Erasing the methyl mark: histone demethylases at the...

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10.1101/gad.1652908Access the most recent version at doi: 2008 22: 1115-1140 Genes & Dev.

  et al.Paul A.C. Cloos, Jesper Christensen, Karl Agger,

  cellular differentiation and disease

Erasing the methyl mark: histone demethylases at the center of  


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Erasing the methyl mark: histonedemethylases at the center of cellulardifferentiation and diseasePaul A.C. Cloos,2 Jesper Christensen, Karl Agger, and Kristian Helin1

Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC) and Centre for Epigenetics, University of Copenhagen,DK-2200 Copenhagen, Denmark

The enzymes catalyzing lysine and arginine methylationof histones are essential for maintaining transcriptionalprograms and determining cell fate and identity. Untilrecently, histone methylation was regarded irreversible.However, within the last few years, several families ofhistone demethylases erasing methyl marks associatedwith gene repression or activation have been identified,underscoring the plasticity and dynamic nature of his-tone methylation. Recent discoveries have revealed thathistone demethylases take part in large multiproteincomplexes synergizing with histone deacetylases, histonemethyltransferases, and nuclear receptors to control de-velopmental and transcriptional programs. Here we re-view the emerging biochemical and biological functionsof the histone demethylases and discuss their potentialinvolvement in human diseases, including cancer.

Histones constitute the basic scaffold proteins aroundwhich DNA is wound to form the highly ordered struc-ture of chromatin. Histones, and in particular their tails,are subjected to a plethora of post-translational modifi-cations that have been implicated in chromatin remod-eling and closely linked to transcriptional regulation,DNA replication, and DNA repair (for recent reviews,see Berger 2007; Kouzarides 2007). Histone acetylationand methylation represent the most common modifica-tions of the histone tails. These modifications differ intwo ways: Histone acetylation results in a negative chargeof the modified lysine residue, causing a decreased inter-action between the histone and DNA that is generallyassociated with active transcription. In contrast, meth-ylation of histones occurs at both arginine and lysineresidues, and does not influence the net charge of the af-fected residues, and hence, has no effect on DNA–histoneinteractions. Rather, the effect of histone methylation

impacts on the transcriptional activity of the underlyingDNA by acting as a recognition template for effectorproteins modifying the chromatin environment and lead-ing to either repression or activation. Thus, histonemethylation can be associated with either activation orrepression of transcription depending on which effectorprotein is being recruited. It should be noted that theunmodified residues can also serve as a binding templatefor effector proteins leading to specific chromatin states(Lan et al. 2007b).

Arginine residues can be modified by one or two meth-yl groups; the latter form in either a symmetric or asym-metric conformation (Rme1, Rme2s, and Rme2a), per-mitting a total of four states: one unmethylated andthree methylated forms.

Similarly, lysine residues can be unmethylated,mono-, di-, or trimethylated (Kme1, Kme2, and Kme3),and the extent of methylation at a specific residue isimportant for the recognition of effector proteins and hastherefore impact on chromatin and the transcriptionaloutcome.

Histone methylation is involved in the regulation of avariety of nuclear processes essential for cellular regula-tion, homeostasis, and fate. Previously, methylation hasbeen considered to constitute a permanent and irrevers-ible histone modification that defined epigenetic pro-grams in concert with DNA methylation. Recently,however, a large number of enzymes have been discov-ered with the ability to demethylate methylated histonelysine residues as well as methylated arginines via amineoxidation, hydroxylation or deimination. Here we re-view the current knowledge on histone demethylases,with a special focus on the Jumonji (JmjC) proteins, theirrole in chromatin regulation, cellular differentiation, andinvolvement in human diseases.

The identification of histone demethylases

Methylated lysine and arginine residues on histone tailsare believed to constitute important regulatory marksdelineating transcriptionally active and inactive chroma-tin. For instance, tri- and dimethylated Lys 9 on histoneH3 (H3K9) is associated with silenced chromatin, whereas

[Keywords: Cancer; differentiation; demethylases; epigenetic; histone;JmjC]Corresponding authors.1E-MAIL; FAX 45-3532-5669.2E-MAIL; FAX 45-3532-5669.Article is online at

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tri- and dimethylated Lys 4 on the same histone tail(H3K4) is often connected to euchromatin and activetranscription.

In contrast to other histone modifications such asacetylation and phosphorylation, methylation, and inparticular trimethylation, has been regarded as irrevers-ible because of the high thermodynamic stability of theN–CH3 bond. Hence, for several years the consensus inthe epigenetic field was that the only way to revert his-tone methylation was by histone exchange or by cleav-age of the methylated histone tail. The identification ofthe amine oxidase LSD1 (KDM1 according to the newlysuggested nomenclature) (Allis et al. 2007) as a histonedemethylase changed this perception (Shi et al. 2004).

This enzyme demethylates the histone substratethrough a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-dependentamine oxidase reaction. However, due to the require-ment of a protonated methyl �-ammonium group forLSD1-catalyzed oxidation, and thus, for LSD1-mediateddemethylation, this and other related (and as-yet-undis-covered) enzymes are unable to catalyze the demethyl-ation of trimethylated lysine residues. However, re-cently we and others have identified and characterizedhistone demethylases containing the Jumonji (JmjC)catalytic domain, which can demethylate trimethylatedlysines (Cloos et al. 2006; Klose et al. 2006b; Tsukada etal. 2006; Whetstine et al. 2006; Yamane et al. 2006).

The JmjC-driven demethylase reaction is compatiblewith demethylation of mono-, di-, and trimethylated ly-sines and, indeed, most of the JmjC histone demethyl-ases characterized so far are capable of demethylatingtrimethylated lysines, and in most cases favor a trimeth-ylated substrate (e.g., see Couture et al. 2007; Ng et al.2007). JmjC proteins can also demethylate arginine resi-dues (Chang et al. 2007), and, at least in theory, otherprotein substrates or nucleotides. Certainly, the fact thatJmjC domain-containing proteins are also found in bac-teria that do not contain histones suggests that theseproteins also serve other purposes in addition to beinghistone demethylases.

The amine oxidase LSD1 (KDM1)

The idea that oxidases could function as histone demeth-ylases was originally proposed by Kouzarides and cowork-ers (Bannister et al. 2002). Subsequently, in a groundbreak-ing study, the Shi lab showed (Shi et al. 2004) that theamine oxidase LSD1 (synonyms: BHC110, KIAA0601,p110b, and KDM1), which had been identified previouslyas a component of a number of corepressor complexes(You et al. 2001), could demethylate di- and monometh-ylated H3K4 (H3K4me2/me1) (Shi et al. 2004). LSD1 be-longs to the class of FAD-dependent monoamine oxi-dases that typically catalyze the oxidation of amine-con-taining substrates utilizing molecular oxygen as electronacceptor. In LSD1-catalyzed histone demethylation, theamino group of the methylated lysine in question is oxi-dized, presumably to generate an imine intermediatethat will spontaneously hydrolyze to produce formalde-hyde and the corresponding amine residue (Fig. 1A). Sub-

strate oxidation leads to the two-electron reduction ofthe cofactor FAD, which is reoxidized by molecular oxy-gen to produce hydrogen peroxide (Fig. 1A). The forma-tion of the imine intermediate, and hence the LSD1-me-diated demethylation, is as mentioned above, criticallydependent on the protonation of the nitrogen. Thus, thisenzyme can only catalyze demethylation of mono- anddimethylated lysines.

LSD1 has been identified as a part of both repressiveand activating complexes. Intriguingly, the demethylaseactivity and specificity of LSD1 appear to be determinedby its binding partners, including CoREST, the androgenreceptor (AR), and BHC80 (Lee et al. 2005; Metzger et al.2005; Shi et al. 2005), as well as by the neighboring his-tone marks surrounding the substrate (Forneris et al.2005, 2006). Thus, when associated with the repressiveCoREST complex, it acts as an H3K4me2/me1 demeth-ylase (Shi et al. 2004). In contrast, when in a complexwith the AR it acts as a transcriptional coactivator, de-methylating H3K9me2/me1 (Metzger et al. 2005). Here,inhibition of LSD1 expression resulted in an increase ofH3K9 methylation of AR target genes and a concomitantdecreased transcription of these, directly linking LSD1 toAR-dependent transcriptional activation.

In another study, LSD1 has been linked to estrogenreceptor (ER) signaling (Garcia-Bassets et al. 2007). Gar-cia-Bassets et al. (2007) investigated the occupancy ofestrogen-responsive promoters by chromatin modifiersin estradiol-stimulated MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Sur-prisingly, of 580 promoters found to be occupied by ER�,58% were co-occupied by LSD1. RNAi-mediated inhibi-tion of LSD1 expression led to decreased expression of ER�target genes co-occupied by LSD1, but not by those notoccupied by LSD1. Moreover, LSD1, dependent on itscatalytically activity, was able to restore ER�-inducedexpression of LSD1-positive genes (Garcia-Bassets et al.2007). Taken together, these findings suggest that LSD1,by demethylating H3K9me2/me1, acts as an essentialcoactivator of a significant number of ER�-responsivegenes.

Studies performed in Schizosacchaomyces pombe andDrosophilia melanogaster have implicated LSD1 or-thologs in the organization of higher-order structure ofchromatin (Nicolas et al. 2006; Lan et al. 2007c; Rudolphet al. 2007). These studies have corroborated the notionthat LSD1 can act as a H3K9 demethylase associatedwith heterochromatin boundaries and euchromatic pro-moters (Nicolas et al. 2006; Lan et al. 2007c) or as a H3K4demethylase (Rudolph et al. 2007). Thus, in S. pombe theLSD1 ortholog SWIRM1/2 (also referred to as spLsd1/2)has been demonstrated to demethylate H3K9 and deple-tion of SWIRM1/2 induces heterochromatin spreadingbeyond normal heterochromatin regions (Lan et al.2007c). Consistent with a role as a transcriptional core-pressor, transcription is decreased at adjacent genomicsites, correlating with an increase in H3K9 methylation.In contrast, the D. melanogaster LSD1 ortholog Su-(var)3-3 (dLsd1) has been shown to demethylateH3K4me2 and to be important for subsequent H3K9methylation and heterochromatin formation (Rudolph et

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al. 2007). Deletion of dLsd1 strongly reduces viability ofmutant flies and leads to sterility and defects in ovarydevelopment (Di Stefano et al. 2007). Interestingly, mu-tant alleles of dLsd1 suppress positional effect variega-tion, indicating the involvement of dLsd1 in balancingeuchromatin and heterochromatin (Di Stefano et al. 2007).In concert, these studies suggest an important role forLSD1 in the regulation of chromatin boundaries in theseorganisms (for review, see Chosed and Dent 2007). Mouseknockout studies have demonstrated that deletion ofLSD1 leads to embryonic lethality, and that LSD1 is re-quired for late cell lineage determination and differentia-tion (Wang et al. 2007b). Moreover, these studies suggestthat LSD1 primarily affects gene activation or repressionprograms by recruiting specific coactivator or corepres-sor complexes (Wang et al. 2007b). In addition to theroles as a histone demethylase, a recent study reportedthat LSD1 demethylates a methylated form of Lys 370 ofthe transcription factor p53 (J. Huang et al. 2007).Whereas in vitro studies demonstrate that LSD1 can de-methylate both mono- and dimethylated K370 on p53,the enzyme shows a strong preference for dimethylatedK370 in vivo, repressing p53 function by inhibiting itsinteraction with 53BP1 (J. Huang et al. 2007).

In summary, LSD1 can function as both a histone de-methylase specific for H3K4me2/me1 and H3K9me2/

me1 and for nonhistone substrates, such as p53. The spe-cific activity of the enzyme is determined partially by itsassociation with different complexes, thereby allowing itto participate in the regulation of transcriptional programs,heterochromatin spreading and stress-induced responses.

