Erika Tatiana Camacho -

Post on 12-Jan-2022

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Erika Tatiana CamachoCo-Lead for HSI Program

Program Officer for ADVANCE & Racial Equity STEM PD

Directorate for Education & Human ResourcesDIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTNational Science Foundation • Alexandria, VA

Sonja Montas-Hunter Program Officer for HSI Program


Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic Serving Institutions (IUSE:HSI) (co-managed with DUE)

Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE)

Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)

Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) & HBCU Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering (HBCU-RISE)

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP)

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP)

Tribal colleges and universities program (TCUP)

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM)


• Systemic change (organizational change)

• Equity focus• Intersectional approach

Outputs:Intervention Strategies:

• Grant program• Prizes/Challenges• NSF-wide partners• ADVANCE brand• ARC Network


NSF ADVANCE Theory of Change (Solicitation 20-554)

• Revised or new policies, processes, & practices

• Changes in STEM culture & climate

• New knowledge of systemic change & equity

• Sustainability, adaptability, & diffusion of ADVANCE ideas

• Community of experts on equity & systemic change

Solicitation Objectives:

ChallengeSystemic inequities, &

cultural & climate factors impact the interest,

retention, and success of women, and racial & ethnic

minorities in STEM academic careers.

Vision: A productive, successful, and diverse STEM academic workforce

O1: Intersectional approaches are integrated into ADVANCE equity strategies

O2: Adaptation of evidence-based practices by IHEs and STEM organizations

O3: Empowerment of individual and organizational stakeholders to enhance equity

Program Goal to broaden the implementation of evidence-based systemic change strategies that promote equity for STEM faculty.

Systemic & Organizational Change ADVANCE focuses on “fixing” the systems and organizations that

impact STEM academic careers.

• Recruitment, retention, tenure, and promotion policies and practices• Work-life balance and career flexibility policies and programs and usage• Salaries, start-up packages, and access to resources• Institutional service allocations and requirements (committees, mentoring, etc.)• Culture and climate of organizations and departments• Accountability of STEM leadership and commitment to diversity

Examples of potential organizational and systemic issues:

Systemic and organizational change is most likely to result in long-term change in STEM academics.

Education and Human Resources (EHR) / Human Resource Development (HRD)


The HSI Program (NSF 20-599) aims to support organizational capacity building

As encouraged by Congress, the HSI Program is concerned with the creation and implementation of flexible systems that support both new and old ideas.

Building capacity should involve developing structures that foster students' and/or faculty growth while meeting the students where they are in their college careers academically, financially, and socially.

Institutional structures may include socio-cultural supports and collaborative processes that promote effective learning environments and inclusiveness as well as mechanisms to support personal development and professional learning for students.

See solicitation 20-599 for references.

It’s major strategies are to:1. support building capacity at HSIs through innovative approaches,2. incentivize institutional and community transformation, and3. promote fundamental research

i. on engaged student learning,ii. about what it takes to diversify and increase participation in STEM effectively, andiii. that improves our understanding of how to build institutional capacity at HSIs.

The goals of the HSI Program are to: enhance the quality of undergraduate STEM education and increase the recruitment, retention, and graduation rates of students pursuing

associates or baccalaureate degrees in STEM fields at HSIs.

HSI Program (NSF 20-599) has two major goals and three major strategies

HSI Program has three tracks.Track 1: Planning or Pilot Projects (PPP)

2-year-long projects

Funding amount: $200,000 - single institution, $300,000 - collaborative$100,000 incentive to partner with one or more community colleges

Deadline: • August 25, 2021,• Last Wednesday in August,

Annually Thereafter

Track 2: Implementation and Evaluation Projects (IEP)

3- to 5- year-long projects

Funding Amount: $500,000 - single institution $800,000 - collaborative$200,000 incentive to partner with one or more community colleges

Deadline: • August 25, 2021,• Last Wednesday in

August, Annually Thereafter

Track 3: Institutional Transformation Projects (ITP)

5-year-long projects

Funding Amount: Up to $3,000,000

Deadline:• February 9, 2022• Second Wednesday in

February, Annually Thereafter

HSI Program Co-leads:

Erika Tatiana Camacho ecamacho@nsf.govJennifer E.

Thank you for your attention!

HSI Program Co-leads: NSF-EHR-HSI@nsf.govErika Tatiana Camacho Jennifer E.

