Eric Wainwright ALIA 2004, Gold Coast 21-24 September People, Networks, Books: New Strategies for...

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Eric WainwrightALIA 2004, Gold Coast

21-24 September

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies for University Academic Information & Service Delivery

It was the best of timesIt was the worst of times …..

Charles DickensA Tale of Two Cities

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

The game has changed. We face an array of possibilities and challenges that will leave no library untouched. We are, whether we want to or not, about to become much more than we are now – or much less.

Roy Tennant1998

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

It would be folly to imagine that the academic library will develop over the next decade as a purely natural progression from the library of today.

Harold Billings2003

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

When we have information available from desktops, who needs libraries? Who needs librarians?

Bill Crowley2001

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

…just what does the library contribute to student learning?


People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

…teaching faculty are unlikely to be sympathetic to the travails of librarians who helped create the environment for electronically delivered education and now complain that the system they have brought into being is threatening their preferred way of doing business.

Bill Crowley2001

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

The indisputable fact is that information and content on the open Web is far easier and convenient to access and find than is information and content in libraries, virtual or physical. (p9)

OCLC 2004

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

At the risk of trivialising and over-simplifying decades of innovation, commitment and hard work … what’s been done has been done in a closed shop, using our own architects and consultants, with little direct assistance for our primary constituents, the information consumers. One result? Information Consumer is hanging out at the Information Mall with Google (p 96).

OCLC 2004

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery


• Nature of research• Forms of research output/publication• Composition/location of student body• Technological opportunities• Pedagogy• Information glut/time scarcity

One trend evident in this scan was that for at least ten years, … bright people have been writing and speaking eloquently about possible futures. Yet, not much has fundamentally changed (p104).

OCLC 2004

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

Barriers to Progress

• Lack of analysis• Extent of sunk investment• Available skills• Professional socializations• Physical/organizational territoriality• Personality types• Focus on information• Institutional trust/symbolism

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

Scarcity of information is the basis for the modern library. (p ix)

OCLC 2004

A university’s role in society is to bring together scholars and students to allow the creation, advancement and dissemination of information and knowledge.

Richard West

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

The library’s role is to increase opportunities for effective interaction with knowledge.

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

Do we have to abolish the library

in order to save it?


In order to serve the university?

…a catalog designed as a guide to what is locally stored becomes progressively less complete as a guide to what is conveniently accessible. One might as well catalog books published in odd years but not those published in even years.

Michael Buckland 1989

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

Library as place

• Personal reflection• Personal guidance• Group learning/interaction• Social interactions• Technology access• Commons

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

Why use it?

• Attractive/symbolic• Time-saving• Serendipitous

Social/learning• No alternative

equipmentquiet studyunique objects

People want what they want when they want it. They don’t want something else, they don’t want less than they want, and they certainly don’t want it at some other time.

Harry Forsha1992

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

Service Use

• Known and trusted• Convenient via favored channel• Available 24x7• Contextual help at time of need• Responsive and sufficient• Unexpected extras

People, Networks, Books: New Strategies For University Academic Information and Service Delivery

Even the most misfitting child who’s chanced upon the library’s worth sits with the genius of the earth and turns the key to the whole world

• Ted Hughes