The Jumonji (JmjC) domain protein family

Similar to the discovery of LSD1, a JmJC domain-drivendemethylase reaction was proposed in a review beforethe actual experimental characterization of the demeth-ylases (Trewick et al. 2005). The Jumonji protein familycontains the conserved JmjC domain that was first iden-tified in the Jumonji protein (JARID2). Jumonji meanscruciform in Japanese, and the gene was so named be-cause mice with a genetrap inserted in the Jumonji locusdevelop an abnormal cross-like neural tube (Takeuchi etal. 1995). There are 27 different JmjC domain proteinswithin the human genome, of which 15 have been pub-lished to demethylate specific lysines or arginines in theH3 tail (Fig. 2). The first JmjC domain demethylase de-scribed, was FBXL11 (synonyms: JHDM1a and KDM2A),which was shown to specifically demethylate mono- anddimethylated H3K36 in a Fe(II) and �-ketoglutarate(�KG)-dependent manner (Tsukada et al. 2006).

Figure 1. Mechanisms of lysine demethylation by LSD1 and JMJC proteins. (A) LSD1 demethylates H3K4me2/me1 via an amineoxidation reaction using FAD as a cofactor. The imine intermediate is hydrolyzed to an unstable carbinolamine that subsequentlydegrades to release formaldehyde. (B) The JMJC proteins use �KG and iron (Fe) as cofactors to hydroxylate the methylated histonesubstrate. Fe(II) in the active site activates a molecule of dioxygen to form a highly reactive oxoferryl [Fe(IV) = O] species to react withthe methyl group. The resulting carbinolamine intermediate spontaneously degrades to release formaldehyde. Throughout the figure,the wavy line indicates attachment to the peptide backbone.

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Although the reaction mechanism for the FBXL11-mediated demethylation, at least in theory, could utilizetrimethyl H3K36 as substrate, no such activity could bedemonstrated. Thus, even though the identification ofLSD1 and FBXL11 as histone demethylases represent im-portant milestones for epigenetic research, by demon-strating the dynamic regulation of methyl marks, theydid not resolve the question of the reversibility of tri-methylated lysine marks.

However, only a few months after publication of theFBXL11 enzyme, a flurry of papers showed that theJMJD2 protein can demethylate H3K9me3/me2 andH3K36me3/2 (Cloos et al. 2006; Fodor et al. 2006; Kloseet al. 2006b; Whetstine et al. 2006), formally demonstrat-ing the reversibility of trimethylated lysine marks. To-day, these discoveries have been followed by the identi-fication of the JMJD1 protein group that demethylatesH3K9me2/me1 (Yamane et al. 2006), the JARID1 groupof H3K4me3/me2-specific demethylases (Christensen etal. 2007; Iwase et al. 2007; Klose et al. 2007; Lee et al.2007a; Tahiliani et al. 2007), and lately, the UTX/JMJD3group, capable of demethylating H3K27me3/me2/me1(Agger et al. 2007; De Santa et al. 2007; Jepsen et al. 2007;Lan et al. 2007a; Lee et al. 2007b).

The JmjC proteins belong to the �KG-dependent oxy-genase super family. A widespread feature of these pro-teins is the ability to bind Fe(II) ions. In addition, manyof these proteins have the capability to hydroxylate pro-tein substrates utilizing oxo-ferryl(IV) and �KG as cofac-tors. Moreover, some cupin dioxygenases, includingmembers of the JmjC demethylase family, have the ad-ditional requirement of ascorbate for full catalytic activ-ity. Various studies of �KG-dependent oxygenases in-cluding the Factor-Inhibiting HIF1 (FIH) suggest the fol-lowing reaction mechanism: First, the enzyme bindsiron (Fe) through its metal-binding motif HXD/EXnH,the so-called facial triad. Then, the Fe(II)–enzyme com-

plex binds the cofactor �KG, and subsequently the sub-strate and oxygen. The binding of oxygen is followed bythe oxidative decarboxylation of �KG to produce succi-nate, carbon dioxide, and ferryl. The latter is a highlyreactive group and can potentially oxidize a C–N bond ina lysine �-methyl group, forming an unstable carbinol-amine that will rapidly break down, leading to the re-lease of formaldehyde and loss of a methyl group fromlysine (Fig. 1B).

The mode of action of ascorbate is presently unclearbut has been suggested to reduce Fe(III) to its active stateFe(II) or to function as a “surrogate reducing substrate”to “rescue” the dioxygenase enzyme in the event of theuncoupled production of a ferryl [Fe(IV) = O] intermediate.

When constructing a phylogenetic tree of the Jumonjiproteins based on an alignment of their respective JmjCdomains (Fig. 2), these proteins segregate in distinct clus-ters. In general, it appears that each cluster has specific-ity for demethylating a certain histone mark. So far,most subfamilies conform to this rule; however, thereare exceptions—for instance, the FBXL cluster appar-ently comprises both H3K36me2/me1 and H3K4me3 de-methylase activities (Tsukada et al. 2006; Frescas et al.2007). Below we provide an overview of the features ofthe different JmjC subfamilies.

The FBXL (KDM2) cluster

Two proteins FBXL11 (synonyms: JHDM1a and KDM2A)and FBXL10 (synonyms: JHDM1b and KDM2B) consti-tute the FBXL cluster. These were the first JmjC histonedemethylases published (Tsukada et al. 2006). Both pro-teins contain an F-box domain in addition to two leu-cine-rich repeat (LRR) domains (Fig. 2). FBXL11 wasdemonstrated to demethylate di- and monomethylatedH3K36 (Tsukada et al. 2006). The di- and trimethylated

Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree of the JmjCfamily of demethylases. The names, syn-onyms, substrate specificities, and domainstructures of the proteins are provided.The lists of synonyms may be longer, butdue to space limitations only the most rel-evant are provided. Putative oncoproteinsare in red and putative tumor suppressorsare in green. (JmjC) Jumonji C domain;(JmjN) Jumonji N domain; (PHD) plant ho-meodomain; (Tdr) Tudor domain; (Arid)AT-rich interacting domain; (Fbox) F-boxdomain; (C5HC2) C5CHC2 zinc-finger do-main; (CXXC) CXXC zinc-finger domain;(TPR) tetratricopeptide domain; (LRR) leu-cine-rich repeat domain; (TCZ) treble-clefzinc-finger domain; (PLAc) cytoplasmicphospholipase A2 catalytic subunit.

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variants of the H3K36 mark are enriched at the 3�-end ofactively transcribed genes and are involved in regulatingtranscriptional elongation (Joshi and Struhl 2005). Thus,Set 2, the histone methyl transferase responsible for themethylation of H3K36 in Saccharmyces cerevisiae, bindsthe elongating form of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII). TheRpd3 histone deacetylase (HDAC) complex is recruitedto H3K36me2 thereby preventing transcription fromcryptic promoters (Li et al. 2007). These findings suggestthat the H3K36 demethylases could have a role resettingthis histone modification when active transcription isturned of. Apart from its role as an H3K36me2/me1 de-methylase, little is currently known about the biologicalrole of this enzyme.

As FBXL11, FBXL10 was also originally reported todemethylate H3K36me2/me1 (Tsukada et al. 2006).However, it was recently published that FBXL10 hasH3K4me3-specific demethylase activity (Frescas et al.2007). Frescas et al. (2007) showed that FBXL10 acts inthe nucleolus, and is involved in the repression of ribo-somal RNA genes. Consistent with a role for FBXL10 inrepressing ribosomal RNA genes and thus RNA synthe-sis, FBXL10 negatively regulates cell proliferation (Fres-cas et al. 2007). FBXL10 features a DNA-binding CXXCzinc finger and the protein localizes together with theRNA polymerase I transcription factor UBF at nucleolarorganizing regions, indicating a stable association withribosomal DNA (rDNA). Indeed, genome localizationanalysis demonstrated that FBXL10 bound various re-gions of the human rDNA repeat and was especially en-riched on transcribed CpG-rich areas (Frescas et al.2007).

In agreement with a role of FBLX10 in transcriptionalrepression, the protein has been found in a complex com-prising the Bcl6 corepressor (BcoR), CK2�, SKP1, YAF2,HP1�, RING1, CBX8, BMI, and Nspc1/Pcgf1 (Gearhart etal. 2006; Sanchez et al. 2007). Moreover, in addition torepressing the transcription of ribosomal genes, recentstudies also showed that FBXL10 functions as a transcrip-tional repressor of c-JUN target genes (Koyama-Nasu etal. 2007). Thus, FBXL10 is a candidate tumor suppressorgene. This notion has been supported by several studies.First, retroviral insertional mutagenesis within theFBXL10 gene has been shown to cause lymphoma inBLM (Bloom syndrome RecQ protein-like-3 DNA heli-case)-deficient mice (Suzuki et al. 2006). Second, inhibi-tion of FBXL10 expression increases cell proliferation(Koyama-Nasu et al. 2007), and third, FBXL10 expressionis significantly decreased in various primary brain tu-mors, including glioblastoma multiforme (Frescas et al.2007).

F-box domain proteins have foremost been character-ized as the components of the SCF ubiquitin–ligase com-plexes, which recognize the substrate being targeted forubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. The presence of an F-boxdomain in the FBXL family proteins could suggest thatthese proteins regulate transcription through the com-bined action of demethylation and ubiquitylation oftranscription factors or other proteins associated withtranscription. In agreement with this, a possible function

of the FBXL10–Ring1B complex in H2A ubiquitylation,has been demonstrated (Sanchez et al. 2007).

The JMJD1 (KDM3) cluster

JMJD1A (synonyms: TSGA, JDHM2A, and KDM3A) wasoriginally isolated as a male germ-specific transcript(Hoog et al. 1991). JMJD1A was later shown to be anH3K9me2/me1-specific demethylase (Yamane et al.2006). The protein features an LXXLL motif that is asignature involved in nuclear receptor interactions(Heery et al. 1997). The expression of JMJD1A is mostprominent in testes, and has been implicated in demeth-ylation of H3K9me2 of AR target genes (Yamane et al.2006). Thus, JMJD1A was found to interact with the ARin a ligand-dependent manner. Inhibition of JMJD1A ex-pression in the prostate cancer cell line LnCaP led to anincrease in H3K9me2 in a subset of AR target genes in-cluding PSA, NKX3.1, and TMPRSS22, and a decrease intheir expression (Yamane et al. 2006). These resultsshow that JMJD1A acts as a coactivator of AR-mediatedtranscription.

More recently, Jmjd1a genetrap mice were described(Okada et al. 2007); these mice apparently develop nor-mally but are infertile (Okada et al. 2007). A carefulanalysis of the infertility phenotype revealed that spermcells from Jmjd1a genetrap mice exhibited post-meioticchromatin condensation defects, leading to a low num-ber of mature sperm cells, of which all had abnormallyshaped heads and the vast majority were immotile(Okada et al. 2007). Moreover, Jmjd1a was found to bindto, and positively regulate, the expression of the two genes,transition nuclear protein (Tnp1) and protamine 1 (Prm1),by removing the repressive H3K9 marks from their pro-moters. The gene products of Tnp1 and Prm1 are indis-pensable for the histone replacement process that takesplace during the final stages of sperm chromatin conden-sation and maturation, supporting the notion thatJMJD1A contributes to spermiogenesis by controllingthe expression of these genes (Okada et al. 2007). In con-clusion, JMJD1A appears to fulfill essential roles forspermiogenesis, and its disruption causes male infertil-ity phenotypes reminiscent of human syndromes as azo-ospermia and globospermia, advancing JMJD1A as a can-didate gene for these infertility conditions.