HSI Resources HSI Program solicitation, NSF 20-599:

Program Website:

FastLane Help Desk: 1-800-673-6188 or e-mail

Other members of the HSI Team:Program Monitoring Team: Maria Carranza, Frances Carter-Johnson, Chereese Ray, Michael Rook, Rebecca Rosenblatt, Glenda ValdezProgram Officers: Mary Crowe, Michael Davis, Michael Ferrara, Robert MayesProgram Specialist: Adina Apedo, Toni Edquist

Volunteer to be an HSI Program reviewer -

survey coming soon !

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation



American Indians

Alaska Natives

Pacific Islanders

Targeted Groups & Disciplines

Agricultural Sciences

Chemistry Computer Science Engineering Environmental

Science Geosciences Life/Biological

Sciences Mathematics Physics/Astronomy

• Authorized by Congress in 1991

• Significantly increase the quality and quantity of underrepresented minority (URM) students successfully completing STEM BS degree programs to diversify workforce

• Implement strategies that focus on critical transition points

• Alliances are composed of universities and colleges, government labs, industry and not for profit partners


Source: Adapted from Revitalizing the Nation’s Talent Pool in STEM, Washington DCThe Urban Institute, 2006



Academic and

Social Integration

Student Retention

and Graduation Entry into

Graduate School or

STEM Workforce

The Tinto Model of Student Retention

Institutions of Higher Education

Socialization into Science


Academic – Academic performance and faculty/staff interactions Social – Extracurricular activities and peer group interactionsProfessionalization – Skills, culture and attitudes of STEM discipline

• Mid-Career Advancement (MCA)– NSF -21-516 • Opportunity for scientists and engineers at the

Associate Professor rank (or equivalent) to substantively enhance and advance their research program through synergistic and mutually beneficial partnerships, typically at an institution other than their home institution.

• Partners from outside the PI's own sub-discipline or discipline are encouraged, but not required, to enhance interdisciplinary networking and convergence across science and engineering fields.

• Provides protected time and resources to established scientists and engineers targeted at the mid-career.

• Two- and four-year IHEs (including community colleges)• Foundation wide (Eng, Geo, Bio, SBE, EHR)

Some Examples of Recent Proposal Opportunities

• Computer and Information Science and Engineering Minority-Serving Institutions Research Expansion Program (CISE-MSI Program) - NSF -21-533

• Supports research expansion for Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs).

• The goal is to broaden participation by increasing the number of CISE-funded research projects from MSIs.

• The CISE-MSI program seeks o foster innovation, cultivate current and future undergraduate and graduate computer and information science and engineering talent, and bolster long-term U.S. competitiveness.

• Build and Broaden 2.0: Enhancing Social, Behavioral and Economic Science Research and Capacity at Minority-Serving Institutions - NSF -21-542

• Proposals from MSIs, and partnerships with and among MSIs, in order to advance fundamental research and build capacity in the SBE sciences.

• Must be submitted by MSI, including HSIs, as lead institution.

• Racial Equity in STEM Education (EHR Racial Equity)– Program Description

• Supports bold, groundbreaking, and potentially transformative projects addressing systemic racism in STEM.

• Proposals are developed and led in authentic partnership with, individuals and communities most impacted by the inequities caused by systemic racism. The voices, knowledge, and experiences of those who have been impacted by enduring racial inequities should be at the center of these proposals, including in, for example: project leadership and research positions, conceptualization of the proposal, decision-making processes, and the interpretation and dissemination of evidence and research results.

• Various deadlines; first two are July 13, 2021 and October 12, 2021.

• Prospective PIs are encouraged to send a one-page concept paper to in advance of submitting a proposal.

• Supports individual and collaborative Proposals .

• Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) calling for supplements to support post-doctoral scholars: - an important step for EHR in establishing a post-doctoral program and recognizing the importance of post-doctoral scholars in our fields.

• Program description (PD) on learning and teaching of STEM content at community colleges: . Community colleges provide important pathways into the STEM workforce and it is important that we understand and support STEM education at community colleges.

• NSF:

• PAPPG:• Proposal Preparation Instructions

• Guide to Programs:

• Award Information:

• FastLane:

• Data Management Plan:

• Funding Opportunities:

Useful Resources

Thank you!