviews for interestedstudents will be held Tues-day, October 30 at 1 p.m.on the campus. See the De-partment of Co-ordinationand Placement for particu-lars.

    Warrior touchdown in first half as Kuhn scores on a pass from Nih ill to tie the score at 6-6.

    Eaobin son of Ottawa runs 22 yards i n third quarter to give Ottawa13-6 lead.

    GIRLS INTRAMURAL SPORTSA schedule of girls intramuralports has been drawnup. Onlynthusiasm and interest are need-:d to participate, although thosevith experience will not be turn-:d away. Swimming, bowling,urling, volleyball, badminton,lasketball, archery, and table-ennis comprise this years sched-rle which will be conducted on a)oint basis.Team participation is the key.o activity; each girl autom atic-111~ belongs to one of three.eam s. A trop hy will be present-:d at the Athletic Banquet to;he team that has accumulated:he greatest number of points.But the basic idea of the whole;yste m is not in winning points)ut in having fun and enjoyment

    n the process.Copies of the schedule areJeing circulated. If you have not

    received your copy, please con-tact Wendy Suttie or Jean Cullen,Int ramural Point to Oct . 10Golf Tennis TotalArts 60St. Jeromes 2 i ; :Upper Eng. 28 - 28Lower Eng. 17 1 17Science 5 6Renison 1 - 1

    The University of Water loogolf team (Mike Whitney, RayMiska, Al Swartz, and FrankPinder) travelled to the Lava1Sur-le-Lac Golf Club in Mon-treal to compete in the O.-Q.A.A.golf meet. Although the team un-.fortunately failed to capture thewinners trophy, team captainMike Whitney t ied for second

    I with scores of 74 and 80 for a.154 total, four strokes behindthe winner. The only other mem-ber of the team to finish near thewinner w as Frank Pinder, w hoplaced eighth in the field of 36.

    SPORTSBRIEFSm mTRACKThe McMaster Universitytrack- team won the Ontario In-tercollegiate Athletic Associationtrack and field championship atGuelph O.A.V.C. last Fr iday.McMaster compiled 65 pointsto finish in f irst place. Assump-t ion University was second with56 points fol lowed by O.A.V.C.with 24; the Unive rsity of Water-loo, 14; R.M.C. 9; and Ryerson,6.GOLF

    i~mtt t tmt t t tmt t t tmt t t tmt t i tmt t t~t t t tmnt tmtt i tmt t t tmt t t tmt t t tmt t t tmt i t tmt t t tmt t t tmt t t tmt t t tmg I=II FREE DELIVERY 1I II PIZZAPALACE!k SPAMETTIHOUSE


    DOES HRISTIANAITHWIAKE DIFFERENCE?Come and Discuss these issues Sunday Evenings - 7:30 p.m.Oct. 21-In business? Mr. Wi l l iam S. McCartney, Pres ident Regal Stat ion- inery.Oct . 28-In educat ion? Dr. Raymond Beat t ie, Director of Rel igious Ed u- FIRST UNITED CHURCHcat ion in the Publ ic Schools of Ontario. King and Wil l iams Sts .Nov. l -In radio, T.V. , Panel : Mr. Joe Van Popp el , Newscaster, CHIQ,and Press Hamil ton.Mr. Sandy Baird, Columnis t , K-W Record.Mr. Donald B. Gray, Staf f Announcer, CFPLcmNov. l l=In war and Major John M. Anderson, Western Ontario Areapeace? Comm and Chapla in, Her Majesty s Forces.Nov. 18-In fami ly l i fe? Dr. Harry D eWire, Professor of Chris t ian Educat ionand Psychology, Uni ted Theological Seminary,Dayton, Ohio.Nov. 25-In science? Dr. W. R. Daters, Professor of Physics, McMasterUniversity.


    50 Erb St . W.

    Dec. 20In the soc ialorder?Dec. 9-In heal th?

    Dr. Emlyn Davies, Act ing Professor of Theology,Knox Col lege, former Pres ident of the Cana- indian Counci l of Churches. EMMANUEL CHURCHDr. Overton E. A. Stevens, Medical Doctor and out-s tanding Christ ian leader in many organiza- 24 Laurel St . W.tions.

    Sponsored by: Emm anuel E.U.B. ChurchFirs t Uni ted Church Knox Presbyterian ChurchParkminster Uni ted Church