In another study, JMJD1A was found to associate withthe cardiac and smooth muscle cell (SMC)-specific tran-scription factor myocardin and the related proteinsMRTF-A and MRTF-B (Lockman et al. 2007). Moreover,genomic localization analysis and gene expression analy-sis showed that JMJD1A binds to SMC-specific promot-ers and is regulating TGF�-mediated activation of thesegenes. These results suggest that JMJD1A is involved inregulating SMC differentiation.

Human JMJD1B (synonyms: JHDM2B, 5qCNA andKDM3B) has also been identified as an H3K9me2/me1demethylase (Klose et al. 2006a). The human JMJD1Bgene is located at 5q31,a chromosomal area that is oftendeleted in malignant myeloid disorders, including acutemyeloid leukemia and myelodysplasia (Hu et al. 2001).

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Hu et al. (2001) showed that the enforced expression ofJMJD1B in a cell line carrying a 5q deletion inhibits clo-nogenic growth, indicating that loss of JMJD1B may beinvolved in the pathogenesis of these malignancies, andthat the protein may have tumor suppressor activities.

The protein JMJD1C (also known as TRIP8 orJHDM2C) was originally described a thyroid-hormonereceptor (TR)-interacting protein and is closely related toJMJD1A and JMJD1B, but so far, no enzymatic activityhas been reported. The protein features a conserved iron-binding HXD/EXnH motif, as well as a �KG-binding site,indicating that this protein might be an H3K9me2/me1-specific histone demethylase. Consistent with such arole, a short variant s-JMJD1C was reported recently tobe a transcriptional coactivator interacting with the AR(Wolf et al. 2007). In the brain, s-JMJD1C is foremostpresent in AR-expressing neuronal population, and itsconcentration appears to vary according to the hormonalstatus in a region-specific manner. Of note, Castermanset al. (2007) reported the identification of a de novo bal-anced paracentric inversion 46,XY,inv(10) with a break-point in chromosome 10q21.3 located within the firstintron of the JMJD1C gene in a boy with autism. Thischromosomal aberration caused a twofold decrease inexpression of two of three JMJD1C transcripts, implicat-ing this JmjC family member as a candidate gene forautism. Finally, JMJD1C expression is reduced in breastcancer tissues compared with normal breast tissues, sug-gesting a possible role in tumor suppression (Wolf et al.2007).

Hairless (HR) is one of the best-studied members of theJmjC protein family, but has so far not been ascribedhistone demethylase activity. The protein has high ho-mology with JMJD1A and JMJD1B, but its potential Fe-binding HXDXnH motif appears to align differently com-pared with catalytically active JmjC members, and theprotein could therefore be devoid of demethylase activity.

Various studies point to a role of HR in hair formation;thus, the protein appears to be crucial for the normalregulation of several key cellular functions for hairgrowth including (1) the maintenance of the dermal pa-pilla, (2) the disintegration of the inner root sheet, (3)club hair formation, and (4) apoptosis of keratinocytes inthe hair follicle (Panteleyev et al. 1999). Numerous stud-ies have underscored the importance of this JmjC mem-ber for normal hair growth, a few of which are mentionedbelow.

HR-null mice are born with fur, but loose their hairswithin their first 3 wk after birth, indicating that HR isrequired for regenerating hair follicles (Beaudoin et al.2005). The biological mechanisms underlying the reini-tiation of hair growth are currently not fully elucidated,but probably require the regulation of several genes byHR. Candidate target genes, most likely repressed byHR, include (1) Soggy, encoding a protein related toDickkopf-3, a member of the Dickkopf family of Wntinhibitors; and (2) Wnt modulator in surface ectoderm(Wise), which is involved in the regulation of Wnt sig-naling in the hair follicle and in hair follicle regeneration(Beaudoin et al. 2005). Several other reports have also

suggested HR as a transcriptional corepressor for variousnuclear receptors including the vitamin D receptor(VDR), the thyroid hormone receptor (THR), as well asthe retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptors (ROR)�, �, � (Potter et al. 2001, 2002).

The importance of HR for normal regulation of hairgrowth in human beings is underlined by the fact thatseveral nonsense, missense, insertion, and deletion mu-tations of the human HR gene have been identified. Allthese mutations result in hair loss disorders, includingalopecia universalis congenita (AUC; OMIM 203,655)and arthricia with papular lesions (APL; OMIM 209,500)(Table 1). Thompson et al. (2006) demonstrated that sev-eral mutations in rat HR corresponding to missense mu-tations in human APL reduced or abrogated the ability ofHR to function as a corepressor activity together withthe THR nuclear receptor. Similarly, a large number ofHR mutants, previously described as the molecularcause of APL, and of which five resulted in amino acidchanges within the JmjC domain of HR, caused loss ofcorepressor activity and defective interactions withHDAC1 (Wang et al. 2007a). In summary, HR is a tran-scriptional corepressor essential for hair growth, whosebiochemical action may involve the removal of an “ac-tivatory” methylation mark.

The JMJD2 (KDM4) cluster

The JMJD2 cluster consists of four genes, JMJD2A (syn-onym: KDM4A), JMJD2B (synonym: KDM4B), JMJD2C(synonyms: GASC1 and KDM4C), and JMJD2D (syn-onym: KDM4D) (Fig. 2). They direct the expression ofhistone lysine demethylases capable of demethylatingboth the H3K9me3/me2 and H3K36me3/me2 marks(Cloos et al. 2006; Fodor et al. 2006; Klose et al. 2006b;Whetstine et al. 2006).

Whereas the H3K36me3/me2 mark is associated withtranscriptional elongation (Joshi and Struhl 2005; Keoghet al. 2005; Lee and Shilatifard 2007) and possibly fulfillsimportant roles in suppression of inappropriate tran-scription within the body of genes (Carrozza et al. 2005),the H3K9me3/me2 mark has generally been associatedwith transcriptional repression and formation of hetero-chromatin involving the recruitment of factors such asthe HP1 proteins (Bannister et al. 2001; Lachner et al.2001). Moreover, increased H3K9me3/me2 levels, pres-ent in so-called senescence-associated heterochromaticfoci (SAHFs) together with HP1, have been associatedwith stress signals inducing senescence (Narita et al.2003). Some E2F target genes have been found associatedwith SAHFs, resulting in permanent shutdown of tran-scription from these promoters during senescence(Narita et al. 2003). Thus, the idea is that the recruit-ment of specific H3K9me3 methyltransferases (KMTs) toactive promoters or chromosomal regions can result inthe generation of a heterochromatic environment andrepression of transcription. Due to the apparent impor-tant role of the H3K9me3 mark in regulating cellularsenescence and chromatin structure, Cloos et al. (2006)searched for proteins binding to this mark in the hope of

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finding proteins mediating its function. Among the iden-tified proteins was JMJD2C, which originally was namedgene amplified in squamous cell carcinoma 1 (GASC1),because of its amplification in esophagus cell lines (Yang etal. 2001).

Enforced expression of JMJD2A, JMJD2B, and JMJD2Csignificantly decreases H3K9me3 and H3K9me2 levels,and delocalizes HP1, which is consistent with an antago-nistic role of the JMJD2 family to heterochromatin(Cloos et al. 2006; Fodor et al. 2006). The possible onco-genic potential of the JMJD2 family could be the result ofH3K9me3/me2 demethylation, leading to the dissocia-tion of the SAHFs and re-expression of E2F target genes.Additionally, Whetstine et al. (2006) demonstrated thatdepletion of the Caenorhabditis elegans JMJD2 homo-log, CeJMJD2, resulted in a global increase of H3K9me3levels, localized H3K36me3 to meiotic chromosomesand activation of p53-dependent germline apoptosis. Inthis organism, DNA damage-induced apoptosis, as op-posed to physiological apoptosis, is dependent on the p53ortholog CEP-1. Interestingly JMJD2-induced apoptosiswas lost in CEP-1 deletion mutants indicating a func-tional link between JMJD2 loss-of-function and DNAdamage-induced germline apoptosis. Moreover, deple-tion of CeJMJD2 increased RAD51-positive foci in themid-pachytene nucleus, suggesting an increase in thelevels of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB), or a delay inthe progression of meiotic DSB repair.

Previous studies have established that disruption ofSuv39h1/h2 leads to loss of H3K9 trimethylation at peri-centric chromatin, impairment of heterochromatinstructures, and genomic stability (Peters et al. 2001). Thedouble-knockout mice also develop B cell lymphomas,suggesting that Suv39h1/h2 act as tumor suppressors.JMJD2A-C proteins are overexpressed in cancer, and in-hibition of JMJD2A and JMJD2C affects cellular growth(Cloos et al. 2006). The enzymatic activity of JMJD2 pro-teins toward demethylation of the repressive marksH3K9me3/me2 indicates that these proteins work astranscriptional coactivators. Taken together, these datasuggest that the JMJD2 proteins are oncogenes, whichcontribute to tumor formation by (1) inducing genomicinstability, (2) suppressing of cellular senescence, or (3)activating transcription.

The involvement of the JMJD2 proteins in tumorigen-esis has been supported further by a recent report dem-onstrating the functional interaction between JMJD2Cand the AR in prostate carcinomas (Wissmann et al.2007). Wissmann et al. (2007) showed that JMJD2C canbind to the AR and work as an essential coactivator ofAR-induced transcription and cellular growth.

The JMJD2 proteins have also been proposed to workas transcriptional repressors: JMJD2A has been shownpreviously to be associated with the transcriptional re-pressor complex, N-CoR (Gray et al. 2005), and the in-hibition of JMJD2A expression has been shown to triggeran increase in H3K9me3 levels correlating with expres-sion of the N-CoR target gene ASCL (Klose et al. 2006b).

The fact that JMJD2 proteins can both catalyze thedemethylation of H3K9 and H3K36 is surprising, and

suggests multiple roles for these enzymes. The crystal-lization of the catalytical JmjC domain of JMJD2A to-gether with its peptide substrates has provided insightsinto the specificity of substrate binding as well as thestructural requirements for catalysis (Chen et al. 2007;Couture et al. 2007; Ng et al. 2007). The studies showthat despite significant differences in the adjacent se-quence motifs of lysine K9 and K36, the two substrateshave a very similar, but not identical, binding mode. More-over, two of the studies found the K9 lysine to be the fa-vored substrate (Couture et al. 2007; Ng et al. 2007),whereas the last could not detect significant differencesin affinity toward K9 and K36 (Chen et al. 2007).

In addition to the catalytic domain the JMJD2 proteinsalso contain PHD and Tudor domains (Fig. 2), which areexpected to make significant contributions to the activ-ity and specificity of these enzymes by guiding them tospecific areas of chromatin. Thus, the tandem Tudor do-mains of JMJD2A has been found to bind to H3K4me3,H3K9me3, and H4K20me3, thereby potentially recruit-ing this demethylase to areas of active or inactive tran-scription (Huang et al. 2006; Kim et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2008).

Although we only have limited knowledge regardingthe biological role of the JMJD2 proteins, recent studieshave implicated JMJD1 and JMJD2 family members inthe regulation of self-renewal capacity of mouse embry-onic stem cells (ES): The stem cell transcription factorOct4 was shown to partially control the expression ofJMJD1A and JMJD2C, and depletion of the two demeth-ylases by shRNA decreased the expression of stem cellmarkers and induced genes involved in differentiation(Loh et al. 2007). It is noteworthy that depletion of thetwo demethylases only modestly affected the expressionof stem cell markers. This finding suggests that thesedemethylases are involved in fine-tuning expression lev-els during differentiation, rather than being instrumentalfor cell fate decisions and/or determining the balancebetween pluripotency and differentiation, such as, forexample, the transcription factors Klf4, Sox2, and Oct4.

