Eric Grohe Miller 2123

Post on 24-May-2015

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Eric Grohe MillerEric Grohe is an artist of large life-like

murals. He turns walls into works of art. The scale, realism and attention to detail

are incredible.

Eric Grohe es un artista de grandes murales los cuales son muy reales. El

convierte paredes en verdaderas obras de arte. El tamaño de las obras y la atención

a los detalles es increíble.

Before photo - typical concrete & stucco facade

Antes de comenzar su trabajo.

Preparing the canvas - plastering the wall surface

Preparación del canvas y la superficie de la pared.

The wall starts to take on a 3-dimensional appearance La pared comienza a tomar una forma tridimensional.

Eric in his element, 30' off the ground. He does most of the artwork by himself & researches, paints and designs each project from scratch. His wife Kathy, also an

artist, serves as project manager.

Eric trabaja a una altura de 30 pies de alto. El hace la mayor parte del trabajo solo y comienza desde la nada. Su esposa que es artista es su manejadora de proyecto.

Great American Crossroad - Bucyrus, Ohio – Before

Cruce de calle americana – Bucyrus, Ohio - Antes

Liberty Remembers

Libertad Recuerda

After - hard to believe you're looking at a flat 2-dimensional wall.Terminado – es difícil de creer que estés mirando una pared en 2


How to dress up a Shopping Mall - Niagara, NY

La forma de mejorar la apariencia de una pared en Niagara, NY

After  (I wonder how many birds fly into this wall on a daily basis?)

Terminado (¿Me pregunto cuantas aves chocaran contra esta pared?)

Indoor Murals - Miller Brewery

Murales internas

Hallway Before - Miller Fermenting Rooms

Pasillos antes de Miller pintarlos

After Photos - Past meets Present in the Miller Brewery Fermenting Rooms - hooks, clipboards and aprons were added to the surface of the murals to enhance the illusion. You're looking at flat walls!

Terminado – el pasado se encuentra con el presente. Ganchos, tableros y delantales son añadidos para contribuir con la ilusión. La pared es toda plana.

Eric Grohe and his wife Kathy live in Marysville, WA .

To view more of Eric ’s work, you can visit his web site at

The Art of Illusion Trompe l'oeil Murals

Have a nice day!

Que tengas un bello día.

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