In summary, current data suggest that the JMJD2 pro-teins can act as oncogenes, and are essential for normalembryogenesis. They can function as both transcrip-tional corepressors and coactivators. There are still sub-stantial gaps in our understanding of how the activityand specificity of these proteins is regulated and of thedual role of these proteins in transcriptional regulation.The activity of the JMJD2 proteins may be dictated, asdemonstrated for LSD1, by their complex partners. Fur-ther studies are required to attain a deeper understandingof these questions.

The JARID1 (KDM5) cluster

The JARID1 subfamily of JmjC proteins encompassesfour members: JARID1A, JARID1B, JARID1C, andJARID1D (also called KDM5A-D according to the novelnomenclature), which all can demethylate tri- and di-methylated H3K4 (Christensen et al. 2007; Iwase et al.2007; Klose et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2007a; Tahiliani et al.2007; Yamane et al. 2007).

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Tri- and dimethylation on histone H3 at Lys 4(H3K4me3/me2) is often found at transcribed genes.While H3K4me3 is highly enriched around transcrip-tional start sites, H3K4me2 seems to be present through-out the coding region of transcribed genes (Noma et al.2001; Santos-Rosa et al. 2002; Liang et al. 2004; R.Schneider et al. 2004; Bernstein et al. 2005). Evidenceindicates that trimethylation of K4 first appears after theassembly of the preinitiation complex (PIC), leading tothe suggestion that this modification is involved inmaintenance of transcription rather than initiation oftranscription (Pavri et al. 2006). However, another studyhas shown that the basal transcription factor TFIIDbinds to the H3K4me3 mark via the PHD finger of TAF3,indicating that the interaction between TFIID andH3K4me3 may be important for PIC assembly and sub-sequent activation of genes in mammalian cells (Ver-meulen et al. 2007).

Consistent with a contribution of H3K4 methylationto transcription, the bulk of data currently indicates thatJARID1 proteins function as transcriptional repressorsthrough the demethylation of H3K4me3/me2, and throughthe recruitment of other repressive chromatin modifiers(Christensen et al. 2007; Iwase et al. 2007; Klose et al.2007; Lee et al. 2007a; Tahiliani et al. 2007).

The JARID1 proteins are highly homologous, and con-tain a similar domain structure comprising a JmjN, Arid/Bright, and C5HC2 zinc-finger domain, in addition totwo or three plant homeodomains (PHD) and the cata-lytic JmjC domain (Fig. 2). Moreover, this group featuresvarious conserved motifs, which are probably involvedin pRB modulation—among those a leukemia-associatedprotein (LAP), a rhombotin-2 (RBTN2, LMO2)-bindingdomain, and a pRB-binding motif (LXCXE). Indeed,JARID1A (synonyms: RBP2 and KDM5A) was originallyidentified in a screen for proteins binding to the retino-blastoma protein, pRB (Defeo-Jones et al. 1991; Fattaeyet al. 1993). It has been reported that the interaction withpRB converts JARID1A from a transcriptional repressorto a transcriptional activator (Benevolenskaya et al.2005).

In a recent study, Christensen et al. (2007) identifiedJARID1A and its related proteins JARID1B and JARID1Cas demethylases specific for H3K4me3/me2. Consistentwith previous reports linking JARID1A to the control ofcellular differentiation (Benevolenskaya et al. 2005)JARID1A was found to be an important regulator ofHOX transcription (Christensen et al. 2007). Hence,JARID1A occupies several homeotic gene promoters in-cluding Hoxa1, Hoxa5, and Hoxa7, and is displaced fromHox genes during differentiation of mouse ES cells inresponse to retinoic acid, correlating with an increase oftheir H3K4 trimethylation and expression.

C. elegans and D. melanogaster both encode a singleortholog of the JARID1 demethylases that share signifi-cant homology and domain structure with the mamma-lian JARID1 proteins. The C. elegans JARID1 orthologrbr-2 is a bona fide H3K4me3 demethylase, which is es-sential for development. Thus, the C. elegans mutantstrain (tm1231) expressing a mutant RBR-2 protein lack-

ing the entire catalytic JmjC domain, displayed a highlypenetrant vulval phenotype with 80% of the animals be-ing either multivulval or vulvaless (Christensen et al.2007). In addition, mutant animals displayed a signifi-cant increase in global H3K4 methylation in all larvalstages as well as in the adult worm, showing that ongo-ing H3K4 demethylation by RBR-2 is essential for thecorrect regulation of H3K4 methylation and for normaldevelopment in this organism.

The D. melanogaster JARID1 ortholog, Lid (short forlittle imaginal disc), is also an H3K4 demethylase, andmutation of Lid results in a global increase of this mark(Secombe et al. 2007). This was rather surprising, be-cause Lid was originally classified as a Trithorax (Trx)gene (Gildea et al. 2000) and the protein was thereforeanticipated to maintain H3K4 methylation, rather thanremoving it. Two proposals have been put forward torationalize these findings. One model holds that a globalincrease of H3K4me3 levels in Lid mutants may displaceTrx proteins from their appropriate HOX loci, resultingin decreased expression of these genes and a Trx pheno-type (Secombe et al. 2007). Another proposition is basedon the observation that the transcription factor Mycbinds to the JmjC domain of Lid and inhibits its demeth-ylation activity. According to this, Myc could sequesterLid preventing its demethylase activity triggering a localincrease in H3K4 trimethylation at Myc target genes. Inturn, this could lead to recruitment of activating com-plexes promoting transcriptional activation at thesesites, resulting in a Trx phenotype (Secombe and Eisen-man 2007).

Because of the high conservation of the JmjC domainamong JARID1 proteins between species, one would pre-dict that the binding between the JARID1 proteins andMYC is conserved during evolution. That this indeedmight be the case is supported by data showing that en-dogenous JARID1A and JARID1B can bind to MYC in EScells (Secombe et al. 2007).

Whereas mutation of Lid is fatal and mutation of RBR-2leads to severe developmental phenotypes, Jarid1a-nullmice only display minor phenotypes, probably reflectingfunctional redundancy among mammalian JARID1 pro-teins (Klose et al. 2007). Thus, apart from neutrophilliaand behavioral abnormalities when held upside-down bythe tail, these mice appear to be grossly normal. How-ever, a detailed analysis documented decreased apoptosisand increased entry into the G1 phase of the cell cycle inhematopoietic stem cells and myeloid progenitor com-partments (Klose et al. 2007). In addition, expression ar-rays indicated that the levels of several genes were af-fected in Jarid1a-null mice: The mRNA levels of genessuch as Sdf1, Cxlc5, and Foxp2 were increased comparedwith wild-type littermates, whereas Kcnd3, Sema4a, andSorbs1 expression was decreased. Genomic locationanalysis suggests that Sdf1 is a direct target gene forJarid1a, and that increased Jarid1a binding to the Sdf1promoter decreased H3K4 trimethylation at this site.

JARID1B (synonyms: PLU1 or KDM5B) was originallyidentified in a screen for genes regulated by the oncogenec-ErbB2. JARID1B is highly expressed in 90% of ductal

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breast carcinomas, and the gene has been associated withthe malignant phenotype of breast (Lu et al. 1999; Barrettet al. 2002) and prostate cancer (Xiang et al. 2007b). Basedon this link to cancer and to its rather restricted expres-sion pattern in normal adult tissues, where only ovary,testes, and the mammary gland of the pregnant femaledisplay high levels of the protein, JARID1B was sug-gested to belong to the family of testis cancer antigens(Chen and Old 1999; Barrett et al. 2002). Consistent witha putative role in promoting cancer, JARID1B is requiredfor the proliferation of the breast cancer cell line MCF-7and for the tumor growth of mammary carcinoma cellsin nude mice (Yamane et al. 2007).

JARID1B target genes have been identified by genomiclocation analysis, and several of these have been impli-cated in breast cancer proliferation including 14–3–3�,BRCA1, CAV1, and HOXA5 (Yamane et al. 2007). Inagreement with a role of JARID1B as a transcriptionalrepressor, inhibition of its expression leads to increasedH3K4 trimethylation at these target genes and increasedtranscription of these genes (Yamane et al. 2007).

Previously, other studies have linked JARID1B to re-pression of developmental genes. Here, JARID1B wasfound to bind the developmental transcription factorssuch as brain factor-1 (BF-1) and paired box 9 (PAX9) viaa conserved sequence motif (AXAAXVPX4VPX4VPX8P),termed the VP motif (Tan et al. 2003). Mutation of theVP motif in BF-1 and PAX9 abrogated JARID1B corepres-sion activity (Tan et al. 2003). Both BF-1 and PAX areknown to interact with members of the Groucho core-pressor family potentially supporting a role for JARID1Bin Groucho-mediated transcriptional repression.

JARID1C (synonyms: SMCX and KDM5C) is tran-scribed from the X chromosome, and it is one of fewgenes that are not transcriptionally silenced during theX-inactivation process (Wu et al. 1994a). Interestingly, alarge number of point mutations have been identifiedwithin the JARID1C gene in patients affected byX-linked mental retardation (XLMR) (Wu et al. 1994b;Brown et al. 1995; Jensen et al. 2005; Santos et al. 2006;Tzschach et al. 2006). One of these mutations (A388P) islocated in the vicinity of the proteins N-terminal PHDdomain. Importantly, in the context of the wild-type pro-tein this PHD domain, but not the A388P mutant, canbind to H3K9me3 (Iwase et al. 2007). Moreover, intro-duction of this or other XLMR-linked mutations intowild-type JARID1C was found to reduce the in vitro de-methylation activity of the protein (Iwase et al. 2007).Collectively, these findings suggest that XLMR-associ-ated mutations in JARID1C may affect both chromatinassociation and the demethylating activity of the pro-tein, and could be important for the pathophysiology ofsome forms of XLMR. Consistent with such a role,RNAi-mediated depletion of JARID1C in rat cerebellargranule neurons led to a significant decrease in the den-dritic lengths of neurons that could be rescued by rein-troduction of the wild-type protein, but not by XLMR-linked mutants (Iwase et al. 2007). The importance ofJARID1C for brain development was further underscoredby studies in zebrafish. Here, the expression of the

JARID1C homolog is largely restricted to the brain dur-ing development, and its depletion suggests a role for theprotein in neuronal survival (Iwase et al. 2007).

Another report has suggested a direct role for JARID1Cin chromatin dynamics and REST-mediated repression(Tahiliani et al. 2007). In this study, JARID1C was copu-rified with HDAC1 and HDAC2, as well as the histoneH3K9 methyltransferase G9a (synonym: KMT1C), andthe transcriptional repressor REST. Chromatin immuno-precipitation (ChIP) analysis revealed that JARID1C andREST co-occupy the neuron restrictive silencing ele-ments in the promoters of a subgroup of REST targetgenes. Moreover, depletion of JARID1C by RNAi led tothe derepression of several of these target genes and asimultaneous increase in H3K4 trimethylation at the so-dium channel type 2A (SCN2A) and synapsin I (SYN1)promoters (Tahiliani et al. 2007). This observation led tothe interesting suggestion that loss of JARID1C activitycould abrogate REST-mediated neuronal gene regulation,thus contributing to the pathogenesis of JARID1C-asso-ciated XLMR (Tahiliani et al. 2007).

Analogously, JARID1D (synonym: SMCY and KDM5D)was found to associate with the Polycomb-like ring fin-ger-containing protein Ring6a/MBLR (Lee et al. 2007a).Ring6a/MBLR has been identified previously as a com-ponent of an E2F6-containing complex with the abilityto ubiquitylate Lys 119 on histone H2A (Akasaka et al.2002; Ogawa et al. 2002; H. Wang et al. 2004). JARID1Dwas reported to occupy the promoters of the Synapsin,Engrailed 1, and Engrailed 2 genes, and to be implicatedin the regulation of the latter (Lee et al. 2007a). Consis-tent with such a role, depletion of JARID1D by RNAi ledto an increase in H3K4me3/me2 levels at the Engrailed 2promoter and a concurrent increase in binding of theRNAPII machinery and an increased transcription of En-grailed 2 (Lee et al. 2007a). In vitro reconstitution experi-ments indicated that Ring6a/MBLR could enhance thedemethylase activity of JARID1D. Taken together, thesefindings support a model where recruitment of Ring6a-JARID1D to the transcription start sites of specific pro-moters leads to loss of K4 methylation, as well as NURFand RNAPII complex members leading to the repressionof the affected gene.

In summary, the four JARID1 proteins are specific his-tone demethylases for H3K4me3 and H3K4me2, whosemain function is to work as transcriptional corepressors.Results from C. elegans and D. melanogaster haveshown that the proteins are required for normal devel-opment, and studies of human malignancies have, in par-ticular, pointed to a role of JARID1B in the developmentof cancer and JARID1C in XLMR.

The UTX/JMJD3 (KDM6) cluster

This cluster consists of three proteins, UTX (synonym:KDM6A), UTY, and JMJD3 (synonym: KDM6B) (Fig. 2).UTX and JMJD3 are histone demethylases specific forH3K27me3/me2 (Agger et al. 2007; De Santa et al. 2007;Hong et al. 2007; Lan et al. 2007a,b; Xiang et al. 2007a),whereas no activity has been reported for UTY so far.

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UTX and UTY are highly homologous and character-ized by the presence of 6 tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)domains in addition to the catalytic JmjC domain and atreble clef zinc-finger domain (Fig. 2). The TPR domain,is a structural motif present in a wide range of proteins inprokaryotes and eukaryotes, and is supposed to constitutean ancient protein–protein interaction module (Blatch andLassle 1999; D’Andrea and Regan 2003). TPR proteinscontain multiple copies of a degenerate 34-amino-acidmotif and self-associate via a “knobs and holes” mecha-nism mediating the assembly of multiprotein com-plexes. Indeed, several recent studies have demonstratedthat UTX forms part of different multiprotein com-plexes. One study identified UTX as part of an H3K4–methyltransferase complex containing MLL2 (ALR orKMT2B), PTIP, ASC2, ASH2, RBQ3, WDR5, and matrin(Issaeva et al. 2007). Three other studies, found UTX inassociation with two H3K4–methyltransferase Set1-likecomplexes containing MLL3 and MLL2, respectively(Cho et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2007b; Patel et al. 2007). Inaddition to ASH2L, RBBP5, and WDR5, three subunitsshared by all human Set1-like complexes this complexalso contained hDPY-30, the human homolog of theSdc1 subunit of the yeast COMPASS/Set1 complex aswell as NCOA6, PA1, and PTIP. Of interest, both UTXcomplexes contained the protein PTIP. PTIP is known tointeract with 53BP1, a key regulator of the DNA damageresponse that translocates to DNA DSB foci upon ioniz-ing radiation. This finding indicates that these UTX-con-taining complexes and their associated demethylase andmethyltransferase activities may be involved in DNAdamage response and/or repair. Analogously, De Santa etal. (2007) reported that JMJD3 can coimmunoprecipitatewith all three K4-methyltransferase core subunits(ASH2L, RBBP5, and WDR5), providing further supportfor a general association of H3K27 demethylases withH3K4 KMTs.

Interestingly, in vitro demethylation studies using re-combinant UTX have demonstrated the ability of thisenzyme to convert trimethylated H3K27 to its unmeth-ylated state (Agger et al. 2007; Lan et al. 2007a). Con-versely, several parallel studies have independentlyfound UTY to be enzymatically inactive (Hong et al.2007; Lan et al. 2007a). This is surprising, given the highhomology between UTX and UTY, and may indicatethat the latter protein fulfills other functions than de-methylation, or that additional factors are required forits activity. Moreover, the fact that UTX escapes X in-activation (Greenfield et al. 1998) would mean thatmales only have a half dose of UTX-like H3K27 demeth-ylase activity.

In contrast to some of the other demethylases charac-terized so far, the UTX/JMJD3 group has no or little ac-tivity on the physiologically relevant substrate, the nucleo-some in vitro (Lan et al. 2007a; J Christensen, K. Agger, P.Cloos, and K. Helin, unpubl.). This finding suggests thatthese enzymes require additional cofactors for theirfunction; indeed, ectopic expression of UTX alone ap-pears to have little effect on K27 methylation levels inmost cell types.

UTX is recruited to the promoters of the anterior genesof the HOXA and HOXB clusters upon differentiation ofNT2/D1 cells with retinoic acid (Agger et al. 2007; Lee etal. 2007b). The recruitment correlates with the loss ofH3K27me3, SUZ12, and EZH2 from these promoters,and with activation of the genes. Moreover, depletion ofUTX prevents H3K27 demethylation of the HOXB1 pro-moter and its induction in response to retinoic acid treat-ment (Agger et al. 2007). These results suggest that UTXis required for the activation of the HOX cluster duringdifferentiation.

Similarly, De Santa et al. (2007) demonstrated thatJMJD3 is transiently associated with the HOXA7 andHOXA11 promoters; however, the functional impor-tance of this association was not addressed.

De Santa et al. (2007) identified JMJD3 as a gene highlyinduced in activated macrophages. Bone morphogeneticprotein 2 (BMP2) was identified as a JMJD3 target geneby expression studies and ChIP analysis whose expres-sion increased with LPS-induced loss of JMJD3 from itspromoter (De Santa et al. 2007). These data indicate thatJMJD3 has functional role as a transcriptional activatorduring differentiation (De Santa et al. 2007).

Various studies have identified H3K27 demethylasesas essential for normal development. Depletion of thetwo zebrafish UTX orthologs, zUTX1 and zUTX2, bymorpholino treatment caused a decreased expression ofHox genes, truncations of the posterior notocord, andabnormal development of the posterior structures (Lan etal. 2007a). The phenotypes observed in these animalswith disturbed development of the posterior trunk, re-semble thrithorax-like phenotypes and are consistentwith an antagonistic role of UTX to PcG-mediated si-lencing (Lan et al. 2007a). Human UTX could partiallyrescue the phenotype, whereas a catalytically inactiveform could not, demonstrating that the H3K27-demeth-ylating activity of the enzyme was responsible for theobserved phenotype (Lan et al. 2007a).

Similarly, analysis of mutant strains and the use ofRNAi have shown that F18E9.5, one of four UTX/JMJD3orthologs encoded by C. elegans, which have high ho-mology with human JMJD3, is required for normal go-nadal development (Agger et al. 2007).

As discussed above the mammalian UTX and JMJD3proteins have also been shown to have a role in variousdifferentiation processes in mammalian cells, and in agree-ment with this notion, JMJD3 is activated by the retinoicacid receptor in neural stem cells (Jepsen et al. 2007).

Finally, because of the implication of these enzymes incell fate decisions, counteracting pluripotency and be-cause of their putative involvement in the transcrip-tional regulation of the INK4A-ARF locus these enzymesare putative tumor suppressors (see further below).

JARID2 (Jumonji)

The JARID2 protein also known as Jumonji (JMJ) is phy-logeneticly closely related to the JARID1 family. As theJARID1 members, JARID2 features an Arid/Bright domainin addition to a JmjC and JmjN domain (Fig. 2).

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The Jarid2 gene was originally identified in a genetrapscreen for genes involved in mouse embryonic develop-ment (for review, see Jung et al. 2005b). Depending onthe genetic background of the mouse strain, Jarid2-nullmice die in utero (Takeuchi et al. 1995, 1997, 1999) orneonatally (Lee et al. 2000). The likely cause of deathappears to be various heart abnormalities similar to hu-man congenital heart diseases (CHD), including ven-tricular septal defects, noncompaction of the ventricularwall, double outlet right ventricle, and dilated atria (Leeet al. 2000). In addition, Jarid2-null mice have an abnor-mal cruciform neural tube morphology (Takeuchi et al.1995). In situ hybridization studies of markers for cardiacdevelopment indicate that cardiomyocytes in Jarid2-nullmice are differentiated, but that the transcriptional regu-lation of genes involved in the formation of heart cham-bers are defective in late-stage embryos (Lee et al. 2000;Toyoda et al. 2003). Interestingly, Volcik et al. (2004)found a threefold increased risk for CHD in individualscarrying single-nucleotide polymorphisms in exon 6 ofthe JARID2 gene, suggesting it as a candidate gene forthis condition.

At the molecular level, JARID2 appears to function asa repressor of cardiomyocyte proliferation through inter-action with pRB (Jung et al. 2005a), which along with itsrelative p130, are key regulators of cell cycle progressionin these cells (MacLellan et al. 2005). JARID2 has beenshown to repress the expression of Atrial natriuretic fac-tor (ANF) through physical interaction with two cardiac-restricted transcription factors, the homeodomain pro-tein Nkx2.5 and the zinc-finger protein GATA4 (Kim etal. 2004). More recently, a single-nucleotide polymor-phism located in the Arid/Bright domain of JARID2 wasassociated to schizophrenia, identifying it as a candidategene for this psychiatric disorder (Pedrosa et al. 2007). Sofar, no demethylation activity has been assigned toJARID2, but based on its biological function as a tran-scriptional repressor, JARID2 would be anticipated to re-move an activating mark. However, the protein does notfeature a fully conserved iron-binding site, and is there-fore possibly devoid of demethylation activity.

The PHD finger (PHF) cluster

This cluster consists of three proteins that in addition tothe JmjC domain contain a PHD finger domain: PHDfinger protein 2 (PHF2), PHD finger protein 8 (PHF8), andKIAA1718 (Fig. 2). No enzymatic activities have beenassigned to these proteins, and very little is known abouttheir biology. Truncating mutations in the PHF8 geneare associated with XLMR and cleft lip/palate in affectedpatients (Siderius et al. 1999; Laumonnier et al. 2005;Koivisto et al. 2007), indicating an important function ofPHF8 in the development of cognitive functions andmidline formation. Alignment studies and phylogeneticanalysis of the PHF cluster indicates that it is closelyrelated to the FBXL and JMJD1 families. Moreover, theresidues potentially involved in coordination of the ironand �KG cofactors in both PHF8 and KIAA1718, are

identical to the ones found in FBXL11, making theseproteins prime candidates for histone demethylases(Klose et al. 2006a). The last member of the PHF familyis PHF2; this protein does not feature a conserved HXD/EXnH motif, and it is therefore unlikely that it has de-methylase activity. Little is known about the biologicalfunction of this protein, but the PHF2 gene is located onhuman chromosome 9q22 within the candidate regionfor hereditary neuropathy I (HSN1) (Nicholson et al.1996; Blair et al. 1997) and multiple self-healing squa-mosus epitheloma (ESS1) (Goudie et al. 1993).

Interestingly, deletion of the C. elegans PHF2/PHF8ortholog 4F429 causes embryonic lethality with a lowpenetrance, suggesting an important developmental roleof this protein (


Heat-shock 27 (Hsp27)-associated protein 1 (HSPBAP1,also denoted PASS1), is a member of the JmjC family,most closely related to JMJD5 and FIH (Fig. 2). The pro-tein features an HXDXnH motif and could potentially bea histone demethylase. HSPBAP1 is expressed in mosttissues except the brain. The protein is most abundant inthymus, pancreas, and testis (Liu et al. 2000; Jiang et al.2001).

As suggested by its name, HSPBAP1 was initially iden-tified in a screen for proteins associated with Hsp27 (Liuet al. 2000). Functionally, HSPBAP1 appears to be in-volved in the regulation of stress responses in cells byinhibiting the function of Hsp27 (Liu et al. 2000; Jiang etal. 2001).

Hsp27 has a neuroprotective effect during experimen-tally induced epileptic neuropathology. Interestingly, inthis context, HSPBAP1 inhibits the ability of Hsp27 toprotect cells against heat shock (Liu et al. 2000) and it isabnormally expressed in the anterior temporal neocortexof patients with intractable epilepsy (IE) (Xi et al. 2007).These results indicate that deregulation of HSPBAP1may play a role in the development IE.

HSPBAP1 may also have a role in the development ofcancer, since the gene has been found associated with atranslocation, giving rise to a DIRC3-HSPBAP1 fusionprotein in a family with renal cell cancer (Bodmer et al.2003).

In conclusion, HSPBAP1 appears to be involved inregulating stress responses in cells by inhibiting Hsp27.At present, it is unclear how HSPBAP1 abrogates Hsp27function, but it could potentially be involved in hydrox-ylation of some critical residues of Hsp27, similar to theinhibitory activity of FIH on HIF1�.

Arginine demethylases

As originally proposed by Bannister et al. (2002), deimi-nases might catalyze the reversal of arginine methyla-tion. Members of the peptidyl arginine deiminase (PADI)family deiminate arginine residues by converting theminto citrulline (Nakashima et al. 2002; Cloos and Christ-

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gau 2004). PADI4 is a nuclear member of the PADI fam-ily, and was therefore suggested and subsequently shownto deiminate histones (Cuthbert et al. 2004; Y. Wang etal. 2004). Strictly speaking, PADI4 does not cause de-methylation as it catalyzes the conversion of methyl-arginine to citrulline and not an unmodified arginine;therefore, PADI4 rather works antagonistically to argi-nine methylation.

PADI4-catalyzed citrullination of histones has beenassociated with estrogen-regulated transcription of thepS2 promoter. This regulation occurs in a cyclic manner;after an initial phase with augmented transcription, ar-ginine methylation is decreased together with a con-comitant increase in histone citrullination and recruit-ment of PADI4 to the promoter (Bauer et al. 2002; Me-tivier et al. 2003). Hence, PADI4 action and appears toantagonize arginine methylation in vivo repressing tran-scription.

Recently, JMJD6 (previously believed to be the phos-phatidyl serine receptor and therefore denoted PTDSR)was identified as a histone demethylase with specificityto H3R2me2 and H4R3me2, demonstrating that also ar-ginine methylations are reversible (Chang et al. 2007).Although this study provided little insight into the biol-ogy of this demethylase, previous studies of the Jmjd6-null mouse have demonstrated that the gene is essentialfor the differentiation and maturation of a large varietyof tissues during embryogenesis (Bose et al. 2004; J.E.Schneider et al. 2004). Hence, loss of Jmjd6 causes peri-natal lethality, growth retardation, and a delay in termi-nal differentiation of multiple organs including the kid-ney, intestine, liver, and lungs (J.E. Schneider et al. 2004).Moreover, some Jmjd6-null mice display severe malfor-mations of the forebrain and nasal structures and/or im-paired eye formation, ranging from defects in the differ-entiation of the retina to complete absence of the eyes(J.E. Schneider et al. 2004). Jmjd6 also appears to be es-sential for development of the heart controlling ven-tricular septal, outflow tract, pulmonary artery, and thy-mus development (Bose et al. 2004). Consistent with arole for H4R3 demethylation in embryogenesis, H4R3methylation is lost in metaphase during oocyte develop-ment and in preimplantation mouse development (Sar-mento et al. 2004).

Several reports have addressed the importance ofH3R2 methylation, providing possible clues to the bio-logical role of this mark (Guccione et al. 2007; Kirmiziset al. 2007). Current data suggests that asymmetric di-methylation of H3R2 (H3R2me2a) is antagonistic to tri-methylated H3K4; thus, H3R2me2a appears to be a re-pressive modification preventing gene transcription(Guccione et al. 2007; Kirmizis et al. 2007).

Given the opposing action of this mark to H3K4me3,it may be anticipated that JMJD6 will form a part ofactivating complexes, collaborating with or being inte-grated into Trithorax-like complexes catalyzing K4methylation. Likewise, depletion of JMJD6 might cause“loss of derepression” during development explainingthe multitude of severe phenotypes observed in theJmjd6-null mouse.

Other JmjC proteins

In addition to the JmjC proteins reviewed above, addi-tional JmjC proteins exist; most of these are, however,undescribed in terms of biological activity, and all exceptfor one have not been ascribed any enzymatic activities.The one exception is the factor inhibiting HIF-1� (FIH),which has been identified as an asparaginyl hydroxylasetargeting Asp 803 of the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor 1� (HIF-1�), the master switch of cellu-lar hypoxia response (Lando et al. 2002a,b). FIH is activeunder normoxic conditions abrogating the interactionbetween HIF-1�- and p300-repressing HIF1� activity.

The biological impact of histone lysine demethylation

The versatile histone demethylases

It is widely accepted that epigenetic mechanisms, in-cluding signaling involving histone modifications, areessential for the control of gene expression programs andcell fate decisions. Although we are only just starting touncover the biology of these exciting enzymes, histonedemethylases are rapidly surfacing as essential players inan array of important biological processes.

By catalyzing the removal of a histone methyl mark,these enzymes constitute an ideal and versatile regula-tory instrument, ensuring the dynamic changes in globalgene expression required for diverse cellular processes,such as transdifferentiation of macrophages in responseto inflammatory cytokines (De Santa et al. 2007) or stemcell differentiation (Loh et al. 2007). In addition, the factthat both H3K4 and H3K27 KMTs (MLL2, MLL3, andEZH2) and demethylases (RBP2, UTX, and JMJD3) asso-ciate with “bivalent” homeotic target genes, suggestthat histone demethylation is required for “fine-tuning”transcription by maintaining specific epigenetic states(Fig. 3; Agger et al. 2007; Pasini et al. 2008). Moreover,mathematical modeling suggest that the concerted ac-tion of opposing histone-modifying activities will permita highly dynamic control of the chromatin state withoutcompromising stability (Dodd et al. 2007).

Since the degree of methylation of the histone tail ap-pears to be an important factor for the regulation of anumber of cellular processes such as X inactivation, dif-ferentiation, cellular senescence, and DNA damage re-pair, and histone demethylases take an active part inthis, it is anticipated that the expression levels of theseenzymes are carefully controlled and their localizationexquisitely targeted. Indeed, many demethylases and/ortheir binding partners feature histone mark-bindingmodules as Tudor, PHD, or Chromo domains, openingthe possibility for specific recruitment of demethylasesto certain chromatin areas and for spreading of demeth-ylation to neighboring nucleosomal areas. As an exampleof this, the PHD domain of JMJD2A has been demon-strated to bind specifically to H3K4me3 H3K9me3 andH4K20me3 (Huang et al. 2006; Kim et al. 2006; Lee et al.2008). Although the biological significance of this obser-vation is still unclear, this could be one example of de-methylase targeting to specific chromatin areas. Another

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report has suggested that the interplay between the his-tone demethylase LSD1 and its complex partner BHC80may be involved in spreading of histone demethylation.Remarkably, the PHD finger of BHC80 was shown tobind unmethylated H3K4, a binding that is specificallyabrogated by methylation of H3K4 (Lan et al. 2007b).Gene location analysis demonstrated that LSD1 andBHC80 binding were interdependent, leading to the sug-gestion that the binding of BHC80 to demethylated K4may constitute a targeting system leading to the propa-gation of K4 demethylation and required for the bindingof LSD1 (Lan et al. 2007b).

Thus, demethylases appear to represent a fundamentalpiece of equipment in the cells chromatin toolbox, per-mitting a fast and robust regulation of transcriptionalprograms. Evidently, aberrant localization or deregula-tion of these enzymes may contribute to diseases such ascancer, for instance, by promoting a pluripotent-likestate or by disruption of senescence induction as dis-cussed below.

Interaction of histone demethylases with otherhistone-modifying enzymes and nuclear receptors

Several reports have documented that demethylases areoften found in large histone-modifying complexes asso-ciated with other chromatin modifiers such as KMTsand HDACs. Thus, as mentioned above, the K27 de-methylase UTX has been found in complex with K4KMTs MLL2 and MML3, and JMJD3 coimmunoprecipi-tates with core subunits of K4–methyltransferase com-plexes.

Similarly, the K4 histone demethylase JARID1A is as-sociated with the PRC2 complex, instilling the repres-sive K27 mark (Fig. 3; Pasini et al. 2008). The fact thatdepletion of JARID1A by RNAi decreases the ability ofPRC2 target genes to remain repressed demonstrates theimportance of the concerted action of these activities(Pasini et al. 2008). The apparent intimate associationbetween several demethylases and KMTs affectingmarks of complementary activity suggest that this is ageneral phenomenon, ensuring a fast and efficient shiftin expression of the affected gene.

It remains to be established whether these examplesconstitute a general mechanism for gene regulation. Therecent observation that the K4me3/me2 demethylaseJARID1C is in a complex with the H3K9 methyltrans-ferase G9a indicates that this may indeed be a generalphenomenon (Tahiliani et al. 2007).

Several reports have highlighted the interaction of de-methylases and HDACs, and have suggested a possibleinterplay or coregulation of such activities. As an ex-ample of this, one study reported that HR interacts withHDACs and is localized in matrix-associated deacetylasebodies, consistent with a role of HR as a transcriptionalcorepressor (Potter et al. 2001). Similarly, the JARID1 S.pombe ortholog Msc1 has been shown to interact withHDACs (Ahmed et al. 2004). Cells lacking Msc1 have a20-fold increase in global acetylation of histone H3, in-dicating that it may be required for the recruitment oractivity of certain HDACs. Moreover, JARID1A has beenshown to be part of a complex that contains HDAC ac-tivity (Klose et al. 2007). The reintroduction of a cata-lytically dead JARID1A mutant into Jarid1a-null micecaused repression of the Sdf1 gene (Klose et al. 2007),demonstrating that JARID1A-mediated repression can-not entirely be explained by K4-demethylation activity.

Histone demethylases have also been implicated as es-sential players in nuclear receptor signaling. Nuclear re-ceptors are transcription factors whose activity is depen-dent of the binding of lipophilic ligands, triggering theirtranslocation to the nucleus. Most nuclear receptorsfunction by activating transcription of specific targetgenes. Nuclear receptor-mediated transcriptional activa-tion occurs through binding of the ligand to the C-ter-minal domain, triggering conformational changes of thereceptor into an activator and favoring association withspecific coactivator complexes (for review, see Rosenfeldet al. 2006). In addition to this, a subgroup of these re-ceptors including the receptors for retinoic acid, vitaminD, and thyroid hormone have the additional capacity offunctioning as transcriptional repressors when notbound to their ligands, primarily by recruiting repressorcomplexes through the so-called CORNR domain. More-over, many nuclear receptors including the ER� and theAR can be converted to transcriptional activators even

Figure 3. Model for the involvement of demethylases/methyltransferases in transcriptional regulation of de-velopmental genes. Histone methyltransferases and de-methylases are found in the same complex, whichmethylates one mark while removing the opposingmark. The methylation pattern at a specific gene is de-termined by the equilibrium between activities of thetwo opposing complexes, exemplified here by the acti-vating MLL2/UTX complex and the repressive PRC2/RBP2 complex (Agger et al. 2007; Pasini et al. 2008).Analogously, it has been shown that repressive com-plexes carrying K9 methyltransferase activity (G9a)may also contain H3K4 demethylase activities (Tahil-iani et al. 2007). Correspondingly, it may be envisionedthat H3K9 demethylases may form a part of activatingcomplexes carrying methyltransferases to activatingmarks as H3K4.

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in the absence of a ligand, through other signaling path-ways.

The transcriptional control exerted by nuclear recep-tors is critical for the development and homeostasis ofall mammals and is mediated through their interactionwith various corepressor complexes. Not surprisingly,given their important biological roles, deregulation ofnuclear receptor function has been implicated in a vari-ety of diseases. Indeed, inhibition or activation ofnuclear receptors forms the central mechanisms of ac-tion for many current drugs, and more than a tenth of theworld’s 100 best selling drugs are targeting nuclear re-ceptors.

As mentioned previously, several reports have pro-vided evidence linking demethylase function to the regu-lation of transcription by nuclear receptors (Table 1;Chan and Hong 2001; Metzger et al. 2005; Yamane et al.2006; Garcia-Bassets et al. 2007; Wissmann et al. 2007;Wolf et al. 2007). Thus, LSD1, JMJD1A, JMJD1C, andJMJD2C have been involved in AR-mediated transcrip-tion (Fig. 4; Metzger et al. 2005; Yamane et al. 2006;Wissmann et al. 2007; Wolf et al. 2007). Accordingly,Garcia-Bassets et al. (2007) found that LSD1 occupied asignificant fraction of estrogen-responsive genes, andthat the occupancy of this promoter by LSD1 was in-versely correlated to H3K9 dimethylation. Conversely,Garcia-Bassets et al. (2007) found that RNAi-mediateddepletion of several H3K9 KMTs (RIZ1, ESET, andEuHMTase1) led to the activation of these promoters.This activation was independent of the presence of li-gand (estrogen), but relied on the binding of the unligatedreceptor to the promoter. These data led Garcia-Bassetset al. (2007) to suggest a model where repressive meth-ylations imposed by KMTs act as gatekeepers inhibiting

inappropriate transcriptional activation of genes by un-ligated nuclear receptors. In contrast, the ligand-depen-dent recruitment of LSD1 (and possibly other demethyl-ases) could act as an activator of ER-mediated transcrip-tion by reversing the repressive H3K9 methylation(Garcia-Bassets et al. 2007). This study, taken togetherwith a number of other studies (Table 1), suggests a gen-eral regulatory mechanism for transcriptional regulationby nuclear receptors where a carefully coordinated inter-play between histone methyltransferases and histone de-methylases balance repressing and activating histonemodifications, leading to either transcriptional activa-tion or repression.

Roles of demethylases in developmentand differentiation

During cellular differentiation, the transcriptional pro-gram of cells is rapidly modulated to acquire new lin-eage-specific phenotypic states. Concurrently or prior tothis, modulation of genome-wide chromatin changes oc-cur with establishment of new histone marks and era-sure of others. Chromatin areas featuring both H3K4 andH3K27 methylations are often seen in ES cells or earlyprecursor cells, located at genomic regions encodingtranscription factors such as HOX genes that are essen-tial for development and differentiation. Due to the pres-ence of both trimethylated H3K4 and H3K27, which arenormally associated with transcriptionally active and si-lent chromatin, respectively, these areas have beencoined bivalent domains, and been proposed to be poisedfor transcription (Bernstein et al. 2006) or poised for per-manent silencing (Christensen et al. 2007). These biva-lent marks may provide plasticity to the gene; i.e., thegene can be either activated (K4-methylated/K27-un-methylated) or maintained repressed (K27-methylated/K4-unmethylated) in specific cell lineages during differ-entiation. Indeed, upon differentiation of ES cells thesebivalent domains are induced in a timed and spatiallycontrolled manner or remain silent depending on thephenotypic characteristics of the lineage in question.ChIP studies of cells before, during, and after differentia-tion has documented that the status of various histonemethyl marks is rapidly modulated on specific genesduring these processes.

As described above, members of the JARID1 and UTX/JMJD3 groups appear to have specific roles in this regu-lation. In fact, the JARID1 and UTX/JMJD3 proteins arerecruited to HOX promoters or displaced from them inresponse to retinoic acid differentiation, and they are es-sential for the correct regulation of the HOX genes(Klose et al. 2006a; Agger et al. 2007; Christensen et al.2007; De Santa et al. 2007; Lan et al. 2007a; Lee et al.2007b), revealing a causal relationship between H3K4and H3K27 demethylation and transcriptional controlduring these processes.

Moreover, as also described previously, JMJD1A andJMJD2C are involved in regulating ES cell differentiation(Loh et al. 2007). Oct4 positively regulates both genesand inhibition of their expression induces ES cell differ-

Figure 4. The involvement of demethylases in AR-mediatedtranscription. When bound to its ligands, androgen (A), the ARtranslocates to the nucleus to interact with histone demethyl-ases on androgen-responsive elements (ARE) on specific genes.Through its interaction with JMJD2C, LSD1 or JMJD1A de-methylation is triggered, removing the repressive H3K9 meth-ylation and leading to the transcriptional induction of theseandrogen-responsive genes. Repressive complexes (RCO), possi-bly featuring H3K9-methyltransferase (KMT), HDAC, andH3K4 demethylase (JARID1) activities, may potentially act toprevent ligand-independent activation.

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entiation and a concomitant increase of lineage-specificgenes and decrease of ES cell-specific genes (Loh et al.2007). Moreover, JMJD1A was shown to be a positiveregulator of the pluripotency-associated genes Tcl1,Tcfcp2l1, and Zpf57, whereas JMJD2C acts as a positiveregulator of Nanog, encoding a key transcription factorfor self-renewal, presumably by removing repressiveH3K9 methylations at the promoters of these genes. Inaddition, several other members of the JmjC family dis-play developmental phenotypes, suggesting putativeroles in cellular differentiation. Examples include PHF8,JARID2, and JMJD6.

In summary, several examples exist suggesting thatdemethylases are at the nexus of cellular differentiationand development. Importantly, since histone demethyl-ases appear to take center stage in executing nuclear re-ceptor function, this protein group may constitute excel-lent drug targets for novel therapies to cancer and otherhuman diseases.

Putative roles in senescence

Cellular senescence constitutes a barrier against exces-sive cell proliferation, and is a specific form for irrevers-ible growth arrest that can be induced by a number ofdifferent stress inducers, including activation of onco-genes and DNA damage, as well as telomere erosion.Several studies have revealed the importance of the se-nescence process in suppression of tumorigenesis in vivo(Braig et al. 2005; Collado et al. 2005; Lazzerini Denchi etal. 2005; Michaloglou et al. 2005). The two tumor sup-pressor proteins pRB and p53 play a central role in theinduction of senescence. Stabilization of p53 leads totranscriptional induction of the CDK inhibitor p21,which negatively affects the cell cycle. pRB is found inits active hypophosphorylated form in complex with E2Ffamily members. These complexes induce heterochro-matin on E2F-responsive promoters during senescence,resulting in formation of SAHFs (Narita et al. 2003). Theexact mechanism leading to SAHF formation is not clearat present. However, recent studies suggest a key role fortrimethylation of H3K9 in the establishment of SAHFsand induction of the senescent state. For instance, theaccelerated formation of lymphomas in transgenic miceexpressing the activated version of the oncogene N-RAS(RASG12D) as a result of Suv39h1 loss correlates with adecreased number of SAHFs and ability to enter senes-cence in primary lymphocytes (Braig et al. 2005). As sug-gested above, demethylases removing the repressiveH3K9me3 marks may, in theory, act to increase genomicinstability, dissolve SAHFs, and prevent or override se-nescence induction, and may thus potentially providecancer cells with the possibility to evade this importanttumor suppressor mechanism (Cloos et al. 2006).

Another demethylase family, which potentially couldbe involved in the senescence process, is the UTX/JMJD3 family of H3K27 demethylases. Even though in-duction of heterochromatin and increased levels of re-pressive histone marks have been clearly linked to se-nescence, the gain of repressive K27 methylation at

specific genetic loci and concomitant gene silencing haslikewise been associated with immortalization and can-cer. Thus, the polycomb-repressive complexes PRC2 andPRC1, which catalyze methylation of H3K27 and are in-volved in chromatin compaction, respectively, are over-expressed or amplified in cancer (Valk-Lingbeek et al.2004). Moreover, a recent study has provided a directmechanistic link between PcG activity, H3K27 methyl-ation, and the transcription of the INK4A–ARF locus insenescence (Bracken et al. 2007). This study showed thatthe PRC2 members, including the H3K27-specific meth-yltransferase EZH2, and subsequently PRC1 members,are lost from the INK4A–ARF locus as cells undergo se-nescence, concomitant with the loss of H3K27 and in-creased transcription of INK4A and ARF. The INK4A–ARF locus is a sensor of signals inducing senescence andthe deletion and/or inactivation of the locus, which oc-curs in a large number of cancers, prevents induction ofcellular senescence. The loss of H3K27me3 at theINK4A–ARF locus as cells undergo senescence could,however, be a result of the concerted loss of H3K27 tri-methylation activity and increased association ofH3K27me3 demethylases (Fig. 5). In this context, it isnoteworthy that UTX is generally down-regulated in tu-mors. Thus, a large number of studies providing normal-ized expression levels for UTX in tumors are available onthe Oncomine online database, and the large majority ofthese show a significant decrease in UTX expression indiverse malignancies such as melanoma, prostate, brain,and breast carcinoma. Only a limited number of studiesprovide JMJD3 data, in the online databases, but the geneis significantly decreased in hepatocellular carcinoma.

Of particular interest, the JMJD3 gene is located onchromosome 17 in close proximity to the p53 tumor sup-pressor gene. Allele loss of the short arm of chromosome17, where both p53 and JMJD3 map, is among the mostfrequently observed genetic lesions in cancer and isfound in a variety of human malignancies (Nigro et al.1989). The allelic losses at 17p13 are significantly corre-lated with high proliferative activity and associated withmore aggressive tumor behavior. Detailed mapping ofdeletion patterns at this locus and the lack of good cor-relation between allelic loss at this locus and mutationat p53 has lead to the suggestion that additional, and asof yet undiscovered tumor suppressor genes, may befound in this area that could be responsible for at least apart of the observed malignant phenotype.

It is pertinent to note that a large part of the geneticlesions leading to p53 loss likewise causes the deletion ofJMJD3. Thus, given the possibility that JMJD3 may be atthe heart of p16 regulation, it could be envisioned thatallelic loss at 17p13.1 may cause inactivation of both thep53 and p16 tumor suppressor pathways (Fig. 5A) ex-plaining the aggressive tumor behavior in these cancers.

In addition to the putative involvement of K27 de-methylases in the induction of senescence through acti-vation of the INK4A–ARF locus, these proteins mayhave further tumor suppressor activities by maintainingcells in a nonpluripotent state. Thus, PcG proteins in-volved in setting the repressive methylation at K27 have

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been demonstrated to be key players in regulating “stem-ness” preserving cellular pluripotency by establishingand maintaining repression of specific genes implicatedin differentiation (Boyer et al. 2006; Bracken et al. 2006;T.I. Lee et al. 2006). Correspondingly, it could be envi-sioned that loss of activity, or aberrant localization ofK27 demethylases could potentially drive cells toward amore pluripotent and tumorigenic state.

Finally, other demethylases may have roles in senes-cence, either counteracting it or being involved in itsinduction. Remarkably, several JmjC genes, includingJMJD3, JMJD6, and KIAA1718, are transcriptionally in-duced in response to ectopic expression of the oncogenicRAS in primary human epithelial cell lines ( RAS is known to trigger oncogene-in-duced senescence in primary mammalian cells, indicat-ing that the three JmjC proteins may have roles in se-nescence induction.

Putative roles in genomic stability and cancer

JmjC proteins are deleted, translocated, mutated, and ab-errantly expressed in human cancers. The JMJD3 andJMJD1B genes are located at 17p13.1 and 5q31, respec-tively. These are genomic areas that are frequently lost

in various malignancies (17p13.1), and in myeloid leuke-mias (5q31). As described previously, HSBAP1 has beenidentified in a family with renal cell cancer having at(2;3)(q35;q21) translocation, resulting in a DIRC3-HSP-BAP1 fusion transcript (Bodmer et al. 2003). van Zutvenet al. (2006) described a patient with NUP98 transloca-tions with AML-M7 with a cryptic t(11;21;12)(p15;p13;p13)complex variant resulting in a NUP98-JARID1A fusion.The resulting NUP98-JARID1A fusion protein, includ-ing the first 13 exons of NUP98 and exons 28–31 ofJARID1A contains the Phe–Gly (FG) repeats of the N-terminal part of NUP98. Moreover, the fusion proteinfeatures the sequence encoding the C-terminal PHD do-main of JARID1A, which may be involved in securingthe correct localization of the wild-type JARID1A pro-tein. It may be envisioned that the mutant protein couldcontribute to the leukemic phenotype of AML-M7 pa-tients, perhaps by working as a dominant-negative mu-tant. In this context, it is noteworthy that ectopic ex-pression of a catalytic inactive mutant of JARID1A re-sults in an increase in global H3K4me3 levels in humancell lines (Christensen et al. 2007).

Another recent study links mutations of JmjC demeth-ylases to hematopoetic cancer. Hence, Suzuki et al.(2006) identified two JmjC proteins, FBXL10 and JMJD5,

Figure 5. Demethylases and histonemodifications in senescence. (A) JMJD3and p53 are transcribed from the same ge-nomic region: chromosome 17p13.1. Inresponse to oncogenic, replicative, orother types of stress (DNA damage, drugtreatment, etc.) the tumor suppressors p53and INK4A–ARF are induced, triggeringsenescence. JMJD3 or UTX may be in-volved in the transcriptional activation ofthe INK4A–ARF tumor suppressor locusby removing repressive K27 methylationfrom the gene (see B). In turn, p16 andp14ARF lead to the induction of pRB andp53, respectively, triggering senescenceand/or apoptosis. (B) The compacted, tran-scriptionally silent chromatin structure ofthe INK4A–ARF locus serves to ensurecell cycle progression in normal “un-stressed” cells and in some malignantcells. (Left panel) This silent state is main-tained by H3K27 methylation mediated bythe PcG proteins, and possibly also by therepressive activities of JARID1 proteinsand other chromatin modifiers. Whencells with intact tumor suppressor path-ways are subjected to oncogenic stimuli orother types of stress, PcG proteins are dis-placed from the INK4A–ARF locus andK27 demethylases are possibly recruited toremove the repressive K27 methylation,leading to the expression of the INK4A–ARF locus and the induction of senescence. (C, left panel) In normal “unstressed” cells the transcription factor E2F mediatestranscription, while the tumor suppressor pRB is maintained in an inactive phosphorylated state as a result of low p16 levels. Duringsenescence induction, p16 is induced, causing hypophoshorylation of pRB. (Right panel) pRB subsequently recruits chromatin modi-fiers as HDAC, SUV39H1 (setting H3K9 methylation), SUV4H20 (setting H4K20 methylation), HP1, and possibly JARID1 proteins tosilence euchromatic E2F target promoters and form SAHFs.

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as candidate tumor suppressors in a mouse model of leu-kemia. In agreement with this notion an earlier studyidentified two JmjC genes T26A5.5 and C06H2.3 or-thologs of the human FBXL10 and JMJD5 genes, respec-tively, in a RNAi screen designed to identify genes thatcontribute to genomic stability in C. elegans somaticcells (Pothof et al. 2003). While the exact mechanismscausing oncogenesis in response to loss-of-function mu-tations in FBXL10 and JMJD5 remain unclear, the obser-vation that depletion of JMJD5 decreased the survival ofcells exposed to N-methyl-N0-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine(MNNG), suggests that it might fulfill functions in DNAmismatch repair. Finally, the JMJD2 genes JMJD2A,JMJD2B, and JMJD2C are all highly expressed in prostatecancer (Cloos et al. 2006), and the fact that JMJD2C isrequired for the proliferation of cancer cells (Cloos et al.2006; Wissmann et al. 2007) point to a role of JMJD2proteins to the development of cancer. In summary, theobservation that genetic alterations of the histone de-methylases are often found in cancer, and that several ofthese have been found to be regulation of cancer celllines, suggest that activation or inactivation of these pro-teins contribute to tumor development (Table 1).

Putative roles of demethylases in X inactivation

One of the two X chromosomes becomes inactivated inthe developing female embryo. In this way gene productsexpressed from the X chromosome can be dosage-com-pensated (Heard 2005). Central to the mechanism of Xinactivation is the noncoding RNA Xist, which is ex-pressed from a locus within a region of the X chromo-some called the X-inactivation center (Heard 2005). Xistis induced 1 or 2 d following ES cell differentiation, andthe Xist transcript subsequently covers the future inac-tive X chromosome. Xist induction and coating repre-sent an essential and initial event in the X-inactivationprocess. One of the earliest chromosomal changes thatoccur during X-chromosome inactivation is the loss ofeuchromatic histone modifications. Immediately follow-ing Xist RNA coating, a reduction in H3K4me3/me2 andH3K9ac is observed at the X-inactivation center as de-tected by ChIP and immunofluoresence (Heard et al. 2001;Okamoto et al. 2004). Subsequently, the PRC2 complexis transiently recruited to the affected X chromosome,which is accompanied by an increase in the repressiveH3K27me3 mark. The molecular mechanisms mediat-ing these early changes in H3K4me3/me2 and H3K9acare currently unknown, but it has been speculated thatenzymes such as HDACs and histone demethylases couldbe involved in the process (Fig. 6; Heard 2005).

Likewise, little is known about how the PRC2 com-plex is recruited to the X chromosome. As illustrated inFigure 6, several features point to an involvement ofH3K4me3/me2 demethylases in establishing these epi-genetic events. The JARID1 proteins are strong candi-dates as the enzymes mediating the initial K4 demeth-ylation wave. Moreover, as mentioned previously, vari-ous JARID1 members have been reported to interactwith HDACs. This could be the mechanism by which

HDACs are recruited, leading to the secondary deacety-lation events, which remove transcriptionally permis-sive acetyl groups from K9 and K27 positions on histoneH3. Finally, the JARID1 members might also be instru-mental for the subsequent recruitment of PRC2 mem-bers setting the repressive K27me3 mark. Thus,JARID1A has been shown to bind the PRC2 complex andto be required for its full repressive activity on gene tran-scription (Pasini et al. 2008). An intriguing possibility isthat JARID1 family members could be initially recruitedto Xist covering the X chromosome destined for inacti-vation. Hence, all JARID1 members feature a so-calledAT-rich interacting domain (ARID) believed to be in-volved in the binding of DNA or RNA.

Perspectives and future directions

Considering the involvement of histone demethylases inessential cellular processes and their putative implica-tion in various human diseases (Table 1), these enzymesmay constitute attractive drug targets. Recently, severalstudies have reported the inhibitory effect of varioussmall molecules on LSD1 (Culhane et al. 2006; M.G. Leeet al. 2006; Yang et al. 2006; Y. Huang et al. 2007). Sig-nificantly, some of these molecules were shown to reac-

Figure 6. Demethylases and histone modifications in X inac-tivation. Xist RNA associates with the X chromosome throughunknown factor(s), and recruits an initial silencing activity. De-methylation of H3K4 is an early event in X inactivation, andmost likely is mediated by JARID1 family members. HDACactivity is recruited, possibly through JARID1 members todeacetylate H3K9 and H3K27, probably in preparation for thesubsequent repressive methylation of these marks. The PRC2complex transiently associates with the inactivating X to meth-ylate H3K27 and perhaps H3K9. The recruitment of PRC2 couldbe mediated through JARID1 members. Subsequently, PRC1proteins transiently associate with the inactivating X chromo-some, mediating histone H2A ubiquitinylation. Finally, local-ized Xist is indispensable for the accumulation of the histonevariants macroH2A1 and macroH2A2 on the inactive X chro-mosome to form the so-called macrochromatin body.

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tivate transcription of otherwise silenced tumor suppres-sor genes, raising hopes for the success of such com-pounds for cancer therapies (Y. Huang et al. 2007).Correspondingly, inhibitors targeting specific membersof the JmjC group of histone demethylases may be envi-sioned with potential for treatment.

While the recent years have provided and revealedmany aspects of histone demethylase biology, several in-teresting questions remain to be answered: One questionis whether LSD1 is unique, or whether additional FAD-type demethylases exist. The human genome features adozen proteins related to LSD1, which potentially couldbe involved in demethylation of histones; however, sofar, no activities have been reported.

Another open question is whether additional classes ofhistone demethylases exist. The cupin protein superfam-ily comprises several other enzymes that could poten-tially function as histone demethylases, including therecently characterized fat mass and obesity-associated(FTO) gene (Gerken et al. 2007) and the previously iden-tified AlkbH enzymes (Falnes et al. 2002; Trewick et al.2002) that catalyze the removal of methyl groups fromalkylated nucleotides. In addition, other types of en-zymes may exist with the ability to demethylate his-tones. Candidate enzymes include NADH/NADPH-de-pendent oxidoreductases, which could demethylate his-tones by cycling the NAD+/NADH cofactor in amechanism similar to that used by LSD1; radical S-ad-enosyl-methionine (SAM) proteins; or enzymes with twoiron centers as ribonucleotide reductases or methanemono-oxygenase-like proteins, which may hydroxylate acarbon backbone by using various reactive radicals andwhich therefore, in principle, could use a trimethylatedlysine as substrate (Chinenov 2002; Shi and Whetstine2007).

Yet another central question is whether 5-methylcy-tosine demethylases exist. Given the large importance ofCpG methylation in epigenetic signaling and cancer bi-ology, DNA demethylases have long been sought. Vari-ous observations indicate the existence of such enzymat-ic activities. Thus, methylation of CpG islands in im-printed genes is erased during early embryogenesis(embryonic day 10.5–12.5) in primordial germ cells topermit the subsequent setting of gender-specific methyl-ation, suggesting that such enzymes exist. Theoretically,such demethylation could occur “indirectly“ throughthe exchange of methylated nucleotides by DNA repairmechanisms (for review, see Reik 2007). Considering thespeed with which 5-methylcytosine is eliminated fromDNA and the problems in a “genome-wide DNA repairmechanism,” direct demethylation seems more plau-sible. Direct demethylation of 5-methylcytosine wouldinvolve breaking a carbon–carbon bond that is energeti-cally less favorable than the scission of a carbon–nitro-gen bond as used in histone demethylation. However, itis still a possibility that iron and �KG-dependent en-zymes as the JmjC proteins, or as those described above,could catalyze such reactions.

A final question we believe is important to address isif the histone demethylases target other nonhistone sub-

strates. A recent report has demonstrated the involve-ment of LSD1 in demethylation of the transcription fac-tor and tumor suppressor p53 (J. Huang et al. 2007).Similarly, JmjC proteins may be involved in demethyl-ation or other hydroxylation-derived modifications ofnonhistone proteins and/or nucleotides contributing toan increased regulatory complexity of these systems.

In conclusion, there is little doubt that the near futurewill provide detailed insights into the function and regu-lation of these enzymes contributing to unravel patho-genesis of various diseases and eventually pave the wayfor the discovery of novel therapeutic targets and treat-ment modalities.


The work in the Helin laboratory is supported by grants fromthe Danish Cancer Society, the Danish National ResearchFoundation, the Danish Medical Research Council, the DanishNatural Science Research Council, the Novo Nordisk Founda-tion, the Villum Kann Rasmussen Foundation, the EuropeanUnion Framework 6 program (INTACT and DIAMONDS), andthe Association for International Cancer Research. P.A.C.C. issupported by a grant from the Benzon Foundation.


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